Killing pigs

Adeon Hawkwood



I'm trying out Aion for the first month, and this isn't a compare and contrast thread, but I realised today something that CoH does really well.

The tutorial and the early levels don't have us defeating rats or pigs or insects, but humans (or zombies or robots) with at least the appearance of active sentience. I think this avoids the new player thinking 'I just got killed by a pig? and quitting in annoyance.

There's also the 1player=3mobs thing, which also helps us think we're uber right from the start.

I just can't understand why CoH doesn't have 7 million players. It's just so good! Why can't everyone see the truth!



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Being better than three dumb, poorly armed gang members (Hellions) isn't terribly uber, like being better than three psychotic, cybernetic anarchy-machines (Freakshow), or three twisted horrors of nature gone berserk (Dev.Earth).
But still you're starting out as better than the average joe. The hero of your own story. And that's a good thing.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Being better than three dumb, poorly armed gang members (Hellions) isn't terribly uber, like being better than three psychotic, cybernetic anarchy-machines (Freakshow), or three twisted horrors of nature gone berserk (Dev.Earth).
But still you're starting out as better than the average joe. The hero of your own story. And that's a good thing.
Exactly. I don't know why other games dont have this metric, tbh. Giving us

a. the ability to easily defeat one even con mob and
b. the ability to outrun aggroed mobs pretty easily

sort of guarantees a non-annoying start to the game.

CoH has ruined me for other MMOs.

Aion is gorgeous tho, i'll give it that.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



The standard MMO formula is... kind of like an abusive relationship. People may hate certain things, but if they're not offered alternatives until they've become accustomed to those things, they may become convinced that those things are actually positive.

When I quit FFXI for this game, some of my old guildmates actually argued that things like quick travel times, solo gameplay, flexible build options, mild penalties for death, lack of competition over outdoor spawns, and a loot free (at the time) system of character improvement were bad ideas.

And yet... these were the same people who would complain constantly over Linkshell Chat about having to wait 20 minutes for the airship to show up, or ride a Chocobo for half an hour to reach some obscure camp in the middle of nowhere. Or about the number of hours they'd spent sitting around in Jeuno trying to get a team going. Or about the number of months it took them to obtain all of the gear, spells, level-cap unlocks, secret zone unlocks and faction reputation necessary to be considered worthy of team invites within even a 5-10 level span. Or how much of a hassle it was getting a good camp location where you could effectively fight the monsters you were grinding for EXP without having to compete with a dozen other teams over the same spawns. Or the Notorious Monster system, which encouraged all kinds of ridiculous griefing and drama, and was the main way most players encountered RMT farmers in game. Or about how many times they'd died enough to de-level entirely, and how wary that made everyone of trying out any new content without following someone else's fine tuned strategy to the letter. Or the incredibly low drop rates of the high-end raid content, where you could go for months at a time without successfully completing an event, and even when you did, your chances were less than 1 in 100 of actually getting a reward. Or about how we'd been camping King Ranperre's Tomb for six hours, but some other guild was able to get the Vrtra legendary dragon spawn because they were using taunt bots, or because of server latency, or because it's just crummy design to put something like that on a 3-4 day timer and then load it with some of the best loot in the game, if you don't want players getting pissed at each other over it.

What they didn't seem to realise was that these problems could all be summed up as Time Sinks. The game developers needed to keep subscriptions going by making everything as time consuming as possible. There was a lot of excellence and beauty in that game, but it was clear that it only existed to provide a minimum effective incentive to put up with the rest of it.

This game... the developers seem to respect our time. And more importantly, they get involved. I haunted the official FFXI forums pretty much around the clock, and I didn't even know the names of any of the developers. Maybe that's because they were focused on communicating with their core audience, the Japanese players, but it's still a pretty unfavorable contrast to the way the developers here operate. They respect us and they listen to us. They may not agree with what they hear, but they bother to check in the first place.



GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - or <sameasmyAIM> (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
The standard MMO formula is... kind of like an abusive relationship. People may hate certain things, but if they're not offered alternatives until they've become accustomed to those things, they may become convinced that those things are actually positive.

When I quit FFXI for this game, some of my old guildmates actually argued that things like quick travel times, solo gameplay, flexible build options, mild penalties for death, lack of competition over outdoor spawns, and a loot free (at the time) system of character improvement were bad ideas.

And yet... these were the same people who would complain constantly over Linkshell Chat about having to wait 20 minutes for the airship to show up, or ride a Chocobo for half an hour to reach some obscure camp in the middle of nowhere. Or about the number of hours they'd spent sitting around in Jeuno trying to get a team going. Or about the number of months it took them to obtain all of the gear, spells, level-cap unlocks, secret zone unlocks and faction reputation necessary to be considered worthy of team invites within even a 5-10 level span. Or how much of a hassle it was getting a good camp location where you could effectively fight the monsters you were grinding for EXP without having to compete with a dozen other teams over the same spawns. Or the Notorious Monster system, which encouraged all kinds of ridiculous griefing and drama, and was the main way most players encountered RMT farmers in game. Or about how many times they'd died enough to de-level entirely, and how wary that made everyone of trying out any new content without following someone else's fine tuned strategy to the letter. Or the incredibly low drop rates of the high-end raid content, where you could go for months at a time without successfully completing an event, and even when you did, your chances were less than 1 in 100 of actually getting a reward. Or about how we'd been camping King Ranperre's Tomb for six hours, but some other guild was able to get the Vrtra legendary dragon spawn because they were using taunt bots, or because of server latency, or because it's just crummy design to put something like that on a 3-4 day timer and then load it with some of the best loot in the game, if you don't want players getting pissed at each other over it.

What they didn't seem to realise was that these problems could all be summed up as Time Sinks. The game developers needed to keep subscriptions going by making everything as time consuming as possible. There was a lot of excellence and beauty in that game, but it was clear that it only existed to provide a minimum effective incentive to put up with the rest of it.

This game... the developers seem to respect our time. And more importantly, they get involved. I haunted the official FFXI forums pretty much around the clock, and I didn't even know the names of any of the developers. Maybe that's because they were focused on communicating with their core audience, the Japanese players, but it's still a pretty unfavorable contrast to the way the developers here operate. They respect us and they listen to us. They may not agree with what they hear, but they bother to check in the first place.



Feel better now?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



you know what gets me as even more annoying? play a korean freemmo. Every one i have tried this far ha had me bludgeoning the cutest, least hostile creatures i have seen. I suppose it is a cultural aesthetic thing, but i dont want to be stomping fluffy bunnies, i want to be fighting the meanest, ugliest monsters in the room(often, in my case, as a big ugly monster myself). Never understood how that was enjoyable. I did a beta for ether story online, an aggressively cute standard freemo, and let me tell you, my first targets were cute little tree creatures, super cute little pink rabbit like blobs with a big smile, and little cat/lemur looking creatures.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
you know what gets me as even more annoying? play a korean freemmo. Every one i have tried this far ha had me bludgeoning the cutest, least hostile creatures i have seen. I suppose it is a cultural aesthetic thing, but i dont want to be stomping fluffy bunnies, i want to be fighting the meanest, ugliest monsters in the room(often, in my case, as a big ugly monster myself). Never understood how that was enjoyable. I did a beta for ether story online, an aggressively cute standard freemo, and let me tell you, my first targets were cute little tree creatures, super cute little pink rabbit like blobs with a big smile, and little cat/lemur looking creatures.
Dragonica has you start out by fighting sheep and TREE STUMPS. I'm not joking. They move on to frowning wolves, but because the game is decidedly in the "goofy" category, you go on to fight frowning cats wielding plingers, sea starts, and a pirate shark with a hook, a flintlock pistol, a cutlass and even what looks like a British navy hat with a white wig. But that's not the worst of it.

