Thank you, Virtue.




Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Heck, I even met my wife because of this game, at third hand - a friend of a friend of a friend I met playing this game.
Glad I made it in at the end.

I started playing just so I could spend time with this doofus.

Little did I know that I'd create a world of characters that are going to be very hard to say goodbye to.

Little did I know that I'd make friends that would last longer than our time in-game.

Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)



This is from Polaron, who can't post:

Man. Some of my favorite gaming memories have come from City of Heroes...Ending up on CuppaJo's team during a huge PvP With the Devs event. Calling in obnoxious songs to the CAPE to irritate my friends. Getting into a bidding war with everyone's favorite Paladin (and winning!) for the right to run the Baby New Year mission with Ghost Widow during a giant CAPE Holiday Party.

Subsequently asking Ghost Widow why Baby New Year looked like Danny DeVito in a toga, and getting the answer "The universe truly is mysterious" after a very long pause.

I've made so many true, actual friends through this game and I'm going to miss logging in whenever I have some free income. I was even thinking earlier today about a new character idea I had that I was going to make when I got my gaming computer up and running again.

Paragon Studios, you guys were AMAZING and City of Heroes easily had the best dev team and community of any MMO. I've played many, MANY MMOs since CoH got me hooked and I always ended up disappointed in the community and always ended up coming back to Paragon City.

Virtue, what can I say? As much as I disliked That Joke, it was still kind of mindblowing to have people I'd never met before run up and blame me for something or other. Or have people run up and just exclaim "Wait, you're actually REAL?!" Less than a week ago I was hanging out at Red Robin's house laughing about the ridiculous things our characters had done.

I don't want it to go away. You guys did great.

And this is from me:

When I preordered City of Heroes, I was excited. The idea of making my own superhero and running around, punching bad guys was all I needed at age 16. The amazing community I found on Virtue when I gave roleplaying a try on a whim was what kept me around through age 24, though I admittedly got a little on-and-off as time went on.

Seeing my own characters change and evolve as they met everyone else's, forging friendships both in and out of character, this game helped me get through some really rough patches in my life and kept me from feeling like I was alone. There was drama, not everything was great, but overall I wouldn't have traded my time here for anything.

There's too many amazing people and characters out there for me to name them all, and just naming one or two would be unfair to everyone else I've met- but you all know who you are. And you're all fantastic.

I'm just glad that, for a short amount of time, Kelp Plankton was able to at long last have actual water powers in this game. To see something as long-requested as that, my most wanted thing be added to the game? It brought me back. It made me want to be a part of everything again after being gone for a long while.

And now, sadly, that's been cut short. But it was good, being back again. Seeing people I knew, meeting new faces. Having fun in the game again, after so long.

It makes me sad to see it all go.

But hopefully I'll meet y'all in other games, other places. If anyone's moving over to Champions Online, look me up there. @KelpPlankton of course. The screenname I invented for City of Heroes, and one that will stick with me online for the rest of my life. Keep an eye out for me. I'll be around the net.

Thanks, Virtue, for making this game for me. Without you, it wouldn't have been half as fun as it was.

And, goodbye.

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



(wanted to say this while I can)

Thank you, Virtue for welcoming me with open arms into your server. You didn't really know me, but I just had to say it.

I wish I could have stayed was fun while it lasted.



This sums up my feelings right now. My time on Virtue is awesome, and hopefully it will stay that way till the final server hamster is released. I've met and interacted with many people, good and bad players alike have made my experience here very unique and that's what probably stings the most about the announced closure of this community. That I'll never have anything like this again for quite some time. So till then I'll be on as much as I can. Doing my best to rock a little harder, scream a little louder, and to heck with shaking the pillars of Heaven, lets bring 'em down like the walls of Jericho.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Thx Virtue.
As a EU-FR refugee,i played/learned a lot of things, and met a helluva lot of perfect players.
Real cool regular good players...
Call the Drama's Lama please., i'll puke.

@Banquise, Controller Ice/Storm/Psy
Dan Brereton



Its been a long journey and I don't look forward to its end.

I know I don't post here often and most probably don't know me much at all but I have nothing but love for the virtue server and this game.

