One last video for my greatest inspiration... but what?

Ad Astra



Aww, Michelle. You were one of the first people I thought of when this went down.

Whatever you make, I'm sure it will be a fitting tribute to this marvelous game, and your own marvelous talent.



I have had Playing in my head all day, seems another possibility.

"The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open"
"Sometimes we risk taking things too far to see how far we can really go."
Interwebz Hoard is now at: 33 Interwebz
{Peoples who have Contributed to the Hoard:: (30) & (2)}
Now available in a wide range of flavours!



I honestly wouldn't mind seeing clips from the CG trailers mixed in - please consider that also:

(yeah this is crappy quality but it has a lot of them cut together just to reference what I mean)

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



All I can think about regarding this fiasco and videos is that scene in Fox & the Hound...

Goodbye may seem forever...
Farewell is like the end...
But in my heart's the memory...
And there you'll always be...

Alright, just thinking about that made me tear up a bit. That's the movie that always makes me cry - everyone gets *one*, right?

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



This is going to have to be two separate videos - one for you guys, and one for me.

I figured out what mine is, and I am sitting here at my desk, my shoulders shaking, tears streaming down my face, and trying so hard to not make a sound so as not to wake my husband and roommate. It hurts. Oh, it hurts...


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
This is going to have to be two separate videos - one for you guys, and one for me.

I figured out what mine is, and I am sitting here at my desk, my shoulders shaking, tears streaming down my face, and trying so hard to not make a sound so as not to wake my husband and roommate. It hurts. Oh, it hurts...

*hugs* Oh, so understood. Me too.

Every time I look at the Paragon Studios picture of them raising one last toast, or even thinking about that picture and all the love and devotion and memories it represents, I cry all over again.

It's a love and devotion shared by this amazing community. Of which you and your talents shined as one it the brightest stars, Samuraiko.

Making your movie memories will bring even more tears of sorrow.

Then we'll all watch your tributes one more time, and together will cry tears of gratitude for the blessing of being able to share these experiences.

*more hugs*



Characters of mine have been in your vids before. Name a place and time and I'll be there to lend a hand and a character for filming.

I've been here since October 2004. I want to be here for the final hurrah.

Practical question: I agree with the idea of Heroes lifting off into the sky. But some leap and others Superspeed and some teleport. How do we handle them?



And two things I totally agree with:

One - some kind of zone tour is appropriate if it can be fit in. ALL the zones. (And try and hit some of the "secret" parts of some zones, like the Cryptic Lounge in Faultline and the Dev cages under Grandville.)

In fact I kind of think that a Zone Tour might make at least one good video all on it's own. Obviously you don't want to spend all your time showing someone traveling through the zones. But definitely hit the highlights with fade-ins and fade-outs as necessary.

A flying perspective is almost required for this. But a high-speed speedster run through the streets might also be cool.

The other major thing I agree with is the characters and the people matter the most. However they are presented, there should be a montage.

I think that perhaps each server should get a couple of them? Because not everyone is in Virtue or Freedom or Justice.

(One last thing: Please get Ascendant prominently in one of those montages. He's achieved celebrity status like no other player has other than yourself.)




Let me echo the sentiments said by others above... you are one of the best representatives of the CoH community. Just a few days ago, I was going back over your vids and how to guides with a grin on my face. (Obligatory comment: They should have hired you long ago )

Characters of mine have been in videos of yours before. However, I will personally send you an updated demorecord of my characters for you to use as needed... even if they are dummies in the background, or waving at the end or however you need. You have full control over them.

I'm not on Liberty but say the word and I'll help where ever I can.



"Just as I knew all of life's answers they changed all the questions!" - Unknown (seen on a poster)
Sig characters appear in the Ch�teau Rouge thread starting from post #100
I Support Nerd Flirting! - Story/Discussion/Sequel



For 'my' video, I still will be featuring as many players in it as I possibly can (and try to feature both red- and blue-side to stay true to folks). I will try to get something from people on as many servers as I can possibly manage.