9Dragons has you start out fighting helpless foxes that don't fight back and honest-to-god rocks. At least Dragonica's tree stumps move around and have faces. 9Dragons' rocks are just... Rocks. Black stone obelisks you punch and break. Looking for a RING! How the HELL does a ring end up inside a monolithic block of what looks like cut granite? The whole game is filled with these stupid quests, like breaking stones to find a ring, killing disgusting, crawling demons without legs to find a comb or searching through cow dung - I am not joking here - looking for I don't remember what. Or if you're sent to look for one specific enemy that is somehow involved in a plotline, you end up finding a dozen of him. Like I'd go out to look for Kai, the Brigand who robbed a woman, only to find three of him rubbing shoulders and walking about.

Speaking of which, people complain about what enemies do in City of Heroes and how pointless some of the spawns in missions are, but... Well, most MMOs don't go even remotely that far. 9Dragons has hellish demons spawning on a moor, because... The Cool Aid man is red, I guess. It's never explained. It's a moor, and demons spawn on it. Go kill 'em. And it's not like they DO anything. They spend half their time standing around looking in the distance and half their time walking around aimlessly. And not just demons. Maybe demons get off on loitering. But even bears, too. You'd think a bear would have something better to do with its time than to walk 10 feet to the left, stand around, walk 5 feet to the right, stand around and so on and so forth all day. What is the bad people's evil plan? To flood the world with aimlessly wandering demons?

And, yeah, I have to echo the "killing pigs" sentiment. I HATE it when an MMO starts me off killing cockroackes, rats, bunny rabbits, bats or any other kind of vermin. Some Fantasy games have the good sense to start you off fighting incredibly wimpy humanoids, but that's rare. I enjoy that City of Heroes has me fighting people from the start not because that makes them stronger, but because it feels like I'm getting right into the action. Killing boars and snakes in the forest feels like I'm some kind of chump who's hoping to one day get a real sword with which to fight real enemies.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Well, to be fair, for the first ten levels you're basically human (as far as anyone knows,) so you're squishy... a wild boar (or just sharp hooves) could tear you apart.

Aion's got enough of a mix of "different," things I like (and things I don't - there are times it REALLY makes me appreciate COH's instancing!) that it'll keep me for a while as a second MMO.

I mean, I've mentioned a thing or two I could see adapted to COH (down in the suggestions area - and I'll usually say flat out it's from that, like the "plus" on crafting enhancements, and I wouldn't argue with non-combat ways of advancing - like getting XP for just *crafting* things there.) But there are some things I'm very glad I don't see - like a charge to teleport anywhere (or fly - yes, you can save some money by hoofing it, but that's a LONG run,) a charge to keep building up crafting skills ("You've got 99 points in gathering - in order to do these missions, you need to gather stuff that requires 105/120/140... go pay someone to let you gather higher stuff") and the like.

And yeah, when a 2-on-1 fight is enough to make you worry... it really just makes me wonder, again, about the whole "We're not super!" complaint that comes up on occasion, when I'm not sweating 'til it's 6 on one on some characters, or even higher odds on others. Group of 15? Sure!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

Speaking of which, people complain about what enemies do in City of Heroes and how pointless some of the spawns in missions are, but... Well, most MMOs don't go even remotely that far. 9Dragons has hellish demons spawning on a moor, because... The Cool Aid man is red, I guess. It's never explained. It's a moor, and demons spawn on it. Go kill 'em. And it's not like they DO anything. They spend half their time standing around looking in the distance and half their time walking around aimlessly. And not just demons. Maybe demons get off on loitering. But even bears, too. You'd think a bear would have something better to do with its time than to walk 10 feet to the left, stand around, walk 5 feet to the right, stand around and so on and so forth all day. What is the bad people's evil plan? To flood the world with aimlessly wandering demons?
ah yes, something little that i like about coh(and CO), at least in the overworld, the bad guys are doing something, vandalism, robbery, meanceing people, doing demonic rituals, the stuff. In almost every other mmo i have played, the enemies just mill about aimlesly. in guild wars i remember some patrols of enemies, but that was generally it. it just seems so lifeless to see these pressing threats just basically hanging out.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
ah yes, something little that i like about coh(and CO), at least in the overworld, the bad guys are doing something, vandalism, robbery, meanceing people, doing demonic rituals, the stuff. In almost every other mmo i have played, the enemies just mill about aimlesly. in guild wars i remember some patrols of enemies, but that was generally it. it just seems so lifeless to see these pressing threats just basically hanging out.
Then you have to be super-careful that one doesn't wander within aggro range while you're fighting another, since that could get you killed. In CoH if that happens, you just pop an insp or two and keep fighting.

