Save CoH - Information Masterpost




I have a fun, and simple idea that might help generate further publicity for our situation.

I'm sure there is quite a few people in the community that have costumes based on one of their characters. I think it would great if some of these individuals would suit up, make a sign saying nothing more than "Save our City", and head out into busy shopping centres, national monuments, tourist spots, etc. and just get seen. Sure some will get laughed at, met with stares of WTF, or labled as a nutter, but I guarantee they will get noticed.

Why do this? Well I figured people being the social animals they are won't be able to resist telling someone else. they'll want to tell their friends and workmates, take pictures, and naturally share their experience across social media. Not only that the vague "Save our City" slogan will pique the curiosity of many who will feel the need to atleast do a quick internet search to see what's going on. Get enough people doing it in diverse locations across the globe, and you got a possibility of it going viral!



it will start the next bracket

theres been a counter always there, before the next "goal" was 10k the next "goal" now is 15k



What do the Bracketts mean?



Alright, I integrated all the information.

Here's stuff I'm going to add next round:

Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Cross-posted at the Titan Network forums

(Note: The following is representative of our efforts at the Titan Network to Save Paragon City!. My intention is not to tread on or speak for any individual or group who is spearheading separate efforts, but I really feel this is helpful for those who are following our campaign and I'm posting it here for visibility. If you want to join, please visit the Save Paragon City! forum at the Titan Network site.)

Hey all, I wanted to expound on our message that we want to convey to various audiences. When you're discussing what we're doing with press, notable personalities, or communicating directly with NCsoft, other players, or just your friends and family, keep the following guidelines in mind. Hopefully it will help put into words and give you ideas of how to express what you're thinking, feeling, and doing in a way that allows us to speak as a community. (Though you are very welcome to add your own thoughts and ideas; after all, we want your message to be personal and accessible, not just a form letter!)

Slogans (or, Our Message in a Nutshell)
I've been using two primary slogans for our effort. The first is intended as a tagline to catch people's interest quickly...
Into Misc: Lore AMA
Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Hey everyone,

I know you guys have a ton of questions about what the planned future of the game was, and me and the rest of the designers are anxious to get that information to you.

One thing we all realized is that finding a job is hard work, most of us have spent our days following up leads and getting our LinkedIn pages in order. A couple Job Faires this week have also consumed up the time we would have set aside to answer your questions for a day.

After talking with John, Sean, Tim, Jeff, and Ryan we're thinking sometime mid-next week (Sept. 12) would be the earliest we could coordinate. We will of course keep you apprised of the situation.

Our answers SHOULD be considered canon when concerning anything to do with Issue 24 and previous. Anything after that is speculative and should be treated as such. We'll note in the answer if it's anything different...
Link to coffee talk summary:
Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Quick notes (view the recording of today's TwitchTV stream here):
  • This may be the last livestream (maybe not, who knows?)
  • <Zwill gets a little verklempt on the coffee talk>
  • Trying to enable VIP for ALL players & Double XP on ALL servers, as well as "as many holiday events as possible" (probably just one at a time, lamentably)...

I drew this for my friend Ninja Earl. I aspire to be a concept artist.
Taimatsu-maru Fire/SS tank Grapes. Plant/Kin troller Blood? Healer/Emp/BR fender | more...
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This is just Thinking Out Loud, but has anyone thought about trying to get Penny Arcade in on the bandwagon?

Their overall clout (and comparatively zealous reader-base) could be useful, at least in a 'getting-the-word-out' sense.

May be counter-productive however, if they pronounce Jihad on NCsoft like what was done to that one Rude Advertising/Customer Support Company Guy....

Just putting that out there...

The Anti-Personnel Mime
The Anti-Tank Mime

"Okay, Our tank is a mime, and we're fighting gimps. This is all kinds of wierd"
&lt;&lt;--Team member during the Dominatrix mission.



Thank you for compiling this information, Good Vegetation.



