All I want is a Great Superhero Game...




Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Firefall has Orson Scott Card writing for it. Automatic fail. Firefail.
Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I take it that Ironik isn't thrilled over OSC's politics/beliefs.
Always fun to see which side truly believes in free speech and tolerance



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Always fun to see which side truly believes in free speech and tolerance
Truth. If I were to boycott entertainment because of the idealogies of the creator(s) behind it, well... I'd pretty much never watch a Hollywood movie, nor read a DC or Marvel comic book for that matter.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Always fun to see which side truly believes in free speech and tolerance
I hate to contribute to the degeneration of this thread, but, just for the sake of speaking some objective logic...
Isn't that what happens when one "side" believes that the "other side" should not even exist and certainly doesn't deserve equal rights?

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



bah. nevermind.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Turjan View Post
Well, as to that, all I can say is if you regard Nebula Award winning novels such as "Ender's Game" to be 'fail' then I only wish I had a writing career with that level of fail in it!
Too bad his recent work, i.e. the last 15-20 years, hasn't lived up to his early potential. Ender past book 2 was unreadable, Alvin Maker was so-so... has he written anything else lately?

One forum name, two members: Molly Hackett & Heliphyneau.

AE arcs:
27327 - Enter the Homunculi
176837 - Homunculi 2: Tectonic Boogaloo -- UPDATED



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
It's pretty clear the DCUO devs had no connection to superheroes the way CoH's did and do. They spent at least $50 million making DCUO and the game is basically -- at its heart -- merely a generic fantasy game with different skins. Unsurprisingly, it seems most of the devs were from fantasy MMOs, such as lead dev Chris Cao who came from EverQuest. How you spend that much money. miss your deadlines and have a beta that abbreviated and still turn out a lame game is beyond me.
Interestingly: quite a few devs were CoH players themselves. Recall quite a few stories about the game design intentionally attempting to prevent a game like CoH at launch, where tankers would herd maps, etc.

They also wanted a much more action oriented game, so they did a game that felt more like a brawler. Some of the core ideas were not bad at all.



Originally Posted by Turjan View Post
Well, as to that, all I can say is if you regard Nebula Award winning novels such as "Ender's Game" to be 'fail' then I only wish I had a writing career with that level of fail in it!
Are you also a homophobe like Card?

Ender's Game? Not that good. I can't imagine anyone not seeing that ending telegraphed.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Always fun to see which side truly believes in free speech and tolerance
I'm all for free speech. Free speech includes the right to be wrong.

It also means I get to disagree with someone who is being a bigot. I believe in equality for everyone. No exceptions. Card believes in the violent overthrow of a government that allows gay marriage.

I hope that clears up who is on the side of truth, justice and the American way.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
It's pretty clear the DCUO devs had no connection to superheroes the way CoH's did and do. They spent at least $50 million making DCUO and the game is basically -- at its heart -- merely a generic fantasy game with different skins. Unsurprisingly, it seems most of the devs were from fantasy MMOs, such as lead dev Chris Cao who came from EverQuest.
As someone who has criticized COH heavily for what I perceive as generic fantasy elements in its design that have displaced the comic book/super hero tropes that should have been in mind instead, I don't get that impression from DCUO at all.

In my analysis, if any one thing is the problem with DCUO's devs is that they seem to come from a console oriented way of thinking. The game was designed to be a console title and reflects that. I see some of that in CO too.

The backstory was more attractive to me than the all-singing, all-dancing Magic Wishing Well this game was turned into, what with a time-travelling Lex Luthor using advanced tech to turn millions of regular folks into superhumans... even if it was far too limiting for original concepts.
I am less enthusiastic about the backstory and origin of the player character's power in DCUO. As I interpret it, the player character's power comes from, essentially, mechanical dust mites sent by Brainiac that fed off of the Justice League's skin cells. We are, quite literally, their castoff waste. That is several orders worse than anything the Well did in this game, in my opinion.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
As someone who has criticized COH heavily for what I perceive as generic fantasy elements in its design that have displaced the comic book/super hero tropes that should have been in mind instead, I don't get that impression from DCUO at all.

