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  1. _Klaw_


    No they haven't commited to it in case some serious bugs show up.
  2. I think we should all thank Zwil for a job well done.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sureshot_Liberty View Post
    I have a similar situation, except that it's only on one server (Protector). If I try to enter the game with a locked character, though, it prompts me to use a character slot unlock.
    We only get 12 slots per server as standard but you should have been given a number of slot unlocks equal to the number you had before i21.

    To the op: we got that on beta when they switched us from premiums to vip's. Logging in to each character removed the display for that character only.
  4. I'm glad they implemented it (and other store items) because I only want to do the sewer trial from now on to level so I will be missing all the mayhem temps. It also frees up a slot for zone tp.
  5. Squeeeeee.
    My favourite comic series back in 93 or 94 . Issue 1 had a glow in the dark cover.
  6. _Klaw_

    Reward Tokens?

    Zwil and Posi said they will allow the multi-month sub points to reward soon™.
    I did use fake money to get them in beta but I won't be doing the same with real money.
  7. Yes.
    And for the first week ONLY, you'll be able to get:

    6 Character Transfers for 480 Paragon Points or $6! (one time purchase)
  8. _Klaw_

    Beam Rifle/what?

    Another br/rad here they go together really well. BR has awesome burst damage but it's recharge is shockingly low.
  9. The devs were intending to allow us to play while it was downloading. ie the costume creator would be down first then the tutorial and then the maps in level order but they didn't get it implemented in time.
  10. I had my ds/time bumped to 50 on beta (for an afternoon until they deleted it) and I enjoyed locking down all the mobs immensely .
  11. Aha I reset my nc account password first and that did nothing. I guess it does make more sense that the coh password should be reset.
  12. My passwords were the same before but now I'm in because I changed both passwords to a new (same) password.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Brev__NA View Post
    Although we can't access the servers yet,
    There is QA testing going on. Don't Panic!
  14. Would be great if there was something on the launcher so I didn't have to look up the website (or forget to and go through the process of logging in then get the long delay followed by "servers may be offline" message).
  15. This thread might interest you.

    Note:Just read it don't necro post or gm's get cross.
  16. 3 to 4 astrals? You made me spill my drink!

    Of course it would be nice to have but the devs did put a limit on the number of drops per day per person and I expect they want to keep them rare and hard to get.
  17. So you won't be taking part in the "1st person to level to 50 on the new server" race then.
  18. No you don't need to claim them they will appear in your email account rewards tab.

    This will mean that your email button will be red all the time :<.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Passing through Atlas Park on Freedom just now:

    [Broadcast] Player 1: any 50s up for ticket farm
    [Broadcast] Player 2: lvl 24 lf 54/8 priv farm. 19 mil
    [Broadcast] Player 3: lvl 1 lff*
    [Broadcast] Player 4: looking for free farm
    [Broadcast] Player 2 again: lvl 24 lf private farm
    [Broadcast] Player 1 again: any 50s up for ticket farm
    [Broadcast] Player 5: looking to join a team
    [Broadcast] Player 6: +4/8 lf 1 more, 10 MPR, only taking 4 lowbies
    [Broadcast] Player 4 again: looking for free farm
    [Broadcast] Player 4 again: looking for free farm

    Has it always been this bad?
    No it didn't used to be anywhere near as bad as that.
    It used to be 2 MPR.
  20. ArkShip? Are they going somewhere? Do they know something we don't?
  21. The standard green button all MM's are given will stop this (follow passive). Keep it in your tray somewhere a little out of the way (I have it on 0). Also you can have them attack a remaining foe if there are any left hanging around.
  22. _Klaw_

    Bodyguard mode?

    Note that if the foes start attacking your pets then bg mode has no effect. Unless you are a tankermind and have well slotted Provoke the best thing to do (imho) is to use bg mode for the alpha strike and then switch to attack defensive to finish off the mob (and keep your pets together). Once the mob is all down the pets will automatically switch back to bg mode.
  23. I suggest petitioning this. It's going to happen more and more and the devs need to either remove the notification and warn everyone who starts in Praetoria or award the unlock.