


Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Apple has 50,250 US employees.

AOL and MySpace failed to adapt to the changes in their core consumers.

NCSoft's Asian market makes up over 90% of their consumers. The changes they are making and games they are producing are specifically aimed at their biggest base of consumers.
What on earth makes you think they are going to give their Asian customers any more respect? lol if anything, I bet they get less.

Do you really think they would *never* close a MMO that was aimed at the Asian market? I think NCSoft would close a game the CEO's MOTHER played, if it suited their whim. This is a bloodthirsty bunch.

If you are waiting for NCSoft to topple over - I would not recommend holding your breath.
I never said anything about holding my breath, but when a company is clueless, they're clueless.

I can wait.



I never said they respected their customers here or in Asia. What I said was they were producing games that were popular and sold well in Asia; nothing to do with respect more to do with creating things that appeal to the majority of their customer base.

I did not say they would never close an MMO aimed at the Asian market.

You said:

Any company can be toppled off of their pedestal. I am looking forward to the mighty *SMASH!* when NCSoft topples off of theirs.
Which is why I said:
If you are waiting for NCSoft to topple over - I would not recommend holding your breath.
Did you even read what i wrote? It helps when you are replying to someone if you actually reply to what they said and not try to put words in their mouth.

Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
What on earth makes you think they are going to give their Asian customers any more respect? lol if anything, I bet they get less.

Do you really think they would *never* close a MMO that was aimed at the Asian market? I think NCSoft would close a game the CEO's MOTHER played, if it suited their whim. This is a bloodthirsty bunch.

I never said anything about holding my breath, but when a company is clueless, they're clueless.

I can wait.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



MMOs are far from a dying genre and in fact the trend for games that require you to be online to play them even if they don't have an online multiplayer option is on the increase. As I've said in other posts, cloud computing, software being rented so that copying and piracy is much more difficult is the way things are going not just for gaming, but for software generally.

Keep your eye on or There are other game publishers other than NCSoft, believe it or not, and some of what they are doing is actually rather encouraging.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Honestly. You can sell anything to the Asian market by simply adding scantily-clad anime characters with big swords and seizure-inducing animations

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Honestly. You can sell anything to the Asian market by simply adding scantily-clad anime characters with big swords and seizure-inducing animations
sex sales. Even in America.

Suck at music and need to make a video? No problem, add a few half naked chicks and it will sale like hot cakes.

Making a horror movie but it's stupid as crap? No worries, add a useless shower scene and people will go watch it.

Open a Lowrider magazine, a magazine that is supposedly about customization and most of those girls are barely wearing enough clothing material to make a bath towel combined.

And then there is the scantly clad sword weilding fantasy girls found in American literature, like Heavy Metal mags, and video games, that date back even to Golden Axe age, to the games like Duke Nukem 3d and the rest, to GTA Vice City/SA.

And of course our multibillion dollar porn industry.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Honestly. You can sell anything to the Asian market by simply adding scantily-clad anime characters with big swords and seizure-inducing animations
You are confusing Asians with Otakus.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Do you really think they would *never* close a MMO that was aimed at the Asian market? I think NCSoft would close a game the CEO's MOTHER played, if it suited their whim. This is a bloodthirsty bunch.
A quick look at Wikipedia indicates that NCsoft has shut down a few Korean titles.

Keeping a game open because the CEO's mother plays it is a terrible reason and one that could potentially see the CEO removed for not doing his job.

It's an interesting idea permeating these forums that NCsoft just loves shutting games down; I strongly suspect they'd prefer all their titles did fantastically and remained open indefinitely. But a number haven't. So it is better for NCsoft to shut them down rather than continually pumping money into something they don't believe has a future.


- Auto Assault - flop.
- Tabula Rasa - expensive, epic flop.
- Dungeon Runners - didn't really find an audience.
- Exteel - wasn't sustainable.

Which brings us to CoH/V, which which was on a downward revenue trend since 2007. There were revenue spikes around Going Rogue and F2P, but they weren't sustained.

