If we get the IP and reform Paragon Studios, could you wait for CoH2?
Not if it was built on the same crappy engine as COH, no. That would be a dreadful idea.
Where would the funding come from? This is pointless.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

"Wait" is a strange word. I would definitely try it when it launched, but I'm not going to stop gaming until then.
Perhaps if it utilizes a new engine that allows things that this one would never be able to handle, I could wait if I had to, but I still would like to play good old COH1.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!

We all love CoH and are miserable to see Paragon Studios and CoH die, but all these fantasy threads and alternate forums are getting a little depressing in and of themselves.
I have to say that if the game was going to be salvaged by any professional company worth it being salvaged for, it would have already happened.
Best of luck to Paragon in finding new jobs, though. Or if they want to stay together and get kickstarter funding for a new project that they can approach a new publisher with, best of luck with that, too. I just hope they let us all know where they wind up so we can follow.
Of course, it is a longshot, but I like to keep all possibilities open.
TW/Elec Optimization
Would I wait? No. I cannot stop gaming for a few years while they build CoH2.
Would I return to play it and throw all the money I have available at it?
I would play COH2 when it came out as long as anyone other than NCSoft held it.
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
Ideally, if they kept a small crew on CoH maintaining and rolling out fixes, I'd stay subscribed to it until CoH2 came about.
w00t Radio
I would DEFINITELY play CoH 2 (although like Feycat I'd want it on a new engine with lots of fancy shmancy new features).
Hey, NCsoft and the producers are having discussions, and if we make enough of the right kind of noise, as we have been encouraged to do by both the production team (http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index....ic,4936.0.html) and others working on saving the game, including some celebrities (http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index....ic,4900.0.html ), then it is possible they will look at game maintenance and CoX2 development if they already have a start on those things. And they might even release the I24 stuff they already have and dribble out the incarnate stuff.
And, yes, it's easy to naysay--watch, I'll do it--"Not gonna happen, buddy. Don't waste your time. Doom." See. Easy. But by trying to save the game we're not going to make things any worse! The worst thing that could happen, which is what is going to happen anyway if we do nothing, is for the game to be totally killed.
I don't know, I kinda think some people play a Superhero game for a reason. Like any good Hero, I'm gonna fight till the end no matter what the odds, and either win or go down wearing my best virtual spandex! (Mental note, go on a diet and begin lifting weights immediately!)
I would try to keep busy meanwhile, but yes I would be back for CoX2. Even if still an NCSOft property.
I'm a pragmatist, and also hopeful that maybe they learned something this time out. [Doubtful, but still ]
If there was a CoH2, there is no chance that they'd use the same engine - not just because it's 10 years old, but because the whole open ended license issue from another studio would just make it pointlessly complicated.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I wouldn't mind and give TN the sub money
Definetly will try it out but all depends if they can get the IP , and get the majority of the heartwarming dev team together .
No, the entire point of a reboot would be to bring it up to par graphics-wise with a game like GW2. The mere idea of that..... is all kinds of awesome.
If that happened, I believe we could easily get another eight years out of the franchise.
Not that the OP said this, but some people seem to think that CoH2 would be an expansion to CoH, or something. Take a look at every MMO that has gotten a sequel. The sequel and the first game are NOTHING alike! Now, this is generally because both the first game and the sequel are out at the same time and there's no point in having two MMOs that are exactly the same, except one is old and the other is new.
If a CoH2 ever came out, I wouldn't be surprised at all if it were, like every other MMO sequel, a completely different game. So, if a CoH2 ever did come out, I might not play it because it would probably be bad, but I would definitely try it out.
The 1st Message Board Warrior. m/
We're already playing CoX2. There's no point to making a new game as a sequel.
The Seekrit Projeckt almost certainly had nothing to do with City of Heroes, at least if it was a MMORPG.
Now, a standalone game or a "social" game or mobile game might make some sense as a CoH themed game.
Otherwise, no. In my opinion, there never was a CoH2 and never would have been one. There are plenty of examples in the industry already illustrating what happens when you split your core audience like that. Guild Wars is the exception, not the rule, especially given that 1) Guild Wars is not a MMORPG and 2) both the original and the sequel are non-subscription-based games and 3) they went to some trouble to directly link the two games together. That is, achievements in Guild Wars (via the Hall of Monuments) contribute materially to your power base in Guild Wars 2.
;tldr - No, I wouldn't wait for a sequel game. As it stands, I'm not real clear on the whole "wait for" concept in any case. I'm not monogamous when it comes to gaming.
In "pie in the sky" land, sure. Provided the game's worth waiting for, of course. A sequel will, pretty much assuredly, be not a whole lot like the original. If the sequel didn't actually "fix" any of the "problems" that made the original CoH great, then yeah, I can wait.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
1. We're not getting the IP. Zwillinger shot that right down in yesterday's Coffee Talk.
2. The Secret Project™ was using a new IP, so it was definitely not City of Heroes 2.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
I can't edit thread titles, so forgive me because the information is basically the same as a prior thread. Basically, I'm 90% sure that the secret projectParagon Studios was working on was CoH2. From Tic-Toc/BABs:
A. CoH has a finite lifespan
B. CoH2 would increase the longevity of the game
C. No matter what we do, it will be months before the game is up to speed again
Would you be willing to wait for the studio to finish CoH2? Again, this is assuming that CoH2 is the other game developed by Paragon that uses the same engine, which is still an assumption.
(Hoepfully, the new game would have some sort of character transfer tool, so don't assume that your characters would be lost).
TW/Elec Optimization