It all started freshman or sophomore year at CSUSB I was a eve player and had been since highschool. That all changed when during one of Professor Green's poly sci classes (God rest his soul) I started talking with a classmate about MMO's. He played COH and wanted to know about EVE and I wanted to know about COH. I don't even remember his real name I remember his in game name was red eye or something of the sort I think he was some communist assault rifle blaster (if i remember our conversation correctly) and he recommended virtue. So from there it started I bought a copy made a scrapper on virtue and fell in love I don't think I even ever ended up running into him in game to thank him for his advice. Soon after I fell off the eve wagon, but COH remained a constant up through my graduation in 2007. By that time I had run into the Zenvious foundation and those days will always be my fondest memories of the game. It wasn't meant to last though I decided I wanted to go serve my country and on July 20th 2007 I shipped off for army infantry training at Fort Benning Georgia for about 6 months I was without COH. After returning a lot of the old faces had gone and eventually the foundation itself disappeared I became a wandering vagabond after that never really setting roots in one place for two long except maybe the badgeing channels (Belle's Corner, Brickhouse, Virtue TF's and Virtue Badges im talking about you). The game was a constant in a otherwise changing life. 4 years went by and my Army time was up, I was a free man again and COH once again stayed a constant throughout police academy as I transitioned back to civilian life. Now I'm patrolling the streets as a probationary police officer and COH and the wonderful people I've met and played with over the years wont be there to be there as that unchanged constant and I feel somewhat empty to be honest.

God Bless you all and thank you for making this game one of the things I've enjoyed the most these past six or seven years.

@pax parabellum
Steel Vengence
Pax Parabellum
Sarah Swift (used to be Deviant Desire)
and many more...

@pax parabellum



Originally Posted by Steel_Vengence View Post
Its been a long journey and I don't look forward to its end.

I know I don't post here often and most probably don't know me much at all but I have nothing but love for the virtue server and this game.

It all started freshman or sophomore year at CSUSB I was a eve player and had been since highschool. That all changed when during one of Professor Green's poly sci classes (God rest his soul) I started talking with a classmate about MMO's. He played COH and wanted to know about EVE and I wanted to know about COH. I don't even remember his real name I remember his in game name was red eye or something of the sort I think he was some communist assault rifle blaster (if i remember our conversation correctly) and he recommended virtue. So from there it started I bought a copy made a scrapper on virtue and fell in love I don't think I even ever ended up running into him in game to thank him for his advice. Soon after I fell off the eve wagon, but COH remained a constant up through my graduation in 2007. By that time I had run into the Zenvious foundation and those days will always be my fondest memories of the game. It wasn't meant to last though I decided I wanted to go serve my country and on July 20th 2007 I shipped off for army infantry training at Fort Benning Georgia for about 6 months I was without COH. After returning a lot of the old faces had gone and eventually the foundation itself disappeared I became a wandering vagabond after that never really setting roots in one place for two long except maybe the badgeing channels (Belle's Corner, Brickhouse, Virtue TF's and Virtue Badges im talking about you). The game was a constant in a otherwise changing life. 4 years went by and my Army time was up, I was a free man again and COH once again stayed a constant throughout police academy as I transitioned back to civilian life. Now I'm patrolling the streets as a probationary police officer and COH and the wonderful people I've met and played with over the years wont be there to be there as that unchanged constant and I feel somewhat empty to be honest.

God Bless you all and thank you for making this game one of the things I've enjoyed the most these past six or seven years.

@pax parabellum
Steel Vengence
Pax Parabellum
Sarah Swift (used to be Deviant Desire)
and many more...
That would, indeed, be Red-Eye who told you about the game. And, yes, he did play a communist-themed assault rifle blaster.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Not fair. Pure and simple.

I'll miss everyone, though I hope to keep in touch with some people, it just won't be the same.

It's hard to imagine not having CoH. A game I've been playing since it came out in 2004, when I was 14.

CoH, Virtue in particular, has done so much to help me. The people here are the best. Bar none.

Virtue helped me grow up and learn good values.
Virtue helped me develop amazing friendships.
Virtue helped me in a time that I thought was so hard, when I had to come out to family and friends.
Virtue's always been there. And it's... mind boggling to think it won't be around in a few months.

I suppose all I can really say is "I will truly miss you all. Devs included."

"The Hollows was a cover up; it was really caused by Blue Steel experimenting with Foot Stomp." - Steelclaw

<-- boy



I am... Absolutely speechless I've been playing with the Dodgers for what seems like forever, and I've been playing the game for even longer than that. I started out on Triumph what seems like forever ago, I was only 18, just out of high school. I remember screaming with joy the first time that I helped down Hamidon with my blaster. I remember the first time I came to virtue and met the Dodgers on my character, all the stories I've written with them and all the characters I've created with them are special to me. Not only that but their characters as well have also found a place in my heart.

I'm 26 years old now. This game has been with me through a move from California, getting a good paying job, getting a car, getting new friends in real life since I didn't have any high school friends. This game has been there for the ups and downs of my life... It helped me cope and escape when I was depressed and it allowed me to share my joy when I was happy.

I feel just completely flabbergasted, I'm not sure if I'm going to cry or get angry I'm just too shocked to actually feel anything at the moment. I know that this is going to stick with me all night. Heck this is gonna be a bit of a scar for the rest of my life, this is like if somebody had come along and smashed my Super Nintendo when I was six years old. I grew up gaming, City of Heroes really represented a new stage in my life to me and I'm not sure what its gonna be like on the road ahead.

