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  1. This is great - I actually asked around a while back if there was anything like this and considered making an application myself when I found out there wasn't one, but really haven't had the time.

    As soon as the market's back up I'll be using this heavily - I just got a toon to 50 who's getting a new build - so I'll let you know if I run into any problems.
  2. Cybercel

    Kindred spirits

    A guy I work with used to play CoV, I think back when it first came out. I know a couple of current players, but they're people I knew out of game first.
  3. I would suggest it's more to do with what European exports actually become popular in the US, than to do with how all European singers sound.

    Pop singers here frequently talk about "cracking the US" - most of the home-grown stuff that's popular here in the UK, no one's even heard of in the US. On the other hand, US stuff tends to be popular both sides of the Atlantic. So artists Americanise or genericise themselves (in both accent and content) in an attempt to crack the US market - and that's what you end up hearing. No real insult intended to the artists in question, it makes sense that if you want to sell on a global market, you don't want to sing about cultural references that probably won't make sense to people outside of your area, and you don't want to do it in an accent that people either won't understand or think sounds funny.

    Some of it is probably also to do with (over)production techniques used in popular music. And some is probably just down to personal style and choice.

    There's plenty of stuff over here, generally the less poppy hip-hop end of things, where you can hear UK accents. The more rock-sounding phase we went through recently over here in popular music not only resulted in generalised UK accents, but even regional ones, being heard in pop music.

    Likewise, why does most popular US music not really feature southern or western US accents? Why do country singers always try to sound like they're from the mid-western US, even if they're from a different country?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    I hope they remember to include europe in the Beta. There will be people with 5 year vets etc.
    It's already been confirmed.
  5. I have to say, this is never something that's bothered me greatly - this is possibly because I barely touch blue-side and only really know the villain market, and I get along just fine with it as-is.

    However, if we want the two sides to reach parity, surely opening the market is the only way to do it? Sure, things will become unsettled and prices will jump around all over the place for a bit, but things would doubtless calm down, as they always do after something shakes the market around.

    Also, the trading issue would just be beyond ridiculous - it's irritating enough as-is not being able to give insps to people you're running the ITF with.

    I don't see how it'd be that difficult to explain away in-game, either; in real life, stolen and otherwise illegitimate goods end up being bought and sold by non-criminals all the time, and legitimate goods certainly make their way onto the black market. Especially given the blue-side market is an auction house - maybe they're just not that good at verifying their sources, maybe the unseen middle men are good at making themselves look legit when they meet with the Wentworth's buyers.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
    As a newer player than most, I can't tell what's supposedly old content (actually I can due to style difference in mission structure but that took a bit). It's a shame since there is fun stuff there. It took a bit bit to find the Vahzilok Plague arc but I enjoyed it. The fact that they KEEP telling me about Hollows and Faultline can be annoying but I greatly enjoyed both zones.
    This is pretty much what I was worried about, and why I fairly recently directed a friend to the story zones (Hollows, Faultline, etc.). It is a shame though, as while you can get yourself up to a good level just on those, there's other stuff out in the main zones that is worth playing - the Freaklympics arc springs to mind.

    Even the better original arcs hero-side could use some work; as Demobot said, one of the biggest problems is the contacts, who are bland. They don't pull you into the story, they don't really seem that involved or interested - in some cases, even when the bio on them tells you that they should be. A bet a lot of arcs could be greatly improved by a bit of rewording of contact and mission text, and maybe forcing the missions to largely appear in the same zone. Bigger changes could certainly be made, but if there's only time for something like that, I think it'd really help.

    Also, I'm liking Demobot's suggestion to remake the contacts as far as looks go. Just have a look at villain side contacts, or newer contacts, and there's a huge difference. I can barely remember any of the old hero contacts, but I could tell you what Mr Bocor or Jim Temblor looks like.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
    I don't want new zones... We have enough zones.

    I want all the zones we have to be as well done as we are expecting the new content in GR to be. Period. Best of both worlds, IMO.
    Very much agreed on this. The thing that really concerned me was when Posi said (I think it was on the EU test server pre I15?) that they'd rather make new zones, as a zone remake takes just about as much effort.

