Champions Online: just doesn't cut it.

Ael Rhiana



Some images here too. Mostly alien robotic themed.



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Man! Champions characters close up make CoX characters look like Cryengine 3.
Yeah, it's that unfortunate cartoonish art style they chose. The graphics engine is obviously more advanced than CoH, but they didn't take advantage of it.



The other thing is, they essentially cut all the faces down to ONE face. And all you can do is run around the sliders with that.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



I think I might be the only COH player who thinks Champions looks fantastic.



i think it look good.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Well, don't get me wrong. It doesn't look bad, but it's not great either. I tend to prefer more realistic textures. I'm going to miss the grit from King's Row's sidewalks.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
The other thing is, they essentially cut all the faces down to ONE face. And all you can do is run around the sliders with that.
So that's not just a under level 10 restriction I was running into.

I'd kill for some "day job" clothes, well, I will kill/arrest/whatever for them since I know that more costume parts are unlocked once one of your two hit level 10, but wow did they restrict the character creator.

Being able to buy points before 10 would be nice too. It's hard enough to be motivated to get through the intro as it is and then you can't try the archetype that looks interesting makes it feel even more like pointless drudgery.



All right. So I've put in over 4 days /played into CO. I'm willing to eat crow (just a tad) and say it's not a bad game. I still don't like most of the character models. I still think City of Heroes is, in almost all respects, a superior game. But Champions is not bad. I do have fun playing it. I've managed to run all the lairs up until VIPER Nest (level 38) and have yet to run any of the 40 lairs. The missions, in general, do seem to get more interesting and a lot less... stupid later on.

Really, I guess it's not a bad game. Right now my only real complaint is that there isn't a whole lot of group specific content (Alerts, which are really generic and uninteresting, and Lairs, which few people seem to run). The issue seems to be, from talking to CO Vets, is that the player base of CO doesn't seem to want group content. The argument seems to be circular and self-defeating; they don't run group content because the rewards are abysmal but they don't want group content to provide decent rewards because it's somehow "unfair". So lairs provide crap loot and it's rather difficult to scrape together a team to do them.

Now, don't get me wrong here, I'm all for alternative methods to get good stuff, which is why even though I love Incarnate Trials, I was (am) a big fan of the Dark Astoria revamp (heck, my only complaint is I think it should've been released sooner). But the way they do it, Champions seems to make soloing more efficient than grouping.

Maybe I'm missing something somewhere? Honestly, I just want to do the lairs because I like to see as much content/mess around with as many systems in an MMO as I possibly can. I should just look for an SG that has a similar completionist (I think that's the best term for it) attitude.

But with that said, I like the game enough that if the lifetime sub ever goes on sale and I have the cash to spare, I'd buy it. Not nearly as good as City of Heroes, but a good game nonetheless. Of course, that doesn't make me any less sad to see CoH go, especially because Cryptic recycled several sound effects from CoH in CO, so every time I hear them, it reminds me of CoH and how much more I like CoH than CO. The character models, writing, and content aren't as good as CoH. Especially the writing. The only thing that comes close is the 37-40 zone, Vibora Bay, and even that is severely lacking compared to what has happened, was currently happening, and what was on the horizon for CoH.

EDIT: As Kurt Cobain once said, "Hey, wait, I've got a new complaint". Well, not new, but one I just remembered. My only other one, is that they also seem to be glacially slow with update patches. Looking at their website, they seem to count two of their seasonal events and their F2P transition as "content updates", and other than that, there have been, it looks like, six real additions to the game in the three years its been in existence. IMO that's nothing to be terribly proud of in the MMO space. I've played quite a few MMOs, and it's been my experience that most put out content and system updates far more frequently than that. I have to wonder how much Champions is suffering from Cryptic's apparent "churn-and-burn" approach to game development.

Virtue 50s:
Ice/Ice Blaster, Fire/Fire Dominator, Mind/Emp Controller, Shield/Axe Tanker, Spines/Regen Scrapper, Rad/Pain Corruptor, Petless Thugs/Traps MM(WHY!?), Widow
A zillion alts on Virtue and elsewhere.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
So that's not just a under level 10 restriction I was running into.

I'd kill for some "day job" clothes, well, I will kill/arrest/whatever for them since I know that more costume parts are unlocked once one of your two hit level 10, but wow did they restrict the character creator.

Being able to buy points before 10 would be nice too. It's hard enough to be motivated to get through the intro as it is and then you can't try the archetype that looks interesting makes it feel even more like pointless drudgery.
Wait, the points are gated too? Wut?



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Wait, the points are gated too? Wut?
Your account must pass the following criteria:

* At least one of your characters must be level 10 or higher.

If you feel that this message is an error, please contact Perfect World Entertainment's Billing Team through the Support System.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
Your account must pass the following criteria:

* At least one of your characters must be level 10 or higher.

If you feel that this message is an error, please contact Perfect World Entertainment's Billing Team through the Support System.
Dear God.... They're really going out of their way to damage first impressions of the game over there, aren't they?



