


Originally Posted by Feign View Post
They already thrown away the opportunity to make sustained profit on the IP, (which could have been done by announcing a sequel before closing the original game). So those "pennies" they'd get for selling the IP are a very large sum compared to the absolutely nothing they get by sitting on it and waiting for it to fade into obscurity.
The idea is they have the option to cannibalize the story and use bits and pieces of it in random projects, instead of going through the trouble of hiring writers.

Sadly, it's not a rumor. Plots get recycled.



Originally Posted by Feign View Post
The longer they sit on the IP, the less interest the general public will have in it. This includes the idea of them somehow finding a developer to make it for them (something they've actually never done before, and with good reason). No matter what course of action they eventually take, they lose value by not making a decision on the IP.

They already thrown away the opportunity to make sustained profit on the IP, (which could have been done by announcing a sequel before closing the original game). So those "pennies" they'd get for selling the IP are a very large sum compared to the absolutely nothing they get by sitting on it and waiting for it to fade into obscurity.
that may be their goal.

but using pieces of the IP is not an option?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
The idea is they have the option to cannibalize the story and use bits and pieces of it in random projects, instead of going through the trouble of hiring writers.

Sadly, it's not a rumor. Plots get recycled.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
If it's not out of malice, then why not simply sell the IP and the code to someone who wants to take the risk?
It isn't something that NCsoft have traditionally done and it's possible they'd prefer to take the write-off to help with some debt / expense issues (but I'm not an accountant / corporate tax specialist, so I can't tell you the exact benefits of write-offs are over sales). There's a degree of sense to me that if you are a company that wants to stay around making MMOs, you don't sell off your failed titles to others in case they create competition for you down the road. Most MMO sales have occurred when publishers have swooped in to take over 100% and / or are buying a failing title on the cheap. I can't think of a case where (say) Turbine has sold something to SOE and both keep going along in the MMO space.

And then the question is around who they sell it to. Who is going to pay the price NCsoft wants and then more on top of that to build CoH/V back up? It is a bad time in the MMO industry; arguably the MOBA and Dialbo-like genres are much more attractive.

Those on the Titan Network have mentioned something about the contracts around who owns certain parts of CoH/V are a bit convoluted, which could be another reason why NCsoft isn't looking to sell. It would make sense if that confusion is around the Cryptic Engine, which is licensed from Cryptic (so Paragon Studios and NCsoft don't actually own the tools required to keep CoH/V development going as it has been), but I don't know for sure. Cryptic might be willing to re-license those tools - they've said they would, I believe - but Perfect World might not.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
Alternatively, they could also license it.
Probably not.
Firstly, that would be an extra expense that the game would have to shoulder on an ongoing basis.
Second, it would leave the game in a position where NCSoft could pull the plug on it AGAIN. Most former players would NOT return under those conditions.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I wrote up this big old long post to explain myself, but then I realized it would really be a big waste of time. Insanity is trying the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. From everything I've read in this thread anything I would have said, or could have said, wouldn't make a difference. You've explained your opinions, they've explained theirs. No one is changing anyone's mind. It would be Insanity for me to try.

I'm just tired of listening to the same record over and over. "You're" record, whether intentional or not, comes across a bit mean spirited. I'm just not a fan of people being cruel to others. Take it for what you will.

As I've mentioned before, how does someone who's colorblind explain to someone who's not how they see things. How does someone who's not colorblind explain all the colors of the rainbow to someone who is? (Just as I have no clue what it's like to grow up in the fashion IBTT, or you did.) No common perspective.

I don't "get" you. You won't "get" me, and you really don't "get" them. It's as simple as that.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
I wrote up this big old long post to explain myself, but then I realized it would really be a big waste of time. Insanity is trying the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. From everything I've read in this thread anything I would have said, or could have said, wouldn't make a difference. You've explained your opinions, they've explained theirs. No one is changing anyone's mind. It would be Insanity for me to try.

I'm just tired of listening to the same record over and over. "You're" record, whether intentional or not, comes across a bit mean spirited. I'm just not a fan of people being cruel to others. Take it for what you will.

As I've mentioned before, how does someone who's colorblind explain to someone who's not how they see things. How does someone who's not colorblind explain all the colors of the rainbow to someone who is? (Just as I have no clue what it's like to grow up in the fashion IBTT, or you did.) No common perspective.

