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  1. CommunistPenguin


    maybe the post got deleted by a mod?
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I agree that none of the vet rewards are "game-breaking." That does not mean that are not "desirable." While I don't feel the need to have every single reward available instantaneously (I could care less about the boxing set, for example, and even the new pets look too freaky for me to want to use them), I would certainly enjoy having the base teleporter, at least one vetspec, the mech armor and belly shirt costume pieces, and maybe even the wings. These are all things that would enhance my game experience by fine-tuning the design of my character, resolving a mistake in power selection, and keeping up with my SG mates when running missions. But it's not even an option for me, and there's nothing I can do about it except wait. I'm learning to live with that for now, but that doesn't mean it's not rather disappointing.

    Also, there is a big difference between the top tier subscribers and the newer players as far as these rewards are received, thanks to that anticipation factor. You may not get the 60 month reward for 14 more months, but it doesn't bother you because you don't know what you're missing and no one else has it yet. The top tier subscribers will usually receive the newest reward almost immediately after it is announced and released, and when they do, it is probably refreshingly new and fun to try and use. For newer subscribers, each announcement is a taunt of something they can't have and yet will see from other players over and over again so that by the time they get it, the value of the reward will be severely diminished.

    Your mileage may vary, but I don't want to be taunted with a display of something I can't have for four years..... every three months. So I have to imagine this is a business model that will only get worse exponentially as it progresses until either new sign-ups disappear completely and the game perpetuates solely on currently existing customers until they all quit or die out...... or the system changes. It's not just about me -- it's the new customer base I'm concerned about.

    Thank you for all the kind comments about the way I tried to compose this write-up. And I did take a MA/SR to 17, and I have a DM/Firey Brute at 24, but I just like the broadsword better for some reason.

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    You should support my idea here . Specifically it references vet costumes, but it could be applied to the other rewards as well i suppose.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Not that I want to come right out and say i think the devs hate CoV too.. but if you notice these poast keep poping up... it seems there may be some sort of reason behind this no?

    And last I checked not that I looked very hard being that I knew I wouldn't find one.. there are no poast along the lines of "why do the devs hate CoH and love CoV" again i'm not saying I agree that they hate villians .. but if you've seen that poast feel free to point it out to me I could use a good laugh.

    Annnnnd well for everyone who may have something to say about how you can get insp early in CoV or how the zones are better gfx wise (even thou it lags out quite a few ppl to be in these suposably amazing gfx zones) all i have to say to you is i'll gladly run through 25 zones to get to a misison and deal with my contacts never ever ever selling me insperations at all if we can get that epic AT going for villians that we were suposed to have in i 7 .. and i 8 .. and what issue are we on now? still no epic? I'm not saying the dev's hate villians.. but I can see how you would think that.

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    tell ya what... ill trade ya! you can have kheldians if you have to run across every zone you have, and well take convenience!
  4. well.... i like his figure work... might try and see about one of mine without hair...
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    You mentioned Leotardo ... and the stupidest mutant concept EVER.
    To me anyway.

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    he asked for dual blade using comic characters. Leonardo fulfills this.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    ... like I need a hole in the head.

    Ever since dual blades was "announced" I've been racking my brain trying to think of heroes that would use a pair of knives to arrest criminals. I Haven't thought of one. Looking back on all those comic books that I collected as a kid, the only one I can remember using a blade of any kind was the Black Knight (Sorry Electra uses two Sais... they don't have blades).

    The way I see it, there are more comic book heroes that use boomerangs, then those that use broad swords, katanas, battle axes, maces, and dual blades combined.

    "But Tarmac, the people voted for dual blades!"

    So what. The people voted for Nixon (twice). The people voted to kill Socrates. The people said O.J. was innocent. In other words, the people are morons.

    Statesman, im calling you out. This power set has NOTHING to do with comic book heroes. Sure it's fine in WoW, EQ, and LotR, but those are sword and sorcery games, this is a super hero game. States, do the right thing, suck it up and make dual blades a CoV only power. Come up with a power for heroes that fits the bill and makes use feel like the good guys. Not some knife wielding, blood thirsty villain.