Originally Posted by FrostPox View Post

But with that said, I like the game enough that if the lifetime sub ever goes on sale and I have the cash to spare, I'd buy it
You can buy a lifetime sub to CO. If I am remember correctly it should be one of the payment options of your account



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Dear God.... They're really going out of their way to damage first impressions of the game over there, aren't they?
From what I understand, there's been some talk between the CO community and devs about fixing this stupid situation.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by savagedeacon_NA View Post
You can buy a lifetime sub to CO. If I am remember correctly it should be one of the payment options of your account

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



I meant "On Sale" for less than $300. :P Though if I ever have $300 and nothing else I'd prefer to buy, I'd consider it.

Also, my face when the following happens:
1. People in the CoX channel complain that it's hard to find teams
2. I offer to form a team
3. No takers.

Virtue 50s:
Ice/Ice Blaster, Fire/Fire Dominator, Mind/Emp Controller, Shield/Axe Tanker, Spines/Regen Scrapper, Rad/Pain Corruptor, Petless Thugs/Traps MM(WHY!?), Widow
A zillion alts on Virtue and elsewhere.



Originally Posted by FrostPox View Post
I meant "On Sale" for less than $300. :P Though if I ever have $300 and nothing else I'd prefer to buy, I'd consider it.

Also, my face when the following happens:
1. People in the CoX channel complain that it's hard to find teams
2. I offer to form a team
3. No takers.

may have made the statement a bit too late maybe. They may have tried forming/joining one, then either logged or went solo and stopped monitoring the channel. Then that one moment you offer doesnt really nullify the other times before you logged and or when you are not offering to form a team. Even though if they did see it, it's odd they were not a single taker to the offer.

It's like trying to form a specific TF on a less populated server then someone the next day say they ran said tf at 1pm in the afternoon which still is useless to the case if a person was logged on at 9am-12pm.

It is a bit difficult to get a team together overall. Every now in then someone in the channel offers but besides those few times, it's usually everyman for themselves it seems. Although, I do keep getting blind team invites and yet to find the feature to block those if that feature is available. I see no reason to team much in that game but I like it like that. But it seems a number of transfer people not used to it just yet. Ilike it because there is no waiting for peak times, or a specific group that runs that specific action at a certain time to log, or anything like that. When it's solo based content, just log on and go regardless of the time, day, who's on, who is not on, and whether or not people just ran it interested or not. Just able to log on anytime any day and no slow down because of running into inerestign content that requires a team.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Eh, I generally offer to form a team a few times every time I play, usually as soon as a log on and then once when I'm debating logging off, and often at least once in between if I'm playing for a particularly long time with very mixed results. So often the order is mixed (IE, I offer to form team, no takers, then people complain no one teams. Or, often, people complain no one teams but I never seen anyone take the initiative).

I don't sweat it too much, though since there's loads of solo content so it's not like I have nothing else to do.

Virtue 50s:
Ice/Ice Blaster, Fire/Fire Dominator, Mind/Emp Controller, Shield/Axe Tanker, Spines/Regen Scrapper, Rad/Pain Corruptor, Petless Thugs/Traps MM(WHY!?), Widow
A zillion alts on Virtue and elsewhere.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Dear God.... They're really going out of their way to damage first impressions of the game over there, aren't they?

If you're not silver you can also skip the tutorial and start at level 6 though. Getting from 6 to 10 takes, what.. 15 minutes max?



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
If you're not silver you can also skip the tutorial and start at level 6 though. Getting from 6 to 10 takes, what.. 15 minutes max?
It takes me a bit longer than that (maybe 30-45 minutes). It seems to involve going through Kodiak's Purple Gang missions right through the Supervillain mission. Without a slotted passive defense, that Supervillain mission might be a bit difficult to solo.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
It takes me a bit longer than that (maybe 30-45 minutes). It seems to involve going through Kodiak's Purple Gang missions right through the Supervillain mission. Without a slotted passive defense, that Supervillain mission might be a bit difficult to solo.
I never had any trouble with it on my Void AT and my free form guy without a passive at that point in the leveling phase. The latter uses targeting computer as his passive on his main build too, and I've been doing well with that up to level 34 so far, shrug... In the lower levels I always blocked before the higher rank enemies used their bigger attacks. It shows an icon several seconds before they que the attack on you.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
It takes me a bit longer than that (maybe 30-45 minutes). It seems to involve going through Kodiak's Purple Gang missions right through the Supervillain mission. Without a slotted passive defense, that Supervillain mission might be a bit difficult to solo.
The Poe fight is easy, the trick is to run away right after the cutscene. All the minions should follow you into the hall, clear them out there, then run inside to take down the big boss. And just remember to block his soul drains.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
The Poe fight is easy, the trick is to run away right after the cutscene. All the minions should follow you into the hall, clear them out there, then run inside to take down the big boss. And just remember to block his soul drains.