That's another thing...between constant inspiration drops, fast casting times, and fast movement, combat is just so much more dynamic in this game. The only other MMOs I've played are WoW and a little bit of DDO, both of which are very sluggish compared to CoH.

Oh and then there's vertical movement. I can defeat demon lords but I can't jump over a fallen log? What's up with that?

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I have never understood why this game doesn't have millions of subscribers.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Then you have to be super-careful that one doesn't wander within aggro range while you're fighting another, since that could get you killed. In CoH if that happens, you just pop an insp or two and keep fighting.

That's another thing...between constant inspiration drops, fast casting times, and fast movement, combat is just so much more dynamic in this game. The only other MMOs I've played are WoW and a little bit of DDO, both of which are very sluggish compared to CoH.
I personally just love it that City of Heroes allows me to rest and fill up on everything in under 10 seconds. Most other games would have you bring along a healer or use expensive potions, or some other limited-use supply. In City of Heroes, you just take a kneed and you're set. About the closest I've seen to that is 9Dragons and their meditation skill, which had an instant recharge, but because it healed based on hit points and not percentage, it became rather slow as your hit points pool increased. Several times slower than Rest, at any rate. Really, there's nothing worse in a game than realising you're out of health and out of mana and there's nothing you can do about it in the next 5-10 minutes.

Hell, the mere fact that we don't have to keep pumping "money" into our characters all the time to account for supplies, consumables, repairs, travel and so forth is something I really love. Travel is free and fast, inspirations drop in sufficient numbers, and with inspiration combining, you can almost always have what you need, our guns don't use ammo, our stuff doesn't break, we don't pay a fee when we die. Even enhancements upkeep can be gotten around with Common Inventions. There's no upkeep you need to keep up lest it keep draining your purse, and that sort of thing counts for a LOT in my book.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



In Star Wars Galaxies, they made me fight butterflies. Butterflies. Seriously.

Granted, they were big butterflies, but still... How do you explain to the medic that you got killed by a butterfly?

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I have never understood why this game doesn't have millions of subscribers.
my prinicpal told me something when i was very young. "life is not fair, prepare for it as best you can and deal with it" That may have been the most important thing i ever learned in grade school. I feel it is relevant to this opinion.

Thing is, he was not being bitter, he was just letting me know that even if you try the hardest and do the best work, stuff happens and you still can lose, you just need to prepare to deal with it and mitigate it as well as i am able.

also, lets remember that before the gorilla, few mmos had sub numbers that high, lineage was big, and apparently some chinese mmos have ungodly numbers, but they all used unusual subscription setups. It was only after the gorilla that we have had a larger audience looking into mmos' like conan, warhammer and aion, and in the case of the first two, those audiences are pretty transient. not sure how aion will shake down, but i hope they continue, gaming is not an original hobby, and id rather future game artists use the beautiful characters from there rather than the hideously disproportionate characters from the gorilla.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I have never understood why this game doesn't have millions of subscribers.
For the same reason that you can find more Hyundai vehicles on the road than Mercedes.

Its a matter of refinement and taste coupled with a love for things that work as they should.


It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.



