Save CoH - Information Masterpost




Should we start a petition or letter writing campaign to SOE since it was rumored they were trying to buy out CoH?

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Treees View Post
How to help!

  • Just petitioning won't be enough. Call. Send letters.
  • Let's show them how much we care in person. I would gladly join a protest.
  • Cryptic/Perfect World still owns the *engine* to CoH. Because they own Champions Online, it's unlikely they'll extend the engine license to a competitor. Call them! Change their mind!

I will update this as TonyV's own post updates.

Here is what TonyV says may work (As well as other experts Petitions are all well and good but give them something physical to slog through, like 10,000 letters, and numbers become over whelming)

Call to Action: Write to NCsoft

« on: Yesterday at 05:39:11 pm »

Heya all, it's time for the next Call to Action! I know that some of you have already started with this one, but I want to make sure everyone is on board, to offer some guidelines, and to incorporate an idea that I really hope will get their attention in a positive way.

I want to make sure that everyone at NCsoft Corporate understands how important this game is to us. I want them to see the human cost to shuttering the servers and burying the IP and code base. The goal here is to recognize that the people at NCsoft are people too, all the way up to the CEO. Working with us to make sure that Paragon City still exists would foster a lot of goodwill with the community, which is quite large, active, and committed.

I don't want you to sit down and churn out a form letter, though, so I'm not going to post something you can just cut and paste. Remember, we are heroes. Thinking of some original thoughts to put down on paper in your own words is but a trivial challenge! Here are some guidelines, though, that I think would be very helpful to our cause.

  • Be respectful. While you're writing, please remember that if we alienate NCsoft, it is literally game over. We must have them on our side in order to succeed. The more they like us, the more chance of success we will have. I know that a lot of you are hurt, angry, and ready to go in with both barrels fighting. But this is not a brute force mission, it is a diplomatic one. When you feel the urge to start getting snarky, take a break. Come back later. This is a timed mission, but the clock is still set pretty high.
  • Be personal. I want to make sure they understand how what they built affects us, the City of Heroes players, on a personal level. In the business world, it is really easy to make cold, calculated decisions when you don't have human beings and their stories associated with what you're doing. Tell them how City of Heroes has made a positive difference in your life! Tell them about that time you really felt heroic! Tell them how close you felt to your fellow players when you pulled together to beat that impossible mission! Tell them about how your made a real-life friend through the power of Paragon City! Put some feeling into the letter and let them see us not as a nameless, faceless group of fans, but as people with thoughts and feelings and emotions.
  • Hand-write your letter instead of typing it. This goes along with the above guideline. If you really can't produce anything better than chicken scratch handwriting, then this one is flexible. Still, there's a lot to be said for a personally handwritten letter in neat, legible handwriting. It says to them that you are going out of your way to make a personal appeal to them.
  • Don't write a book. Having said what I said above, please don't send a 10-page short story unless you have a really compelling story to tell, such as if you met your spouse through City of Heroes, you were friends with another player who passed away, or that kind of thing. Try to keep it to a page or two at the most.
  • Make sure they quickly understand the purpose of your letter. Right at the very top, make it explicitly clear why you're writing. "I am a City of Heroes player for eight and a half years, and I am writing to ask that you please take whatever steps are necessary to avoid shutting down the greatest game I have ever played." Something along those lines would be nice, but please do paraphrase.
  • Make them want to read your letter. After stating your purpose for writing, avoid this. "I really like City of Heroes a lot. Please don't end the game. It's really great and there are still a lot of players." Avoid sounding like a form letter. Throw in a funny or interesting anecdote close to the top to keep them hooked and wanting to continue.
  • You are not their accountant. I know a lot of you are under the impression that if we could just convince them that there's some financial reason to keep City of Heroes alive, they would do so. They are businessmen, right? All we have to do is show them the dollars and cents of the matter. The problem with this is that they have their own paid professional accountants and financial gurus who are informing their decisions, and financial advice from random Internet strangers is probably not going to go very far. You can mention that we have a strong player base, but please avoid sending your financial analysis of the decision, as thorough and well-thought-out as I'm sure it is.
  • Be flexible. Remember our goal is to Save Paragon City!. Don't get tied down to one particular solution. Don't assume that they won't change their mind. Don't presume that if they don't, they're going to stingily hold on to the IP and code base. When you ask for what you want to ask for, make sure that you word it in such a way that the end goal is stated: keeping the game running. The exact details of how that goal is reached are still up in the air. Let them know that you would like for all options to be considered.
  • Tell us! This step is totally optional. If you're up to it, though, send an e-mail to and tell us when you've mailed your letter and what you said. (Please note that this e-mail address is not our main address to communicate with our team, you can contact me at for that.) I'd like to be able to track how we're doing and use some of the content you are generating to put together some kind of site or scrapbook that brings this effort home in the stretch, and this is your chance to be a part of that.

