New player
Welcome to the game! It's double xp weekend, so people might be a little manic right now.
You can try any archetype, but most people find blaster and scrapper to be easy and fun to start with.
You can have one character who is a villain and another character who is a hero. It's also possible to start as a villain or a hero and then switch alignments later, but that's a bit tricky (and probably not available on the free version of the game).
Some archetypes are more solo-friendly than others. A scrapper is a pretty good choice if you are solo. Defender and controller are less solo-friendly, especially if you take a lot of powers which only benefit your teammates and not yourself.
But even in short bursts at odd hours, teaming is still an option. It's a friendly, casual game. It will be easier to find teams on the more populated servers (Virtue, Freedom, Justice... whatever is at the bottom of the server list). The best way to find teams is to ask about global channels in the forum section for whichever server you choose.
Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie
Global @StarGeek original is still the best!
My Hero Merit rolls
Accuracy needed for 95% ToHit spreadsheet
Forum font change stripper for Firefox/Opera/Chrome. No more dealing with poor color choices, weird fonts or microscopic text
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As a first time player, he won't have access to global channels unless he buys a bunch of points.

Clicking on it will open up your Paragon Rewards Tree.

Every $15 worth of point you purchase in the Paragon Market will earn you a Paragon Reward Token, which you then slot into the tree above. In order to drop any given Token into a slot, the Tier below must already be filled. So that in order to place a Token into a Tier 3 slot, Tier 2 will have to be filled. Note: Your very first purchase of Paragon Points will grant you a bonus Token, so even a $5 purchase will get you a Token.
If you can afford it, the $50 option will give you 4600 Points (4000+600 bonus points for buying in bulk) to spend in the Market AND 4 Reward Tokens. (3 for 3*1200 worth of points and your first purchase bonus Token.)
If you hover over each of the slots, they will tell you what perk they will give you in-game.
Notice the thermometer on the right-hand side, as you acquire more Tokens (by purchasing points in the Market) this will increase. Hovering over the gold arrow will show you what you will have access to for filling a particular Tier level.
True. In that case I recommend using the Looking for Group channel. It's available to free players and is a good source of teams.
Oh, and Welcome to the Game Coruno. ^.^
2. If I choose a villian archetype, can I still play as a hero? |
3. I have a full time job and will only be able to play sporadicly, so im gueesing team up wont be a option, is there anything I should think about when I want to solo? |
A good resource for this game is ParagonWiki.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
And just to clarify your question about archetypes - there's not really any such thing as a "hero archetype" or "villain archetype" anymore (except for the respective sides' "Epic" archetype). All ten of the normal archetypes can begin has a hero or villain with no problems, though as a free player, you won't have access to Controller or Mastermind.
I'd recommend something non-squishy to solo with, one of the melee classes (primarily due to their defensive capabilities - they're difficult to damage and nearly impossible to mez). Defender, Corrupter, and Dominator are also relatively solo-friendly (not as much as the melee classes), since the first two have buffs and/or debuffs, while the third has mezzes and eventually pets. Finally, you have Blasters, which are pure offense with almost no mitigation whatsoever.
You can solo with anything, though, so go with whatever sounds the most fun.
General notes about powersets -
Fire sets deal more average damage
Cold is more control (slow/hold) and single target oriented
Dark is more control (fear/other "soft" mez) and -To Hit
Electric likes to minor in endurance drain.
Lethal damage sets like -Defense
Smash tends to -Defense and - Resistance
Psionic tends to slows and odd levels of bein resisted.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
1. As this is my first time is there any recommended archetype?
Personally, I would recommend a scrapper or brute. This will give you good damage output and good survivability, while being relatively simple to play.
2. If I choose a villian archetype, can I still play as a hero?
Yes. You pick your alignment in the tutorial. You can choose any of the 10 basic archetypes and pick hero or villain. (Except as a free player you can't pick Controllers or Masterminds. Both of these types get pets which put a greater load on the game servers so you have to buy access to those.)
3. I have a full time job and will only be able to play sporadicly, so im gueesing team up wont be a option, is there anything I should think about when I want to solo?
Not following you here. Most of us have full time jobs. I certainly do. And I team all the time. I would think the restriction on your teaming would be difficulty in communicating. As a completely new player, you have pretty heavy restrictions on what communication channels are accessible to you. This is done to stop spamming by gold farmers. The more money you put into the game, the better communication you have available since gold farmers rely on free accounts.
Putting just $5 into the game will give you the ability to send private tells to players so you can reply to people who announce they are forming teams. There is a nice listing here on that gives details of the benefits of certain levels of expenditures. That site is a HUGE resource for this game and is created and maintained by players.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Hi, im sorry if I post this in the wrong place. This is my first time ever playing CoH and I have some questions that might seem dumb. 1. As this is my first time is there any recommended archetype? 2. If I choose a villian archetype, can I still play as a hero? 3. I have a full time job and will only be able to play sporadicly, so im gueesing team up wont be a option, is there anything I should think about when I want to solo? Thank you!