    Quality over quantity, please. The good content is there hero side, but you have to go out of the way to get to it, you have to explicitly avoid the older, poorer stuff, or work your way through it to get to some of the good older stuff. I had to direct a friend of mine who started playing this year to the better content as she wasn't really getting along with hero side very well after starting as a villain. I guess the "go see so-and-so" missions are an attempt to get people to go play the story zones, but I don't think they really work, they're just an irritatation. A proper re-work would be much more effective.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Afterimage View Post
    I think that you are making a mountain out of a molehill. All you had to do was not pick a contact at the far end of Independence Port if you didn't want to make a long series of trips, for whatever missions, until the contact was willing to give you his call button.
    I don't think we should have to work around the contacts system like this. This is a game, it's here to be enjoyable. It shouldn't be confusing (as the hero side contact system can be for new players), it shouldn't feel like a chore, and you shouldn't need an encyclopaedic knowledge of know's located where. Missions need to engage people and keep their interest - running back and forth across zones and remembering which contact to take so you don't have to do that just isn't intuitive, isn't fun, and doesn't keep up the pace of the game. Also, remembering which not to take just isn't possible for new players.

    Even if this seems like a molehill, enough molehills cause people to either not get into games in the first place (I know there are plenty of games that I've given up on because they just weren't intuitive, or had some boring bits I just couldn't drag myself through), or to leave them when they get irritated enough by all the little molehills they keep tripping over. Software is getting more and more intuitive and easy to navigate - look at things like the Wii or the iPhone, for instance. People are used to a higher standard than in the past, and this game should try to keep pace.
  9. This kind of thing is a large part of why I barely play hero-side these days. CoV doesn't really suffer from this issue. There are a couple of points where you're asked to go talk to people, but it's pretty much just the PvP zone reps and Seer Marino, and none involve a huge amount of travel. The devs even thoughtfully placed Seer Marino next to a helicopter from Cap to Mercy.

    I'd love to see some of these clunky mechanics and pieces of outdated design cleared up on hero side - the game would be so much more polished for new players, and I might go back to the many abadoned heroes I have. It does especially seem a shame when we know the tech is there for auto-introducing contacts, seeing as it's used extensively villain side, and in a few places hero side.

    I suspect some of it won't be fixable, though - it'd be weird for the zones to all get resized now, for instance, even though the devs seem to have realised bigger isn't better when it means you just have to spend more time travelling and less time having fun. And I bet if the overly long and boring arcs were reduced, there would be plenty of complaints from those used to them, or who honestly like them, or who like the higher merit rewards at the end of them. I can't imagine there would be many complaints about not needing to run over to contacts though, so it seems a good one to fix.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
    It's kind of a weird attitude, and seems to be confined to the world of electronics and software. I mean, I don't know anyone who's bought a car, been perfectly happy with it for five years, then traded it in on a new one and suddenly become a complete bore about what a piece of junk the old one was.
    It definitely happens with relationships, as well. I don't know, does that possibly say something about how strongly people feel about games? Or maybe it's just down to time investment - in general, people don't invest a whole lot of time into their cars. On the other hand, relationships and games - especially MMOS - are huge time and effort sinks.

    In response to the OP, I have noticed the same attitude as well. Not in everyone who's left by any stretch, but it certainly happens. I think a lot of the responses here are spot-on about the reasoning. In some cases it could also be people coming back and wishing their friends from here had also moved on to the new shiny game, and end up acting like this is the inferior game.
  11. I've regretted my Emp/Energy (my first 50) for some time - she was made when I was very new and I just didn't realise how useless I'd find her secondary. When Sonic came out, especially, I really wished she were Emp/Sonic; while she's always been extremely primary- and pool-heavy anyway, the control powers in Sonic really appealed to me for a toon intended to protect her team first and foremost.
  12. Cybercel

    Which is best...

    If you IO the Tank, do you think you'll honestly go back to blue side more, or enjoy playing the character? I think that has to be part of the decision.

    Like you, I started blue side, but for me the switch mostly happened as soon as CoV came out - and now I spend almost all my time as a villain, generally only playing on blue side if there's a powerset combination I want to try out.

    I tried IOing a couple of my heroes since it so often gives toons a new lease of life. It didn't work that well though, I just feel more at home red side now - I prefer the newer story arcs, the contacts who are actually individuals, the zone design - and I struggle to really enjoy Paragon City. So despite having an awesome build now on my Ill/Rad Controller, she barely gets brought out.

    Now, for me, this is no great loss - I spend enough time playing that I have IO'd characters both side and I've lost nothing. At least I have a decent Hero for when people in my coalition want to do TFs. But if I didn't have too much time in game and could only IO one character, I'd certainly want to IO one I knew I was going to play lots.