There's one more thing that I think you can do that would add a special touch to your letter and really help connect the powers-that-be at NCsoft to you and the game. Back when I started playing City of Heroes in 2004, one of the coolest aspects of the game to me was that I could take perfect screenshots in the game. One of the first things I did after creating my first character, King Skippus, was to take a bunch of postcard-like screenshots and print them out on heavy card stock paper. I cut the printouts out and actually hung them on my wall at work. "What is that?" people would ask. "That's me. I'm a superhero in Paragon City." I was really proud of my postcards.

When you write, I suggest printing your character's photo or, better yet if you have anything, a piece of art of your character, on a piece of paper that will fit in the envelope without being folded. If possible, try to print it on heavy card stock paper (go to your local office supply store and buy a pack of 110 lb. paper) or if your printer supports it, photographic paper, as that really will make it stand out, it will be something they might even like to hang on their wall. Make it creative, write your character's name on the back. If it's an old photo to express how long you've been playing, write the date the photo was taken. Really make it pop. You don't have to send more than one; the goal isn't to irritate them. The goal, once again, is to show them what the game means to us, to help them understand that there is a lot of creative time, effort, and work that has gone into the game.

Once you've composed your letter, send two copies to the following addresses:

Mr. Taek Jin Kim, Chief Executive Officer
NCsoft Corporation
1501 4th Avenue, Suite 2050
Seattle, WA 98101

In Korea:

Mr. Taek Jin Kim, Chief Executive Officer
NCsoft Corporation
157-37 Samsung-dong
Kangnamu-gu, Seoul 135-090

As Dasher, who initiated this campaign, points out, you might be more likely to get it actually in the hands of the CEO if you send it certified. I'll just copy verbatim what he said here:

Quote from: Dasher on September 01, 2012, 06:19:11 pm
Send all letters via "Certified Mail/Addressee’s Signature Required/Return Receipt Requested". This takes a little more effort and costs a little more, but it is well worth it. According to US Federal postal laws, a letter so marked must be signed for by the address or their legal representative, which in the case of CEOs is usually their personal administrative assistants; usually it's not the receptionist or security guards. This is your best shot at getting your letters directly to where they will do the most good.
Okay heroes, you have your mission, start writing those letters!

« Last Edit: Today at 07:04:51 pm by TonyV »

I second that...get writing! and remember CERTIFIED IS BETTER!!!!!
Opal Aegis



Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
Hey all,

The Perfect World/Cryptic Studios rumor has been debunked by Posi...

Tic-Toc is Posi...
I added this information with the quote from Tic-Toc. And yeah, Tic-Toc is BAB, but he was confirmed to be so by Posi, so I can see the confusion.
It's in the basics and debunked! sections. (Debunked has the quotes.)

Here's how it goes in the basics:

Theory: CoH needed a licensing renewal but Cryptic/Perfect World does not want to extend a competitor (as they own Champions Online). Debunked! The real issue is that Cryptic/PW still own the license to the CoH engine. Thus, in order to sell the game, they would have to approve.
Again, C/PW was not the cause of CoH to die, but if we want another company to buy it, it'd have to go through them too.

Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Should we start a petition or letter writing campaign to SOE since it was rumored they were trying to buy out CoH?
I'd love to see this happen. If anyone can get the contact information about SOE, I'll add it!

Originally Posted by Opal Aegis View Post
Here is what TonyV says may work (As well as other experts Petitions are all well and good but give them something physical to slog through, like 10,000 letters, and numbers become over whelming)

I've included quotes from TonyV and links to the Titan forums. I would've quoted more but I don't want to be too heavy on reposting what's there. The links are up under both posts' "Offsite" sections!

I drew this for my friend Ninja Earl. I aspire to be a concept artist.
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Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Should we start a petition or letter writing campaign to SOE since it was rumored they were trying to buy out CoH?
I think we should wait until we have a bit more info on any potential bid from another publisher - but if we get news of a definite bid, then I think that a support campaign for their bid would encourage them.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Objective, very informative, and neatly laid out for an easy digest format.

Thank you very much for compiling the information, Treees!



Do we know if CoH's was making a profit? If so how much? This decision to close the game makes no sense if it was and I'm hearing it both ways. If I was to write a letter to NCSoft or SOE or whoever I would want to have my facts correct. If the game wasn't making a profit then there isn't much we can say to NCSOFT to make them change their mind.



Hey guys quick update

Since I have classes and homework and all of that crazy stuff again I may be updating this less often and be less participatory than usual

My question: should I set up a time every day where I update it or is sporadic ok? does the changelog help? this is a call for helping keep this organized 'casue with more info I'm worried about it getting inaccessible

I like formatting and think this is alright butttt I can't tell if it's good enough for others please let me know! that is a major thing along with information and i havent asked for it specifically yet so now is good i guess !

also i may export this to a wiki sometime. we'll see. i like keeping it ont he forums though cause it is alittle more accesible for many and includes more help from others ?

I drew this for my friend Ninja Earl. I aspire to be a concept artist.
Taimatsu-maru Fire/SS tank Grapes. Plant/Kin troller Blood? Healer/Emp/BR fender | more...
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changelog really helps, and if you could update at least once a day it should be sufficient, there will still be other posters and myself posting in this thread as it comes up so it will still all be one in place



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Nope, Tic-Toc is BackAlleyBrawler...
Was going to say as far as I knew Tic-Toc is Back Alley Brawler.



I'd love to see this happen. If anyone can get the contact information about SOE, I'll add it!

SOE made and announcement that the rumor about them looking to buy City of Heroes was false and in no way going to happen. If I remember correctly it might have been on their Twitter page.



If I may offer my suggestion. Turn it into a google document. Make it editable by only a few select people who you trust (I happily volunteer to help) that way it can still be viewed by anyone and updated through the day as things change.



Originally Posted by Maressa View Post
If I may offer my suggestion. Turn it into a google document. Make it editable by only a few select people who you trust (I happily volunteer to help) that way it can still be viewed by anyone and updated through the day as things change.
that would actually be a good idea, because if these forums happen to be taken down earlier than the game it would still allow us to keep track of everything going on atm as well as help Treees with the updating



Bump to keep on front page



Originally Posted by Inquizitor View Post
Do we know if CoH's was making a profit? If so how much? This decision to close the game makes no sense if it was and I'm hearing it both ways. If I was to write a letter to NCSoft or SOE or whoever I would want to have my facts correct. If the game wasn't making a profit then there isn't much we can say to NCSOFT to make them change their mind.
CoH was making a steady profit between around 2.5 and 3.5 million. From what I know, the profits were down 5% between quarters, though NCSoft experienced a loss of profits in all regions (and I believe every game). For instance, European profits were down 86%. Not a typo.

CoH was one of the games with the smallest loss, to be clear. And it still made money.

