More MMOs need to have a combat system like this game.




The combat system in CoH is probably my single least favorite aspect, actually.

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Why is that?

I like the simplicity, yet mentally engaging aspect of it (moreso for some powersets than others)

The only issues i have with it are really just individual powers.



Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
Why is that?

I like the simplicity, yet mentally engaging aspect of it (moreso for some powersets than others)

The only issues i have with it are really just individual powers.
A few things:

First, it's tab-to-target, and any such combat system will always be second tier at best in my reckoning. I much prefer reticule targeting, but have always been willing to tolerate tab-to-target in MMOs in order to get all of that genre's advantages. But reticule targeting is possible in MMOs, so my ideal MMO combat system will incorporate it.

Second, AoE attacks became overpowered (particularly after the Incarnate system introduced Judgement), with the effect of making group combat fast but not very challenging. Sprint frantically from one spawn to the next, crush them with one salvo of overpowered AoEs,spike the reeling boss with single-target alphas...rinse, repeat. Yawn.

Third: rooting. I realize that's a basic engine issue, but it's one that impinged on the combat system in a major way. After playing multiple games without it, it's really hard to go back.

Button proliferation got a bit silly, too...but I don't really mind all that much. Being able to precisely configure the UI makes it tolerable (especially since even complex characters only use a portion of their abilities in pitched combat.

I don't hate it,'s just not one of the things I love about the game.

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



You mean mindless, skill-less button mashing, suppressed travel powers during combat and a built-in targeting cheat called the TAB key?

Combat was moronically over-simplified in this game.



Honestly, I prefer tab targeting as it gives a lot more laxed gameplay which allows me to RP easier. Which I know is a secondary point to the game, but you know, **** you guys. After seeing so many MMOs either make it nearly impossible to type while fighting, or just getting rid of chat bubbles (or entire systems) altogether, CoH was the ******* holy grail.

Tab targeting aside I still didn't like the combat. It was always a second string activity and just used it as a vehicle for RP.

I've never seen a game so adamant at ruining the feeling that it was supposed to portray. Both the stamina gauge and lengthy cooldown for powers did everything they could to make you feel unsuper as possible.

I mean, I've never seen Superman have to stop mid fight to let his blue bar recharge.

Or the flash punch someone and then stand there for a couple seconds going "wait, my punch is recharging"



Pretty much agree with all the replies. The combat mechanic is the one thing that really shows CoHs age and has been vastly improved in more recent games.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



I dont know this combat system feels kind of slow and clunky especially when compared to CO.

Fight wait for powers to recharge fight a little more, hit, miss miss miss hit miss miss (all while having supposedly 95% chance to hit), wait for end, fight some more, miss miss miss, hit hit, miss, hit, miss, miss, miss, recharge or (rest at low levels). Repeat. I thought it was decent fight system until actually trying out other games and CO and then trying to come back and realize it's "old fashioned" and slow. It's more like playing slot machine than actual fighting.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Still one thing COH scores over CO is that at least the top and bottom halves of your character are animated properly, rather than looking as if they belong to two different people and just happened to be joined at the waist.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



To throw CoH a bone though, the slow pace of powers certainly made them feel...meaty. Like they actually had force behind them.

Neither CO or DCUO's quick based combat feels like you're actually hitting the enemy, just whittling down their HP bar.

Somewhere there's a compromise. Either CoH's stamina bar and cool downs needed to be minimized to the point where they don't interfere with pacing, or CO/DCUO's power effects need to be reworked to where they feel like theyre actually hitting the targets.



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
Still one thing COH scores over CO is that at least the top and bottom halves of your character are animated properly, rather than looking as if they belong to two different people and just happened to be joined at the waist.
hmm never noticed that in CO, then again I play mostly melee and it seems the whole body moves more fluid, in sync, wit hthe moves. Not sure about range animations though. but I noticed the obvious waist line in COX. The animation for CO seems smoother, albeit comic drawing like, while COX look like dated computer game, but plays ok. But art style to me, is one of things that dont matter much because if it did, neither Cox nor CO would be anywhere on the list of games I would look twice at for that department of realism.

