



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No one did.
I did. You're wrong... again.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No one did.
I wanted to... and then, after they got updated, I did! I only wish they had Shields and Super Strength.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I wanted to... and then, after they got updated, I did! I only wish they had Shields and Super Strength.
I was pushing for Super Strength for Scrappers/Stalkers, a modified Ninjitsu for Tankers/Scrappers/Brutes, Ice Armor for Brutes/Scrappers, and slightly modified Shield Defense for Stalkers. Some of the discussions were brief, some were more in depth. In the discussions, the main indicator I saw for these power sets not being proliferated was just plain old lack of time - like everything else.



Sounded like the plan for Scrapper Super Strength/Rage was not going to be reduced in any way.



Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
I was pushing for Super Strength for Scrappers/Stalkers, a modified Ninjitsu for Tankers/Scrappers/Brutes, Ice Armor for Brutes/Scrappers, and slightly modified Shield Defense for Stalkers. Some of the discussions were brief, some were more in depth. In the discussions, the main indicator I saw for these power sets not being proliferated was just plain old lack of time - like everything else.
Yeah, Ninjitsu for Tanks was another thing I was continually waiting for. Alas...

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I did. You're wrong... again.
Me, previously indicated in my first response in this thread. I loved Stalkers from the start...and they grew to be the only real rival to Defenders for the (dubious) honor of being my favorite AT.

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
To my fellow Scrappers,
I love you all!

Critically yours,
- bAss_ackwards
Serenity Dark thanks you and returns your fondness (for punching bad guys in the face) as well.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
There are only 2 ATs in CoH - Scrappers, and Scrapper Support.
Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
Scrappers need support?
What GG meant to say was: There are two ATs in CoH.. Scrappers, and those who watch scrappers.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
What GG meant to say was: There are two ATs in CoH.. Scrappers, and those who watch scrappers.
Watching Scrappers is an enjoyable pastime. I particularly enjoy watching them run off and faceplant in their own hubris. That never gets old.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
Scrappers need support?
They don't need it but SB/FS and some other buffs don't hurt.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



I should post this again, just because I can. And it's about a Scrapper.

I love scrappers. My very first character in the game was a scrapper. My main Cyberman 8 is a scrapper. I've played most of the primary and secondary powersets.

But - I had this moment of insanity. And I made a Fire/Fire Scrapper named Burning Sensation.

We join our team in the middle of Task Force Synapse (All Clockwork! All the Time! Babbage! Clockwork King! Whee!).

And... Acyl as "Catchphrase" was on a ROLL that night!

[Team] Burning Sensation.: OW OW OW OW
[Team] Catchphrase: Someone's in pain from a burning sensation.
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Things go better with Burning Sensation]
[The Legendary]Atlantea: WOOO!!! Burning Sensation now has STAMINA!!!! (Speaking of burning around the track going "POWEEEEER!!"" ^_^))
[The Legendary]Acyl: So the burning sensation now lasts longer.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: POWWWWER!!!!
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: OH it's so wrong! *snrk*
[The Legendary]Sweno: [she is now the burning sensation that doesn't let up?]