I don't "get" you. You won't "get" me, and you really don't "get" them. It's as simple as that.
basically. The best thing to do is just let me have my opinion like the rest of the posts here. It's that simple.

There was no spirit to it. It just a simple opinion and perspective on a common topic on these boards. Not even sure how you got anything mean out of it besides its just mean because it dont line up with your opinion. I'm cool with that but you come off as if I cant have an opinion.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



You can have your opinion, never said you couldn't. In fact, I beleive I stated that what you've been saying is JUST opinion, not facts.

But, like an overplayed song on the radio, you've repeated the same thing over and over and over again.

Why do you choose to repeat the same thing over and over and over again? Do you expect to get a different response?

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
You can have your opinion, never said you couldn't. In fact, I beleive I stated that what you've been saying is JUST opinion, not facts.

But, like an overplayed song on the radio, you've repeated the same thing over and over and over again.

Why do you choose to repeat the same thing over and over and over again? Do you expect to get a different response?
who ever said I expected different response? How about stop putting words into my mouth?

Tell me this. Why is this topic keeps coming up over and over? Why is everyone else is allowed to say that it wasa dumb decision over and over? Why is everyone else allowed to give their opinion on what happened over and over, even you spoke about this subject more than a few occosaion yet, you say I'm the broken record.

Looks like you say one thing but wont just leave it.

I stated my opinion, and no where did I create the threads, and see, most of the same people reply but you CHOOSE to pick me out and dare say I'm the broken record when I havent spoke on this subject even half as much as most people here. Including you.

Maybe look in mirror first. If you are truely about letting me havee my opinion then drop this nonsense and let me have my opinion. All you are doing is here to create a problem with one person. Me. Yet you havent said a dang thing to others who brought up this subject way more than me. What is your motives what are your trying to prove? Want me to stop repeating myself? Then go tell the people and yourself to stop bringing up the same subject over and over. And as you see, my opinion havent changed yet the subjetc still comes up. I chose to reply this time. But you chose to single out my opinion. Leave it then if you are letting me have my opinion because right now you saying one thing but still on my opinion.

As long as this same subject keeps coming up and brought up whether by you or anyone else and the same people, then I may choose to reply.

All I can gather from this seeing how you have not once spoke to anyone about repeating, you are clearly here to troll. Stop it, please. I get it. You dont agree with my opinion. You dont understand me, so why are you trying to create a big deal out of it? Why you continue to pick me out but act scared to speak to anyone else about repeating when they have done so much more than I have. Why do you continue to repeat yourself? But yet chose to say my opinion is like an overplayed song on the radio.

It's apparent we have nothing in common, nothing to really say to each other so why do you choose to go out your way to create trouble with me? Stand to your word and let me have my opinion please regardless of how twisted you think it is. I dont bother with your opinions do I? I havent said until now that you also repeat yourself but it was burningg you liek fire to let me do it but everyone else get free pass?

Stop trolling me.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



I'm not putting words into your mouth. I'm asking a question. One that doesn't even have a losing answer.

I can only speak for myself, not for anyone else. I'm not picking on you, even though you may think so. I just found your commentary more irritating then anyone else on both sides of the discussion. Which is why I'm asking you questions, not them. You just happen to be the louder squeaky wheel.

Those that don't agree with you won't change their minds. Logically, I would think it's a waste of time to continue to try, but that's just me. So, let me ask this in a different fashion. You've stated your case. What is it you hope to gain by repeating the same thing over and over again? Obviously, you believe there's something to be gained by doing so, or you wouldn't keep doing it.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
I'm not putting words into your mouth. I'm asking a question. One that doesn't even have a losing answer.

I can only speak for myself, not for anyone else. I'm not picking on you, even though you may think so. I just found your commentary more irritating then anyone else on both sides of the discussion. Which is why I'm asking you questions, not them. You just happen to be the louder squeaky wheel.

Those that don't agree with you won't change their minds. Logically, I would think it's a waste of time to continue to try, but that's just me. So, let me ask this in a different fashion. You've stated your case. What is it you hope to gain by repeating the same thing over and over again? Obviously, you believe there's something to be gained by doing so, or you wouldn't keep doing it.
Yeah I stated my case, I'm not trying to convince anyone. The subject came up, I replied, simple as that. If it comes up again, I might reply again, just like many people have, simple as that.