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    leonardo of the ninja turtles uses two swords, which are bladed weapons.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    If you people havent figured out that the costume drops and rare salvage, combined with a hundred new badges, are designed to get you on and keep you on, no matter how it inconvieniaces you, then you never will. \

    [/ QUOTE ] because those things DONT "keep me on" I dont want to grind to look cool.

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    I don't mind having to earn a few different costume pieces..
    I mean, look at WoW...once you max out your guy, what is there left to do?

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    start a new one. Preferablyt a differnt class and race so you can see differnt stories
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    obtain the hardest of the hard costume pieces and get a cool mount. that is what this game is coming to...and for good reason. It gets you hooked!

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    IF i want that, i can play wow. I liked CoH when it wasnt that
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    I love the Io sets, but hate the amount you have to pay for everything. I say that I'll get them when I get them. Just know that dispite all the complaining, that it is all like this way on purpose, and it is here to stay. complaining that stuff is hard to get is like angel's voices to people who want your monthly payment people!

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    One of the problems with compareing this game to a game like wow, is the sheer amount of alts the players here tend to have. So it being difficult to max out one or two characters is reasonable, but 12? Per server? Not to mention that at least in wow you can send stuff to your alts on the same server/faction. SO if you want to grind your tradeskills, you can use your highby to provide the materials or money. Here that is curtailed. Also here players here tend not to play their 50's.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I think player created content can be GREAT...if it's handled correctly.

    The problem with OK'ing submissions is partially an issue because of manpower. Depending on the number of submissions, you'd need people entirely devoted to reviewing, approving and ultimately putting that stuff into the game. That's not trivial, to be honest, when dealing with 100,000+ subscribers.

    We've always talked about ways to get player material into the game...imagine using the base creator tools to make your own missions! Or a your own training room? Maybe some day we can figure a way to put this stuff into the game. The imagination just on these forums alone is so amazing; I can only hope we find a way an outlet for it.

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    Heres an idea... create a very basic simulator of your engine. Something that lets a person use a generic model to run around a new tileset or to test a costume option no powers or anything, though allow animations for emote and new attack animation testing.. Now allow it or setup an interface to accept user made stuff. Now do a community highlight on user made sights. Finally, let the players creae and test out the stuff for you, and vote on the better pieces. Kinda like some mod communitys work now. The best stuff floats to the top.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    o.o;; I find it odd that Virtue and Guardian seem to be fielding the most Forumites right now.. that aside, by "third party venders" in that one section... does this mean there's a chance that the long abandoned CoH merchandising scheme might finally be seeing the light of day?!!

    <-- will take a mekman and several badge pls

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    you could use this

    If you know or are someone who can go pigg diving to get hte original art files, and convert them into a tiff, you canb easily make the game badges.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    ::casts Rez::

    Arise from the ashes!!

    Sorry, I haven't been able to do that in a very long time.

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  11. Is it me... or does that red demon with the bone wings at teh bottom have statesman's mask on?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the support!

    To be honest, criticism comes with the job. I'm not fond of personal attacks, but I understand that people are passionate. Heck, I worked in a comic book store (yep, I was comic book guy), so I understand the vagaries of working with the customer. One thing is tantamount, however - you guys are the PAYING subscribers. I might not like the feedback, but everyone is entitled to an opinion. Admittedly, honey is usually more effective than vinegar, but I always try to look beyond that...

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    *passes statesman a little * Honey
  13. CommunistPenguin

    "Moral Combat"

    [ QUOTE ]
    Now they lost me at the start... the quote goes something like this.

    "Violence was considered a vice not a virtue"...

    My [censored]...

    Violence is our prime way of solving problems... No matter how much we try to look "advanced"... We bang stuff when it does not work, we hit or threaten to hit people who invade our private zone... ("removed by me as it could be considerd flamebait.")