I love you Virtue, you might not have been my first server but I like to think that you were. I've played with a lot of you over the years and though the game has had bugs and problems you've always been stand up guys and gals. This is the best community that I've been a part of, and I will never ever forget it.

I'll be here till the door closes.

Finding a magic user who's also trustworthy is like finding a flying pig. - Jack Travers

Support Acronym Stability Today, MA for Martial Arts, MArc for Mission Architect!



I have to come and say good-bye. I can't do that without crying.
Virtue you have been my friend, my battle buddy, my bar. I learned so much here. I've met so many wonderful people. And now it's time to leave you.

Years ago, someone asked me where I would be when the lights went out on Virtue. I'll be in Gemini Park, on Moggie's Rock. Come find me, I'll give you a chocolate fish.

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



I feel a little gut punched myself. I checked the date, but, it isn't April first.

I met a lot of fantastic people here. I have actually managed to meet a few in person. Some I hope to keep as lifelong friends.

There are others that I still want to meet in person.

I wasn't really ever planning on leaving Paragon. I took breaks when life got busy, or things got rough. I even tried other games, but I always came back.

I really don't know what to say.

Shae Firewarder



I'm actually tearing up a bit.
Okay. A lot.

Like so many people throughout history I took what I had for granted.
And now it's going.

That's not a bitter thanks. That's a heartfelt thanks to the people I played and roleplayed with over the years.

Eastern Standard Time (Australia)
is 15 hours ahead of
Eastern Standard Time (North America)
which is 5 hours behind
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)



I couldn't have asked for a better server, honestly. The past few years on Virtue have truly been the most fun I've had in an MMO.

I never thought I'd feel this way about a video game, but here I am.

I love all of you, thank you so much.

(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)



Thank you all :x
-a sad anthropomorphic bunny.



ill miss you all

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



I've been with this game since shortly after City of Villains launched. I believe in real life that most human beings at least try to be decent folks, and this is why the Villainous deviations from that pattern were more interesting to me than Heroic characters, who I felt could reasonably spring from any normal schmoe in the right situation. I'm one of a tiny handful of players who never bought CoH, but got it for free when it was formally merged with CoV.

I've always fancied myself a Roleplayer, but skirted the edges of the community. The exceptions early on, I'm not going to lie, tended to be ERP. I wouldd become mighty social when I was in the mood. Eventually I became frustrated by the fact that none of the RP "contacts" I was making in private arena matches wanted to do any storylines that didn't involve sex, or that even incorporated the sex as just one feature of a larger narrative. I had a falling out with the largest group of players involved, and went almost 100% solo for the next several years. I'd make huge elaborate AE story arcs just for myself, spend hours crafting my Solo VG base into an insanely detailed hideout that no one else would ever see, and pretty much only teamed to complete Strike Forces, steamrolling in silent efficiency unless called on to dispense basic tactical information. I had my windows filled with active global channels in which I would only very rarely speak, but absorbed everything everyone else was saying and thought I was "part of the community" as a result.

I became far more socially active on the Forums for a while, but mostly to start fights with people when it became really clear that CoV development was never going to be more than an afterthought again. Sometimes popular threads would consist 80% or more of people on my ignore list. Eventually I decided to back out of the Forums entirely, and that decision is probably what kept my subscription alive.

Aside from a couple old friends who've kept track of me, only in the last two years or so have I really started to make friends and get involved with the community, started to actively Roleplay even with total strangers (and haven't ERPed in game in 4 years or so :-P), started to accumulate Global Friends faster than I filled and had to prune my Global Ignore list. I'm going to miss you guys a lot. I feel like there's been so much wasted time, where I was either hiding from all human contact or focused only on contact that I now feel was bad for me in the long run.

I'm still deciding if I'm going to stick with Guild Wars 2, which I'd planned on playing IN ADDITION to CoH instead of as a replacement. If it turns out this ******** and the GW2 release are at all related, I'll be dropping my account there. Otherwise, I'll be starting a Roleplaying Guild designed specifically for Virtue expatriates. We'll see how that crap goes down... I honestly don't expect to get a straight answer, but maybe there will be a trustworthy leak :-D

Scott "Eisenzahn" Corpany,
A.K.A. Lunaticia, President of the "Captain Mako Appreciation Society and Scrapbooking Club" Villain Group.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - or <sameasmyAIM> (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



Virtue has been a home to me. All of you have been like extended family. This game has been there through good times and bad. Thank you all for letting em entertain you, for giving you someone to get pissed about for someone that will miss everyone.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



This will be our music.

And I will damn well play it on the 'Final Day', whenever that comes about.