If you are not singling me out, then tell me this, why am I not allowed, to repeat myself, but everyone else get a free pass? Has it occured to you that if the subject didnt keep coming up that I wouldnt even be repeating myself as you put it? How come you havent asked the ones thatkeep bringing this subject up what they have to gain?

Not sure what is so irritating about what I said as it's not anything that hasnt been said by other people, repeatedly asa matter of fact, but again, you havent said a word to them. So what in world do you expect me to think? This subject came up may times, many times i havent spoken on it, but as soon as I do, all of a sudden it's irritating and it's like a broken record. Even you has stated your opinion on he matter more than once but me, it's a no go to you.

So why can you and others repeat themselves but I cant? From what i gather you simply have some type of beef with me. If it's not that, then why are we having this discussion when you have not had it with anyone else?

It seems to me you you have a problem with me just simply stating my opinion on the subject. I didnt insult anyone, I didnt say the other opinion is wrong, irritating, etc but you just couldnt help yourself it seems.

Either way, you have your opinion on the subject at hand, and have stated it in the past and probably will again if it comes up again, and I will to. All I ask is like I dont go around dissing your opinion or making ab ig deal out it, I just ask you do the same for my opinion.

I have as much right to state my opinion on the subject as you or anyone else here regardless if you think I shouldnt have an opinion or not. I'm going to state it just as you freely do and feel you have a right to your opinion.

I answered your questions yet you answer none of mine. You keep playing this double standard. You state your opinion over and over but get on my case when you feel I do the same. You ask questions I answer them but you answer not a single one of mine.

Like I ask what is it you are trying to prove by picking me out for doing something that you have done yourself. You havent stated exactly what you are trying to prove by stating your opinion over and over. And since me stating my opinion over and over is bugging you that much, why not ask these questions to other people that have stated their opinion over and over because over here in my view it seems that the reason you havent because stating opinion over and over is not the issue and more of a personal issue you have with me. I'm not sure what it is, or why, but this is what it is in a nutshell.

Dont want me repeating myself, stop bringing up the same subjects over and over. Dont want me to state my opinion, then dont give yours. More than likely you will do neither and that is fine, but dont stop jumping my throat for doing something that is no different than what you and many others have been doing, especially when you havent bothered to even say anything to them.

Now if it was the other way around and I can at you like you did me over your opinion you would have called me a troll, and causing trouble and being hostile and attacking. But since you're doing it instead, it must be ok now huh.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Apparently, if the boards for the last three months are any indication, NCSoft's BIG MISTAKE was buying the IP and leasing the engine rather than letting Cryptic kill the game through neglect. Since most of those villifying NCSoft now already had their hate on for Cryptic back then anyway, would have saved NC money and an earache down the line.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
She is stating her opinion; which everyone has been doing. Telling her to stop stating her opinion because she believes in her opinion seems a bit odd to me.
One thing that stands out is her continual use of "implicit" logic.

Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post

If they keep it, there are many ways they can use it to make money even if it's not whole. If they sell it, one lump sum, 500k, and then what, that 500k dont even cover an issue.

If they keep it, never know they might see it wasa mistake and reverse and even if they rake in only 500k a quarter that is more in a year than 500k forever if they sold it as if they sold it, that reversal is no longer ven an option with many options for them.
She continues to use the number $500k, implying that it was "THE" actual offer in her examples. She's the only one that I've seen use this number. While she hasn't stated it as fact, she keeps using it as if it "was" to bolster her position.

Using the same kind of wording, I can say something that has no factual basis and still leave myself an out. For example; I could state "Well, If I'd known IBTT liked to rob banks, I would have called the cops!" While I certainly didn't "say" you liked to do so, such a statement would leave the implication in the reader's mind that you do indeed "like to rob banks". It also leaves me the ability to say that I never did call you a "Bank Robber" should I be called out on it. If I continued to use such implications without being challenged, the idea would become firmer in reader's minds that I was using facts because of said implication. As for my Implicit logic example, no, I don't think you like to "rob Banks", and was just using as an example that wasn't extremely offensive.

I just wish for her to discontinue using the $500k number as if it was "fact".

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
One thing that stand out is her continual use of "implicit" logic.

She continues to use the number $500k, implying that it was "THE" actual offer in her examples. She's the only one that I've seen use this number. While she hasn't stated it as fact, she keeps using it as if it "was" to bolster her position.