I forgot about the Livejournal community and I forgot to include Reddit, so both of those will be added soon:
Reddit has some really good crowdfunding history, although I'm not how sure it'd work for a video game! I've mostly seen it done for individuals who are in some sort of crisis, but I haven't watched those things happen for a I'm not for certain.

The Livejournal community has collected some information so I'll pull those over to this post soon:

Coffee Talk Highlights!
- No evil machinations from Cryptic. They have nothing to do with what happened.
- Not a Nemesis Plot
- Not being bought by SOE
- Doc Aeon shows Zwillinger how to use the Nuke effect from Magisterium
- Doc Aeon also shows off commands in the dev tools ON AIR!
- nearly 1,500 people on watching the Twitch.TV stream
- Doc Aeon's wishlist for Mission Architect: Changing rating system to be Likes without dislikes, Branching dialogue trees, UI work, map maker, hooking up LUA for architect.
- Zwil dropped his kids off at kindergarten for their first day today, insanely proud...
Original selling prices for the game engine etc.:
I don't know what value NCsoft ascribes to the CoH intellectual property or to the codebase, but they did pay Cryptic $10,000,000 back in 2007 for their 50% of the IP rights and to license the codebase to run the game indefinitely and to release either two or three (I forget exactly how many) new retail products. 2 of those were Architect Edition and Going Rogue.

I drew this for my friend Ninja Earl. I aspire to be a concept artist.
Taimatsu-maru Fire/SS tank Grapes. Plant/Kin troller Blood? Healer/Emp/BR fender | more...
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This has been some very helpful information thank you for putting it together.

I homeschool my children and today for a writing assignment my 10 year old son is going to write a letter to NCsoft. I will be writing one as well and we will mail them certified this afternoon.



Adding next round:

Originally Posted by Llydia View Post
Leandro has a calendar of events related to #SaveCOH. He asks that everyone PM him for any events that need to be added.
Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
I'd like to mention this thread concerning a bump for Adult Swim

The bump is here

Vote and encourage others to vote for it so we can get it aired!
Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Hey all, we have BLOWN THE DOORS off the media. It started out as a couple of sites, then a few here and there, and now, more than 50 and counting covering our Save Paragon City! campaign and the efforts of our heroes in making sure that the lights stay on in Paragon City for a long time to come!

I've updated the top post in this thread. I can't keep up with putting links to every article, some of our coordinators updating a Google Docs spreadsheet...
Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post

  1. City of Heroes Kitchen
  2. Friends of City of Heroes
  3. City of Heroes Survivors
  4. Boycott NCsoft

As I find out about more I will update the list.
Originally Posted by Hero_of_Steel View Post
Some more emails we can contact.

PC Gamer’s Editors

Kevin Hall, Editor of DVICE

Wired Magazine (Webpage has an Email Form)


CBR – Comic Book Resources – News Story Suggestions

IGN – Email Form to send a news tip

Harry Knowles, Ain’t It Cool News (Occasionally covers MMOs)

X-Play – Email Contact Form on the main webpage

Update on:

Photos from the coffee talk:

(going to add link to the updated list and video snippets),4971.0.html
The Titan Network Sentinel+ Extractor, courtesy of one of the best damn third-party tool developers in any community, Guy Perfect! Keep in mind that this was developed in a very tight time frame, so there might still be some bugs to iron out. But Guy is a very tight coder, it's passed all of our internal testing, so I really kinda doubt it.
Originally Posted by Icy_Pop View Post
This has been some very helpful information thank you for putting it together.

I homeschool my children and today for a writing assignment my 10 year old son is going to write a letter to NCsoft. I will be writing one as well and we will mail them certified this afternoon.
This is awesome and adorable! Thank you!

Thanks everyone for your patience.

I drew this for my friend Ninja Earl. I aspire to be a concept artist.
Taimatsu-maru Fire/SS tank Grapes. Plant/Kin troller Blood? Healer/Emp/BR fender | more...
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Good grief, was this off the front page already?

