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  1. An epic battle of legendary proportions. Take the top 20-or-so characters who took part in it and add them to the lore somehow, either through a finale comic miniseries or some mention/plaque/statue in the next game.

  2. ...And a new cellmate! This guy's creepin' me out...

    (Explaination: This happened while hunting the "Unethical Tourist" badge in Nerva. I'm not sure how the heck I managed to get into the cage. Luckily my friend was there to TP me out...But not before a few snapshots :P)

    (Also note my cellmate clipping the crap out of the cage...)
  3. While the Chest Emblem section is already loaded with the gills with a metric crapton of options...It is never enough. Since Chest Emblems are so simple, I'd imagine it wouldn't be so hard to add more.

    In short: I support more graphical doodads for my pectoral area.
  4. AkuTenshiiZero

    Mids and i17

    1679-point Hail of Bullets for the mother-effing win.
  5. Capt. Stormrider, my flagship character, was never intended to be anything of note. Like all my characters, I did take the time to write a story for him by level 10, but he still wasn't anything more than an experiment with Corruptors. Just a hastily thrown together Elec/Storm with a space pirate motif.

    Then came a Mayhem with my friend. We were doing a Smash & Grab side-mission and everything was going to hell in a hurry. We had tripped far too many alarms, and were soon packed into a tight space surrounded by Longbow, and time was running short. I was the first to go down, with the last safe in sight. My friend tried to retreat, but failed to do so in time. As he went down, I hit an awaken and stumbled my way over to the safe, grabbing it with only seconds to spare and Longbow coming back to finish me a second time. With nearly no health, and little endurance, I hit Hurricane and plowed straight through to freedom, shouting "You will remember the day you almost caught Captain Stormrider!!" over voice chat.

    That was when I realized how much I loved the character, and since then I have invested more resources into developing him than any other before or since.
  6. Pretty much all my villians know each other due to being in the same VG. Now, whether or not they get along is another story entirely...Most of them hate each other! My few heroes are not linked in any way yet.

    How about connections to NPCs? Frowned upon, yes, but doable if handled with care. For example Rose Prince, my Plant/Thorn Dom, studied botany alongside the hero Rosethorn in college. Differant paths lead to similar powers, and their former friendship has become a bitter rivalry. The idea stemmed from the fact that she showed up in several consecutive Mayhem missions, and being such a minor character with little backstory made her a good candidate for an archnemesis.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    SSK sucks when you join a team thinking you wil be 50... and some ****** lvl 43 has the star and procedes to act like its ok ... even thoe your fighting lvl 50 monsters...

    Freaking idiot.
    Let's be fair...Sometimes, said low-level leader is so unaccustomed to SSK they don't realize it's effect until told.

    While Winter Lord hunting on my 30 Blaster, I rallied a team to take him down. A few minutes later into the fight, someone mentioned they were having problems with the level 50 minions. Once I realized this, I passed the star to a 50, appologized, and we went on our merry way.

    Point is, it's easy to forget sometimes. On top of that, don't forget you have a choice whether or not to exemplar.
  8. I'm reminded of way back when I used to play Phantasy Star Online. One of the enemies in there called Ob Lillies would do a countdown beep and self-destruct with a radial paralysis at low health. It was a very distinct chime sound that got drilled into my head.

    One day I heard the exact same chime at work and literally ducked for cover. It took me a few seconds for reality to set in and make me feel like a complete moron Hooray for gamer's instinct overriding rational thought...
  9. Capt. Stormrider - Just a simple pirate, all about taking what isn't his. Stormrider isn't interested in power struggles or world domination, he's happy to knock over a bank and then knock back a hard drink. But Stormrider has also show in the past that he's willing to work with the heroes to stop bigger threats such as the Rikti. He'll always be a shameless criminal, but he's got little interest in joining the Praetorian loyalists.

    Rose Prince - Prince is a misguided villian, a young man who only wants to save the beauty of nature. Unfortunately, he believes the only way to do this is by crushing civilization and herding humans like cattle. Most likely Praetoria will be very attractive to him, and will leave him with alot to think about. I've always considdered Rose Prince to be "on the line" with his pure intentions and evil methods, so it could go either way.

    Emerald Dervish - Well, Dervish is a Djinn, and as such is inherantly superior to humans. His goal has always been to wipe out humanity and prove their inferiority, and that will never change. The loyalists and rebels of Pratoria are no differant than two rats fighting over garbage.

    The Dollmaster - Is effin' crazy. Nothing else really to it.