In my analysis, if any one thing is the problem with DCUO's devs is that they seem to come from a console oriented way of thinking. The game was designed to be a console title and reflects that. I see some of that in CO too.
The specific parts that are very much derived from fantasy games are the static areas where invaders are continually contesting for ground, item degradation and being forced to earn and spend money to buy/upgrade/repair said items. It's straight out of EverQuest that equipping a weapon increases your health stats. Why would a GUN make me healthier? That's just dumb design, based on old school magic tropes. I was especially annoyed when my version of the "Bat-radio" had decayed. That was one of those Whatchoo Talkin' 'Bout Willis? moments. there were others, as well, but it's been long enough that I've forgotten them.

I am less enthusiastic about the backstory and origin of the player character's power in DCUO. As I interpret it, the player character's power comes from, essentially, mechanical dust mites sent by Brainiac that fed off of the Justice League's skin cells. We are, quite literally, their castoff waste. That is several orders worse than anything the Well did in this game, in my opinion..
I didn't know the skin cells thing, just the hints I picked up in beta and the info from the two trailers. The alien tech-created heroes was pretty cool, but I agree with you that does sound pretty stupidly demeaning. Another mark against it.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I'm all for free speech. Free speech includes the right to be wrong.

It also means I get to disagree with someone who is being a bigot. I believe in equality for everyone. No exceptions. Card believes in the violent overthrow of a government that allows gay marriage.

I hope that clears up who is on the side of truth, justice and the American way.
Two Words.

Ezra Pound.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
item degradation and being forced to earn and spend money to buy/upgrade/repair said items.
Unfortunately, I've yet to see an MMOG that doesn't have some semblance of that.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I think the Exobytes (alien robot mite things) were put in to explain why there were suddenly thousands of new superheroes and villains in the DC world.



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
...where I can be the hero! Is that too much to ask?
If you like single player games you can try : "Batman Arkam Asylum" and/or "Batman:Arkam city", there not only MMOG around



Originally Posted by savagedeacon_NA View Post
If you like single player games you can try : "Batman Arkam Asylum" and/or "Batman:Arkam city", there not only MMOG around
That's a great superhero game where Batman can be the hero.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



And you can't be Batman. :P

But yeah, DCUO and Champions aren't the massive piles of dung they are represented as, nor are they perfect(and neither is City) I found DCUO interesting, I felt it's combat was heading in the right direction(if anything it headed to far in that direction) it's art style was fantastic, It's costume and powers system was far too limited. I loved being able to change my individual costume parts on the fly, though. Being able to "put down" my hood amused me to no end. since "console" isn't a dirty word for me, I've enjoyed it hear and there. Not enough depth to it's character creation was my biggest issue.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Always fun to see which side truly believes in free speech and tolerance

Let's just not.



To me, DCUO is an example of unfulfilled potential. I like (most of) the core ideas of the game, there are just some systems that are really badly implemented. Stuff we commented on in beta and was (predictably) told "hey, it's beta!", but they are still there. It's a game that could have been really good if it had been given the funds to evolve, but it seems that really never happened (and then there was the whole SOE hacking scandal that had the game unavailable for months. That can't have helped any).

As for CO... I don't know. I want to like it. And I did, originally, like it enough to go for the lifetime sub. But there's just something about that Cryptic engine that doesn't jive with me. I can't put a finger on it, exactly, but the basic gameplay just always had this intangible sense of 'something isn't right' about it (I had the same problem with STO ground missions, which is why I credit it more to an issue with the engine than with CO itself).

For for me, there was never really a realistic alternative to City of Heroes. And I'd love to see a sequel take off. There's certainly room for another good superhero MMO.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




DCUO had numerous issues but in addition to everything else, is just paper-cut to death by dozens of small things that make it very frustrating. Starting with a 3 color limit for an entire costume.

But the most significant flaw in DCUO may be technical. From what I understand, the developers never could actually make the high speed combat flow once lag is taken into account. So, they put part of the responsbility for tracking animation completion in the game client. The issue with that should be obvious. The game was plagued with massive exploits in PVP in particular that allowed "animation cancelling" to generate dozens of hits on an enemy within the animation time of a single attack.

Video of a really egregious example:



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I am less enthusiastic about the backstory and origin of the player character's power in DCUO. As I interpret it, the player character's power comes from, essentially, mechanical dust mites sent by Brainiac that fed off of the Justice League's skin cells. We are, quite literally, their castoff waste. That is several orders worse than anything the Well did in this game, in my opinion.
What bothers me the most is the story seems to assume my character was a regular Earth human up until magic dust mites from the future gave him or her powers and changed him. It's not the origin of the powers that bugs me, it's the implied backstory that is severely limiting. It's the same problem I hav with the Secret World and its magic bees that people seem to keep swallowing in their sleep.