Or I just run in there guns blazing and take them all out no problem.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Haven't played enough to talk about control-type characters there.

But if I'm not mistaken, some of the gadget-based ATs acquire pets.
They do, but it's not the same. Most CO pets are closer to Controller/Dominator style pets.

I like the "Three minion, two lieutenant, one boss" structure of the Mastermind, and the wide variety of types (including three different types of human "pets"), and CO doesn't have that, just a bunch of different random pets scattered through out its various powersets.

I could make a rough approximation of my Robots mastermind there (but without the Assault bot), but nothing close to Ninjas, Thugs, or Mercs, and only a single Beast or Demon pet.

And I'm not sure it supports my favorite style of Masterminding: sitting back and letting the pets do most of the work, like an actual fictional mastermind. I direct them, they do the damage. My job is to keep an eye on everyone's health bars and throw out buffs, debuffs, and heals as required, not to attack the enemy directly.

Yeah. Dealing with that somewhat myself. My "tank" plays more like a scrapper at this point.

I dive in, then spam foot stomp with a little buildup and stuff just dies.

The only thing that's making me feel less than "super" is the fact that more than about 8 enemies and I'm toast. No matter what.
That's disheartening. The ability to get that sort of near-invulnerability is what I love about CoH melee classes. Superman and the Hulk don't require someone behind them casting healing spells on them in order to win fights, why should I have to?

Originally Posted by Ashen_Fury View Post
Really? I feel like these days in CoX I feel more significant and powerful than any of the "npc" heroes. And in the mission text they make it seem like you are pretty much one of the strongest, if not THE strongest being on earth(the SSAs in particular really highlight this). My fully IOed and Incarnate-powered hero can solo damn near anything short of a GM, but thats purely because I cant out damage thier regen as a scrapper. I still feel like nothing will ever compare to leaping into a giant mob of villains, firing off vorpal judgement and watching 20-40 bodies hit the floor instantly.
Yeah, exactly this. (Though replace "Vorpal" with "Ion"). With resistances on my Elec/Invuln Brute hitting 80% with Resilient Alpha (and 90% with Resilient Alpha and the new Set bonuses on the Test server), I feel like nothing (other than Psi and some Incarnate Trial bosses) can take me down, and that's before hitting a Barrier Destiny.

CO Invulnerability only seems to give 27% resist, but the Wiki says it scales with super stats, but doesn't explain how it scales or what it maxes out at (or if it maxes out at all). Can I hit 90% there, too?



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
They do, but it's not the same. Most CO pets are closer to Controller/Dominator style pets.

I like the "Three minion, two lieutenant, one boss" structure of the Mastermind, and the wide variety of types (including three different types of human "pets"), and CO doesn't have that, just a bunch of different random pets scattered through out its various powersets.

I could make a rough approximation of my Robots mastermind there (but without the Assault bot), but nothing close to Ninjas, Thugs, or Mercs, and only a single Beast or Demon pet.

And I'm not sure it supports my favorite style of Masterminding: sitting back and letting the pets do most of the work, like an actual fictional mastermind. I direct them, they do the damage. My job is to keep an eye on everyone's health bars and throw out buffs, debuffs, and heals as required, not to attack the enemy directly.

That's disheartening. The ability to get that sort of near-invulnerability is what I love about CoH melee classes. Superman and the Hulk don't require someone behind them casting healing spells on them in order to win fights, why should I have to?

Yeah, exactly this. (Though replace "Vorpal" with "Ion"). With resistances on my Elec/Invuln Brute hitting 80% with Resilient Alpha (and 90% with Resilient Alpha and the new Set bonuses on the Test server), I feel like nothing (other than Psi and some Incarnate Trial bosses) can take me down, and that's before hitting a Barrier Destiny.

CO Invulnerability only seems to give 27% resist, but the Wiki says it scales with super stats, but doesn't explain how it scales or what it maxes out at (or if it maxes out at all). Can I hit 90% there, too?
more than likely but cant say for sure as I havent made it there myself yet. there are powers that start off at 30% you can choose and my defense (resistance equivalent) is already at 50% and that's just as a side affect of focusing on other things like hit points and strength. I think if someone was to focus on defense a little more than me, then 90% resistance is well within easy reach.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
CO Invulnerability only seems to give 27% resist, but the Wiki says it scales with super stats, but doesn't explain how it scales or what it maxes out at (or if it maxes out at all). Can I hit 90% there, too?
Checking my level 17 invuln, at rank 2 hers reduces 39 damage from the top and adds an additional +44% resist for whatever's left. However, their resist doesn't work like ours, its +44% of whatever % resist you start with. She gets another +30% from her defense, a boost from Defiant if I'm using Defensive Combo, and then her final resist is multiplied by 1.1 if she's in her tank role. At least, that's what it looks like just from viewing the in-game stats. Not to mention she gets a +25% boost to her HP in that role too. (Just don't look at your super stats damage boosts. >_>; )

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader