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Quote:I've been toying with the idea of Nature/Sonic as a play on the Disney Singing Princess concept. But I don't really like joke characters and I can't think of a way to make her not a joke.It's numbers like this that make me want to make a Nature/something defender rather than the obvious plant/nature controller...but it's a problem of concept for me on the blast set. What concepts have you come up with for a Nature/ Defender?
Nature/Assault Rifle could make for a good Eco-Warrior character (the alignment would depend on your personal views on the subject).
Nature/Fire is also an easy concept. Most ecosystems depend on occasional fires to clear out the old growth and make room for new plants to bloom so the combo fits reasonably well for quite a few concepts.
Nature/Psychic is a decent combo for a natural empath. The same ability that puts them in tune with Gaia also allows them to screw up the minds of Her foes.
Nature/Radiation for a Mutant/Science character. How do you think all of those mushrooms are suddenly growing? Through the magic of Nuclear Power! Your character uses radiation to make plants spontaneously grow and also shoots blasts of it to attack his foes. -
It's symbolic. Citadel is a robot and as such is lacking in creativity. His task force is a long series of the same mission in order to highlight his never ending quest to better understand humanity and through us himself. By going through the TF we in turn gain insight into his hopes and desires and can reflect on the nature of creativity and the impact of it on society.
Note how the first two missions require you to kill all the soldiers as do the three of the later ones but the ones in between only require you to defeat the boss. Reflect on what this is saying about human nature. We attempt to temper our excesses and do things in moderation but in the end we always fail and return to our old habits. But there is hope fo in the last mission we only need to defeat the boss and if we can overcome our own nature (represented here by Vandal) then we can truly grow as a species.
[/BS] -
Quote:It depends a bit on the set and the situation. Defenders have a damage scalar of 0.65 compared to 0.75 for Corruptors so the Corruptor has 15.4% more damage at base. However Defenders get a 30% damage buff while solo what this means is that solo Defenders do Corruptor level damage assuming 95% from damage enhancements and no other buffs.is this true? the difference that is? i always loved def's, and corr's too, the mix of powers really kinda nails what a superhero is for me, but i always thought there was a significant damage benefit for the corr. this is not based on any real numbers, just my, admittedly flawed, perception. if so then i can justify rolling another def
That last bit is important. When you start factoring in additional damage buffs (such as from inspirations or powers like Aim and Fulcrum Shift) the Corruptor starts to pull ahead due to a higher base damage and a higher damage cap. A Corruptor with capped damage (a total of +400% from buffs and enhancements) will do about 44% more damage than a capped Defender (who only needs +300%).
Now Scourge also makes a difference. The estimates I've seen are around 20% extra damage. -
So interesting factoid on Defender Toughness. A Cold Domination or Storm Summoning Defender with either Dark Mastery or Soul Mastery (for Dark Embrace) has almost the same Resistances as an Invulnerability Scrapper. Unslotted the numbers are (going S/L/E/NE/F/C/T/P) 30/30/15/15/15/15/15/0 for the Scrapper and 27.5/27.5/20/15/20/20/15/0 for the Defender.
The Scrapper does have better Defense but the higher Defender numbers for pool Powers can help close the gap there.
Now obviously the Scrapper gets a lot of other nice goodies like Debuff Resistances and Mez Protection but it's still interesting to think about. -
Well one of my first Defenders was Traps/AR. I was teaming with some people running Carnie radio missions to get the badge. Anyway I tend to act like I'm the tank when playing my trapper, I run off and assume that the rest of the team will follow me so when we came to an intersection I went right and the rest of the team went left. I was halfway through the next spawn before i realized that the rest of the team had not followed me and was in fact almost dead. I finished off my foes and then went back to help scrape them off the floor.
Another good one was on my Time/Elec Defender which is about as close as you can get to a Tanker without actually being a Tanker. I was on another random mission team against 5th Column (or maybe Council?). Anyway for some reason most of the team had scattered leaving me and another Defender (I think a TA/A) alone. Now several of the other team members were dying but mean while the other Defender and I were happily sitting in a crowd of foes who were so heavily debuffed with so little endurance that they weren't even scratching us.
When people talk about how Corruptors are so much "better" than Defenders I just smile and nod. The extra damage is nice but the toughness of Defenders is a lot higher than many people realize, especially when you factor in Pool Powers (Defenders get Tanker mods for most self defense buffs and the best Leadership mods). It's most noticeable with sets like Traps and Time but every set has at least some abilities that can keep the Defender himself alive and the higher numbers DO make a difference. -
Quote:In that case go for itI'll still be taking it, regardless. If I want to see fur go all over the place, by god, I will.
One suggestion I do have is to use it on the Dire Wolf or at least the Lionesses as opposed to the regular Wolves. Unfortunately Detonator is one of the finalists for "most confusing power implementation" and does a LOT less damage from the lower tier pets. The non-human version functions as a power cast by the pet which means that it uses the pet's level and damage scalars for determining damage. So using it on the lower rank pets means it's damaged gets reduced twice, once because they have lower damage scalars and again because they are lower level so the purple patch reduces their damage. -
The other issue with the conceptual view of power pools is that in many ways they end up helping characters who already have lots.