In Aion when you first start out Elyos side, you're killing those troll-things so THEY won't kill the pigs. Some of them are just wandering, sure, but others are killing livestock and tearing up crops. Asmos get a similar beginning. I grant you that they are not the most vicious-looking of enemies, but story-wise you're a PFC scrub, not actually a hero until a couple of hours later when you save Poeta, which you can do before or after you ascend as a Daeva. Have you not seen the Frillnecks yet? Big dinosaur things? Those are some nasty-looking enemies, though they're not actually that hard to kill, and you see those by level 13 3 hours or so into the game. Are dinosaurs not worthy enough foes for you? How about the Lepharists, humans basically, that you see by 11? They've occupied a farm, it's your job to figure out why they're there, and when you do you exterminate a few then go after the leader.

Personally I don't mind fighting lone enemies, and to say that there's such a big difference between fighting 3-5 and fighting 1 is pretty academic when the end result is the same: 1/3 or so of your hp gone, half your end (which totally isn't mana). It feels different because the genres are different, the whole atmosphere is different, comparing the two is pointless.

I agree with Bill though, Co* could steal a few things from Aion. Like Spear and Staff Scrapper animations. Have you played a Gladiator and gotten that first DP skill?



So... how is this NOT a compare-contrast thread when the first thing you do after stating as much is to COMPARE and CONTRAST?



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I'm trying out Aion for the first month, and this isn't a compare and contrast thread, but I realised today something that CoH does really well.

The tutorial and the early levels don't have us defeating rats or pigs or insects, but humans (or zombies or robots) with at least the appearance of active sentience. I think this avoids the new player thinking 'I just got killed by a pig? and quitting in annoyance.

Yes, but you can't skin robots for leather, and Hellions, though they cook well, taste just aweful and don't raise the cooking experience any. There are benefits to the pig.



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
Yes, but you can't skin robots for leather, and Hellions, though they cook well, taste just aweful and don't raise the cooking experience any. There are benefits to the pig.
It doesn't work any better the other way around, either.



Originally Posted by Primal View Post
Personally I don't mind fighting lone enemies, and to say that there's such a big difference between fighting 3-5 and fighting 1 is pretty academic when the end result is the same: 1/3 or so of your hp gone, half your end (which totally isn't mana). It feels different because the genres are different, the whole atmosphere is different, comparing the two is pointless.
I have to disagree here about as much as it is possible for one person to disagree with another short of coming to blows. When it comes to combat in fighting games (and let's face it, that's what City of Heroes is), there is NOTHING more important to me than a good, nice, spectacular fight where I face off against hordes of enemies. There very much IS a difference between fighting 3/5 enemies and just fighting one, and it's a difference like between night and day.

Recently, for instance, tweaked my difficulty from 0x2 to -1x3, and I cannot DESCRIBE how much more exciting the game has become. Before on the old Tenacious, over half of the things I fought were either a single +1 lieutenant or a +1 lieutenant and a +1 minion. If I was lucky, I would get three +1 minions. I outright did a little dance every time I struck the six even con minions spawns, because they were so cool. Now... Now EVERYTHING comes in big spawns. I played a Scrapper against that, and I literally could not stop giggling like a moron the entire time. If there were psychiatrist in the room, I would probably have been committed. It was THAT much fun just running into huge spawns and laying some serious smackdown. I couldn't stop giggling and thinking how cool this was and wishing it had been like this all along.

Fighting multiple enemies at once is the quintessential combat characteristic of this game that keeps me here. Battle mechanics aren't all THAT exciting, but DAMN if fighting huge hordes of bad guys isn't just too awesome to worry about anything else.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I have to disagree here about as much as it is possible for one person to disagree with another short of coming to blows. When it comes to combat in fighting games (and let's face it, that's what City of Heroes is), there is NOTHING more important to me than a good, nice, spectacular fight where I face off against hordes of enemies. There very much IS a difference between fighting 3/5 enemies and just fighting one, and it's a difference like between night and day.