I woke up this morning hoping all of last night had been one wierd dream.

It wasn't.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



(With the game shutting down I will post a goodbye once, and here seems best and appropriate)

CoH has been a lot of fun, from beta and headstart to CoV to close. And Angry Angels has been the best group of players out there. That makes Ara the best leader by default.

It has been a great run and my thanks to all for making the experience one worth returning to night after night.

I would list everyone I wanted to thank individually, but the list is SO long I do not want to run the risk of missing anyone (you all know who you are anyway).

Be assured I will be out there somewhere, watching your backs and making sure things run smoothly. Good luck everyone in all of your future endeavors!

*fades from view one last time*

"When heroes fail, the Angels will save you."




Heh, I remember the first time I tested the waters of Virtue - I'd been playing on another server and wanted to see what they meant by an "Unofficial RP Server." Rolled up a character and joined a team - and I swear everyone who joined that team afterwards opened with the phrase "Greetings, mortals!" Kinda spooked me out; I scampered back to my old server and stayed there a while before being coaxed back to Virtue by a couple of friends.

Since then, though, it's been a pleasure to be here. The creativity evident on the server prompted me to go on an experimental phase with character creation, which never really ended. Unfortunately, that character-hopping kind of kept me unsettled, so I never got into the community as much as I might have liked.

Nevertheless, I'd like to thank the folks at "S.C.O.R.P.I.O." for taking a chance and putting up with my wimpy, half-arsed RP. Had a ton of fun with you guys, and I was greatly impressed by the agility of your RP and the depths of your storytelling. In hindsight I regret jumping ship for the new, shiny games that were coming out back then.

A general thanks to everyone I've teamed with, everyone on the Help channel (not only for help, but also entertainment and for getting my blood all riled - good for the circulation, you know), and everyone here on the forums. It's been entertaining from up here in the lurkers' gallery.

Best of luck to all, and hoping everyone (dev and player alike) can find a welcoming port of call.

Ted (aka Derg, Nithi, Suzie Mae, Mister Continuum, Sal, Thantasia and her evil French double Thantaisie, Bergstrom, Neman, Jeanne Truc, Hlathgud, and a bunch of other equally obscure characters)



I'll be on Virtue for as long as I can be but I wanted to thank you all here as well.

I first started playing the game with a group of friends from school. Over five years later, I'm the only one left playing. A friend suggested we all make our characters on Virtue since it was the best server. He wasn't wrong then and he isn't now. Virtue has been my second home throughout it all and it's been the best the whole time.

After my friends had stopped playing, I started RPing. I had a few concepts that fizzled, but soon my first Main was born. The Viridian Sentry of the Young Gods of the Golden Age, MA/DA Scrapper. VS was my first 50 and I met my first friends playing her. Most of them are gone now, and some of them I lost to stupid drama, but you were my friends.

Then I joined Evolution-X and stumbled across my second Main, Aquashock. Playing Aqua instilled my love of Defenders, a class I'll miss so very much. I met some amazing people in Evo-X and we're still friends. Thank you Metal Smith and Attache for the group. Thank you, Sam, DH, Boo, Thally, Chill and DD. Thank you, Nuc and Cogs.

I never stopped playing CoX for long despite the numerous problems I've had. I played, and paid, through the pain of insta-migraine Old Sonic Res and every other bright powerset that made me sick. But it was worth it in the end. I've met all of you.

Jessie Sullivan was one of my favorite characters to play and Westbrook Academy was a group where all the work of officership mattered. Thank you, JA and Wyn for the SG. Thank you, everyone who joined and helped make something special. I was prom queen and I'll never forget that.

JelloMold and Playboy2, best base builders in game and the greatest friends a player could have.

And my two new groups, Blackstone Prep and Grimmsel, so young but so awesome.

Friends, old and new, you've given me amazing memories and more laughs than I can even remember. Let's keep Virtue amazing until the very end.

Current Scrapper Projects: Elec/Invuln, Fire/SR and the eternal MA/DA adventure
Current Defender Projects: Emp/Psy and Storm/Arch
lol Stalker: Nin/Nrg



Originally Posted by _Psi_ View Post
Not fair. Pure and simple.

I'll miss everyone, though I hope to keep in touch with some people, it just won't be the same.

It's hard to imagine not having CoH. A game I've been playing since it came out in 2004, when I was 14.

CoH, Virtue in particular, has done so much to help me. The people here are the best. Bar none.

Virtue helped me grow up and learn good values.
Virtue helped me develop amazing friendships.
Virtue helped me in a time that I thought was so hard, when I had to come out to family and friends.
Virtue's always been there. And it's... mind boggling to think it won't be around in a few months.

I suppose all I can really say is "I will truly miss you all. Devs included."
There's always RE5, Psi.

There's always RE5.