And also again I only played melee but in CO feels like I'm hitting something, punching something, cutting something. COX not so much on the punches, which is actaully more comical than CO version, but TW in COX does feel like it has more weight, but the rest of the melee CO seems to feel more solid like it's hitting something. But dont seem like CO have ragdoll effect but COX sometimes have too much ragdoll effect to comical levels. CO feel good enough like you are hitting something solid while COX just seem to slow down the pacing for no other reason to just slow down the pacing but with not much of a solid feel to it outside a few powersets.

Overall, CO doesnt take itself serious. COX tried to take itself too serious but have more comical animations/story/characters in many cases than the obvious comic CO, which then comes off as odd.

But the most important thing I like about CO system over COX system is that I'm having actual fun not whiffing constantly even with a supposed 95% chance of hitting. I hate gambling worse than I hate watching golf, and I rather blow every single tv in my house than watch golf for 5 mins. and will feel like I havent wasted a dime given the choice between the two. And when I played COX it felt just like that. Everything is chance, chance for crits, chance for hits, chance for usuabe stuff to drop, chance chance chance. For drops, it wasnt so annoying but in fighting, how many times have anyone ever seen a super hero like Batman or Superman constantly whiff in a row? It doesnt happen, but that old fashioned element was there in that game and as often as I missed, if a doctor said I had a 95% chance of living and I died as often as I missed in COH with 95% chance, then more than likely anyone would say either that doc over estimated the chances or straight lied. That's how I felt missing so much in that game. Yet in CO, dont have to worry about it and I can actually have true fun, fun that is point of playing a game. COX just been turning into a more and more into a grinfest chore as time went on. Might as been playing WoW in a couple of issues.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
hmm never noticed that in CO, then again I play mostly melee and it seems the whole body moves more fluid, in sync, wit hthe moves. Not sure about range animations though. but I noticed the obvious waist line in COX. The animation for CO seems smoother, albeit comic drawing like, while COX look like dated computer game, but plays ok. But art style to me, is one of things that dont matter much because if it did, neither Cox nor CO would be anywhere on the list of games I would look twice at for that department of realism.

And also again I only played melee but in CO feels like I'm hitting something, punching something, cutting something. COX not so much on the punches, which is actaully more comical than CO version, but TW in COX does feel like it has more weight, but the rest of the melee CO seems to feel more solid like it's hitting something. But dont seem like CO have ragdoll effect but COX sometimes have too much ragdoll effect to comical levels. CO feel good enough like you are hitting something solid while COX just seem to slow down the pacing for no other reason to just slow down the pacing but with not much of a solid feel to it outside a few powersets.

Overall, CO doesnt take itself serious. COX tried to take itself too serious but have more comical animations/story/characters in many cases than the obvious comic CO, which then comes off as odd.
There are two scenarios where it's especially noticable; one if you're firing a ranged energy builder whilst hovering. Your legs don't move at all whilst everything above the waist is fully animated. The other scenario is running along the ground and getting hit by a ranged projectile. Your legs continue to run, but your top half reacts to the hit. Looks really odd.

I agree with you about the "taking itself seriously" thing too and actually that's one of the other things why CO put me off. It's almost like you're playing a SuperHero Parody, rather than a super hero game. CoH felt "grittier" with moments of humour, whereas CO just feels like one pie-in-the-face after another.

Still.. I'm aware I'm turning this into a "CO vs COH Thread", which it obviously isn't.

We return you to your scheduled programming..

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



I really used to enjoy the combat mechanics pre-travel suppression. Aerial combat while flying, jousting, kiting, running while attacking, etc.......these were very unique models for many years. When COH devs decided to enforce rooted combat, the game lost the only part of combat I actually enjoyed. Thereafter, it just became a Napoleonic infantry formation affair....stupid and mindless for any ranged combatant. I switched to melee thereafter.



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
There are two scenarios where it's especially noticable; one if you're firing a ranged energy builder whilst hovering. Your legs don't move at all whilst everything above the waist is fully animated. The other scenario is running along the ground and getting hit by a ranged projectile. Your legs continue to run, but your top half reacts to the hit. Looks really odd.