Using the same kind of wording, I can say something that has no factual basis and still leave myself an out. For example; I could state "Well, If I'd known IBTT liked to rob banks, I would have called the cops!" While I certainly didn't "say" you liked to do so, such a statement would leave the implication in the reader's mind that you do indeed "like to rob banks". It also leaves me the ability to say that I never did call you a "Bank Robber" should I be called out on it. If I continued to use such implications without being challenged, the idea would become firmer in reader's minds that I was using facts because of said implication. As for my Implicit logic example, no, I don't think you like to "rob Banks", and was just using as an example that wasn't extremely offensive.

I just wish for her to discontinue using the $500k number as if it was "fact".
I'm not using it as fact, using it as an example. Although it's the only number where someone came out, as a rep of a company and said that is what was offered. He may not be rep he may not havea company but that is the closet number that I know of that someone said, "yeah, I offered it" directly. Compared to other umbers that was more though a grape vine which seem to be even further from fact. Either way not much proof so all is just opinion. I'm not using it to bolster my opinion, just as example what I'm talking about.

I wasnt the only one thta used this number and no I didnt even create this number up so that is false. It's the only time you chose to payed attention to it as when other people were saying this number, you aint said crap to them, but as soon as I mention this number, the same number that have been tossed around many times in this discussion, oh it's a big problem. I dont think you even know what the problem you want to attack me for. First it was because I was saying my position over and over. Now it's about the 500k, which this is only about the second time I even mentioned that specific number after a rep for a company mentioned this about what what was offered, what many people said that should be what the IP was worth, and what many others stated that 500k IS what was offered. But me just using it as an example is all of a sudden so wrong for you that since I said it, even though many have said prior, it's being used as it's it fact, even though I didnt say that IS the offer even though some have said THAT IS THE offer, but you remained silent on them.

Now I know that this is nothing but a personal attack because now you saying the issue is the number. YOu are just looking for things to turn into a problem what so that I return the disrespect and then you can say, "See she is a mean person!"? Maybe what ever the case is, you should search on this subject on the board. before jumping down my throat. This is obvious a case of you dont want me stating my opinion. So what is going to be the next probelm you conjure up to try to create another problem?

Regardless of what you say, it's obvious you ae picking me out for an attack or else you have known the 500k number have been tossed around for a couple of weeks now and I didnt just invent that number up. YOu talk about challenging but you have not challeneged a single other person on this forum over that number.

Stop trolling me. For real, no sense in going out of your way to do this for no reason. Dont like my opinion? That is fine. I didnt like all of your opinions but I dont just single you out of the blue to start trouble have I? No. Dont do it to me. Go bother the guy who said he offered 500k.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
Apparently, if the boards for the last three months are any indication, NCSoft's BIG MISTAKE was buying the IP and leasing the engine rather than letting Cryptic kill the game through neglect. Since most of those villifying NCSoft now already had their hate on for Cryptic back then anyway, would have saved NC money and an earache down the line.

Apparently I cant state my opinion like everyone else without Rangle's permission.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Yeah I stated my case, I'm not trying to convince anyone. The subject came up, I replied, simple as that. If it comes up again, I might reply again, just like many people have, simple as that.

If you are not singling me out, then tell me this, why am I not allowed, to repeat myself, but everyone else get a free pass? Has it occured to you that if the subject didnt keep coming up that I wouldnt even be repeating myself as you put it? How come you havent asked the ones thatkeep bringing this subject up what they have to gain?

Not sure what is so irritating about what I said as it's not anything that hasnt been said by other people, repeatedly asa matter of fact, but again, you havent said a word to them. So what in world do you expect me to think? This subject came up may times, many times i havent spoken on it, but as soon as I do, all of a sudden it's irritating and it's like a broken record. Even you has stated your opinion on he matter more than once but me, it's a no go to you.

So why can you and others repeat themselves but I cant? From what i gather you simply have some type of beef with me. If it's not that, then why are we having this discussion when you have not had it with anyone else?

It seems to me you you have a problem with me just simply stating my opinion on the subject. I didnt insult anyone, I didnt say the other opinion is wrong, irritating, etc but you just couldnt help yourself it seems.

Either way, you have your opinion on the subject at hand, and have stated it in the past and probably will again if it comes up again, and I will to. All I ask is like I dont go around dissing your opinion or making ab ig deal out it, I just ask you do the same for my opinion.

