Champions Online: just doesn't cut it.

Ael Rhiana



The Faces in that game......ugggh.
I am never happy with my "human" super heroes



Oh, I have a couple screens of my character in CO that I can share too. He's not a recreation of anything I have in COH though (yes I leave the outlines on. Don't judge me.)



Originally Posted by Mr_Bal View Post
The Faces in that game......ugggh.
I am never happy with my "human" super heroes
Which is why I only ever made robots in CO, which meant 90% of my concepts are out. :/

Oh hello again SWtOR.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
(yes I leave the outlines on. Don't judge me.)

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Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
Which is why I only ever made robots in CO, which meant 90% of my concepts are out. :/

Oh hello again SWtOR.
What about masks? I think the faces are more customizable in CO personally. I love the age/scruff/scar etc. effects and the sliders for proportions feel much more extensive to me.



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
I'll miss my Masterminds and my Dominators a lot, but I'm vaguely excited at the idea of putting together a Freeform character. (Or several Freeform characters)
Haven't played enough to talk about control-type characters there.

But if I'm not mistaken, some of the gadget-based ATs acquire pets.

I just hope defensive powers in CO live up to their hype. That's going to be the deal-breaker for me. My Unleashed was not as sturdy as I expected, but that was before I read through their (woefully incomplete) wiki and learned a little bit about how CO's mechanics work, and that "melee" didn't automatically equal "class with damage reduction" like it does in CoH. If my Tank or Hybrid with the Invulnerability passive is still getting easily KO'd by a a group of two or three punks with handguns at the easiest difficulty setting, I'm out of there.
Yeah. Dealing with that somewhat myself. My "tank" plays more like a scrapper at this point.

I dive in, then spam foot stomp with a little buildup and stuff just dies.

The only thing that's making me feel less than "super" is the fact that more than about 8 enemies and I'm toast. No matter what.

(All that said, if Paragon Studios reforms and starts active development on CoH again, I'll be back to CoH in a heartbeat and never look back)
You and me both.

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Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
What about masks? I think the faces are more customizable in CO personally. I love the age/scruff/scar etc. effects and the sliders for proportions feel much more extensive to me.
Honestly just about all of them other than "default expression" look like they're download some massive brownware. I've tried the game multiple times and it's just not for me. It's good that some folks can sort of make it work for them, but I'm not one of them.

With no other superhero/villain MMO's out there I'll be in a galaxy far, far away, or exiled to a zombie infested coastline, and possibly checking in on this kid that's going to throw his mom's jewlery in a fire.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
The only thing that's making me feel less than "super" is the fact that more than about 8 enemies and I'm toast. No matter what.

You're playing free form right? Get a good block power, an active defense and slotted passive. At level 20 I was able to take on groups of 5 +3 enemies on my ranged damage build (Granted a lot of that was one shotting or near one shotting everything with Ricochet Throw before I even aggroed them half the time.) I feel like characters are much more powerful before the level cap in CO as opposed to leveling characters in COH. Now at level 33 on my second tank build with regen as my passive I haven't found much I can't handle, albeit with slower clearing speeds. Being able to switch between builds on the fly is a godsend in that respect though.

Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
Honestly just about all of them other than "default expression" look like they're download some massive brownware. I've tried the game multiple times and it's just not for me. It's good that some folks can sort of make it work for them, but I'm not one of them.
That's fair.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
You're playing free form right? Get a good block power, an active defense and slotted passive. At level 20 I was able to take on groups of 5 +3 enemies on my ranged damage build (Granted a lot of that was one shotting or near one shotting everything with Ricochet Throw before I even aggroed them half the time.) I feel like characters are much more powerful before the level cap in CO as opposed to leveling characters in COH. Now at level 33 on my second tank build with regen as my passive I haven't found much I can't handle, albeit with slower clearing speeds. Being able to switch between builds on the fly is a godsend in that respect though.

That's fair.
Yeah, never had a issue with dying been able to handle a pretty nice sized gathering of enemy mobs.

