All I want is a Great Superhero Game...




Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
...where I can be the hero! Is that too much to ask?

Yes. Yes it is.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Super heroine, secret agent, street warrior, future-tech alien, weapon-wielding barbarian, she has been many an alt of choice for over a year, I just want to play my foxgirl with a cute swishy tail.

For playing a human I've tried CO and DCUO recently and CO seems to be the front runner there for super heroics.

I'd love to play in a science-fiction setting that's more sandbox oriented, as well as person and not SHIP (e.g., Eve) oriented. Maybe I'll give STO a try sometime after November. My other option, although I suck at being a game master, is running a pen & paper scifi RPG (fav: Traveller).



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I'm glad too. I'll get more done!
I'm certainly taking this approach and hope it turns out to be true. I use to write a lot more than I have in the last few years.

Originally Posted by jfp2004 View Post
I doubt a game like this would exist anytime soon, but man, I would LOVE to have a good superhero sandbox game.
I know you're talking about a single-player sandbox (like Minecraft I guess, for superheroes). But I'm still waiting for the day that someone develops a game with a lot of the customization that you see in Second Life -- but that works as a game as well.

I remember when I tried out Anarchy Online when it first launched. Buggy as h3ll. But there were "casual" costumes for hanging out and roleplaying, and there was a bug that you could exploit to run missions in full armor but appear in your casual outfit. And I did that a lot, until they fixed it, and I wondered what's so wrong about wanting to look like however you want instead of like whatever junky mismatched armor you happen to have run across. So for me, City of Heroes came closest to that ideal. I could look awesome at level one, my look wasn't tied to my "armor". Now I just want a game that expands on that idea even more.

And the grouping at any level thing, I'll have a hard time playing any game that doesn't allow for that.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



We still have one!
And we may not lose it!

Something I've seen people talk about is how we're used to CoH and need to give other games time if we're going to give it a chance... and there is, of course, some truth to that. So, I'm not fully arguing that, but there is another aspect to that.
Many of us love City Of Heroes not because we got used to how it plays and works... Rather, we fell in love with it because it plays and works how we enjoy and/or would want a game to be.

I know that's true for me.

I had another mmorpg love of my life in the old SWG.
After that was destroyed by the NGE, I was a refugee and gave a CoV free trial a whirl.
It was supposed to be my first free trial of all the mmorpgs out there.

Well, a few days into playing the trial and both my wife and I decided to buy the game(s) (both CoH and CoV, at that time).

Sure, I love this community, I love the personalities and friendliness of the people at Paragon Studios (of course that does play a part in the game they made too) and I love the customization of the costumes and the powers (the multitude of available choices alone)... But I really love the actual game.

Right now, I don't know of any games that come close to having the mindset that the design of this game carried. In some ways, CoH was a downgrade from the old SWG (but, in a lot of ways it was a massive upgrade as well). Regardless, those two titles had some things in common with respect to the freedoms and choices and wide variety of personal approaches to playing those games... and I very much enjoyed the combat, movement and interactions of the actual gameplay in both games. You know... some games just feel right while you play them. Then, if they have all those awesome options on top of it and allow me to make things look the way I'd like... and allow me to play the way I'd prefer... The whole thing comes together.
Unfortunately, these were two of the last mmorpgs that kept away from the EQ/WoW model.
Not sure there are any major titles out there that have followed those paths and/or true paths of their own. At least, none that have that type of gameplay that just feels right for me.

So... here's to hoping that Paragon City remains within our reach for some time to come.
I know I'll be here through November, at the very least... and I believe I will be there afterward as well.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
DCUO shares similar issues: ugly artwork and graphics, lack of content, small game world.
While I'm not a fan of DCUO as a whole, of the three superhero MMOGs I'd have to say it presents the two best-looking city environments. And the sense of scale therein made CoH feel small to me by comparison.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
CO is great if you want to feel like an errand boy for the big name signature heroes, and if you want an actual nemesis.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Cuz it's not. You don't have to like these games, but if you want to keep any credibility, at least play them and/or represent them in a somewhat unbiased fashion (as opposed to "if it's not CoX, it's the suxx0r"). The fact is, our beloved game looks like it's ending and people are looking for viable alternatives from a somewhat (can't believe I'm saying this) trusted community. They need actual informed opinions - not B.S. hyperbole from trolls with an ax to grind.