I agree with you about the "taking itself seriously" thing too and actually that's one of the other things why CO put me off. It's almost like you're playing a SuperHero Parody, rather than a super hero game. CoH felt "grittier" with moments of humour, whereas CO just feels like one pie-in-the-face after another.

But like I said not sure how it looks on range but that running thing, I seen that too when you get knockedup while moving usually.
Still.. I'm aware I'm turning this into a "CO vs COH Thread", which it obviously isn't.

We return you to your scheduled programming..
yeah. Not trying to convince anyone of anything by the way. I just found what works for me. And probably should of long time ago.

Not really grittier more like that person that takes themselves too serious and you cant do nothing but laugh at them while shaking your head. Like someone dressing up as hero and actaully believing they have super powers and hopping off the roof taking themself too serious kind of thing. Just to a point where you are not sure to shake ya head in pity of laugh at them. Compared to CO where it seem to embrace what it is instead of trying to hide behind a mask that isnt hiding anything but still believing it does.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
I really used to enjoy the combat mechanics pre-travel suppression. Aerial combat while flying, jousting, kiting, running while attacking, etc.......these were very unique models for many years. When COH devs decided to enforce rooted combat, the game lost the only part of combat I actually enjoyed. Thereafter, it just became a Napoleonic infantry formation affair....stupid and mindless for any ranged combatant. I switched to melee thereafter.
yeah it was better and more fluid then.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



I definitely agree with the feeling of "meatier" attacks in CoX. TW in particular feels like im smacking people around the room with a big bulky weapon. I havent tried two handers in CO yet, but in general i dont feel like my CO chars hit as hard, even though they are significantly more powerful at lower levels. I feel like CoX really found a sweet spot with the "screen vibrate" thing.

@Ashen Fury
Ashen Fury - KM/EA Scrapper
Erika Tempest - Ice/EM Tanker
Scion of Restoration - Emp/Sonic Defender



City of Villains is great and all.... but I wouldn't say that the combat system is all that great...



Actually I probably left this game years ago if it wasn't for the TAB targeting and button mashing. I was never good at twitch style gameplay with a controller, my thumbs don't work well with analog sticks when it comes to targeting. As for cooldown/recharge, that was a new gaming concept for me in 2004 but it made sense as one way to both balance powers and to give the player something to enhance since enhancements in our abilities were neither skill point, stat or equipment based.

I do understand that for melee characters the idea of running out of "mana" is a new concept but as a long time player of Diablo II it was easy enough to adapt.

And wouldn't it be easier to button mash in a game where powers didn't have a cooldown/recharge time beyond it's animation time?

As for rooting, I grant you that needing to stop to buff yourself was annoying. As for travel suppression, well that was necessary since Arena PvP showed early on that on inside maps Superspeeders were nearly untouchable as they joust you while flyers got stuck with the -25% to hit with Fly.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
Honestly, I prefer tab targeting as it gives a lot more laxed gameplay which allows me to RP easier. Which I know is a secondary point to the game, but you know, **** you guys. After seeing so many MMOs either make it nearly impossible to type while fighting, or just getting rid of chat bubbles (or entire systems) altogether, CoH was the ******* holy grail.
I have to disagree...and I'm definitely an "if I'm logged on, I'm in-character" roleplayer. As I go into a bit more in a post in the "where CoH went wrong" thread, several things about the combat in this game ended up encouraging a frantic, steamroller style of combat. Even the roleplayers I pretty much always teamed with fell victim to this, too. For the sort of RP'er who tended to just hang out in social hubs, no big deal, but for "RP on the fly" types like me (and you, it seems), stopping to type out some dialogue or a pose meant being at least one combat behind, scrambling frantically to catch up. Tab targeting may not have been a contributor to that (although I think that's open to argument), but it sure didn't prevent it.

As a contrast, there was usually plenty of time for on-the-fly RP in Fallen Earth (which was my Holy Grail: an MMO with reticule targeting combat). This was in no small part because the combat was simply more dangerous than it is in CoH. Unless you were cherrypicking in a lower-level zone or on a full-size, very good team, steamrolling just didn't happen. Because actual patient tactics like taking cover and breaking line-of-sight work with real targeting, there was often even time to get a few quips and comments in in PvP. Try that in a tab targeting game!