I feel more powerful in CO than COH. Feels like I'm on par if not exceeding the friendly NPCs and tough enemy NPCs. Like the NPCs and contacts seem to interact with the characters as if I'm in their league, another super hero.
In COX feel like there is no way to get as powerful or near poweful of the likes of Statesman, LR, Black Scorp., Positron, Numina, and etc and feel for like an errand person for them than an actual equal. It's like the characters in COX are super heros-the light version that takes on tasks that the real super heroes dont feel like bothering with.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Yeah, never had a issue with dying been able to handle a pretty nice sized gathering of enemy mobs.

I feel more powerful in CO than COH. Feels like I'm on par if not exceeding the friendly NPCs and tough enemy NPCs. Like the NPCs and contacts seem to interact with the characters as if I'm in their league, another super hero.
In COX feel like there is no way to get as powerful or near poweful of the likes of Statesman, LR, Black Scorp., Positron, Numina, and etc and feel for like an errand person for them than an actual equal. It's like the characters in COX are super heros-the light version that takes on tasks that the real super heroes dont feel like bothering with.
I dunno about that. My main hero, Destructeon, is pretty hard to kill here in CoH. Something needs to hit him really, REALLY hard to take him down. That said, when I migrate to CO after the tragic death of our game, it'll be interesting to see how he'll compare in that game.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I went and recreated my main over there. He'd been created previously, but I'd deleted the original to make way for something else at the time in beta.

So. Purchased three months of subscription time in CO... only played about half that.....for the simple reason...I can't stand the art. I wanted to give the game a fair shake, and I think I did. But when you can't stand looking at won't be able to play it. I'm gonna wait for the next superhero MMO, thankew. If there is one. I can only hope there's something like a CoX2 in the works, and not from NCSoft, either.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Yeah, never had a issue with dying been able to handle a pretty nice sized gathering of enemy mobs.

I feel more powerful in CO than COH. Feels like I'm on par if not exceeding the friendly NPCs and tough enemy NPCs. Like the NPCs and contacts seem to interact with the characters as if I'm in their league, another super hero.
In COX feel like there is no way to get as powerful or near poweful of the likes of Statesman, LR, Black Scorp., Positron, Numina, and etc and feel for like an errand person for them than an actual equal. It's like the characters in COX are super heros-the light version that takes on tasks that the real super heroes dont feel like bothering with.
Really? I feel like these days in CoX I feel more significant and powerful than any of the "npc" heroes. And in the mission text they make it seem like you are pretty much one of the strongest, if not THE strongest being on earth(the SSAs in particular really highlight this). My fully IOed and Incarnate-powered hero can solo damn near anything short of a GM, but thats purely because I cant out damage thier regen as a scrapper. I still feel like nothing will ever compare to leaping into a giant mob of villains, firing off vorpal judgement and watching 20-40 bodies hit the floor instantly.

@Ashen Fury
Ashen Fury - KM/EA Scrapper
Erika Tempest - Ice/EM Tanker
Scion of Restoration - Emp/Sonic Defender



Hi! This is Antoinette if you remember me from Rogue Magazine! I'm enjoying my experience in Champions Online. Re-created my main toon in CO.

I have my graphics on very high and also playing on my Alienware PC.

This is the underwater shot in Lemuria. No lines:

My new favorite Zone, Vibora Bay! My toon is facing a gate with light:

My favorite part of Canada:

My favorite feature in this game is getting wet! No, not that, I mean you get soaked! This is so realistic! My apartment (Hideout):

Yes, I know all my characters are so skinny!

Also if you want the feel of CoH in combat this is my settings so I'm closer to home (City of Heroes.)

[center][size=1][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] GLOBAL: @Antoinette |[/font][/color][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] MAIN: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Pinkrise[/font][/color][/url][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] | SG: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma]The Ethereals [/font][/color][/url][font=Tahoma][color=#FF99CC] | PROJECTS: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Rogue Magazine [/font][/color][/url][/size][/center]



my graphics cards not that high and im still a little rusty on using cameras for shoots and maxing out lighting.. NO BLACK LINES!!