Personally, I felt more like a tool for signature characters going through CoV content than I have playing ChO.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Personally, my only two complaints about CO were 1) it felt like WoW in spandex, and 2) it wasn't City of Heroes.

1 was just a personal opinion and 2 is just an ugly truth—nothing will be City of Heroes. But I may be willing to go for second best to fill my crime-fightin' urges. Maybe. Way too soon for me to make that decision.

"But we are like children, thinking our toys will make us happy and the whole world is our nursery. Something must drive us out of that nursery and into the lives of others, and that something is suffering." �C.S. Lewis



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Marvel Heroes is starting closed beta test in November.

Details are sketchy but the downside is that it appears to be a game where you play AS one of Marvel's stable of heroes. That's makes it less an MMO than an online game that happens to feature Marvel Characters. I'm envisioning it as an adult version of Marvel Super Hero Squad Online.
Looks pretty good, signed up myself.



I've been trying out DCUO (I've checked out CO previously. Its alright IMO) and its impressing me so far.

I love the aesthetics, soundtrack, city layouts, combat (really action packed!), boss fights are challenging, hidden collectibles, and PvP (been playing on the open world PvP server. the pvp isn't just about using abilities, but also blocking, countering, dodging, ect.). I hate to say it, but the combat blows CoH and CO out of the water.

The only complaints I have are the voice acting isn't great, there isn't much in the way of story (basically its a bunch of "Go to X and do Y because we're evil (yeah, I'm playing a villain)), and the player's character really does play second fiddle to the franchise characters (hey kids, its Killer Croc and he hates Bane! Yaaaay! ... No, we're not going to tell you -why- he hates Bane, even though this was mentioned at least 3 times during the storyline... its probably due to something in the comics or something...)

I think I might plop down a few bucks to pick up some of the DLC packs and get upgraded to a premium account.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
You know... some games just feel right while you play them. Then, if they have all those awesome options on top of it and allow me to make things look the way I'd like... and allow me to play the way I'd prefer... The whole thing comes together.
You know this really sums up how I feel about CoH as well. It's not any particular thing that you can put your finger on, it just "works". I've not played DCUO, but despite the things it has that on paper should make it "better", that magical, intangible "something" that makes CoH so great just isn't there in CO.

Coupled with that CoH is also a template for our imagination. As it's set in a comic universe, there are no boundaries that our characters have to conform to. No limits. We have the freedom to come up with literally anything and make it fit in the scope of the world we're playing in.

What I really don't understand is why is CoH the ONLY game that really allows us to do that? How has someone else not thought that for an RPG it's a no brainer winning formula?

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Originally Posted by Flying_Carcass View Post
I hate to say it, but the combat blows CoH and CO out of the water.

I realize that there is a level of personal opinion here, but personally I think DCUO has stilted combat, because it forces everyone to play as a WoW Rogue. The combat was semi-satisfying initially, until I realized there is nothing else to it, no variation. There is no CoH Ice Slick, no Hurricane, no Quicksand, no Arctic Air, no Jolting Chain, no Wormhole, no Rise of the Phoenix. What is there is a pretty solid representation of a very specific type of Scrapper, perhaps one flavor of Energy Blaster, and an extremely watered down Dominator. The "healer" support toon is practically a Scrapper as well, or at least plays like one, which might be okay if every single player wanted the same thing. Masterminds, naturally, are nowhere to be found in such a game.

I will only lightly touch on the fact that a game based on the DC Universe has no equivalent to CoH's Invulnerability powerset. I still don't know how they thought they were going to get away with that.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Marvel Heroes is starting closed beta test in November.

Details are sketchy but the downside is that it appears to be a game where you play AS one of Marvel's stable of heroes. That's makes it less an MMO than an online game that happens to feature Marvel Characters. I'm envisioning it as an adult version of Marvel Super Hero Squad Online.
Checked it out at PAX. It's Diablo with Marvel Superheroes.