In many ways how the share market has reacted to the latest Earnings Report supports the shut down of CoH/V, that NCsoft needs to (in shareholders' eyes) cut expenses and start to focus on creating titles that will lead to long-term revenue growth. CoH/V, based on revenue trends going back 5 years, didn't fit that objective. It's not a decision that most of those remaining on these boards agree with, but it isn't a case of NCsoft sending CoH/V to the guillotine out of malice.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
A quick look at Wikipedia indicates that NCsoft has shut down a few Korean titles.

Keeping a game open because the CEO's mother plays it is a terrible reason and one that could potentially see the CEO removed for not doing his job.

It's an interesting idea permeating these forums that NCsoft just loves shutting games down; I strongly suspect they'd prefer all their titles did fantastically and remained open indefinitely. But a number haven't. So it is better for NCsoft to shut them down rather than continually pumping money into something they don't believe has a future.


- Auto Assault - flop.
- Tabula Rasa - expensive, epic flop.
- Dungeon Runners - didn't really find an audience.
- Exteel - wasn't sustainable.

Which brings us to CoH/V, which which was on a downward revenue trend since 2007. There were revenue spikes around Going Rogue and F2P, but they weren't sustained.

In many ways how the share market has reacted to the latest Earnings Report supports the shut down of CoH/V, that NCsoft needs to (in shareholders' eyes) cut expenses and start to focus on creating titles that will lead to long-term revenue growth. CoH/V, based on revenue trends going back 5 years, didn't fit that objective. It's not a decision that most of those remaining on these boards agree with, but it isn't a case of NCsoft sending CoH/V to the guillotine out of malice.
hear hear.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



If it's not out of malice, then why not simply sell the IP and the code to someone who wants to take the risk?



I wouldn't be surprised if they can make more with it being a tax write off with some creative accounting than they could with just selling the title to another company.

Devs would post more if they could say "hi!" without people whining because they wanted them to say "hello".



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
If it's not out of malice, then why not simply sell the IP and the code to someone who wants to take the risk?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Keeping a game open because the CEO's mother plays it is a terrible reason and one that could potentially see the CEO removed for not doing his job.
I was not being completely serious; I know that already. There is no title, anywhere that they produce that NC will not shut down if they feel like it. I think they've made that extremely clear.

It's an interesting idea permeating these forums that NCsoft just loves shutting games down; I strongly suspect they'd prefer all their titles did fantastically and remained open indefinitely. But a number haven't. So it is better for NCsoft to shut them down rather than continually pumping money into something they don't believe has a future.
I really don't care WHY they shut them down; the fact is, they do keep shutting them down. Which means I'll be investing about 15 minutes total in GW2, because I no longer trust this publisher.

Which brings us to CoH/V, which which was on a downward revenue trend since 2007. There were revenue spikes around Going Rogue and F2P, but they weren't sustained.
Which I do understand believe it or not. My quibble with this is that when you really, truly "don't care" about a game and its development anymore, you turn it over to its fanbase. INSTEAD of locking it in a vault somewheres never to see the light of day again, which I would strongly wager is exactly what is going to happen.

In many ways how the share market has reacted to the latest Earnings Report supports the shut down of CoH/V, that NCsoft needs to (in shareholders' eyes) cut expenses and start to focus on creating titles that will lead to long-term revenue growth. CoH/V, based on revenue trends going back 5 years, didn't fit that objective. It's not a decision that most of those remaining on these boards agree with, but it isn't a case of NCsoft sending CoH/V to the guillotine out of malice.
If only they knew what to do to "lead to long term revenue growth"! Its very evident that they have no idea how to do this on a consistent basis.

"If its not WoW, we're gonna kill it because those are the only sort of numbers that will be acceptable to us." Good luck, NC. You are gonna need it. Hahahahaha.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Business is selling what you cannot use to make money and hopefully fuel what will make you more money. What keeps NC from the sale of their old IP is pride.