Timberpixie and her pet Raptors/Robots/Teddy Bears and err... floating healing things..

happy they have an antler set for the head AND something that kinna looks like its should or should not be an animal, that I can plunk on her head..

STILL working on trying to get the lighting right though.. thats like 50 percent of the battle..



Originally Posted by Antoinette View Post
Hi! This is Antoinette if you remember me from Rogue Magazine! I'm enjoying my experience in Champions Online. Re-created my main toon in CO.

I have my graphics on very high and also playing on my Alienware PC.

This is the underwater shot in Lemuria. No lines:

My new favorite Zone, Vibora Bay! My toon is facing a gate with light:

My favorite part of Canada:

My favorite feature in this game is getting wet! No, not that, I mean you get soaked! This is so realistic! My apartment (Hideout):

Yes, I know all my characters are so skinny!

Also if you want the feel of CoH in combat this is my settings so I'm closer to home (City of Heroes.)

nice pics

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Ashen_Fury View Post
Really? I feel like these days in CoX I feel more significant and powerful than any of the "npc" heroes. And in the mission text they make it seem like you are pretty much one of the strongest, if not THE strongest being on earth(the SSAs in particular really highlight this). My fully IOed and Incarnate-powered hero can solo damn near anything short of a GM, but thats purely because I cant out damage thier regen as a scrapper. I still feel like nothing will ever compare to leaping into a giant mob of villains, firing off vorpal judgement and watching 20-40 bodies hit the floor instantly.
Yeah, those incarnate powers are nice, but that is at the end of the game.

In compare, especially when compared to the likes of say for example Valkyrie, which tend to do ten times or more damage to the mob/player than the player is able to do with the same weapon. In CO the lead NPCs damage output seem to be about on par with what the damage the player can do and withstand. Positron seems like a radiation throwing tanker especially when fighting him, even though he's a rad defender while player defenders are known to be relatively squishy.

When I see an NPC be able to do damage that players can only dream of achieving, it seems like they are on a totally different level of power than players are able to get to. That to me makes the player made and controlled heros seem more like a less powered sidekick than actual hero on the level of the main NPCs. In CO, it seems more on an even level.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Yeah, never had a issue with dying been able to handle a pretty nice sized gathering of enemy mobs.

I feel more powerful in CO than COH. Feels like I'm on par if not exceeding the friendly NPCs and tough enemy NPCs. Like the NPCs and contacts seem to interact with the characters as if I'm in their league, another super hero.
In COX feel like there is no way to get as powerful or near poweful of the likes of Statesman, LR, Black Scorp., Positron, Numina, and etc and feel for like an errand person for them than an actual equal. It's like the characters in COX are super heros-the light version that takes on tasks that the real super heroes dont feel like bothering with.
Yeah, that's been the result of my reassessment of ChO. I feel more "super" and I didn't have to jump through a bunch of slotting and Incarnate hoops to get there.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
You're playing free form right? Get a good block power, an active defense and slotted passive. At level 20 I was able to take on groups of 5 +3 enemies on my ranged damage build (Granted a lot of that was one shotting or near one shotting everything with Ricochet Throw before I even aggroed them half the time.) I feel like characters are much more powerful before the level cap in CO as opposed to leveling characters in COH. Now at level 33 on my second tank build with regen as my passive I haven't found much I can't handle, albeit with slower clearing speeds. Being able to switch between builds on the fly is a godsend in that respect though.

That's fair.

Still not a fan of the active block. I'm not a ******* twitch gamer. I haven't been for a few years now.

And, to be fair, with my KO blow and FS equivalents, I'm killing more enemies quicker.

I just hit 20 and he's fairly decent. Just really irritating at times. A lot of the game irritates me. Stuff I've taken for granted from day 1 in CoH, stuff Cryptic got RIGHT the first time and promptly forgot.

And yeah, the multiple builds is cool.

