All I want is a Great Superhero Game...




...where I can be the hero! Is that too much to ask?

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



In this gear, grind, and raiding with 80* of your closest friends world, yes.

CoH was a lone light in the MMO wastelands.

*minimum required, attendance must be scheduled at least three weeks in advance, missing a raid will only be allowed when the raid leader is presented a valid death certificate for you, deaths of immediately family or friends do not count.



Lets be fair: You can also be a hero in DCUO and Champions. Both are "great" in their own ways. They just happen to be so different from CoH that it would take a lot of time to get into either.

The art direction on both is also very different from the one we have.

But given a chance, and by that I mean more than a week of gameplay, then you may be able to appreciate them better.

I personally love a lot of aspects on DCUO, only dislike the character creator and male face/body/facial hair+head hair design choices.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
In this gear, grind, and raiding with 80* of your closest friends world, yes.

CoH was a lone light in the MMO wastelands.

*minimum required, attendance must be scheduled at least three weeks in advance, missing a raid will only be allowed when the raid leader is presented a valid death certificate for you, deaths of immediately family or friends do not count.
So, you mean Incarnate trials?




" Both are "great" in their own ways"

So if I squint, they might be appealing.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



You can be a (super) hero in The Secret World. IMO, it's the closest MMOG to City of Heroes, in both features and community. Sure, you don't wear spandex, but you can assume a codename, have superpowers, and fight evil. The only thing you're really missing, or at least I am, is travel powers. For that, there's DC Universe Online.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
...where I can be the hero! Is that too much to ask?
Too much? No, but the market just doesn't seem to get it. MMOs these days are built to formula. There's stuff you need to have, there are ways the game needs to play, so before you even set down to work on the game, you already have most of it written for you by convention, so all you can do is look for wiggle room in there.

To me, that's the most depressing part about something like Guild Wars 2 - that an ostensibly good game with a creative development team willing to take chances still ends up adhering to MMO dogma pretty much to the letter.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
You can be a (super) hero in The Secret World. IMO, it's the closest MMOG to City of Heroes, in both features and community. Sure, you don't wear spandex, but you can assume a codename, have superpowers, and fight evil. The only thing you're really missing, or at least I am, is travel powers. For that, there's DC Universe Online.
I actually thought that TSW would be the obvious spiritual successor to COH from the first time I saw it.

It's a shame I really don't like the look or the gameplay.



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
" Both are "great" in their own ways"

So if I squint, they might be appealing.
Now you talking taste. Neither is really ugly to look at, although I admit I still like CoH design way better.

Chancess are, another MMO, made by the same team, you still would not enjoy. Heck, it's proven fact. This game was made by the same team that made Champions.

No artist likes making the same painting twice, even if they like using the same style.



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
" Both are "great" in their own ways"

So if I squint, they might be appealing.
No, it means if you are willing to take them as they are and not expect City of Heroes 2.0 then they are perfectly enjoyable in their own right. You aren't going to find another CoH, no other MMO on the market plays like it.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I actually thought that TSW would be the obvious spiritual successor to COH from the first time I saw it.

It's a shame I really don't like the look or the gameplay.
I don't see how that was even possible at any stage of development. The Secret World is far more restrictive with character origins, their races and their scope. If you're just looking for a non-fantasy MMO, then yes, it will work. But I used City of Heroes as a repository for my more ambitious ideas, and a game which expects me to be human (or at least resemble one) just doesn't work for me.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
To me, that's the most depressing part about something like Guild Wars 2 - that an ostensibly good game with a creative development team willing to take chances still ends up adhering to MMO dogma pretty much to the letter.

Which is why no other game will ever hold my heart like this game. I'm glad too. I'll get more done!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Lets be fair: You can also be a hero in DCUO and Champions. Both are "great" in their own ways.
CO is great if you want to feel like an errand boy for the big name signature heroes, and if you want an actual nemesis.

DCUO is great if you enjoy having your face firmly fastened to the loins of every franchise DC superhero ever. Nothing says "I'm a superhero" like being Superman's b****.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Actually, the signature heroes stop showing up pretty quickly in CO. I see how you could get that impression from the first fifteen levels or so.

In a lot of ways I felt like CO has more 'comic book action' than CoH. It's certainly much more mobile and fluid (in a usage sense, not in an animation one). I preferred CoH for two main reasons -- first, the story is better (and existent), and second, there's a really really great (and unique in MMOs, as far as I can tell) group dynamic. CO has kind of a weird dynamic that started as 'wolfpack' and has been sliding towards 'trinity.' (For the record, I enjoyed the game's atmosphere more when it was pretty silly and wolfpack-y, since it was different both from CoH and from other offers. But I think the mechanics are getting more sound and the Alerts were probably a good idea.)