Almost none of the characters I have in City of Heroes right now started out human for any length of time in their lives, and the ones that do didn't spend their lives before gaining powers in this timeline or on this planet. Force my hand in this and I simply walk away.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
What bothers me the most is the story seems to assume my character was a regular Earth human up until magic dust mites from the future gave him or her powers and changed him. It's not the origin of the powers that bugs me, it's the implied backstory that is severely limiting. It's the same problem I hav with the Secret World and its magic bees that people seem to keep swallowing in their sleep.

Almost none of the characters I have in City of Heroes right now started out human for any length of time in their lives, and the ones that do didn't spend their lives before gaining powers in this timeline or on this planet. Force my hand in this and I simply walk away.

Somewhat to its credit, The Secret World actually dwells very little on the "magic bee" incident beyond the intro movie (which I actually didn't even see because I canceled the sequence). Most everything else about it involves what happens to you after that point.

DCUO is sort of the same way. DCUO really has no reason to assume any backstory though, IMO, where for TSW I think it's much more appropriate (that game is very setting dependant).

It's too bad TSW's character editor is so poor. I so want to like it based on the strength of its setting and quality of the atmosphere, but two weeks in its really struggling to hold my attention.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
DCUO is sort of the same way. DCUO really has no reason to assume any backstory though, IMO, where for TSW I think it's much more appropriate (that game is very setting dependant).
That's what kills me. I get character appearance choices in the secret world - it's supposed to be SECRET. You can't walk around with a character 10 feet tall sporting green skin and a broadsword wider in the blade than most people are at the shoulders and expect to not stand out. You have to blend into society, and that imposes a restriction on style (and my ability to play it - I don't like looking like a person).

But DC? They have weird characters with implausible costumes all over the place. What if I want to be an eldritch demon, or a bug monster from outer space, or an animal-human creature from another dimension? Why do I have to have been a person in a city living a normal life before I got zapped plot device? That slashes a good 3/4 of my characters. I may have exaggerated before - I do have a couple of scientist, a mutant and a born leader from this world's current timeline, but that's still, like, four characters out of 50, and all of them six or seven years old.

But what if I want to make THIS? Yeah, it's a terrible idea with questionable execution that only works in any real setting through narrative slight of hand, but at least in City of Heroes, it CAN work. Where else is this even possible, outside of Second Life?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
That's a great superhero game where Batman can be the hero.
And a lot of guys beside Wayne has donned the mantle of the bat: Dick Grayson , Jean Paul Valley, the whole Batman inc. (the Bruce Wayne proget to give every country its Batman) why you should not be the next one? Oh yes there were also a Batman or twenty in CoH before they fell under the attack of the supervillain called Copyright Infringement



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
What bothers me the most is the story seems to assume my character was a regular Earth human up until magic dust mites from the future gave him or her powers and changed him. It's not the origin of the powers that bugs me, it's the implied backstory that is severely limiting. It's the same problem I hav with the Secret World and its magic bees that people seem to keep swallowing in their sleep.

Almost none of the characters I have in City of Heroes right now started out human for any length of time in their lives, and the ones that do didn't spend their lives before gaining powers in this timeline or on this planet. Force my hand in this and I simply walk away.
Yeah. One of the things that made CoH great is that it allows the player to chose the origin and background of the character. DCUO could have done that as well, but seems to have lost track somewhere. I haven't played the game, but apparently you can't make a Kryptionian.



Originally Posted by savagedeacon_NA View Post
And a lot of guys beside Wayne has donned the mantle of the bat: Dick Grayson , Jean Paul Valley, the whole Batman inc. (the Bruce Wayne proget to give every country its Batman) why you should not be the next one? Oh yes there were also a Batman or twenty in CoH before they fell under the attack of the supervillain called Copyright Infringement
And, see, I believe you missed the point, that point being there are superheroes other than Batman.

So it doesn't matter whether you pretend that Bruce Wayne from Gotham or Joe Schlobotnik from Omaha is in the batsuit, it's still Batman, a human with a couple of gadgets.

Some of us don't want to play humans with gadgets.

Some of us want to create our own characters.

Characters who are not Batman.