    Yes... Go on your little crusade... ride your high horses... *shakes head* animals, without though or understanding... only fear.

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    Not to mention that "heroes" in the ancient worl, and in fact the bible, are often very very violent people. Yet they are the pinnacles of their culture. Violence HAS been considered a virtue. Hell, boxing is one of the oldest sports, and still very popular. What's more violent than watching two men beat each other?
  14. I put down storylines, but thats not really accurate. What I love, Is the ability to create totally unique concepts for characters and make them live. For example, when i made a thugs mastermind, I spent half my time running around mercy, showin punkass skulls and pigs whos turf this really is! And Ive been chomping at the bit to play my new sr/ma mutant scrapper jesus freak. he is from an ultrachristian family, then mutated purple skin and huge clawed feet.

    But I like new settings to play these characters in, thus he stpryline response.
  15. CommunistPenguin

    They do exist!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, so assume for a second this bug did NOT occur. How did they plan to test these pets? Suddenly they get activated and then people are like "OMG they are so slow, they can't keep up with me because I have swift" just as the people are now?

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    perhaps with issue 9/10?
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    Heck, I’d just like the PvE base raid part first!

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    No Offense Jack, but I would rather see PvP base raids working correctly before even hearing about a PvE option that was suppose to be for us PvPers

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    its funny, id rather see the exact opposite.

    Heres another thing... Why are crafted items the same prices as normal things? I already have to spend salvage to craft it, shouldnt it be cheaper?

    A good example is teh holo thingie for control. It takes a good bit of salvage to make, and it costs almsot as much as a main frame...while only providing half the control! Since im already spending non-refundable salvage on it, shouldnt it be cheaper than a standard item?
  17. The base builder needs some more practical functionality to it as well. Im thining of a simple save and reset type of thing. Why? Heres an example

    When building my base i didnt really plan it out much, so its not that efficient. I however put a lot of time and effort into the way it looks, putting down decorative items, changing lighting, specifing textures and colors. However, because i put all this in there, i cant really experiment on my base anymroe. I cant rip it all up and try out a completely differnt layout.

    If i could hit a button and save my base, so that later when i was finished i could simply revert it back, then I Wouldnt have to worry that deleting the teleporters jsut cost me a bunch of salvage, Or not being able to delete my insp bin because its full of tier 3's. Or ahving to log on multiple toons to hold all teh salvage so i can delet the salvage racks.

    Now for a completely difernt view, we look at the costume creator. If i take my level 20, and go to icon, I can mess around with allt he costume options without having to worry about price. If i decide i dont like it(and havnet already purchased it) i can simply hit cancel and im still in the costume i was in before i went. Bases by their very nature stymie creativity. We *cant* play around wiht differnt layouts whenever we want without risk of losing alot of stuff. We *cant* try out all the differnt options from just a layout pov. And thats a problem.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    You can't place them wherever you want or rotate them in three dimensions.

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    And everything is huge and spacious, because otherwise, you couldn't PvP in it.

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    I would love to be able to toggle my base to non-pvp so i wouldnt have to worry about stupid pvp pathing.

    Also, I like the idea someone mentioned about npcs raiding your abse. What if an option on the sg mission computer was a npc base raid? Have give xp, or maybe just have it work off debt. Make it a random groups based off of the average level of sg members present.
  19. Problems with bases (as i see it)

    1) Cost. EVERYTHING is expensive. For example, I want to add another inspiration bin to my base, since the one we have is full of big inspirations. However, because of the setup i ahve I have no room for a bin in any room. What I can do is upgrade my workshop, thus allowing me more storage, but to do that it will cost me approximately 125k. I have to get the prestige for the room and the bin. Now I only need 1 more bin. But since the cheap roms only allow 1 storage unit, i have to do a big upgrade. And thats just a little thing, the expense for multiple telleporters is astronomical.

    2) Efficiency. Now that i have my base, with 6 whole places to teleport to, and rez capability. However, because the devs designed their world so well, its almost never to my advantage to go to my base to get around. Most of the time you can get where you want in two loading zones, plus a little cross zone travel. Well, if the zone i happen to want to get to is in my teleporters, i still have to go through 2 loadings and a bit of travel. THe trains or pocket d are ususally much more convenient. Luckily the teleport to base vetran power will relive some of this, it will cut donw on a good bit of cross zone travel. This should be a craftable power, not a vet reward. It shoudl be availiable to all players with a base that can teleport.

    3) Utility. Insp bins are nice. enhance bins are great(dump all your enhancers in there between missions and sell when your finished teaming). I like teleporters and the rez option of my base. But theres nothin else that bases can really do for you. Why cant we have minigames, an mp3 player and info and arena kiosks in our bases? Or Have being in a sg with x piece of equiptment get my contacts numbers faster. Or let us make danger rooms.

    4) Style. Bases are VERY limited in what you can make. And for seemingly no reason. there are tons of items in game that arent availiable to make in bases. Not to mention the lack of the vertical, or multifloors. Why cant we have physx effects? or placeable destructable items? Like the stuff in mayhem missions?

    5) Lack of experimentation : How often have you spent more than a half hour designing a character? Going through the various settings, creating something that is nice? Now imagine that instead of having all the options unlockable at the start, that you ahve to grind for months to unlock a fraction of them. I understand why the devs dont let us design how we want, then only implement it if we have the cash to pay for it, but imo that was a dumb decision to make. They probably could have made it that the base didnt upgrade itself until you finished, instead of how we have it now. Imagine how many more people would be excited, if they could spend more time playing with the base designer. Bases are suffering from a simple lack of exposure.

    So yes, Statesman is partially correct. Players dont want to invest lots of time into a group effort. But that is only one of many things that is making bases less than popular.
  20. [ QUOTE ]

    Yankee Daring.

    I got to see him in game once.

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    i saw him once in either boomtown, or faultline, i forget which. It was on virtue
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    At this point I would say if there is something in the Vet rewards that changes how toons perform, more then likely there will be a free respec.

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    Except that most of the stuff from the rewards is probably just going to be fluff. They arn't going to drasticly effect how you perform. The temp powers will more then likely be "ooo I have a staff yay! Oh it dosnt really do much then look cool."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ya but the vet rewards are account based, not toon based. Respecs as a vetran reward would be kinda crappy if you ask me. I mean, you use it once and thats it. Ill always be able to use my trenchcoats and temp powers.
  22. Holy 04 necro post batman!

  23. Basic Arena Kiosk
    Originally suggested by: The pinko waterfowl
    Category: uh..crafted decoration?
    Customizable? n, but it would come in multiple styules to match the existing base formats.
    Type: Crafted
    Description: Identical to the Arena Kiosks found in the arean. Gives oyu access to all the arena bouts on the server.
    Limitations: Can only be used to tap into the existing arena bouts, or start a new one.

    Advanced Arena Kiosk
    Originally suggested by: that socialistic aquatic avian
    Category: uh..crafted decoration?
    Customizable? n, but it would come in multiple styules to match the existing base formats.
    Type: crafted
    Description: Lets you create matches against bots, players, or any combination thereof. Including gladiator matches
    Limitations: umm...none?

    Pocket D teleporter beacon
    Originally suggested by: the peoples penguin
    Category: transportation
    Customizable? no.
    Type: auxilary item
    Description: Basically a beacon to pocket D
    Limitations: Same as other zone beacons
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The forums and the player base of CoX have shown repeatedly that PvP is in reality not something they care too much about.

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    So you're saying that there is no forum or website for City of Hero? That it does not have it's own PR's that relay information to and from the devs? Their forum emoticons are also more awesome than ours.

    And actually the MMO Market is much bigger in Asia (specifically S. Korea and China) than the US.

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    lol, i love how the banner at the top has recluse vs that asian kid(shadow? cant remember his name) rather than recluse vs statesman.