One thing that's long amused me is that at least two of the most vocal and outspoken critics of CO on the CoH boards appear by all given preferences to want CoH to play just like CO, but with more rooting, CoH-like mezzing, and CoH's art style.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
CO is great if you want to feel like an errand boy for the big name signature heroes, and if you want an actual nemesis.
I know. I never run into the big name signature heroes in CoH at all. They certainly never give me things to do like missions or task forces....

Oh, wait.



Originally Posted by Sureshot_Liberty View Post
I know. I never run into the big name signature heroes in CoH at all. They certainly never give me things to do like missions or task forces....

Oh, wait.
Yeah. They give task forces and show up in VIP content. For everything else there's paper missions and other contacts who (more often than not) are not hugely popular signature heroes. You don't spend a huge chunk of your time running their laundry list for them, like you do in CO (looking at you, Justiciar and Witchcraft).

Nice try there, champ, but you missed the mark.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
CO has kind of a weird dynamic that started as 'wolfpack' and has been sliding towards 'trinity.'
I don't think it's sliding toward trinity, but the Archetypes are locked into a single role and tweaked toward that kind of game play. It's simply that trinity play works in the game, if you chose to play that way.

I haven't had any groups yet (not that I play it a ton, though) that consciously go with a trinity set up. Basically, if there's a tank in the group, they'll usually grab aggro, but they'll also usually be self sufficient. Likewise, if someone has heals, they'll usually drop them on anyone who's low on health, tank or not.

On the third hand, I've seen some of the Alerts (particularly timed ones) fail when everyone in them was an AT and none of them had heals. IMO, every AT should be built with a little self-sufficiency, or at least be able to change roles based on the two roles their slotted passive supports. That way the ATs stuck with offensive roles could go Balanced to be able to take more damage when needed. (And it does make a bit of a difference, even with an all offensive build.)



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
So, you mean Incarnate trials?

Did a couple of BAFs, a Lambda, said "blech", and never touched an iTrial again. I was giving DA a second earnest try when the game was killed and all will to grind the same stuff daily dissipated.

Raiding could be happily ignored in CoH.



To be honest, at this point, I don't really want another superhero MMO. Not right away, at least. I was talking about this with my cousin last night.

In the best case scenario, I'd like for CoH to remain alive and well.

But if that doesn't happen, what I'd want in the future is for someone to develop a singleplayer sandbox game - something along the lines of the Elder Scrolls games, but set in a modern city, where you get to design a character and roam around in a city, maybe similar to GTA IV or Saints Row 3 in regards as to how the city would look like.

Unlike GTA or SR3 though, you'd have various options of how you could play - either doing heroic things like stopping criminals/gangs/costumed villains on the street, protecting areas like banks and government buildings, etc, building your reputation, maybe have a few superhero groups you can join if you get your reputation high enough.

And have a vigilante/rogue path as well - be the violent hero that doesn't always go with the law, or the opportunistic one that's just in it to get paid, whether it's good or evil.

And then have the option of doing villainous things, robbing banks, helping other criminals (or fighting them as well and just creating chaos), fighting other heroes, etc. Perhaps have factions here as well, with some kind of 'honor among thieves' type thing, maybe similar to the Dark Brotherhood or Thieves Guild of Elder Scrolls (but not the same thing of course).

For me, that would be an ideal game. A game with a variety of powers and a variety of costume options, with the ability to be modded to add more. The story here probably wouldn't be exceptionally strong.

Multiplayer would be a must, of course, with various options - co-op for the main world, teams fighting, or one on one, etc. Or have competitive objectives, like cause the most destruction within a certain amount of time, or prevent the most destruction, etc, depending on the faction.

I doubt a game like this would exist anytime soon, but man, I would LOVE to have a good superhero sandbox game.

And mostly the reason I say I don't want another MMO is because in the future, I'd like to keep playing it, even if the company that made it decides to move on or is unable to work on it.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
CO is great if you want to feel like an errand boy for the big name signature heroes, and if you want an actual nemesis.