TW/Elec Optimization



Alright, I got some homework done so it's time to come back to working on this. I'll integrate it later but here's some updates (I'll link to this in the changelog until I format it)

Cryptic/PW involvement debunked:

Hi Captains,

I'm still at PAX, actually on the floor as I write this, but I had to stop by to check in on this thread with a few comments.

First and foremost, our (PWE and Cryptic) thoughts go out to the entire team at Paragon and everyone who is/ was involved with CoH/ CoV. We really wish the best for the team and hope to see their work again on other projects very, very soon. Much of the Cryptic team was actually involved with the project originally; we are all truly and deeply saddened to hear this news.

Second, the rumor that we were involved in anyway in this decision is just insane. I'm not sure where the rumor originated from but I can confirm that it completely false. Hope that clears that up.


Brandon =/\=
CNN iReport: City of Heroes Gamers Fight to Save Their World
Originally Posted by Obsidian_Light View Post

It's not reported on by a CNN reporter, but if we get enough likes/recommends, etc. It could POTENTIALLY get looked at by producers.

Edit because my brain is all over the place with all this sharing and information hunting: This puts the Community's activism into the light, in a positive manner. This is exactly what we want.
A rather negative article but it has a lot of quantitative information (good research, not that optimistic :P) It has graphs though, which is REALLY nice for looking at quantification

BaB comes back with more information from Cryptic:
Originally Posted by Tic-Toc View Post
Ironically, Champions Online celebrated its 3rd year anniversary today and we had a quick company-wide meeting that where last Friday's bombshell about City of Heroes/Paragon came up.

During Q&A time with Jack, I pont-blank asked him if there was any truth to the rumors about expired licensing agreement with Cryptic's COH engine. He was taken aback about this, unaware of such rumors going around. His response was that NCSoft has the license to use the CoH engine "in perpituity" for both "City of Heroes/City of Villains" as well as a 2nd game.

I asked him if there was going to be any official response to this rumor concerning Cryptic/PWE and it's not something we plan on doing. We obviously can't be aware of or comment on every rumor floating around on the internet he wasn't sure of what they could say about this particular scenario if they wanted to.

So whatever reasons NCSoft had for shuttering Paragon, it had absolutely nothing to do with the IP, which they own, or the engine, which they had a license to use indefinitely.

That's about all I can do to quell this rumor. Take it as you will.

Again, thoughts go out to all my friends, former co-workers, and recent friendly rivals who've been released into the wild. I hope to see many of them here in the halls of Cryptic very soon. :P
(I'm not for certain I added this one yet)
Non-Gaming News Coverage!

Can Social Media Make A Real Difference? City Of Heroes Players Hope So

Nexon contact thread:
Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
A thought occurs. Nexon is now the largest shareholder. That might mean they have some pull in these decisions. They may well have been a contributing factor to the shut down decision, but they might be usefull in attempts to get NCsoft to sell.

(213) 858-5930137 North Larchmont Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90004

Are the different contacts I could find for the company.

The goal in contacting them is to convince them that NCsoft selling the IP would be more valuable than just sitting on it. Selling gets them revenue they would not get from a shelved title, as well as goodwill for supporting their most active and dedicated NA/EU community even if it means they are going separate ways.

If we can get them to apply pressure from within that could be a big help.

My Idea for the approach:

1. Burning the game to the ground burns the community. It gets them no revenue, and hurts the relationship between NCsoft and the players

2. CoH is a unique game that attracts a non-standard market. A market that NCsoft no longer targets thanks to the termination of the CoH title. Selling the game does not create unwanted competition

3. Selling the game would be a new move for NCsoft. Nexon could show themselves as leaders focused on the players. The Goodwill and press they'd get would be worth more than the money from the sale.

4. But there'd still be money from a sale. It would help pad NCsoft's numbers and make Nexon look even better with a jump in income right after their becoming the largest shareholder.