(Burning Sensation is a /fire scrapper, with Super Speed as a travel power. Valles put thermal shields on her.)
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Man, With all her effects going, Burning is almsot like a lightcycle. ^_^
[Team] Catchphrase: (It's very easy to tell when you have a burning sensation.)
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Especially easy to tell when a Burning Sensation is passing through. ))
[Team] Catchphrase: (If there's bits of red mixed in with your yellow when you go to make long streaks, and there's a burning sensation...)
[Team] Gamma Emission: [ooh, that's bad]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((oooow....))
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: (OMW))
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [It's hard enough to go without a Burning Sensation!]
[Team] Catchphrase: (No, if there's a burning sensation -when- hard, then there's a problem.)
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((FALLS OVER...))
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensatin! IT's the real thing, baby!
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((You REALIZE... don't you, that you're going to make it impossible for me to fight, I'm laughing so hard... :P
[Team] Catchphrase: (There's nothing funny about a burning sensation. =( )
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensation! It's the Right one, baby! Unh-hunh!]
[Team] Catchphrase: (Or are you saying you can't fight because there's a burning sensation? =P )
[Team] Catchphrase: (Please ask your physician if combat is right for you. =( )
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((---- Is utterly broken now....))
[Team] Catchphrase: (Honestly, you need to realise...)
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((I think it's going to be required... :P))
[Team] Catchphrase: (Atlant's toon is Burning Sensation. With a period.)
[Team] Catchphrase: (So it's a very bad time to have a burning sensation. =( )
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burnung Sensation. It's everywhere you want to be.]
[Team] Catchphrase: (Well, that and, y'know, the fact it's 'Burning Sensation.'...
[Team] Catchphrase: (Means that more than one person on Virtue has a burning sensation.)
[Team] Themaria Dist: [...ohgod ACYL YOU UTTER ******* *******! ^_^]
[Team] Themaria Dist: [AAAGH.]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: (( O_O... Honestly... I had NO idea that joke would go so very far...))
[Team] Themaria Dist: [*. joke just penetrated*]
[Team] Themaria Dist: [...]
[Team] Themaria Dist: []
[Team] Themaria Dist: [NOT LIKE THAT.]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((SHATTERS))
[Team] Catchphrase: (o/`)


(Burning Sensation died, then ding-rezzed)

[Team] Gamma Emission: [badly split]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((WAit for it. I'm about to level anyway.))
[Team] Themaria Dist: [Without the UBERSTUN, yeah.]
[Team] Catchphrase: (So the burning sensation killed us all?)
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: Woohoo! Comeon you clanks!
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensation: The choice of a new generation]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Well the Burning Sensation has been killed...))
[Team] Catchphrase: ('s only temporary relief.)
[Team] Catchphrase: (See? =( )
[Team] Catchphrase: (The burning sensation is back.)
[Team] Gamma Emission: [and it's back, stronger than before]
[Team] Gamma Emission: [that's what you get for not completing your antibotics regimine ]
[Team] Catchphrase: (Nah, the exposure just made it stronger.)
(Boss Fight: Long Tom)
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: Boss
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((PLEASE tell me someone is getting this chat for posterity. Err.....))
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: Oh! American Slang! Dope! Def! Keen!
[Team] Catchphrase: So the Clockwork King's 'long tom' now has a burning sensation.
[Team] Catchphrase: *nods soberly*
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Er.. DAMN YOU ACYL... Now I can't even say posterity without laughing... ))
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: Think that up all by yourself, Catch?
[Team] Catchphrase: I have a very talented writing staff.
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: You're paying them too much.


(Fox likes classic advertising slogans)

