Problems with SSK




Super-sidekicking is one of the better innovations in the game. It generally enables teaming in a broad array of situations that before would have been prohibited.

However, it fails badly in a few areas.

For example, this evening I left a solo mission in the Hollows on a lowbie scrapper to help a team in Skyway fight babbage. People were looking for teams to assist in broadcast and in badge channels, so I started inviting.... forgetting that I was level 8, with an active mission selected.

"Do we have to fight at level 8?"

"Yuck! Reinvite me when I get to Skyway. You killed my travel power."

I've had bad experiences with just promoting the highest-level player on a team, especially for badge events. A lot of people get really upset when you hand them the star, despite the fact they get equally upset when they're exemped and lose powers. Some just aren't very quick on the interface and get flustered or confused when you ask them to start inviting people.

Accordingly, my first reaction was to look for a player with a mission to select at a higher level. Lots of completed missions were in the list, but none were in a state to be selected. On to plan B.

I promoted the highest-level person on the team. However, as I mentioned, I had an active mission, and no one else on the team had a selectable mission. Accordingly, we stayed at level 8.

Plan C: Drop my mission so that the team leader regains active control. I wanted to complete the mission, but I wanted to have an enjoyable team experience more. I dropped the mission and called Detective Wincott back to clear it out. Despite this, the team stayed at level 8. I can only assume this is a bug since my understanding is that the team is SUPPOSED to be exemped to the leader's level when there's no active mission selected.

Plan D: The team member who complained about his travel powers being lost suggested disbanding and reforming. I quickly agreed and dropped out of the team.

I'd been working on this as quickly as I could, but by this time, Babbage was starting to lose health quickly since a number of debuffers had arrived to help wear him down. I rejoined the team started by the helpful traveler to get in about 3 hits on Babbage before he fell over. I apologized to my team for the difficulty and headed back to the hollows with my tail between my legs.

The end result is that I caused far more difficulty to my team than I managed to help them. I didn't exactly have my 'enjoyable team experience', nor did I get to complete the mission I wanted to. Granted, I can use Oroboros to go back and make the Outcasts suffer at length, but not for a while. I got the badge and two merits for Babbage but didn't really feel like I'd helped earn them.



SSK sucks when you join a team thinking you wil be 50... and some ****** lvl 43 has the star and procedes to act like its ok ... even thoe your fighting lvl 50 monsters...

Freaking idiot.



thats one of the only things dont like about the SSK system, the only thing you can really do is pass star to higher person and if a mish is up, just select a different mish.



Something similar happened to me. During the Halloween event I was playing a level 14 character and went to FF to work on badges. I got on a team and everything was going fine until the leader DCed, and I was made team leader. We had some unpleasantness until I figured out who was what level and promoted someone.

I think perhaps the logic for determining the actual level could use some tweaking, especially in the case where the zone level is higher than the leader level.

One possibility would be to add a command to the team context menu to set the exemplar for the team, so that it can be different from the team leader. Another would be to automatically SK everyone to the highest level character on the team in open zones, rather than the team leader. Or when the leader quits or disconnects, promote the highest level character rather than the second character in the team list.



Yeah, but even someone who isn't AmazingMOO could fill several walls-of-text with what was annoying about the *old* SK system. I've run into this problem with SSK on zone events and the like before as well. A way to just de-select the mission and return the team to the leader's level would fix this little problem.

On the flip side, my dom dinged level 49 last night... in a level 20 Cap SF. Thx SSK!

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

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Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
SSK sucks when you join a team thinking you wil be 50... and some ****** lvl 43 has the star and procedes to act like its ok ... even thoe your fighting lvl 50 monsters...

Freaking idiot.
That shouldn't happen in a mission. If you're just hunting that's the team leader's fault for being dumb.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
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Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
Something similar happened to me. During the Halloween event I was playing a level 14 character and went to FF to work on badges. I got on a team and everything was going fine until the leader DCed, and I was made team leader. We had some unpleasantness until I figured out who was what level and promoted someone.

I think perhaps the logic for determining the actual level could use some tweaking, especially in the case where the zone level is higher than the leader level.