    Dr. December - Dr. Henry December is a hero all the way, a kind-hearted scientist whose accidentally gained powers became a tool for bringing peace to the streets of Paragon. So he won't be switching sides any time soon. But no doubt the scientist in him will be more than a little curious about Praetoria...

    Ectofreak - Is also effin' crazy, but in a Deadpool way. But he's a good guy where it counts, and isn't going to go switching sides. He's gonna have to come up with a ton of new wisecracks, though...
  10. All I can say is I'd kill for the PPD hardsuits. That is some seriously badass armor.

    Also, I had never gotten a really good up-close look at a Freak before. Wow. Just...Wow.
  11. The lack or shorts is something I just recently noticed, and I have to agree that it leaves me highly dissappointed. I had planned to make a beach outfit for my Ice/Ice Blaster for winter, as a sort of joke involving his sub-zero body temperature making winter his version of summer. Unfortunately Dr. December will not be catching a tan atop a snowdrift, since I haven't been subscribed long enough to earn shorts.

    The poor guy is stressed enough between the lab work and heroics, lack of proper beach attire is just gonna spoil his vacation.


    Honestly, I think there should be more options for shorts anyways. The Boxing shorts can stay as they are, but another one or two options would be nice to provide this exceedingly simple article of clothing to all.
  12. AkuTenshiiZero

    Killing pigs

    The other major draw for me to this game is the absolute freeform combat. Now I know there are people who will argue against this, but CoX has very, very loose rules of engagement. You do not need a Tanker. An Empath is not crucial to your survival. A smart Defender can go ballistic on the offense and never fear for his life.

    My friend and I play on a regular dual-Corruptor team, his AR/Storm and my Elec/Storm. Between us we have found scant few challenges in this game that we cannot handle without additional team members. Elite Boss? No problem! We've turned squishy classes into powerhouses with smart tactics and some power pools to support us. Now go play whatever mage class exists in another MMO and try taking out a major boss without the "holy trinity". I guarentee you'll be spamming "LF Tank/Heals/DPS" for the next hour and a half.

    On top of that is the sheer excitement of combat in CoX. This isn't the first game to allow movement while fighting, but it is the first (to my knowledge) to include things like Repel and Knockback to forcibly relocate enemies at will. And KB is definitely present in force, probably the most common effect in the game. This results in a barely contained chaos with bodies flying every which way, and you in the middle feeling like a complete and total badass. Combat is active, instead of a tank standing static in front of a target while a DPSer pokes them in the back. Boring.

    Which reminds me of another problem I had in a certain Blizzard MMO which was resolved in CoX...You can safely attack enemies while they are helpess to retalliate due to terrain. I recall in WoW getting pissed off because I couldn't attack enemies when they were unable to reach me. Nowadays I hover around and laugh as I rain lightning upon Freakshow Slammers scrambling around to reach me.
  13. Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right A B B A Start
  14. Could somebody tell me what the heck you mean by doves? Because I'm sitting here envisioning Malta Gunslingers waving white birds at me...
  15. What would I like to see? I would like to see a hefty portion of this coming issue dedicated to the much-unloved Supergroup bases. Don't get me wrong, I fully appreciate the reduced prices and elimination of Base Salvage. But one must admit that our bases are getting old and musty, having long since lost that new base smell.

    Long story short: We need a ton of new stuff to burn Prestige on. I don't care what it does or doesn't do, in fact I would acctually prefer useless decorative items to cram in every corner of my base. I am of the opinion that shiney base stuff is just as important as new costume pieces, and while we have recieved numerous costume pieces even in recent memory we've gotten diddly squat for bases.

    Please, please, and a thousand times please. The Prestige cost cut left us with bloated coffers and nothing to buy with it, it's about time to take advantage of this fact!
  16. Yeah, it's pretty...But I want to see some hardware requirements. As it stands I'm having enough trouble running some of the newer stuff in CoX...And I'm really starting to feel like my PC is not gonna be able to handle GR.
  17. AkuTenshiiZero

    QoL: /event

    This would certainly aid in my efforts. I love zone events, and I'm not always paying attention to the announcements.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
    Whom would that inconvenience?
    Everyone. Have you ever tried leading an NPC around under Sprint? Heck, try doing it with unenhanced Swift. Raising player speed would come with the requirement of raising NPC base speed. This includes enemies, who wouldn't have a prayer when trying to catch you.

    Aside from that, not everyone wants to move faster all the time. As it stands we have many people (myself included) rallying for a Walk button. There is such a thing as too much speed.
  19. Counter Point #1

    If they reduce Sprint's cost too much, then the next thing people will ask for is to remove it completely and just raise base speed. The point of Sprint is that you are consuming energy to move faster, a simple and realistic concept.

    If anything, I would say reduce it to match Combat Jumping. No lower.

    Counter Point #2

    Why in blazes are you fighting with Sprint on? I present the following:

    /bind T "powexecname Sprint"

    This is invariably the first thing I do on every character. It's easy to reach on the fly. Yes, T is already bound to...Something. I think the power trays. Why would you need a bind to show/hide your power trays? It's a useless default bind that can easily be replaced by something more useful.
  20. Just my quick 2 cents:

    I agree. It really isn't too much to ask for to move the chaos a fair distance away from Trainers. Quite frankly, I can tell you a far, far more idea position to make your stand...The Hospital! Obviously far enough from the drones to avoid getting kill-stealing, but close enough that you can get back up and run all of 50 yards back to the action.

    Also, as an aside, yesterday I was part of a zombie raid on that big hill in Talos. Far from the Trainer (Which, by the by, is a lag-tastic area as is with the monorail and WW so close) and it looked awesome to boot. I mean how classic is it to stage a massive battle atop a large hill?

    I'm in favor of adding drones by Trainers anyways, or giving trainers 1-Shot attacks to deal with stray mobs themselves. I really don't get why this was never done, it would make sense for trainers to be safe-zones.
  21. I have to say, from my own experience, Deadly Apocalypse is more trouble that it's worth. I do RWZ raids on a fairly regular basis, and while it does lag it never hits the level of unplayable. DA does become unplayable.

    With each passing issue I'm noticing more and more stuff that is just too much for my PC to handle, a PC which was capable of running CoX perfectly only 2 years ago. Nowadays, I lock up and mapserve constantly. All I can say is I'm not going to buy a new PC, I just cant afford it, and I would really hate to have to give up my favorite MMO.
  22. Wait, wait...Somebody acctually suggesting "Shield Offense"?

    I'm not sure whether I should laugh, cry, or hide in a fallout shelter...
  23. AkuTenshiiZero


    So where is this pool in Grandville? I'd like to add that to my tour list...

    Anyways, I am per usual all for having underwater stuff. I mean, this game already allows you so much freedom of exploration, the sky literally being the limit, and yet the comparatively simple idea of going underwater is untouched.

    But there are the matters others brought up...How do we breath? Well, we don't! It's not that odd of a concept to apply some sort of meter or time limit to swimming underwater, requiring you to come up for air periodically. Of course, there should likewise be ways to circumvent that limitation. A crafted or purchaseable temporary air tank? Or maybe alter a few powers to add protection from drowning, for example Force Field powers could easily provide air to those under their effects.

    "But what about fire?" you say. This is where suspension of disbelief comes into play. It just wouldn't be fair to disallow certain powers for the sake of realism. At the risk of invoking the name of WoW: I never had any trouble setting things on fire while underwater. This was never explained, and frankly nobody cared. This is a game, one in which we fly around in technicolor spandex and shoot lasers from our eyes, not a model for reality. I'd advise you to try explaining how anything in this game is possible before asking whether or not things can burn underwater.
  24. AkuTenshiiZero

    Personal Slang

    "Company Picnic" - Refers to that one mob in a spawn who, for some ridiculous reason, did not seem to notice the carnage of his buddies going down. I'm not sure where the name came from, but it stuck.

    "Half-Circle of Death" - Refers to the phenomenon that occurs within Mayhem missions where one spawns massive amounts of Longbow at once. After either killing you or being unable to locate you, they always seem to form a neat semi-circle and stay there.

    "Pirate Bomb" - Refers to a common maneuver in which I soften up a tough group with a Thunderous Blast, followed imediately by my friend TPorting me to safety. Named so due to my character being a pirate, dropping a nuke out of nowhere with little personal risk.

    "Operation Extreme Chaos" - A common tactic used by the same two characters, my friend and I both being /Storm Corruptors, in which we just unload all our secondary powers with wild abandon to create absolute havoc. Usually this is a nigh-unstoppable tactic.
  25. Unconditionally /signed on more ways to waste Prestige.

    Note on "More Tech Items":

    FREAKING! CATWALKS!! Wooden bridges do NOT aid in my efforts to create convincing starship engine rooms, savvy?