DCUO is great if you enjoy having your face firmly fastened to the loins of every franchise DC superhero ever. Nothing says "I'm a superhero" like being Superman's b****.
Except no. Have you...have you even played the game? I'm just curious. In the first thirty levels I did a few missions for Defender, and a few for Kinetic. They are around, but I've never felt like a lackey. If anything the game tries to make you feel more like an equal then just a !@#$%. Almost to much so sometimes, in my opinion. But it should stroke the ego's of people who want to make characters with dossier's that start them out as supreme heroes, I suppose.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Yeah. They give task forces and show up in VIP content. For everything else there's paper missions and other contacts who (more often than not) are not hugely popular signature heroes. You don't spend a huge chunk of your time running their laundry list for them, like you do in CO (looking at you, Justiciar and Witchcraft).
Justiciar isn't part of the Champions, who'd pretty much be the signature heroes of the setting. What you need to remember, though, is that the Champions in the PnP game are nothing more than the sample characters. They're built in the rulebooks at the same starting power level as PCs, and updated as experienced PCs in later supplements.

This is somewhat reflected in game as well. In the tutorial, (last time I played, it's been a while) you are partnered with Defender, and he goes down in the boss fight, leaving you to finish the bad guy off.

In the Millennium City questline, you eventually have to fight a room full of thugs with Defender. With him. He doesn't come in like some Mary Sue character and mop everything up, and if you can't keep up on beating up thugs with him, it's your build and not a game design choice to make you second fiddle.

In the Desert, Witchcraft gives you quests after you do a bunch of quests for generic Until quest givers, you know, like the ones you prefer in CoH. That's a small section of the quests.

Does it make you feel more super because you're doing quests for non-super NPCs?

Nice try there, champ, but you missed the mark.
Back at you, champ.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
In this gear, grind, and raiding with 80* of your closest friends world, yes.

CoH was a lone light in the MMO wastelands.
You know before "THE ANNOUNCEMENT" I was gathering data to calculate the most efficient way to gain rewards through regular play. I found a fun little fact, Itrials on average took the equivalent of 2/3rds of their runtime to get setup on the servers I played on, and on a personal note I had a 1/5 chance of crashing at some point during them. There was also the problem of league leaders having to gate access to the trials instead of having the game do it. As far as I know no one enjoyed telling people get at least +2 over here for this.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Lets be fair: You can also be a hero in DCUO and Champions. Both are "great" in their own ways. They just happen to be so different from CoH that it would take a lot of time to get into either.

The art direction on both is also very different from the one we have.
Now that we can talk about this stuff freely...

My big issues with CO are the art design/graphics, the total lack of content updates and commitment from their devs. Secondarily, there's the lack of an end game, lack of any teaming, lack of synergy when teaming and the general 'sameness' to characters both in how they look (they all share the same face and it is terrible) and how they play (everyone, no matter how they're built, is a ranged or melee Scrapper). Third is that despite the fact environments are arguably more varied than in CoH, their world is smaller both in scope and geography. The entirety of their crown jewel, Millennium City, could fit inside Atlas Park, is limited to only three distinct areas and covers a level range from, IIRC, 1-20something.

DCUO shares similar issues: ugly artwork and graphics, lack of content, small game world. And it suffers further from a pathetic costume creator, terrible powers system, terrible attack animations and a community that's only a half notch above a Madden/Halo XBox player convention.

And despite the fact both games have something (or at least half of the equation) I've wanted forever in CoH; environmental weaponization and interaction, they both execute it so poorly and to such a shallow degree that it's not even worth being in the game.




Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
...where I can be the hero! Is that too much to ask?
If the worst happens with CoH, then there will be an attempt to create a spiritual successor.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Marvel Heroes is starting closed beta test in November.

Details are sketchy but the downside is that it appears to be a game where you play AS one of Marvel's stable of heroes. That's makes it less an MMO than an online game that happens to feature Marvel Characters. I'm envisioning it as an adult version of Marvel Super Hero Squad Online.

Marvel Heroes is a free-to-play MMO Action RPG created by David Brevik, the visionary behind Diablo.

Marvel Heroes combines core gameplay elements of Diablo with the expansive library of heroes from the Marvel Universe, including all your favorite Avengers.

Collect and play as your favorite Marvel Super Heroes including Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Captain America, Wolverine, Hulk and many others.

Team up online with friends and customize your heroes with a library of spectacular powers, costumes, and gear.

Adventure through the Marvel Universe and stop Doctor Doom from devastating the world with the power of the Cosmic Cube.

Features a world-spanning story crafted by comic book super-scribe Brian Michael Bendis.