And yes, you're limited to playing as one of Marvel's superheroes, and not able to create your own :/

Though the list of which characters you could be seemed pretty high!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I realize that there is a level of personal opinion here, but personally I think DCUO has stilted combat, because it forces everyone to play as a WoW Rogue. The combat was semi-satisfying initially, until I realized there is nothing else to it, no variation. There is no CoH Ice Slick, no Hurricane, no Quicksand, no Arctic Air, no Jolting Chain, no Wormhole, no Rise of the Phoenix. What is there is a pretty solid representation of a very specific type of Scrapper, perhaps one flavor of Energy Blaster, and an extremely watered down Dominator.

I will only lightly touch on the fact that a game based on the DC Universe has no equivalent to CoH's Invulnerability powerset. I still don't know how they thought they were going to get away with that.
DCUO sucks period And a lot of that is because of what you said in the last paragraph.

There's no Invunerability, no Super Reflexes, no Regeneration style defenses in DCUO.

You're basically a Fire Armor, Ice Armor, Traps, ect...character in DCUO.

Add in that character customization sucks to no end in DCUO, and you have a pretty terrible game.

Okay, it does a few things awesome, but it's just a few things, and not enough to make up for all the lacking.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Checked it out at PAX. It's Diablo with Marvel Superheroes.

And yes, you're limited to playing as one of Marvel's superheroes, and not able to create your own :/

Though the list of which characters you could be seemed pretty high!
Give me Deadpool and The Ever-Lovin' Thing and I'll give it a try.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Many of us love City Of Heroes not because we got used to how it plays and works... Rather, we fell in love with it because it plays and works how we enjoy and/or would want a game to be.
This is part of what informs my stance, actually - I love City of Heroes the idea, the editor, the story... But I don't like the actual game. I never really have. I don't like RPG combat in general, and it comes down to the fact that City of Heroes is the game that forces me to do the least amount of stuff I don't like. I don't enjoy any of the existing MMOs out there any more because I outright HATE their combat systems, which is where I with Champions - decent editor, disheartening combat.

Over the years, I've adapted to how City of Heroes plays, but at the same time, the stuff I DO hate has been piling on and on. Inventions, gimmick bosses, death patches, all-talk missions, escorts, simu-clicks and so on. I hate MMO combat, and back in 2004, I fell in love with City of Heroes because it WASN'T like those other MMOs. It was a game which let me play it without trying to "challenge" me or impose a certain type of gameplay on me. I got to play it as I wanted and basically ignore all the stuff I didn't like - and there was much of it.

But year after year I'd hear cries of "CoH is too easy!" "CoH has no depth!" and I'd see those acted on. And with each step, I honestly liked the game a little less. Inventions, for instance, are easily the WORST thing to happen to City of Heroes by FAR, and have been responsible for pretty much the majority of my frustrations with it from I9 till now. Nearly every problem I've had with the actual gameplay that isn't an outright bug, I can trace back to Inventions. We needed "loot," I guess. And when Incarnates came out and it was revealed that I'd have to raid for those, that was pretty much the other BIG thing that turned me into pretty much a troll on the forums for a good year or so. I'm still bitter about it, in fact, but we were FINALLY starting to see Incarnates made available without the annoying busywork when THIS happened.

My problems with other games aren't that they don't play like I want them to. City of Heroes didn't play like I wanted it to. My problem is that other games are far, FAR more adamant about forcing me to play their way, while City of Heroes was all too happy to shrug and go "Do whatever, I don't care." That's what I'll miss the most.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Give me Deadpool and The Ever-Lovin' Thing and I'll give it a try.
Well, aint you a lucky one.. they are both listed as being in the game



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I will only lightly touch on the fact that a game based on the DC Universe has no equivalent to CoH's Invulnerability powerset. I still don't know how they thought they were going to get away with that.
That was such a weird choice. "So, uhm, Superman is a super strength/ice armor tank, right?" You guys realize you've created a system where you can't even create your own most iconic character archetypes, right? What were you thinking??

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Checked it out at PAX. It's Diablo with Marvel Superheroes.