    If you're not sure, maybe try leaving the Brutes for a bit, and go back and play the Tank to see well you still get along with her as a character, and with Paragon City as a setting.
  13. Aphotica doesn't have any eyes and got slightly offended at the suggestion of a monacle, so this will have to do:

  14. Does that make me half-ebil?

    I actually have quite a bit more stocked between alts, but I've never earned enough quickly enough to have a billion inf all at once. Normally I go off on a spending spree for a build well before this point. Not sure I'll make it to the 2 billion point just yet as there's a purple set I've been waiting to buy...

    While I'm here, I'd just like to note that this forum provided me interesting reading material while I was stuck on the old EU forums. It's definitely part of how I picked up on market PvP - I only dabbled before starting to read this forum. We didn't have anything like this over there, and it's one of the main reasons I'm glad the forums were merged.
  15. Much like Nethergoat, I sold of quite a lot of stuff that just hadn't been moving before but I just didn't have time to do much marketeering - I was too busy levelling! In fact, had double XP not happened, I'd have hit my first billion on Thursday or Friday, and possibly a second (on another toon) not long after. I even had stock waiting!

    I think my only stroke of ebil was a respec recipe I'd picked up a few days before DXP which I figured would probably go for more during. It did, by quite a lot.
  16. On the Black Market, while stocks are certainly low, the level 21 recipe is selling from 111,178 (flipper? it comes up twice), to 5,000,000. Two have sold in the last two days, so it's not like they're impossible to get ahold of. Crafted ones only seem really expensive at high levels.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
    Whats 'wrong' with them ?
    Difficulty levels don't apply to them at the moment, they seem to just run on standard difficulty. I'm guessing that's what this post is referring to. It's not a bug, but a nasty side-effect of the last patch to prevent people running them on -1.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
    But you? When is a character "done" for you?
    Before Inventions came in, I was generally done with a character after it 50 - they'd just be hauled out when it'd be useful to be on a specific toon (for instance, my Empath used to get brought out for old Hami raids and PvP, although I'd pretty much stopped playing her otherwise).

    Post-Inventions, there are few toons I'm done with. I don't really enjoy my Empath anymore, so she doesn't get played much at all - I just do the odd TF on her, but not much.

    Some of my 50s are on hold because they're waiting for an IO build, as I have a list of toons to do builds for, and some are certainly lower priority than others. Even my Empath has one planned, as I've frequently found that rebuilding a toon with IOs gives them a new lease on life. I often spend more time on my 50s than my alts now, which was never the case before I had some good IO builds (and that doesn't have to mean purples). I certainly wouldn't think a toon is "done" after getting it a good IO build - the whole point of making one is to make it enjoyable to play! Plus, mine tend to evolve - I rebuild, then play the toon for a while, and see where I could make some adjustments.

    I have two 50s on the "wrong" server (i.e. one I never play on anymore, don't really know many people on, don't have much inf on), so I guess I'm done with them, but I don't think I would be if they were on Union as I really like both of them.
  19. I think there's a line where I do find glowy clicking impolite. Not all the time - say you're running paper missions, mobs are killed... doesn't matter to me who clicks the glowy.

    However, if someone stops helping the rest of the team mid fight to click a glowy, it really irritates me. We're going to finish the fight either way, so what's the point? Also, in Mayhem Missions, mission owner should be given the chance to take the glowy which gives a temp power if they want it, and take the firebombs for the badge - I tend to speak up to make sure others allow this to happen, as I think sometimes people just go on to auto and don't realise what they're doing.

    The one thing that I think is really, really off on the glowy topic is people ghosting missions without consulting the team lead/mission owner. Especially on mission arcs, some of which I really enjoy playing through. I've had to tell people to stop it and came back to the rest of the team before. The decision to ghost should be one that comes from the team leader or the team as a whole, and I think running off like that is really impolite. One time I clearly remember it happening we were absolutely blasting through a mission, going really well, and I think it was a Stalker who just took off. Promptly told them that she'd better come back and help the team, as we were going to be killing all the mobs regardless.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moghedien_EU View Post
    WP isnt really a outstanding set when it comes to survivability......

    WP is lacking against MANY end lvl mobgroups.....if missions are set for many players.

    Council (the neg energy attacks hurt very much)
    Paragon Police (dont even try them on a WP the - def in each attack and the fact you dont have any energy res leaves you standing without any protection)
    Malta (sappers......)
    Tsoo ( Slows...)
    The regen you can build WP for makes it highly survivable against a lot of things you might not think it would be, though. Primary matters, and patron matters, though.

    I play a DM/WP/GW built largely for regen and tohit debuff - he can stand up to lot, and Council especially are great fun on him. The only mobs he struggles with are Carnies and Malta, moreso Malta, due to the end drain. Even against those, DM/WP does offer you a good chance to sort your endurance back out - which is why Malta are the more dangerous as they tend to drain it all, detoggle, and then stun or hold, all whilst doing huge amounts of damage. The Carnies never really do enough drain at once to cause toggle drop, so they're more an irritation than really dangerous.

    It does take effort, though - it's not a toon where I just walk over everything without thinking. At times he seems to be, and then when I've run into things that he does have a tough time against it's been a nasty shock to the system. I would imagine that Claws/WP will have more of those moments, as it doesn't have Dark Melee's utility powers to help out.
  21. Ont he power tab, pop open the combat attributes, open up the Base section, right click on regeneration rate, and choose to monitor it.

    I have this monitored on my /WP Brute, was running missions on him yesterday and my regen rate seemed to be jumping up normally. Keep an eye on it and check what's happening as you fight.

    Maybe it's just the Shivans though? I remember them generally being pretty unpleasant, especially as they hammer you with -def. They're Energy damage too, which WP isn't strong against.
  22. I've been running a lot arcs this weekend and have run into this problem a lot. First two times were Crimson Revenant's arc - 5 person team, difficulty set to +2 and I think x6 or x8. Both AVs were +4 to mission owner, even though his level had changed between times. He was 34 and BABs was 38, for instance.

    Next ran into it with the beat Recluse in the future mission - mission owner 50 and set to +2 difficulty again, and Recluse was level 54, which is pretty unpleasant, for the record. The fight took ages after we got up from the initial wipe.

    Then today, on an entirely different character, set to +2/x3, I got a level 42 Jonny Sonata AV while level 38. VERY nasty, especially as I was in a duo - we both had to log second accounts to take him out, and again, it took a long time.

    Really needs fixing, there must be teams running into this who just can't finish the mission. I've already bugged it in game, and would suggest everyone do the same.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MageX View Post
    What do you think it must have ?
    I prefer not to speculate - both in order to avoid creating unrealistic expectations, and because it's nice to be surprised.

    So I guess what I really think it must have is something that surprises me, something that really makes me smile when I read through the features list whenever it's announced, or when I get into game and come across it.

    As an example, the new team difficulty sliders and auto SK did that for me when I read the I16 notes - I wasn't expecting them, but they are brilliant changes, and they left me excitedly waiting for the issue even though I'd been taking a bit of a break from the game beforehand.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by trendee View Post
    Has anyone successfully used fire as a blapping secondary? I realize it doesn't have many melee attacks, but as a secondary, it does seem to have a lot of pbaoe type of attacks/toggles. It seems designed for players to jump in the middle of the fray, and may work with a control heavy set like ice or maybe psychic? Any suggestions?
    I have an Elec/Fire built for doing that - extremely fun, but an aggro magnet. She also really ate through endurance in the early levels, and because I went with the AoE build from the outset, she wasn't really much use solo or duo, and was reliant on getting teams.

    However, on good teams, she was fantastic - one of the best teams I've ever been in - and this must be at least a couple of years ago now, and I still remember it - was a PuG led by a very good Ice Tank while I was playing my Elec/Fire with some brilliant support along side. So much fun.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hart View Post
    ... This means that people who are good at the playing the market, as opposed to people who are good at playing the game, are able to afford the most expensive items in the game readily. People who play the game, but are unwilling to play the market, struggle to complete a simple set IO build.

    The issue is that they require two totally different sets of skills and levels of commitment. The game requires skill and no commitment; the market requires commitment and no skill. Marketing is also an inherently competitive endeavor, and anything competitive seems to rub CoX players the wrong way.
    Not sure if you're just presenting this as the argument you've seen or if this is your own view, but just to point out...

    Having played both ways (getting most of my inf from missions, and getting most of my inf from the market), I can very readily confirm that it's definitely possible to get quite a good IO build without ever playing the mariket. By which I mean being sensible and selling decent stuff you get, not avoiding the market entirely, but not spending any time on it - just chucking good random drop recipes up for sale. In fact, most of the builds I have hail from that style of play, and I have some very good sets slotted, even some purples.

    Now, that said, I've gained a lot more money more quickly by playing the market, so I complete see the point that is more profitable. I'd argue that it does require skills though - just a very different skill set to actually playing the game. I'd also argue that a lot of the time the game is very simple and doesn't take a lot of skill (especially on low difficulties), and that it can actually take a lot more commitment to drag yourself through another boring farm mission (not saying that all farm missions are boring, or that all people find farm missions boring, but I find that a lot of them are) to get inf, for instance. Or to carry on through that not-really-fun or just-too-long TF because you know the rewards will be good. That's very often more commitment than skill.