[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Oh man, I'm having too mcu hfun repurposing OTHER ads atm]
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensation. I'm lovin' it]
[Team] Catchphrase: (Burning Sensation, it's finger lickin' good.)
[Team] Catchphrase: (And if we're still on fast food... Burning Sensation: Have it your way!)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: ["Have gun will travel" reads teh card of a man?]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((STAMINA! FULLY SLOTTED!!! YES!!!)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensation. IT keeps going and going and going...]
[Team] Gamma Emission: [the burning sensation will last forever]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Damn your eyes, I'm getting high on the oxygen debt...))
[Team] Themaria Dist: [A burning sensation in your chest?]
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: ((Could be in worse places))
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning sensation! From Wham-o!]
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: hows the TF going?
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Swimmingly
[The Legendary]valles: It's a sensation! We're ON FIRE!
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: how long ago did you start?
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: At school crossings...
[The Legendary]valles: Who cares? BURRRRN!
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Please go slow...
[The Legendary]Acyl: Well, we have a thermal controller on our team, so yes, we are on fire.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: let the little Shavers grow!
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Burning Sensation.
[The Legendary]Acyl: We all have a burning sensation.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: ......
[The Legendary]Acyl: So don't go too fast, if you please. It might get worse.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Yes athe 1952 Burning Sensation! It's LONG and LOW and LOVELY!
[The Legendary]valles: Remember to watch your dietary fiber intake.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: LOL
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: If I had my druthers, I'd rather have a Burning Sensation!
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: ........
[The Legendary]valles: ^_^
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: This is almost like a Liquidator Episode of Darkwing Duck
[The Legendary]Atlantea: ((Oh that's not EVEN as bad as it's been all evening. I had NO IDEA that joke would go so far. ^_^ :P ))
[The Legendary]valles: Potty humor. You really should've.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: Point.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: wait... you've been makeing even worse jokes 0.0?
[The Legendary]Atlantea: Amazingly - yes.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Even better, we've been using old advertising slogans and making some REALLLY weird results
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: ....... i can't belive that
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Burning Sensation. "It's the real thing!"
[The Legendary]valles: Burning sensations make holes in teeth?
[The Legendary]valles: Oh god.
[The Legendary]valles: Burning sensation: Obey your thirst.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: ......
[The Legendary]Atlantea: LOL
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: Ow.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: WTF? O.O
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Soft Drink slogans here in the states
[The Legendary]Acyl: Burning Sensation: Tastes Great! Less filling!
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Burning Sensation: So round, so firm, so fully packed! So EASY on the SDRAW!
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: *twich* i thinks it's a good idae i didn't go on this TF, my mind would of broke
[The Legendary]valles: ...You win, fox. My brain, it is afire.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: Mine certainly is...
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: I know more old jingles. And in some cases even what the jingle was FOR!
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: Fox, he iz in your brans, breaking thems
[The Legendary]Acyl: Fox gives you head, and then a burning sensation.
[The Legendary]valles: He uses burning bombs wisely.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Ceiling Fox watches you cogitate.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: .... Acyl..... did you think before writeing that
[The Legendary]Acyl: I used my head.
[The Legendary]valles: Do you really want to know the answer to that, DS?
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: He's got ME laughing now
[The Legendary]valles: *is only smiling*
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: my brain, it is broke
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: See, I can take the ribbing here. I know folks don;t mean much harm
[The Legendary]valles: Bleach?
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: I'll take a leek spin Orihime, thanks
[The Legendary]Acyl: No, bleach won't stop the burning sensation. =(
[The Legendary]Atlantea: LOL
[The Legendary]Acyl: Seek proper medical treatment.
[The Legendary]valles: Well, bleach is a base, which should cancel out the acidic burning.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: yeah, i doubt i could of survived the TF uncathed
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: *unscathed
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Yeshua, son of Joseph ri--- Yeshua, son of Joseph... at peace.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: Ah. So we are Task Force Cyclone.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: The Cyclone has a Burning Sensation within it.
[The Legendary]valles: As opposed to Task Force Volcano?
[The Legendary]Acyl: Tonight! A hurricane! TOUCH ME a hurricane! Fill me a hurricane! Give me burning sensa---oh wait no.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: *head desk*
[The Legendary]Atlantea: *Starts humming a particular Johnny Cash tune*
[The Legendary]valles: Task Foce La Brea?
(Terrence returns from AFK)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (Back BTW )
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Yay!)
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Did he miss all the jokes BTW?))
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Me thinks so]
[Team] Catchphrase: ('s ok we can spread the burning sensation.)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burining Sensation: A little Dab will do ya]