One possibility would be to add a command to the team context menu to set the exemplar for the team, so that it can be different from the team leader. Another would be to automatically SK everyone to the highest level character on the team in open zones, rather than the team leader. Or when the leader quits or disconnects, promote the highest level character rather than the second character in the team list.
Auto sk to the highest level on the team in open zones would be annoying if you actually wanted to street hunt and had teammates that were too high for the zone. Your other ideas are fine, though.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Normally when we (the teams I have been on) need to fight at 50 in a zone event we ask that the star be passed to a 50, and/or a new team task selected.

The SSK system is by far and away better than the old system. In the old system getting teams even within my global community was hard because a mentor was required for EACH low level person on the team. No one 50 can have a team of level 10s if they want.

New system is great, even with its flaws.

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Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
No! We want the ability to play at lower levels even in open zones. Heck, if I could exemplar myself I'd do it.

What actually needs to be done is to fix the bug which caused the team to stay at level 8 when the mission was dropped.
Obviously I'm guessing here as there's not enough details to be certain in the OP, but ...

Given that he said he called Wincott and yet stayed at level 8, I'd guess that he was

working on the first of the two linked "raid the outcast base" missions that Wincott has.

He dropped the first mission and was automatically enrolled into the second (meaning he

didn't even need to both calling Wincott as well).

If I had to lay money on it, I'd say that's what happened more than there being a bug with

the SSK feature.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
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My issue stems from open missions, Christmas to be exact... maybe Halloween as well.

I would join one of the teams out in the event area, and either be SKed up to the wrong level making my powers pretty much useless... or SKed DOWN, which pisses me off alot more, what they hell do I want to be on a lvl 28 team in PI for??? Seriously, WHY?

Oh I hated that.



Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
Obviously I'm guessing here as there's not enough details to be certain in the OP, but ...

Given that he said he called Wincott and yet stayed at level 8, I'd guess that he was

working on the first of the two linked "raid the outcast base" missions that Wincott has.

He dropped the first mission and was automatically enrolled into the second (meaning he

didn't even need to both calling Wincott as well).

If I had to lay money on it, I'd say that's what happened more than there being a bug with

the SSK feature.
Sadly, that was not the case. I'd finished the first mission with Electric Eel and was on the second mission with... Bedrock? The Lead Stoner who's been gathering magical artifacts, at any rate. When I called in, I got the merits for the arc and introduced to Flux.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Normally when we (the teams I have been on) need to fight at 50 in a zone event we ask that the star be passed to a 50, and/or a new team task selected.

The SSK system is by far and away better than the old system. In the old system getting teams even within my global community was hard because a mentor was required for EACH low level person on the team. No one 50 can have a team of level 10s if they want.

New system is great, even with its flaws.
Regardless I don't want to relive the headaches of trying to put together a non-level 50 ITF ever again.



Well, I ended up in what even Castle mentioned as a "worst case scenario."
Me on my MM, friend, one level lower but with the lead.
Initially, it was just annoying - as it apparently is doing the "Sk check" with every zone (in/out of a mission, between zones, etc.) so my pets would die each time. Then we started with our Carnie fight. I leveled - no big deal. A couple spawns later, she levels - as we're in the middle of a fight. And all my pets despawn.

Baaaad timing. But probably only *really* noticable as a mastermind.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
A couple spawns later, she levels - as we're in the middle of a fight. And all my pets despawn.
And this didn't happen in the old system if you were malefactored to someone and they leveled up? Honest question. I don't play MMs so I have no idea.

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

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Originally Posted by Zem View Post
And this didn't happen in the old system if you were malefactored to someone and they leveled up? Honest question. I don't play MMs so I have no idea.
In the old system, I wouldn't have been mal'd down, with all of one level difference between us I wouldn't have needed to be (and we usually fight plus-something spawns anyway.)

Yes, I could've taken the lead, admittedly, but being that close in level (or as we thought we were,) it didn't seem it'd matter - it just opened up despawns for those pets rather *frequently.* (to where I checked to see if the pet zoning QOL bit had been removed for some reason.)