And yes, you're limited to playing as one of Marvel's superheroes, and not able to create your own :/

Though the list of which characters you could be seemed pretty high!
That's not just a snide comparison, either. It's literally Diablo with Marvel Superheroes. The development studio is headed by the creator of Diablo 1 and 2, and (because he left Blizzard a decade ago and wasn't involved with Diablo 3) he used his ideas for how he would have made Diablo 3 for this game instead.

On the other hand, I really liked Diablo 2 and was pretty meh on Diablo 3, so maybe I'll give it a shot. If there's a Mac version. (Of course there won't be)



I don't care if I get into trouble for saying this but What the hell, got nothing else to lose......**** YOU NcSOFT!

Your Logic in Gaming Sucks!, I will never ******* play another game you Make! Coh was Unique and the best game I ever played........**** you and Die in Hell Fire!

Sorry guys, Needed too Vent this out, please forgive me.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



I decided to try CO last night...

I wasn't thrilled with the character creator because I couldn't find a way to make my character without a hood (unless I chose a different AT that didn't have one by default). I started the tutorial and played about 3-4 minutes before exiting. I just couldn't do it.

I admit that some part of it may have been the graphics... I don't know what their system requirements are, but my new computer (which I just bought for CoH 2 months or so ago... *sigh*) which plays CoH maxed out on Ultra and also plays Skyrim no problem will have issues with CO unless the graphics are turned way down. That makes no sense to me.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
CO is great if you want to feel like an errand boy for the big name signature heroes, and if you want an actual nemesis.

DCUO is great if you enjoy having your face firmly fastened to the loins of every franchise DC superhero ever. Nothing says "I'm a superhero" like being Superman's b****.
For me the problem with DCUO is an utter lack of variety in powersets, too quickly to level cap and until recently then all there was to do was a weekly raid for rewards or PvP.

They have certainly made some improvements the past few months and someday it might be good enough (for me) but there are just things in City of Heroes that just don't exist anywhere else in any form.

So my hopes are:
1. City is acquired and we don't lose our characters/stuff.
or 2. City is acquired but we have to start over from scratch.

So while 1 would be perfect, I can live with option 2. But no City of Heroes game and having to settle for DCUO is just for me

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
So my hopes are:
1. City is acquired and we don't lose our characters/stuff.
or 2. City is acquired but we have to start over from scratch.
I'm stuck in the "devil you know" mindset on this. I have some pretty heavy concerns about what a non-Paragon Studios CoH would turn into and I'm not at all sure I want to find out.

As for the other superhero games out there, I found CO to be incredibly ugly and have no desire to play the DC or Marvel games.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
DCUO shares similar issues: ugly artwork and graphics, lack of content, small game world. And it suffers further from a pathetic costume creator, terrible powers system, terrible attack animations and a community that's only a half notch above a Madden/Halo XBox player convention.
Thanks to EvilGeko I got into DCUO beta. I actually dig the art style of the game, the only thing I hate is player faces. NPC faces are gorgeous, but the faces they give players make me think players are fighting the urge to take a dump. That and the character creation GUI is a pain in the rear.

But overall the game had some very cool ideas, especially the idea of weapon + element combinations. They did mess it up once they gave everyone the ability to get any weapon after creation, then giving stat perks for players grinding up through every single weapon tree, sort of forcing everyone to use every weapon. That killed a bit the variety of who you wanted to be. Starsman holding a hammer? Or a gun? Just to get some stat? Absurd.

But should you see past it, I like the Justice Leage Unlimited feel of it. I don’t feel I’m exactly my own solo hero there, but I do feel like the next best thing: a member of the most epic super hero team in the planet.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
DCUO sucks period And a lot of that is because of what you said in the last paragraph.

There's no Invunerability, no Super Reflexes, no Regeneration style defenses in DCUO.

You're basically a Fire Armor, Ice Armor, Traps, ect...character in DCUO.
I think their achiles hill there was to force elements into the archetypical roles. It became a bit puzzling how to add some sort of "Might" element that would expand beyond simply a tank/defense tree/mode within their setup. Recall reading mentions during beta that it was something they actually wanted to do.