For 'your' video, I think I've got my idea, but I'm still working it out in my head.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Let me echo the sentiments of others here re: the work you have done over the years, both in videos and AE. Your issue videos usually exceeded the quality of the official videos. Whatever you decide to do for this last one, I know it will bring a tear to my eye.

As for music, maybe you can work in Louis Armstrong's "Wonderful World" with some panning across zones. It certainly was a wonderful world...

P.S. Silver lining: if Paragon *had* hired you as they should have, you'd be out of work now. :-)



You could do each player (with a super identifying them) and have them do various teleports and disappear, leaving an empty spot.

And for all the people talking about music, I think the only appropriate tune to use is the Atlas Park theme, the first thing we all heard.

I kind of feel like there should be something honoring the *real* fallen: Kiyotee, Lucas, Lord of Time, Malibu Sally....

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



This is what I have running through my head.

Samuraiko, I've never had the pleasure of being in one of your videos, though it was always a little dream of mine. I always enjoyed them and know whatever you decide will cause me to cry more than I have been already.

I do agree, there are those who have left us unwillingly and permanently who need to be remembered, Coyote the one springing to mind.

I still have a few characters in Breakout even. How silly is that?

"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
"If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating" --- Adam Savage
Virtue Server: Kheprera, Malefic Elf, Lady Omen, Night Rune, La Muerte Roja, Scarab Lafayette, Serena Ravensong, Kyrse, and Arachnavoodoo among others.



All I know is that the atlas theme should be playing. There is nothing in this game more iconic than that theme we all heard when we first entered this world for the first time.

I literally went back and watched all your videos over the years last night, You've really provided amazing work to the community over the years, and I'm sure this one will be no different.

@Ashen Fury
Ashen Fury - KM/EA Scrapper
Erika Tempest - Ice/EM Tanker
Scion of Restoration - Emp/Sonic Defender



I've always loved your videos, and if you need any guinea pigs for this sadly needed endeavor, you're welcome to any of my toons. That said, I think the song you posted earlier is perfect. I, like everyone, am crushed by this news and I am hoping against hope that they will find a way to keep this place up and running.



Originally Posted by Kheprera View Post

This is what I have running through my head.
Oh, this is just not a good time for that song. I agree, but still.

Originally Posted by Ashen_Fury View Post
All I know is that the atlas theme should be playing. There is nothing in this game more iconic than that theme we all heard when we first entered this world for the first time.
THAT is a fantastic idea, but with a twist. Along with Steelclaws... You should incorporate all the opening themes if possible. The Original, CoV, GR, Freedom's. All the sign in music in some way.

But I am going to exit this thread with this: Michelle, I know that both your efforts will be just nothing short of excellence. I look forward to them, with melancholy, but definitely with enthusiasm to see your work.


August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
I cannot go... I WILL not go without making one more video for this game that has been my inspiration for the past five years.
We'll all be looking forward to it. Thank you in the meantime for all your CoH machinima—your trailers, and the community participation that went with them, generated more anticipation and excitement for the game than even PS's official ones.



Thank you all for the compliments.

Right now I'm bouncing in and out of the game getting shots for what I need and experimenting with stuff.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I would love if my favorite toon Flint Eastwood was in it, but it's going to be tough as it is to get people doing things if the forum goes down.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Don't worry - I think I have an idea of how to get as many players as I can into 'my' farewell vid.

I just need to figure out how to allocate the time.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Are you getting footage right now? What server are you on?

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Are you getting footage right now? What server are you on?
I'm doing the main filming on Justice - what I'm shooting now is 'my' vid... the one I'm doing for you guys is going to be different.

Although right now I'm doing demoediting and going to get lunch. This is going to be hard enough for me to make without doing it on an empty stomach.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I started up a "demo file' thread thinking of you Sam -

I don't know if that is feasible though..

Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



The first minute of a six-minute vid is now done...


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)