Outstanding work everyone; let's keep the momentum going.

Make sure to get those physical letters off. Nothing says "racked off customer" like a physical letter.

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info



I posted this in another thread, but thought I would post in this thread too.

I hardly ever post on the forums, even though I read most of the forums and I have been with the game for over 7 years. I just found out about the decision to close down COH yesterday, and it hit me like a baseball bat in the stomach. I felt sick, and sad at the same time. I had tears in my eyes a little too.

Then I found out what the community here was doing by signing petitions, letter writing campaigns to NCSoft, and just pulling together on facebook and twitter trying to keep our beloved game going. We have to keep this up and try our best to keep this game at least online and playable, even if no more content is added. I have already signed the petition, wrote up a letter to Ncsoft and been on twitter rallying around city of heroes community. Sorry, I avoid facebook at all costs so did not do anything there.

I have been a subscriber and VIP for all of my time in this game even after Freedom launched. Since then I have bought many items in the store and have greatly enjoyed this game over the past 7 years. Made many friends in game and out of game. This is the best MMO community I have ever been a part of and I want to thank each and everyone of you, and also to all the developers who have made this game great over the years with all the story content and little things that they have done for this game. I will miss all of them, and all the community and friends I have made if this game is shutdown. But hopefully we can all rally around to try to save this game. I would donate any amount of money (within reason) to keep this game alive. Good luck and we all hope this can be done.

Thanks for your time.

Blond Bomber--Freedom



Fantastic to see how much media coverage the campaign to save CoX is getting.

Check the link in my sig.

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info



The petition seems to have finally run out of steam at a little over 15k signatures.

Still, that's not bad. Especially considering the short time it's been up.

EDIT: BTW Capa_Devans, you should include the coverage by GamebreakerTV in your Media Coverage doc.



Has anyone tried to get the media involved as in putting it out in the news or newspapers and or on T.V. to get others out there to read about what they are trying to do to our city of heroes. Maybe if people read about it or view it on T.V. then we may get more people to try saving this game that a lot of people love playing. I've played with other people from the Army,Navy,Marines, and National Guards etc. Those soldiers who played COH, had to go back to fighting for our country. I even played with someone that was aboard a sub but was on leave for a few weeks. A lot of our soldiers out there may not even know that COH is going down. I would do it myself but I have no idea on how to go about putting it in the newspaper or on T.V. I'm hoping and believing that if others out there new how much this game means to us that maybe people that don't play it, will try to help us where we have no idea on how to be helped. I've been playing this game ever since it came out and I love it more then any other game. It helped me with stress and I was able to meet others that played the game.This game has given me great laughs, moments with others who I teamed up with and I got to know new people from all over the world. I vote to keep COH alive! This game is so cool pretending that your a hero fighting evil or villian trying to fight heroes. It makes us feel like we are one of those guys from a comic book that you would read about and have always wanted to become. This is truely a sad thing that is happening to are beloved game, which a lot of us adore playing. I pray that more people get involved in saving are MMO COH game. Thank you for listening.



There is a fair bit of media coverage; see the spreadsheet link in my sig.

There's also a CNN ireport (should be in that link).

For those of you going to the Virtue Atlas Park vigil, the /e holdtorch has begun many hours before it's scheduled start time! 5pm EST is the scheduled start but if you want to pop over now and hang out; there's plenty of people here!

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info



It's been a while! I updated the changelog. Still super busy, but it should be integrated soon.

I drew this for my friend Ninja Earl. I aspire to be a concept artist.
Taimatsu-maru Fire/SS tank Grapes. Plant/Kin troller Blood? Healer/Emp/BR fender | more...
Tumblr CoH Faces DeviantArt Ask for: Facebook



Are you still gathering and updating information for this thread, Treees?



Thank you for putting all this together in one thread.

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).