Recently, for instance, tweaked my difficulty from 0x2 to -1x3, and I cannot DESCRIBE how much more exciting the game has become. Before on the old Tenacious, over half of the things I fought were either a single +1 lieutenant or a +1 lieutenant and a +1 minion. If I was lucky, I would get three +1 minions. I outright did a little dance every time I struck the six even con minions spawns, because they were so cool. Now... Now EVERYTHING comes in big spawns. I played a Scrapper against that, and I literally could not stop giggling like a moron the entire time. If there were psychiatrist in the room, I would probably have been committed. It was THAT much fun just running into huge spawns and laying some serious smackdown. I couldn't stop giggling and thinking how cool this was and wishing it had been like this all along.

Fighting multiple enemies at once is the quintessential combat characteristic of this game that keeps me here. Battle mechanics aren't all THAT exciting, but DAMN if fighting huge hordes of bad guys isn't just too awesome to worry about anything else.
This is why I love ToTing with large teams. To hell with plot or tactics, just keep clicking that door to make more assorted monsters come out and go nuts.



Heh, no need to take a swing Sam, it's just a matter of opinion. I happen to not see much difference when the end results are similar, just a different way of getting there. Fighting large spawns in CoH is fun with certain characters, like my Fire/Storm, but other characters are not made for that, they actually do better in single combat. In Aion it's similar, some have skills and spells for crowd control and/or damage, others are single-target specialists. (And one in particular is absurdly good at both, and only getting better, while another that was already iffy is getting cooldown times increased, not that I'm bitter.)

I can certainly dig that some might feel like they've suddenly been depowered by going back to the "old style" combat, but I don't. As long as the combat is entertaining, I'm down with it. My Assassin hitting a critical backstab is not a whole lot different than my Stalker getting in an Assassins Shock when it comes down to it.



This cliche is one of my biggest pet peeves with a large majority of MMO/RPGs. Either you're slaughtering wild animals for dubious reasons (and worse still, usually as a dedicated quest), or fighting animals nobody has any place fighting (ah, the joys of Korean MMOs - deadly snails, caterpillars, and tree stumps!).

I've always thought CoH's starting point worked very well, since it's very DC. Superman might be a godlike being, but even he stops the occasional bank robbery, and not to mention freakin' Batman. I think that might actually be a rather interesting way of summing up the difference between CoH and CO, in fact, especially since the ghosts of MUO are very blatant in CO...

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



The other major draw for me to this game is the absolute freeform combat. Now I know there are people who will argue against this, but CoX has very, very loose rules of engagement. You do not need a Tanker. An Empath is not crucial to your survival. A smart Defender can go ballistic on the offense and never fear for his life.

My friend and I play on a regular dual-Corruptor team, his AR/Storm and my Elec/Storm. Between us we have found scant few challenges in this game that we cannot handle without additional team members. Elite Boss? No problem! We've turned squishy classes into powerhouses with smart tactics and some power pools to support us. Now go play whatever mage class exists in another MMO and try taking out a major boss without the "holy trinity". I guarentee you'll be spamming "LF Tank/Heals/DPS" for the next hour and a half.

On top of that is the sheer excitement of combat in CoX. This isn't the first game to allow movement while fighting, but it is the first (to my knowledge) to include things like Repel and Knockback to forcibly relocate enemies at will. And KB is definitely present in force, probably the most common effect in the game. This results in a barely contained chaos with bodies flying every which way, and you in the middle feeling like a complete and total badass. Combat is active, instead of a tank standing static in front of a target while a DPSer pokes them in the back. Boring.

Which reminds me of another problem I had in a certain Blizzard MMO which was resolved in CoX...You can safely attack enemies while they are helpess to retalliate due to terrain. I recall in WoW getting pissed off because I couldn't attack enemies when they were unable to reach me. Nowadays I hover around and laugh as I rain lightning upon Freakshow Slammers scrambling around to reach me.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.