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Originally Posted by Father Xmas

As for rooting, I grant you that needing to stop to buff yourself was annoying. As for travel suppression, well that was necessary since Arena PvP showed early on that on inside maps Superspeeders were nearly untouchable as they joust you while flyers got stuck with the -25% to hit with Fly.
PvP in this game was always unbalanced or broken in one way or another. Each "fix" just broke it further until i13 killed it for good.

Suppressed travel was never needed in PvE. Just a stupid move on the part of the Dev team IMO.



No no no.

The system is just plain terrible, IMO.

I'd have preferred a system more akin to TERA's combat (yeah i went there), but now we'll never get it.

Sure I could always just play TERA, but it's not the same.

The entirety of TERA is worse, far worse than I want to deal with.

Save City of Heroes!



Originally Posted by Dollhouse View Post
I have to disagree...and I'm definitely an "if I'm logged on, I'm in-character" roleplayer. As I go into a bit more in a post in the "where CoH went wrong" thread, several things about the combat in this game ended up encouraging a frantic, steamroller style of combat. Even the roleplayers I pretty much always teamed with fell victim to this, too. For the sort of RP'er who tended to just hang out in social hubs, no big deal, but for "RP on the fly" types like me (and you, it seems), stopping to type out some dialogue or a pose meant being at least one combat behind, scrambling frantically to catch up. Tab targeting may not have been a contributor to that (although I think that's open to argument), but it sure didn't prevent it.

As a contrast, there was usually plenty of time for on-the-fly RP in Fallen Earth (which was my Holy Grail: an MMO with reticule targeting combat). This was in no small part because the combat was simply more dangerous than it is in CoH. Unless you were cherrypicking in a lower-level zone or on a full-size, very good team, steamrolling just didn't happen. Because actual patient tactics like taking cover and breaking line-of-sight work with real targeting, there was often even time to get a few quips and comments in in PvP. Try that in a tab targeting game!

Well yeah, and a lot of what you are talking about is incarnate stuff like Judgement and Destiny. Which broke the slowerpaced flow of combat completely. And are not entirely part of the system.



I'd say that it more has to do with what they let you fight /with/ than how you fight. Although we were getting some fun new mechanics like momentum, the rest of it showed pretty clearly that the combat system was made around/slightly before the WoW Era. But, gawd, you could fight as virtually anything you wanted. Gajillions of powersets with more customization than any other game I've heard of.
You can change your blasts between six different colors, CO? That's nice. I can made radioactive blasts look like water. Or fire look like sand. Or my bio-armor look like tree bark, growths or just take away the icky parts entirely. And have a pretty, if not entirely extensive group of animations to choose from on either (of the first two).



Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
I really used to enjoy the combat mechanics pre-travel suppression. Aerial combat while flying, jousting, kiting, running while attacking, etc.......these were very unique models for many years. When COH devs decided to enforce rooted combat, the game lost the only part of combat I actually enjoyed. Thereafter, it just became a Napoleonic infantry formation affair....stupid and mindless for any ranged combatant. I switched to melee thereafter.
Aerial fighting before suppression was very... ineffective. It used to be flying gave you a massive -acc, while no other travel power did. Then they gave all the travel powers -acc, but people complained because they forgot to turn them off. Then they got rid of that and switched it to supression. Honestly, I never really bought the explanations for any of it. Supposedly the original -acc in fly as supposed to combat hover sniping? or to give hover a real purpose? and then the whole jousting thing, which is still ery easy to do with suppression....

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
PvP in this game was always unbalanced or broken in one way or another. Each "fix" just broke it further until i13 killed it for good.

Suppressed travel was never needed in PvE. Just a stupid move on the part of the Dev team IMO.
Other than the old mantra "Risk Vs Reward". That was the logic behind the old Fly penalty. No queueing up an attack and fly by your target while spending most of your time out of range. Arena showed the unfairness of that with Super Speeders and after an attempt to add the accuracy penalty to all primary travel powers they shifted it to suppression.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet