New Day Job Idea: Utility Worker

Adeon Hawkwood



Logout Location: Anywhere in Terra Volta (for heroes; not sure where the Rogue Isles power plants are), or in any of the various power substations scattered around the city.

Text/Reward: "Your time spent working with the power company, keeping the electricity flowing to the city, has earned you the Utility Worker Day Job. Logging out in Terra Volta or in an electrical substation will grant you the ability to actually hit things with your Tier 1 offensive power for a short time after you log back in."

Yes, I'm being facetious. I came up with this Day Job idea after yet another play session on yet another level 20+ character with 2 +ACC enhancements in that first attack power, and watching in frustration as that same power missed over and over and over and over.



So...a +ToHit? Seems like a good idea.

Possible Accolades:

Engineer (w/ Architect): EMP gun: Weak Energy DMG, Chance to stun, extra DMG on machines.

City Contractor (w/ City Official): Small chance for single merit reward drops on mission completion.

Base Repair Specialist (w/ Monitor Duty): Increased Prestige gains in SG Mode.

Prolly some others...

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
So...a +ToHit? Seems like a good idea.
But only to that first power, not to all of them!



not sure where the Rogue Isles power plants are
Cap Au Diable's power plant which runs into Mount Diable.



Originally Posted by Mister Rik View Post
But only to that first power, not to all of them!
If it's only to that one power, that'd make it waaaaay too situational. And what if you didn't take that first power? (BTW, did you try slotting in some yellow enhancements? just one or two SOs can do a lot.)

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
If it's
only to that one power, that'd make it waaaaay too situational.
I know, my original post was meant as a joke on how terribly inaccurate that first power tends to be.

(BTW, did you try slotting in some yellow enhancements? just one or two SOs can do a lot.)
Yes, see the last paragraph of the OP.



But it isn't inaccurate. Slot one lvl 35 ACC IO in each relevant power, pick up a Kismet +6 tohit (if you need a Def power to mule for it, Combat Jumping or Hover are very good choices), and you're good 'till Incarnate levels. As in, literally, let me log your combat for an hour with those in and I will pay you a million inf per miss if you give it back for every ten-in-a-row streak of hits.

In terms of day jobs, the DUST ranger one already offers a tohit bonus. I'd imagine working with electricity would give you a resistance to Endurance drain, though.



After my last post I logged in my level 28 fire/fire scrapper, and paid close attention to Scorch. All of her other powers were hitting consistently; Scorch missed far more often than it hit. I made sure to open with that power as often as possible, and it was just amazing how often it missed. Seriously, it was missing 4 out of 5 times.

Out of curiosity, how do I go about logging this stuff? Because when I'm playing my scrappers, brutes, and blasters, regardless of what power set each has, that first power just seems to miss at a ridiculous rate. It's especially aggravating when it's a character with Dual Blades, who depends on that first power to start combos. +ACC is the first thing I slot into every offensive power on every character, and lately I've started adding a second +ACC at the earliest opportunity.

As far as level 35 +ACC IOs, I only have a handful of characters high-level enough to use those (87 characters, only four or five over level 30 - yeah, hopeless altoholic). I agree, though, that this becomes less of a problem past level 30. I have so many sub-30 characters, and they all seem to suffer the same problem with that first power.

Of course, it doesn't help that the lower-level game seems overloaded with enemies that stack ToHit Debuffs (those CoT demons) or have forcefields (Sky Raiders). Stuff that conveniently stops showing up as soon as my character is high-level enough to be able to counter it. Kind of like the way my scrappers and brutes seem to get their "Resist Toxic" defensive powers right after they outlevel the Vahzilok...

(puts on tinfoil hat)



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Hero Stats.

Run it while you play, it'll log your powers.
Darn, I was hoping it was an in-game function. I play on a Mac, and these 3rd-party utilities are always, unsurprisingly, Windows-only



Sorry there can't be any new day job's one of those things...limits to the system...yeah, that's it...


Then again, maybe the devs are thirsty/hungry for more badger tears?

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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Originally Posted by Mister Rik View Post
After my last post I logged in my level 28 fire/fire scrapper, and paid close attention to Scorch. All of her other powers were hitting consistently; Scorch missed far more often than it hit. I made sure to open with that power as often as possible, and it was just amazing how often it missed. Seriously, it was missing 4 out of 5 times.
That sounds like a problem with your slotting or a weird consequence of your attack chain (like Build Up running out right before you use Scorch). If you check Fire Melee Scorch has the same base accuracy as every other power in the set except for Breath of Fire and Greater Fire Sword.

In fact I'd argue that against some enemy types Scorch should hit more often. It only has Melee and Fire for attack types while most of the other powers have Melee, Fire and either Smashing or Lethal. So if you're fighting a foe with good S/L Defense but poor Fire Defense then Scorch is more accurate (although I can't actually think of any NPCs that would apply to).



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Well, what are you doing using a Mac?
I do have a Windows laptop, but I don't play this game on it. I feel too "cramped" on the small screen. I do, however, use it for the Titan Sentinel utility. I periodically log in all of my characters, one at a time, on the laptop so that Titan Sentinel can update their info over at City Info Tracker. And I use it to log in my secondary accounts so that I can invite my own characters into my own supergroups without involving another player. But actually play on it? Nope.