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Originally Posted by Ashen_Fury View Post
Really? I feel like these days in CoX I feel more significant and powerful than any of the "npc" heroes. And in the mission text they make it seem like you are pretty much one of the strongest, if not THE strongest being on earth(the SSAs in particular really highlight this). My fully IOed and Incarnate-powered hero can solo damn near anything short of a GM, but thats purely because I cant out damage thier regen as a scrapper. I still feel like nothing will ever compare to leaping into a giant mob of villains, firing off vorpal judgement and watching 20-40 bodies hit the floor instantly.
Yeah. There's a special warm spot in my heart that lights up when I hit aggro cap. Then it bursts into Rise of the Phoenix when I whomp down 2/3rds of them in about 3 seconds...

Yeah, the bills to the hospital for all the burn treatments are a NIGHTMARE!

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Still not a fan of the active block. I'm not a ******* twitch gamer. I haven't been for a few years now.

And, to be fair, with my KO blow and FS equivalents, I'm killing more enemies quicker.
I have been leveling with Bionic Shielding- That combined with Force Shield essentially means that in a tough situation when I over aggro, I can simply hit my heal, block, and have both my health and energy fully restored about 2 additional seconds into the onslaught. At this point, I can charge up my AOE and be done with the whole mess in a matter of seconds.

It's always nice to have a backup plan. In COH, it was a tray full of purples. In CO, it's just picking the right powers and/or having another build to fall back on.
I just hit 20 and he's fairly decent. Just really irritating at times. A lot of the game irritates me. Stuff I've taken for granted from day 1 in CoH, stuff Cryptic got RIGHT the first time and promptly forgot.
For what it's worth, I was annoyed by some things at first too. I saw you in the CoX channel asking about a certain mission in the Desert or Canada I think, where the objective was to find underwater glowies. For what it's worth, you CAN set waypoints on your map by simply clicking the mission in your log on the side, observing that this automatically centers your mini map on the waypoint of the mission you clicked, setting the point by left clicking it (missions are presented on the map in the order you've set them in your mission log- 1 being the primary. These numerals will coincide on your mini-map. Also, they have circles around the vicinity of the mission objectives, reflected on the map) and following the arrow (keep it in the middle) on your mini map, since sometimes missions don't give the overhead arrow even when you make them primary.

When it comes to knowing to go into the water in this specific mission, the mission dialogue text tends to be very specific or at least give strong hints as to what your objective is and where you can find it, if it's not glaringly obvious. A lot of this is just getting used to the game. I just figured out that I could press F12 to re-arrange my UI a week or so ago, and I've been playing for almost a month.



Originally Posted by Antoinette View Post
My favorite feature in this game is getting wet! No, not that, I mean you get soaked! This is so realistic! My apartment (Hideout):

Yes, I know all my characters are so skinny!

Also if you want the feel of CoH in combat this is my settings so I'm closer to home (City of Heroes.)
Yeah. I have a moonbase (noshitiswear!) as my hideout.

Also! The little shop in the Powerhouse? Off towards the back and to the right, they have fitting rooms with actual closeable doors that function as Tailors. ALSO, in that area is a green screen room!

Ever wanted to just chop the background out of a picture of your toon and put in something else without LOTS of cut-n-paste and cleanup? BINGO!

It's cool to see some of the nice new QOL stuff they've added. But, at the same time, some of the things they've done are so damn frustrating it makes me wanna shoot somebody...

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
ALSO, in that area is a green screen room!
You can also find a green screen in the news station (which you can apparently enter without having the Foxbat mission now - I don't recall that being the case before). Of course, that one is just a regular green screen rather than an entirely green screened room. People were using it for screenshots back then - it's neat that they expanded on the concept as a QoL feature.

I saw that little storefront in the Powerhouse but I didn't bother to take a closer look. Thanks for the intel!

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Keep your eyes open for a youtube of me slicing a sandwich in half with my Champions Online retail disc.

As for screenies:



Screenshot thread? Screenshot thread.

My current main, the cowboy cop cartoon fairy Foxfire. After various versions of 'DeathWishUponAStar' here, I was finally able to get her the look and powers I wanted:

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Man! Champions characters close up make CoX characters look like Cryengine 3.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."