I have as much right to state my opinion on the subject as you or anyone else here regardless if you think I shouldnt have an opinion or not. I'm going to state it just as you freely do and feel you have a right to your opinion.

I answered your questions yet you answer none of mine. You keep playing this double standard. You state your opinion over and over but get on my case when you feel I do the same. You ask questions I answer them but you answer not a single one of mine.

Like I ask what is it you are trying to prove by picking me out for doing something that you have done yourself. You havent stated exactly what you are trying to prove by stating your opinion over and over. And since me stating my opinion over and over is bugging you that much, why not ask these questions to other people that have stated their opinion over and over because over here in my view it seems that the reason you havent because stating opinion over and over is not the issue and more of a personal issue you have with me. I'm not sure what it is, or why, but this is what it is in a nutshell.

Dont want me repeating myself, stop bringing up the same subjects over and over. Dont want me to state my opinion, then dont give yours. More than likely you will do neither and that is fine, but dont stop jumping my throat for doing something that is no different than what you and many others have been doing, especially when you havent bothered to even say anything to them.

Now if it was the other way around and I can at you like you did me over your opinion you would have called me a troll, and causing trouble and being hostile and attacking. But since you're doing it instead, it must be ok now huh.
You do like playing the martyr when it suits you, don't you?

Well, even though you never did answer "my questions", reading what you said told me quite a bit. I'll leave now so you can have "the last word", since it seems that's the most important thing to you. Insanity, is repeating the same action over and over and expecting a different response. I'm going to stop repeating myself, but I certainly won't stop you from doing so.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
You do like playing the martyr when it suits you, don't you?
You are trying your hardest to make me a martyr because if you wasnt you would had already had this discussion with other people but you didnt choose other people. You chose only me.

[QUOTE=Rangle M. Down;4427490
I'm going to stop repeating myself, but I certainly won't stop you from doing so. [/QUOTE]

Thank you that is all I ask. Dont jump on me for repeating themselves especially when others have dont it many more times than I did and especially when you have dont so yourself.
There must be alot of insanity going on these forums by your logic then.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Did I really just scroll through a full-page pot vs kettle argument about people repeating themselves?

This forum gets more pathetic by the day.



Originally Posted by Black Zot View Post
Did I really just scroll through a full-page pot vs kettle argument about people repeating themselves?

This forum gets more pathetic by the day.
basically. It wasnt even an issue until Rangle decided he wanted to make an issue out of it.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



So what are you grave dancers going to do with yourselves in 5 days?

Hopefully, there's another game that gets shut down so you don't go crazy having to contain your 20-20 hindsight financial prophesying.

Please buff Ice Control.



Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
So what are you grave dancers going to do with yourselves in 5 days?

Hopefully, there's another game that gets shut down so you don't go crazy having to contain your 20-20 hindsight financial prophesying.

The TORtanic or TSW would probably be good places for them to try

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Black Zot View Post
Did I really just scroll through a full-page pot vs kettle argument about people repeating themselves?
How many posts have I made on the subject, compared to others?

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
So what are you grave dancers going to do with yourselves in 5 days?

Hopefully, there's another game that gets shut down so you don't go crazy having to contain your 20-20 hindsight financial prophesying.
As far away from GG as possible.

To be fair, considering what was recently posted up on the Titan Network forums (although thankfully TonyV removed the offending post from her, and several replies), I think that it would be *most* beneficial for even Project Z to dump her....



Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
So what are you grave dancers going to do with yourselves in 5 days?

Hopefully, there's another game that gets shut down so you don't go crazy having to contain your 20-20 hindsight financial prophesying.
Well given that discussions of this type have been going on at least since 2010, especially the finance ones, and what is going wrong in this game, I dont think it's grave dancing unless you are saying that COX been in the grave all this time. And most of this stuff isnt 20/20 hindsight. It just that you probably just finally open your eyes to the these discussions and its new to you but they been around since at least 2010. They might have been around before that time too.

And when entity fails, even if NCSOft goes bankrupt, a few of the top discussions that will go one is what went wrong financially by insiders and outsiders just like here. The same discussion when GM needed a bail out, the same discussion of why this country is in debt, the same discussion couple haves. If that is grave dancing then grave dancing must be a national past time.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!