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  1. If you have slots left, dont forget to put at least one in health and one in stamina.
  2. AlterMann


    just to clarify (because I discussed this with someone who did not know):

    You need just one of Flurry or Hasten to access Super Speed.
    You need to have 2 Speed Powers to get Whirlwind.

    (This changes when you are long time Vet).
  3. Thanks,
    Ok. I will try to create a character again. I am used to be able to check the availabililty of a name before creation, but I have at least one char on each NA Server. So I never encountered a problem with name checking

    But the Basic Question is:

    It should be possible with a NA Account to create characters on the EU servers?
    (when playing from EU)
  4. I have a NA Account, all of the "old" servers are working fine and without problems.
    But since I am European, I would like to join the EU Servers too (which I can see and select in my server list).

    But I cannot.

    I can begin to create a new character, but I can't "Register".
    Fast way to see the problem is, I cannot "Check Name".

    Is this a known effect? Any Ideas?

  5. I was able to apply the "Euro Animal Pack" to my US Account without any problems.
    (Except maybe that it was credited in Euro for 8,99 , and that the exchange rate is quite bad...)
  6. If you want to see, who is where, you can add additional information to your ingame-map, especially you can add names.
    If this helps keeping the map "readable", I am not sure.
  7. here you find a overlook over the contacts in Imperial City:

    You normally have to be referred to a contact. So you should not need to "search" for a contact.

    The last mission you mentioned was the Invention Tutorial, which is seperate and uses own contacts. It is independent from all the other contacts.

    So, to maybe analyse your problem:
    Do you have open missions?
    What contacts do you have as "inactive" (without Invention)?

    And, as I said, do you have talked to the people you already know? In person?

    I found this out myself the hard way after not knowing any further contacts and after asking other players
  8. to find your location use the command /loc

    And: Some of the new contacts want to be talked to twice. So maybe visit them in person again.

    And here is a useful link, where you find lots and lots of information:
    (in this case about how to interpret the /loc command)

    Hope this helps

    And to answer this:
    Another question regarding the game,
    Is there any other way to level instead of killing mobs you see around cities, and doing missions? Like instances? If so, how do I enter them?
    When I interpret this with a bit of WoW Knowledge:
    Missions in CoH/V/GR are (mostly) instanced, so they are like small instances.
    The closest to the "big" instances are task forces (H) or strike forces (V). a sting of missions with a more or less epic storyline in it. Normally with the big enemy at the end. You need teams for most of them.

    You can find all that kind of information in the wiki I linked to.....
  9. you have 50-50 chance at level 10 to get Atlas Park or Kings Row.
    At 11 you get Kings Row.

    You may want to look here for infos:

    well or for heroes more this:

  10. AlterMann


    I really have to remember to use my links (showing to the new webpage) and not to use Mr Google... the link I used was returned as first hit.

    sidenote: maybe we should link the new side on some webpages to give it a better google ranking?
  11. AlterMann


    But if you are on a trial account, you may want to check this for restrictions:
  12. AlterMann

    Help with login

    Option 1:
    There was a patch, and you are applying it.

    That is a 2 stop process:
    First download the actual data (some MB),
    second apply it against the installation (thats the 2,8 GB).

    Option 2:
    If CoH finds it was not able to shut down itself, but is forced to stop (be it a crash, power loss or something), it normally verifys the installation (again the 2.8 GB).

    So it should be over very soon (depending on your hard disk and computer speed).
  13. Actually I would guess that the advanced players would play in the beginners zone to get easy kills.

    What I would really like is that all restrictions can be opted out for arena matches. That is a fair environment where boths sides should be able to agree to whatever rules they are happy with (if technically possible).
  14. With running Vista 32-bit (guess), I would try to upgrade physical RAM to 4 GB.
    With all MMORPGs it is simply good, to have as much cached information in RAM as possible.

    I got myself Vista 64-Bit to be able to use 8 GB, and CoH is running smooth. After installing Service Pack 2 of course :-), before upgrading to that I had the Nvidia-dll-Error.
  15. Since I guess your network adapters are onboard (the mainboard), you may have to check the Asus webpage.

    But first try, if maybe everything already runs smooth with Service Pack 2.
  16. Vista SP1: You really, really should get SP2.

    It helps a lot with video stability, I had the same FX errors with SP1, went away completly with SP2.

    I had problems with the network connectivity too, was a problem with the network drivers. I had to upgrade them, because the autosensing was causing problems with small hickups.

  17. You were forced to PvE???

    But... You do not need to PvE. Skip Outbreak and go directly to the arena. And then Have fun.

    Hm. Ok. The run to the arena counts as PvE. But thats like the PvP contacts you need to visit while pursuing PvE missions.

  18. This would be forced PvP.

    Why would you do this?
    To not only lure "non PvP'lers" into the zones (like it is today with added xp, temp powers, badges etc.) but even _force_ people who do not like PvP to encounter it?

    Please keep PvP to the people who are willing to PvP.

    Actually I even do not like the idea of "baiting non-PvP" people into the zones, but at least that is the choice of the individual player.

    So: I say "No" to your idea.

    PvP is and should always be only an option.

    If you want it other way, choose another game. Shadowbane comes to mind.
  19. Is it true that Mastercard will not be accepted as valid credit card for getting the GvE stuff?

    (but is accepted as valid credit card for subscription?)

    Because if yes, I will not be able to get all the fine new shiney things :-(
  20. AlterMann

    Two things...

    If you are standing still.. it will not help. You are right.

    If you are moving. You will be a few (100) yards out of melee range when the AS resolves. So the Brawl can never connect.
  21. AlterMann

    Two things...

    For PvE:

    This will help a lot. For me: When my Ice Tanker get hit by a lucky alpha, he will not die, but go into Hibernate (when my reactions are fast enough...). So I have a chance.

    For PvP:

    It will help with the "AS at range" effect you get when you move near a Stalker.

    They like to tell you, that you just have to keep moving to avoid being AS'ed, which does not really help when you do not break LOS.
    Now keeping moving finally helps (a bit).
    The AS is initiated in the moment you are near... it will connect some time later. But when you are moving you will not easily be hit a second time (except with ranged Stalker attacks like Throw Spines or Focus or such, but thats okey.) So you can react with Respites or the like.

    Sounds interesting.
  22. [ QUOTE ]


    What they will be doing is making certain content only available for those who PvP, that includes PvE missions set in PvP zones which are completely opitional. Remember that the devs need to draw people into PvP who won't normally try it so no matter how you cut it the people who don't want to do PvP will be missing some significant PvE content.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I just really really hope the devs do not go this way. This is a forced mix of PvP Hardcore players (who not are really interested in the PvE content) and the PvE fans, who just do forced PvP then to experience the added content.

    This solution would be a very bad design decision in my book.

    Do not try to "lure" people not interested in PvP into it. Make it fun, make it fair, reduce griefing opportunities, but not try to "lure" the "explorers", "achievers", "socializers" into "killer" territory.
  23. I think the 25 pound more would be for purchasing a "Euro" version of this game (around $50) to be able to enter the european servers.

    For me, I wil not buy another version of the game, and then (if I want to keep my characters I have right now on the US servers) even have to pay monthly fee for both accounts... !
  24. Since my first post got lost somehow... how by the way?

    I am a german player playing CoH on the US servers right now.

    Is it correct, that I will not be able to join european servers without buying another version? Or without losing access to the US servers (account transfer maybe)?

    Please advice...