[Team] Terrence Knight: (..I've read the chat log some)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (My brain is currently being clensed in A Vat of Acid)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (Melt away the Burning sensation)
[Team] Themaria Dist: [Oh, that'll produce a -real- intense burning sensation.]
[Team] Terrence Knight: (And with anyluck My brain will shrivel and die so I can get a new one)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (or at least become Desensitized to burning sensations)
[Team] Gamma Emission: [you can do that?]
[Team] Catchphrase: (If you ignore the burning sensation long enough, it'll probably fall off. =( )
[Team] Terrence Knight: (well..its only my brain. I'm not useing it)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (I'm back and I haz Empowerment buffs to reinforce meh..! lol)
[Team] Catchphrase: (Are Themaria's thermal shields not enough for you?)
[Team] Catchphrase: (You want something more than the burning sensation? =( )
[Team] Terrence Knight: (Yes...I want endurance drain resistance)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (and increased recharge rate. And increased Runspeed and smashing resist)
[Team] Catchphrase: (There you go.
[Team] Catchphrase: (Unfortunately, Kinetics does not have Pony Boost yet.)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [D'awwww!]
[Team] Gamma Emission: *snerk*
[Team] Catchphrase: (But for everything else, there's burning sensa----wait.)
[Team] Gamma Emission: [is that part of Demon summoning?]
[Team] Gamma Emission: [summon. pony] hehe
[Team] Terrence Knight: (Rofl!)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Summon demon.pony]
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [oni.pony]
[Team] Catchphrase: (Well, there is a nemesis warhorse unused model.
[Team] Catchphrase: (legend has it one of the devs summoned it on the test server when asked for a pony.)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [wHy does it remain unused? They stunk at animating it?]
[Team] Catchphrase: ( has no legs, it hovers on four jets of fire.)
[Team] Catchphrase: (I have a screencap...somewhere.)
[Team] Themaria Dist: [Waiting for Just The Right Moment.]
[Team] Catchphrase: (It's a Nemesis Pony.)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Coming Storm TF would rock for it, no?]
[Team] Gamma Emission: [nemesis pony: a trap]
[Team] Terrence Knight: (Trojan Horse?)
[Team] Themaria Dist: [It's all a Nemesis Plot.]
[Team] Catchphrase: (a horse is a horse, of course, of course.)
[Team] Catchphrase: (and nobody's heard of a steampunk horse.)
[Team] Themaria Dist: [And no one can talk to a horse, of course]
[Team] Catchphrase: (of course.)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Unless it's a burning sensation!]
(Team prepares for Babbage spawn)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Bah AFk momentarily]
[Team] Catchphrase: (Atlant's still AFK, I see.)
[Team] Themaria Dist: [Potentially problematic.]
[Team] Catchphrase: (hope the burning sensation doesn't get him.)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (He's all Burnt out)
(Boss Fight: Babbage)
[Team] Burning Sensation.: WOW! Who's draining Babbage?
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Elec BLaster!]
[Local] Amethysta of the Axe: Thanks, Signy
[Local] Burning Sensation.: Wow! Good drains on him!
[Local] Catchphrase: Thanks, you two.
[Local] Gamma Emission: Woo, thanks for the help everyone
[Local] Sould Blade: Nice work!
[Local] Themaria Dist: The laxative powers of a BURNING SENSATION!
[Local] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: Thank you for your efforts, champions of the proletariat!
[Local] Catchphrase: Much appreciated, Blade, Signy.
[Local] Amethysta of the Axe: And you Blade.
[Local] Burning Sensation.: ((FALLS OVER))
[Team] Themaria Dist: [...should I have put that in Team?]
[Team] Themaria Dist: [^_^]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Oi...))
[The Legendary]Hexane: Wow, I wouldn't have thought we'd have been able to drain his end like that.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Elec Blaster
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: Nom?
[The Legendary]Acyl: He felt a burning sensation.
[The Legendary]Isawa Koi: Blarg.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Allo
[The Legendary]Sweno: Hey Isa
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Koi! Wouldja like to take a surbvey sponsored by Burning Sensation.?
[The Legendary]Acyl: I'm sure he can spare a few minutes of his time for burning sensation.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Do you like beans?
[The Legendary]Isawa Koi: *considers the question*
[The Legendary]Isawa Koi: ...
[The Legendary]Isawa Koi: *runs screaming into the night*
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Do you like George Wendt?
[The Legendary]valles: Who?
[The Legendary]Isawa Koi: Norm, from Cheers.
[Team] Terrence Knight: Where is he? didn't see him
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Norm on "Cheers"
[The Legendary]Atlantea: I wonder where Gunther Wendt?
[The Legendary]valles: Ah.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Do you like beans AND George Wendt?
(Boss Fight: Clockwork King)
[Team] Terrence Knight: ....
[Team] Gamma Emission: [we're just that good ]
[Team] Catchphrase: The burning sensation was too much for him.
[Team] Burning Sensation.: Wow
[Team] Terrence Knight: (i'm sorry...But what the hell was holding him the entire time?)
[Team] Gamma Emission: [temp power you get for this mission]
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: Woo.
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Awesome))
[Team] Terrence Knight: (whats the point of Fighting an av that can't do anything? lol)
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: ((He drops fast when there's a radiation fender in the group.))
[Team] Catchphrase: (and this is why you do not have the true tao of the farmer)
[Team] Themaria Dist: [The point? THe long green.]
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Especially one knows what they're doing[
[Team] Terrence Knight: (was kinda hopein for a bit more of an epic fight..or to at least take -some- damage?)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (Sorry it just bugs me The clock king dropped without being able to do -anything- because of that hold from the temp lol)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensation! Apply DIRECTLY to the FOREHEAD!]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((LOLOL))
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: 3:444
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: TF over?
[The Legendary]Sweno: yup
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: yay
[The Legendary]Acyl: We could have been faster, but we had to go slowly due to the burning sensation.



Biggest thing ill miss. Scrappers.

@Ashen Fury
Ashen Fury - KM/EA Scrapper
Erika Tempest - Ice/EM Tanker
Scion of Restoration - Emp/Sonic Defender



started watching this series called Sword Art Online the other to episode 9...this bit of the boss fight is going to make me miss this game and my dual blade scrapper ;-;



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
started watching this series called Sword Art Online the other to episode 9...this bit of the boss fight is going to make me miss this game and my dual blade scrapper ;-;
Going to Miss mine too, My DB/WP Scrap was one of my Top Go To Guys(2 MMs, Scrap, Brute). OmniNogard was my 3rd 50 and was made the day both sets when live so if i knew when DB and WP came up i can say how long i had him.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



My very first CoH character, created on pre-release day one (so 3 days before opening of CoH to the general public), was a Scrapper.

I picked the AT because the description of its ability to go it alone appealed to me.

My second character, and one of my favorites, still played and one of my most played to this day, was also a Scrapper.

My sixth or so character, my badge character and one of my time all-time played, is a Scrapper. (My Dark/Dark Defender got the top rank all-time played.)

I have three level 50, fully "Incarnated out" Scrappers, plus one who got to 30. (The level 30 is that pre-release one. I still have him.)

While I have to admit my favorite character is not a Scrapper, Scrappers are my favorite AT. IMO, they have the perfect balance of damage, durability, and freedom from "gimmicks" like Fury, Hide, Assasin's Focus, etc. And don't get me wrong, all gimmicks are not bad things, and I enjoy the ones I've listed there. I just love Scrappers for not having one. It's relaxing. Being powerful, tough and with a relaxed approach to what they do? Priceless.

Melee has always been my favorite thing here. I like all the melee ATs, even Tankers, though I like Tankers less than the damage-focused melee ATs. I like melee ATs partly because I just enjoy melee fights, partly because melee characters get full-time mez protection in a mez-heavy environment.

And Scrappers are the melee I enjoy the most.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Bill began his life in Paragon as a scrapper. He may be a brute now but he still looks a like scrapper, kills like a scrapper and on some rare occasions, dies like one, only to get up and get back to the killin.

Almost all of my melee characters are brutes now because I like the extra base HP and I prefer fury over crits. Regardless, they are all built to scrap, not tank.

While there is a scrapper AT, and it is because of that CoH archetype that we scrappers are the way we are, I've noticed that the scrapper mentality is far more important than the AT the scrapper chooses to play at any given time.

All hail the scrappers! (Even if they're scrapping with something else.)

Be well, people of CoH.



My very first, and very first character was a Kat/Invuln, shortly followed by my main and namesake, a MA/SR. Back then, I may have had zero idea what I was really doing, but I'll be damned if I didn't love it. Kicking guys in the face, being a super cool robot, finally being able to fly, getting my cape...

But I'll never forget the first time I said, "well screw it, I'm a Scrapper," and charged at an AV by myself. I got my *** kicked so hard I disconnected.

I never stopped trying though, and eventually I even learned how to play this game, and my MA/SR that I spent way too many hours with, through sidekicking with friends and smashing Devouring Earth in office buildings, to frantically super jumping and trying to traverse zones without dying a miserable out of mentor range death, managed to take down entire x8 groups and smash AVs in the face.

No matter what character I played, I was always scrapping. For that, I ;salute you, Scrappers of the world. You've made me a suicidal ball of death that flips out and kills everything, no matter what game I'm playing.



Speaking of Invulnerability,

It wasn't until fairly late into CoH that I found Invulnerability worthwhile for a Scrapper, and wow was it really worthwhile. After the last update the power set got, I was able to do some amazing things with a DM/Inv build. It is by far my most favorite build combination ever. Incarnate abilities just made it even more awesome.

I had a build I really liked, a character with the story and looks that I liked, and a great community to play it with.



Oh I can post here now.

Either way I never really liked Scrappers a whole lot. As a standalone character they were great, obviously, and I think that's what had me continually going back to them. The numbers they could achieve were just incredibly good, in terms of raw dps and survivability, and damage mods that just loved to be buffed.

On the other hand Scrappers were incredibly limited in (what I consider to be) viable build choices, especially compared to brutes, and for much of their existance Shield Defence was the only choice (because it outperformed everything else to such an extent), and the major issue here was that only a few scrapper secondaries had a taunt aura (this was the biggest flaw of scrappers). Honestly if they had just given scrappers taunt auras on the resist based sets I would have been all over scrappers all day long, but that never happened (Until I managed to convince the dev team to add a taunt aura to the Hybrid Incarnate Power, but even that wasn't that much). With the lack of taunt auras on scrappers, brutes were always #1 for me in terms of melee. As Silas would put it, a good melee will bring 2 things to a team: Damage and Aggro control. Unless you were SD, Inv, or WP, it was likely you failed at Aggro Control, and if you were Invul or WP, you were taking a hit to damage output as well.

For everything else, there are brutes.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
On the other hand Scrappers were incredibly limited in (what I consider to be) viable build choices, especially compared to brutes, and for much of their existance Shield Defence was the only choice (because it outperformed everything else to such an extent), and the major issue here was that only a few scrapper secondaries had a taunt aura (this was the biggest flaw of scrappers). Honestly if they had just given scrappers taunt auras on the resist based sets I would have been all over scrappers all day long, but that never happened (Until I managed to convince the dev team to add a taunt aura to the Hybrid Incarnate Power, but even that wasn't that much). With the lack of taunt auras on scrappers, brutes were always #1 for me in terms of melee. As Silas would put it, a good melee will bring 2 things to a team: Damage and Aggro control. Unless you were SD, Inv, or WP, it was likely you failed at Aggro Control, and if you were Invul or WP, you were taking a hit to damage output as well.

For everything else, there are brutes.
I always hated this viewpoint. In my view, that's not playing the game. That's playing the numbers at the expense of everything else. It incredibly self limits the player, and makes them only appreciate the very best performing things in a game where being the very best performing, frankly, was of very little significance other than self gratification.

I enjoyed min/maxing in this game. But I did not set about that in terms of insisting on experiencing the maximum performance on offer. I set about it by taking what I considered fun or interesting to play and making it as good as it could be, for the goals I set forth for it.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No one did.
Loled hard, good one Golden Girl.

Yeah, Scrappers rocked pretty hard. Going to miss my Kat/Regen something fierce...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Fire Man / bAss, I always thought that was a cool looking character, and have enjoyed the pics of it (and other characters of yours) you have posted over the years.

Thanks for that.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
Speaking of Invulnerability,

It wasn't until fairly late into CoH that I found Invulnerability worthwhile for a Scrapper, and wow was it really worthwhile. After the last update the power set got, I was able to do some amazing things with a DM/Inv build. It is by far my most favorite build combination ever. Incarnate abilities just made it even more awesome.

I had a build I really liked, a character with the story and looks that I liked, and a great community to play it with.

Had a sof-capped MA/Invuln Scrap I was starting to love...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes