I never like playing brutes because of that friggin fury bar. Never could get the hang of maxing it out, and frankly I prefer the scrapper which is at max DPS straight out of the box.
131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )
I prefer scrappers over brutes myself but some sets coughstonemeleecough scrappers never got their hands on so my hand was forced.
Started with a Fire/Energy Blaster as my main for YEARS, then when Shield Defense came out I decided to make a BS/SD Scrapper named Lone Wolf and Kitten. Sadly, the awesomeness of that combo with that character made it oh so hard to play my Blaster as often as I used to. Soft-capped positionals, good Res, incredible damage, all wrapped up in a cute Japanese schoolgirl with a kitten perched on her shoulder. What wasn't there to love?
And now all those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...
My three favorite 50s: The Elec/TW tank, the Night Widow, and the StJ/SD scrapper. All I have to do is wind Issy up and watch her go: Punch, punch, knee to the groin, roadhouse, SHORYUKEN!
I was pushing for Super Strength for Scrappers/Stalkers, a modified Ninjitsu for Tankers/Scrappers/Brutes, Ice Armor for Brutes/Scrappers, and slightly modified Shield Defense for Stalkers. Some of the discussions were brief, some were more in depth. In the discussions, the main indicator I saw for these power sets not being proliferated was just plain old lack of time - like everything else.
Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been. (John Greenleaf Whittier)
I never like playing brutes because of that friggin fury bar. Never could get the hang of maxing it out, and frankly I prefer the scrapper which is at max DPS straight out of the box.
Honestly the only thing I really didn't like about brutes (in comparison to other melee) was how poorly they benefitted from +dmg buffs (internally or externally) because of their low base damage modifiers and fury, meaning you needed significantly greater amounts of buffing to see a similar dps gain that a scrapper would see with less dmg buffing.
But it all doesn't matter in the end anyways, cause Corrs > everything else
I enjoyed min/maxing in this game. But I did not set about that in terms of insisting on experiencing the maximum performance on offer. I set about it by taking what I considered fun or interesting to play and making it as good as it could be, for the goals I set forth for it.
Either way what I was trying to say there was that in many cases, there was no reason to play a scrapper over a brute (SD being the big exception, among other things). Meaning: Why would I ever play a fire, dark, or electric armor scrapper, when I could have the exact same thing on a brute with higher resist caps, hp, taunt aura, and better patron pools (yes, that means you, gloom). For example, if I, you, or anyone was to play a fire/fire scrapper and then played the exact same character as a Brute, what do you think the result would be? It should be quite obvious (and for those that don't see it, a fire/fire scrapper rapes everything it can kill within one round of aoes and suffers against anything it cannot kill within 1 round of aoes, whereas a brute can perform well in both situations). And let me tell you, I have played both a fire/fire scrapper and brute, and apart from the scrapper being amazing for running Silver Mantis, the brute was infinitely more fun.
This was entirely seperate from excluding lower performing sets from what I wanted to play, and that's a combination of my personal preference and my limited funding and game time.