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
Sadly, that was not the case. I'd finished the first mission with Electric Eel and was on the second mission with... Bedrock? The Lead Stoner who's been gathering magical artifacts, at any rate. When I called in, I got the merits for the arc and introduced to Flux.
I've seen similar situations to this, AmazingMoo. It's a downside of the SSK system, for sure. A few additional options or features could help.

In the larger picture of things, in the ease of how my friends and I team up and have fun together without having to play "sidekick tetris", I think we're ahead. is a great source of information for this game.

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I think they need to make 2 changes:

1) Add in the 'deselect' mission option that has been mentioned previously
2) Decouple the group level selection from the leader by essentially adding a 'level' star and a 'leader' star. Thus allowing the leader to select a group member the same way they would select an active mission to set the group level

I think adding in one or both of those changes would probably solve most of the problems mentioned here, with the second change being the best one. Decoupling the group level completely from the group leader would allow someone who was running a lower level character but felt comfortable managing to group continue to do so without borking up the level for the rest of the group. Obviously the default would be to assign both stars to the same person, leaving things working the way they are now unless you want to change it.

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Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
I think they need to make 2 changes:

1) Add in the 'deselect' mission option that has been mentioned previously
2) Decouple the group level selection from the leader by essentially adding a 'level' star and a 'leader' star. Thus allowing the leader to select a group member the same way they would select an active mission to set the group level

I think adding in one or both of those changes would probably solve most of the problems mentioned here, with the second change being the best one. Decoupling the group level completely from the group leader would allow someone who was running a lower level character but felt comfortable managing to group continue to do so without borking up the level for the rest of the group. Obviously the default would be to assign both stars to the same person, leaving things working the way they are now unless you want to change it.
I absolutely agree.
When they first announced the SSK, I thought they might do something like your 2nd suggestion.
I really think that would be great.
Leading a team and being the highest level are definitely not synonymous.
Don't get me wrong... I love the SSK and am so very happy that they put it in (I really thought they would/should after the way AE teams worked).
I think those two suggestions would pretty much complete SSK.

I've wondered about allowing the leader to simply assign the level number for the team (limited to the level ranges of the team)... However, that could cause more headaches for the Devs if they don't want to hand over such Power-Leveling capabilities.

So, yeah... Leader Star and Level Star, please!

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I have to say that I love SSk and that these problems, even if they are indeed problems, are quite minor and pale in comparison to everything we had with the old system



Seems like TFs are also a little broken with SSK right now. Instead of being set to the mission level (which for most TFs is the max level of the TF) it seems that setting the mission just locks you in at the current leader's level and then you can't change it by having the leader log out. At least that's what happened to us on an Ice Mistral last night when the leader DC'd.. Fortunately the new leader was just one level down so it was like running at difficulty + 1 for that mission. No big deal. But it could have been if the new leader had been minimum level and we didn't catch it before the mission was set. Maybe logging everyone out fixes that. I don't know. We didn't bother.

I wouldn't mind if TFs just auto-leveled everyone up/down to the TF mission level.

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

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Originally Posted by Zem View Post
Yeah, but even someone who isn't AmazingMOO could fill several walls-of-text with what was annoying about the *old* SK system. I've run into this problem with SSK on zone events and the like before as well. A way to just de-select the mission and return the team to the leader's level would fix this little problem.

On the flip side, my dom dinged level 49 last night... in a level 20 Cap SF. Thx SSK!
I agree that the benefits to SSK far surpass the detriments. Of course, this doesn't mean that the system can't be improved.

An option (a radio button on the team window) for the leader to declare the team "an event team" - which would automatically deselect the current mission and make the team the level of the highest level character on the team. If a team mission is selected then the "event team" status would turn off. If the highest level character on the team dropped on an "event team" then the team would become the level of the next highest character on the team.
That would pretty much solve the problem, right?



One other thing (that I've brought up elsewhere) - the SSK exemping rules need to be removed from the PVP zones. Most noticably in the lower ones (BB, SC.) There's already a powers gap from low (15) to high (25) - with SSK, that effectively stretches out 15 levels (level 30 powers available in BB, 35 in SC.)

Kind of goes against the "making it more even/leveling the playing field" of the other PVP changes.