5. The community is making a very large stink about this. Contacting gaming sites, creating petitions, ect... This won't be a quiet end, and Nexon will have a large influence on whether the noise is cheering NCsoft/Nexon, or something a great deal less plesent.
CoH thread on Star Trek Online forums

CoH Sit In

Real World Hero

SOE rumor debunked twice. () E-mail:
Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
I see a few responses along the lines of "they wouldn't want to queer the deal by telling the truth" so I wanted to be clear. The reason I don't just paste the email verbatim is that I nrver received explicit permission.

However, the relevant quote would be "Never been discussed never going to be discussed."

That IS verbatim. There was no question of hedging. In fact, I exchanged a few emails wiyh Mister Smedley and he was surprisingly forthcoming about his own experiences having to shut down Matrix Online and EQOA. He also expressed his great respect for both City of Heroes and Paragon Studios.

Bottom line: SOE is not in the picture. At all.
John Smedley
someone started a rumor we were buying City of Heroes. NO we are absolutely 100% not. That's a great game though. sorry to hear its fate


Also related: I'll work on the idea of a Google Docs or Wiki tomorrow most likely!

Thanks all!

I drew this for my friend Ninja Earl. I aspire to be a concept artist.
Taimatsu-maru Fire/SS tank Grapes. Plant/Kin troller Blood? Healer/Emp/BR fender | more...
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Great job on all the info!! Wanted to thank each and every one of you that has taken time to try and keep this game alive. (also a bump for all your hard work)



The CNN report is great news.

See you all in the Sit in on Virtue on Saturday.

With both of my accounts.

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info



Originally Posted by Treees View Post
How to help!

[*]Just petitioning won't be enough. Call. Send letters.

I agree. However, with the phone numbers posted, I recommend NOT calling. Two of them are numbers to report billing/credit card fraud and the other requires accessing their company directory by name. Neither "Taek Kim" nor "Jin Kim" are listed in the directory. Good luck with the phone calls. I recommend writing them - by hand, in ink, and on paper. A note like that shows that it was important enough to write it out by hand. (Same thing applies to "thank you" notes after a job interview, which is where I got the idea.)

You can also send a very quick message to NCSoft at

Global name: @shapeshifter. Join me in team!!

-- ElectroSolar
(Join me in team on the Liberty server!)



Quick question perhaps someone can answer, where did the closure date of Nov 30 come from? I just reread the official announcement by Z and he only indicates that it will happen before the end of the year. None of the 3rd party new stories I've read mention a specific date either. Anyone know the source behind that date?

Edit: Okay, found it. Read (and re-read) a few more news sources and I see that IGN quotes a statement they received from NCSoft that specifically mentions the Nov 30 date. Good, makes me feel a little more confident that the servers won't suddenly be turned off tomorrow.



Originally Posted by ElectroSolar View Post
I agree. However, with the phone numbers posted, I recommend NOT calling. Two of them are numbers to report billing/credit card fraud and the other requires accessing their company directory by name. Neither "Taek Kim" nor "Jin Kim" are listed in the directory. Good luck with the phone calls. I recommend writing them - by hand, in ink, and on paper. A note like that shows that it was important enough to write it out by hand. (Same thing applies to "thank you" notes after a job interview, which is where I got the idea.)

You can also send a very quick message to NCSoft at

Global name: @shapeshifter. Join me in team!!
Do you know which numbers go to which places specifically? I'll figure out if we can get correct numbers. I heard the same deal about the directory but I don't know which number that is...

Alright, here's some more updates that I got from PMs:

Offsite coverage
City of Heroes and developer Paragon Studios to be closed by NCsoft
By Robert Purchese Published 3 September, 2012

CNN coverage, needs responses to be officially published
City of Heroes Gamers Fight to Save Their World

Offsite communities
Server FB Group: (Infinity)

"There is a facebook page made for the defiant server. It's called: Defiant events."

I drew this for my friend Ninja Earl. I aspire to be a concept artist.
Taimatsu-maru Fire/SS tank Grapes. Plant/Kin troller Blood? Healer/Emp/BR fender | more...
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