If the only way we can get the IP back into competent hands for a sequel or continuation is for NC be forced to liquidate as it goes into bankruptcy... Then you can bet people will work to hasten that bankruptcy before all interest in the game is lost. Not out of malice, but out of good solid business sense.

All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.

But memories remain, And that is beautiful.



Originally Posted by Feign View Post
Business is selling what you cannot use to make money and hopefully fuel what will make you more money. What keeps NC from the sale of their old IP is pride.

If the only way we can get the IP back into competent hands for a sequel or continuation is for NC be forced to liquidate as it goes into bankruptcy... Then you can bet people will work to hasten that bankruptcy before all interest in the game is lost. Not out of malice, but out of good solid business sense.
The amount of stuff in that IP is probably more than what could be seriously asked for. How many issues of content? about 24? 24 and half? Then as some people say some of the best storylines and backstories in any game., art, style, names, powers and bunch of stuff.

Now if they sell it, it's gone, lost, for a few measly dollars in the short term that would mostly only benefit the buyer.

Now if they keep it, they wont lose anything and they have vast amount of IP to use in the future whether if they do decide to make a direct COH successor or decide to use elements from that IP in other games. It would be a bad buisness move to get rid of somethign that valuable on the whim like that when money is not hurting that bad.

Bankruptcy is very unlikely as NCSoft have tons of cash but not much debt not to mention other game titles. So they are by no means starving or desperate.

I think it's their pride in good sound buisness practice that keeps them holding strong with their decision and not tryign to chase every lowball penny that is thrown at them. We may not seen the last of Nemesis and as long as they own the IP, he might make an appearance in a space setting game asa villiain if they chose to. If they sell it, Statesman, L.Recluse, Mother Mayhem, The storylines will no longer be theirs to do as they please but someone else and it would be just asking for lawsuit if they decide to make another game and the new owner think something looks too familiar in it, even though they created the idea in the first place.

Maybe they will eventually sell, but it would have been a very bad move to sell immediately for the said half way substantiated asking prices, especially 500k. Come on really? 500k? That's so disresespectful to the IP owners especially knowing it can bring in much more than that in a quarter off the bat.

Then again, no telling the reason but if we all were experts at making big buisness decisions and making smart buisness moves, we would be the ones with multibillion dollar corporations and probably would have came up with COX before NCSoft. But seeing as most of us are probably not on that level, the reason of holding on to it may beyond our understanding. As they must have an idea of what exactly they are doing seeing as they are a multibillion dollar company now and doesnt seem not many of us here had the skill to build a corporation and buy the IP a long time ago. Thus it's their property and if the only reason they want to hold onto it is to put it in the vault forever, then that is their right. They own it. If others wanted to make that decision for them, then they could have worked their way up to CEO of NCSoft or made their own corporation and game so they could make those types of decisions, right or wrong.

If they keep it, there are many ways they can use it to make money even if it's not whole. If they sell it, one lump sum, 500k, and then what, that 500k dont even cover an issue.

If they keep it, never know they might see it wasa mistake and reverse and even if they rake in only 500k a quarter that is more in a year than 500k forever if they sold it as if they sold it, that reversal is no longer ven an option with many options for them.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Now if they keep it, they wont lose anything and they have vast amount of IP to use in the future whether if they do decide to make a direct COH successor or decide to use elements from that IP in other games. It would be a bad buisness move to get rid of somethign that valuable on the whim like that when money is not hurting that bad.
If your defense of them is rooted in this belief, then you can stop now. Historically, when NC kills a game they kill it for good. The only hope for a sequel is in the hands of another publisher. And the only way for the IP to move to another publisher is through liquidation.

Also, if someone buys the CoH IP, they have an immediate incentive to work on turning it into a new product. Such a sale wouldn't cause the IP to be "lost" as you put it. I have a little bit of experience with this, being a fan of the Battletech franchise.

All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.

But memories remain, And that is beautiful.



You keep presuming that it would be a bad business decision on their part.
You keep presuming that the price offered was 500k.
You keep presuming a lot of things.

Like the rest of us, with maybe some exceptions, you don't know.

Sometimes it is better to sit on a IP, as it can be used somewhere down the line to revive it as other games have done. Sometimes it's better to sell the IP and get some return on it other then shelving it. It's not up to us to say what is, or is not better business for them, that's up to them. We certainly can speculate all we want.

From your point of view it maybe better for them to keep it, but that's your point of view not theirs. Quit acting like your point of view is the best,and only choice for them. You don't know, just like we don't know.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Feign View Post

Also, if someone buys the CoH IP, they have an immediate incentive to work on turning it into a new product. Such a sale wouldn't cause the IP to be "lost" as you put it. I have a little bit of experience with this, being a fan of the Battletech franchise.
so then, how beside the pennies they will recieve from the immediate sale, does that benefit the seller if someone buys the IP?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
You keep presuming that it would be a bad business decision on their part.
You keep presuming that the price offered was 500k.
You keep presuming a lot of things.

Like the rest of us, with maybe some exceptions, you don't know.

Sometimes it is better to sit on a IP, as it can be used somewhere down the line to revive it as other games have done. Sometimes it's better to sell the IP and get some return on it other then shelving it. It's not up to us to say what is, or is not better business for them, that's up to them. We certainly can speculate all we want.

From your point of view it maybe better for them to keep it, but that's your point of view not theirs. Quit acting like your point of view is the best,and only choice for them. You don't know, just like we don't know.
uhm I guess you didnt read it all. I'm not acting like my point of view is better, and like I said, I dont know and could be completely wrong .Read the whole post first before jumping to comclusions and making assumptions or else like you did, make a post without even knowing what was written.

While you on the subject of opinions, while you at it, tell people who saying that sellign the IP is the right decision is not the only option or bet option and that is only a poitn of view and that they too dont know either instead of chosing one person and ignoring the rest tha tsays the opposite as if it was facts. How about doing that for a change?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



She is stating her opinion; which everyone has been doing. Telling her to stop stating her opinion because she believes in her opinion seems a bit odd to me.

Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
You keep presuming that it would be a bad business decision on their part.
You keep presuming that the price offered was 500k.
You keep presuming a lot of things.

Like the rest of us, with maybe some exceptions, you don't know.

Sometimes it is better to sit on a IP, as it can be used somewhere down the line to revive it as other games have done. Sometimes it's better to sell the IP and get some return on it other then shelving it. It's not up to us to say what is, or is not better business for them, that's up to them. We certainly can speculate all we want.

From your point of view it maybe better for them to keep it, but that's your point of view not theirs. Quit acting like your point of view is the best,and only choice for them. You don't know, just like we don't know.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
She is stating her opinion; which everyone has been doing. Telling her to stop stating her opinion because she believes in her opinion seems a bit odd to me.
very odd.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And the business of NCsoft is malice
yet through out all this, and their past malicious behavior that keeps being brought up by you and others, you still supported this malicious buisness with your money all these years. The irony of it all.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Alternatively, they could also license it. Or anything else that allows NCsoft to still use the material if they choose to. Selling doesn't automatically mean they lose all rights to it.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
so then, how beside the pennies they will recieve from the immediate sale, does that benefit the seller if someone buys the IP?
The longer they sit on the IP, the less interest the general public will have in it. This includes the idea of them somehow finding a developer to make it for them (something they've actually never done before, and with good reason). No matter what course of action they eventually take, they lose value by not making a decision on the IP.

They already thrown away the opportunity to make sustained profit on the IP, (which could have been done by announcing a sequel before closing the original game). So those "pennies" they'd get for selling the IP are a very large sum compared to the absolutely nothing they get by sitting on it and waiting for it to fade into obscurity.

All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.

But memories remain, And that is beautiful.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And the business of NCsoft is malice
No, their business sense is simply severely impeded by their pride.

All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.

But memories remain, And that is beautiful.