Discussion: Inventing Wings with Jay Doherty
Is this the first serious post Jay has ever made not referring to himself as Sexy?
Hmmm... it's actually informative! Thanks Jay and Lighthouse!
Is this the first serious post Jay has ever made not referring to himself as Sexy?
Hmmm... it's actually informative! Thanks Jay and Lighthouse!
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But a picture is worth a thousand words. His picture is telling the world "I AM Sexy Jay."
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
He's not that sexy anymore.
Wings were a Loooong time coming, but, I'll give credit where it's due. The cryptic animators did a great job on the look and animations of wings.
Who's the guy sporting the bone wings? Zombie Statesman? Satansman?
That's what I was wondering. When do we get the Statesman faceplate?
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
Hah, I thought I was just crazy, I really want that helm...
Neat! Some random thoughts:
"Why a robot would need wings is beyond me, but the people wanted them so they got Tech wings."
I figure there's two reasons: one, you've got people who liked the look of Archangel's metal wings and just wanted to replicate that (in a non-infringement sort of way, naturally), and you've also got people like my character The Grey Owl, who's an inventor. He made his claw-gauntlets, he made his Blackfield generator belt, and he made his wing backpack to keep with the whole avian theme. Tech: it's not just for robots anymore!
"Oh, and I made the Fairy wings for all the really good little girls out there in CoH land."
Such as... the dude with the full beard and the green headkerchief. Someone needs to take the "Random" button away from Jay.
"The Insect wings turned out pretty bad-[censored] because our animators made them look like real buzzing wings."
So. Very. Cool. Any vids of this out there?
"And what better way to give these new wing sets to our players than through our new Invention system!"
Well... off the cuff I'd say, "as part of the regular Vet reward package," but I've promised to refrain from grousing (too much) about Costume Inventions until I get to play with the system. So I'll let this serve as a microgrouse.
<Quick Reply>
I would be very impressed with the wings, IF, they didnt come through the inventions system.
Leaving something like those options up to random chance, or the greed of others is not my ideal situation.
Other than that, good job on the looks of them for sure. Something we have come to expect from Cryptic's art and animation department. Very well done on how they look and work.
Member of Team Awesome���
Justice Server
He's not that sexy anymore.
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A dude can't be sexy with a pose like that.
Poison Pill
The new wings do look great, but I think the invention system was the WRONG way to bring them in. Especially with the current drop rates, it makes it a pain in the butt to get them, and renders them similar to the "1334" camp/raid/massive time sink items of certain other, not-to-be-named, mmos.
Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata
"And what better way to give these new wing sets to our players than through our new Invention system!"
Well... off the cuff I'd say, "as part of the regular Vet reward package," but I've promised to refrain from grousing (too much) about Costume Inventions until I get to play with the system. So I'll let this serve as a microgrouse.
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I was thinking....maybe.....um.....THE CHARACTER CREATION SCREEN?!?!
The new wings do look great, but I think the invention system was the WRONG way to bring them in. Especially with the current drop rates, it makes it a pain in the butt to get them, and renders them similar to the "1334" camp/raid/massive time sink items of certain other, not-to-be-named, mmos.
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The Inventions system is exactly the RIGHT way to bring these into the game. I'm glad we won't be seeing dozens of fairies, insect men or women, and rocket boot guys the day after I9 goes live.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
I'm glad Jay and I feel the same way on Tech Wings: Don't know who would want to use them, but they is a need for them, so...
Bah. My power-armored hero desperately needs tech wings. Why? In his own words, "because they're awesome and imposing and stuff." I'm not even sure if I'll take flight.
Tech wings and the jet bots are # on my list for my Bots/Traps MM
only cuz they are "Teh Sexxy"
LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom

The new wings do look great, but I think the invention system was the WRONG way to bring them in. Especially with the current drop rates, it makes it a pain in the butt to get them, and renders them similar to the "1334" camp/raid/massive time sink items of certain other, not-to-be-named, mmos.
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The Inventions system is exactly the RIGHT way to bring these into the game. I'm glad we won't be seeing dozens of fairies, insect men or women, and rocket boot guys the day after I9 goes live.
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Given the metric asston of time Jay and the other dev's part to program them to look and move the way they do, I couldn't agree more.
IMHO, animated costume pieces (capes, wings, trenchies, auras, jetpacks, etc.) should be a little harder to get than non-animated pieces. It makes them that much more rewarding, especially given the time and resources required to impliment them.
Can't wait to make Mecha-Obsidius post I9
Excellent and informative article BTW Jay Looking at that wing model helped me understand what all the hubbub is about behind the scenes.
I'd just like to say that I'm profoundly disturbed by the molester hobo with fairy wings at the end of the list. >_>
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I thought this was gonna be a how to on exactly how to MAKE wings in I9 :/
I don't really give a fluff what they had to do to get them into the game...
Ok, the guy in pink scares me...
I'm thinking I might be respecting flight into some of my characters... assuming I ever find the right recipe!
Don't forget that even if you can't get the drops on your own, the consignment stores are another way to get what you want.
Assault Ohm - Elec/Sonic Corruptor
Deadly Ohm - Elec/Will Brute
Invisible Ohm - Elec/Eng Stalker
Master Ohm - Elec/Elc Dominator
Don't forget that even if you can't get the drops on your own, the consignment stores are another way to get what you want.
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You're suggesting that it's possible to buy costume recipes at the consignment store? Where have you been?
I'd certainly like to use the new wings, but I think the odds of any of my characters getting appropriate wings are extremely remote.
Apparently the tech wings don't even start dropping until the 40s. I have a few characters who could really use them, and have a loooong wait to even get a chance at those. Meanwhile, I think most of my characters have outleveled the drops for the insect and fairy wings.
The new costume items are simply not available for use, as far as I'm concerned.
Apparently the tech wings don't even start dropping until the 40s.
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There ain't no way this is true.
MMORPG.com presents an article by Cryptic Studios character artist, Jay Doherty detailing the process and background behind the new wing costume pieces included in the next free expansion to City of Heroes and City of Villains - Issue 9: Breakthrough. Read the full "Inventing Wings" article here.
To read more about Jay, be sure to visit his installment of the Ask a Dev series. In the Ask a Dev article, you can read Jays background and then post questions to him.
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