Fighting gives more res/def to melee characters than it does ranged characters (except for Defenders) while Support ATs and VEATs get the best Leadership numbers. -
Quote:No we know, we just choose not to use it. The LFG queue will look to see if it has at least four people available and then wait a short time (I think 90 seconds but I could be wrong). At which point it will launch with whomever is in the queue. This means that more often than not you get a minimum size team which means EBs instead of AVs drastically reducing the XP available. Having team of at least 5 and preferably 8 maximizes the XP/time (unless you spend a LOT of time forming the team) so in general it's preferable to using the queue.Most people form their group, then go. (I assume most people doing DFB or any other task force just don't know what the LFG menu is.) However, 8 individuals who aren't grouped together could all queue up via the LFG menu, and the system would be happy to make them into a group of 8 whether they are villains or heroes.
It's the same reason that most Incarnate Trials pre-form in Dark Astoria instead of using the queue, having a larger team tends to make things a lot smoother and getting a larger team is very rare if you use the queue.
TFs are a little trickier. In theory the queue isn't such a hindrance since you have to manually start the TF after it forms the team but in general you'll still want to fill the team out before starting anyway. So if you're going to fill from channels anyway then you might as well fill the entire team using channels since at least that way the team leader is the person who wants to be the leader (and hopefully knows any tricks to the TF). -
Yeah sometimes you can and sometimes you can't. I was on a VERY sub-par ITF last night. We had one player drop mid-way through the second mission when it became clear that the team was struggling and out fearless leader attempted to convince us to disband as well before "disconnecting" during the last mission (after causing a partial wipe by attempting to pull Rommy to the grass without first clearing the area of 5th column and romans while half the team had not even zoned in). However with lots of inspiration use (including team inspirations) and a team with good morale we did complete it. It took us about two hours for the entire TF and we all died a lot but we did win through (which probably says more about our stubbornness than intelligence).
Quote:That sounds like a problem with your slotting or a weird consequence of your attack chain (like Build Up running out right before you use Scorch). If you check Fire Melee Scorch has the same base accuracy as every other power in the set except for Breath of Fire and Greater Fire Sword.After my last post I logged in my level 28 fire/fire scrapper, and paid close attention to Scorch. All of her other powers were hitting consistently; Scorch missed far more often than it hit. I made sure to open with that power as often as possible, and it was just amazing how often it missed. Seriously, it was missing 4 out of 5 times.
In fact I'd argue that against some enemy types Scorch should hit more often. It only has Melee and Fire for attack types while most of the other powers have Melee, Fire and either Smashing or Lethal. So if you're fighting a foe with good S/L Defense but poor Fire Defense then Scorch is more accurate (although I can't actually think of any NPCs that would apply to). -
Realistically Mental is one of the toughest sets if you have a very high recharge IO build. It is however falling behind the rest of the sets in terms of survivability for any situation where you don't have ultra-high recharge.
^^^This. I may disagree with Devs on the implementation of some of the changes but they are intended to benefit all Blast sets users (and to a lesser extent Dominators) not just Blasters.
For what it's worth Arctic Fog and Steamy Mist also do not suffer from suppression during combat.
I'm not sure of the original source but you can find it on the evil version of the wiki.
Quote:Why stop at Origins? We could have all sorts of individual pools relating to given archetypal characters:
The origin ones are a good start and I hope that they sell really, really well so that the devs can make more of them. -
Quote:Right, I was thinking something similar to what Arcana was proposing. So maybe Tough gives a 30% mez resistance for each attack you have while Weave gives 10% DDR. Slightly weaker than the Arcana's proposal for people who just want tough and weave but with the option to stack it three times for people who want to use the attacks.Since you're locked into getting either Boxing or Kick, I'd have to say the bonuses would have to be something relatively minor. Something small enough as to not be overpowered, but enough that you'd notice a difference (like the damage bonus to Sniper Rifle in Targeting Drone)
Quote:Alternatively what about expanding the synergy bonuses and giving Tough and Weave bonuses for each Fighting Attack that you have?Synapse said the same thing: a sixth power would be problematic. On the other hand, I don't want to take either Boxing or Kick away from players who want those powers.
So I suggested he just make Tempered Focus automatically unlock for anyone who took Boxing *or* Kick. -
Quote:I very, very rarely see deaths that are caused by a lack of healing. Most deaths are caused by burst damage overwhelming someone BEFORE they can heal. I keep a close eye on the league screen during trials and you know what I rarely (if ever) see? People sitting around at less than full health for more than a few seconds. That tells me that the league has more than sufficient healing.Extra healing is rarely needed on trials and everyones heals (and green insp) doing almost double (per incan, which stacks) is only semi useful ? Lol, k. Count how many deaths there are in the next trial you are on.
So yeah givne that I would sya that having another Barrier up to keep everyone nearer the resistance hard cap is more useful than Incandesence -
"Don't try to leave. The doors are locked and no one is going home until I24 is released. I'll be monitoring the situation through this computer. Oh and there are only 12 cans of coke left so you'd better work fast. Muhahahahahaha!"
It's an excellent buff in PvP since it counters the healing resistance. In PvE not so much. It's semi-useful but in general unless the team is really struggling the buff isn't that critical. Most leagues have sufficient defense/resistance buffs that extra healing is rarely needed