Thank you, Virtue.




Thank you, Virtue.

Adding to that:

Kelp, I'm so so glad that you got to play with water for real, at least for a while. I thought of you immediately (though I confess, I didn't remember your exact name ) when that was announced, and I hoped that you were still playing and that you knew about it.

I've been crying since I found out at about noon Friday. Thank God it was a slow pre-holiday weekend.

I'm going to miss all of you so much. I already do, even though I plan to be here to the very end.

I'm on Steam as Megajoule (look for the alien with sunglasses), or send me a pm or a tell in-game if you want my email and/or AIM.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



im on steam as cien fuegos

and we joined paaragon hub and started a rookery hub on steam,co,sto,dcuo,wow, and SWTOR

here is a letter i sent to ncsoft
mail sent to ncsoft
hate to break it to you Ncsoft..but your should have added more stuff to coh before you quit us

COh you could have

cut the servers to one
raised the monthly
sold us issues
sold the company to another company

BUT NO you took the hacksaw way and its gonna cost you 120k subscribers

in short words **** YOU NC SOFT
hope it gets into their thick heads

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



So many names I recognize.. Some of you were friends, some of you were people I played with, some of you I just knew from your wonderful stories and art. I am so very glad to have met you... I had no idea how much this game would mean to me, back when my then boyfriend bought me a copy of City of Villains so we could play together. How my life would be changed. How I would meet so many wonderful people that I can call friends, both in and out of the game.

I started on Virtue, and though I may have dabbled on other servers, Virtue has always been my home and it will always be in my heart. Thank you, all of you wonderful people. The super groups. The soloers. Those who helped out the newbs. The ones holding the costume contests. The Taxibots helping get those badges and move around before level 14. The Cape radio, for all the wonderful music and events. And most especially the folks at Paragon Studios. I wish the absolute best to you all. I have never been in a game where the developers were so happy to just be involved with the game and the players.. even putting on the signature characters and partying or playing with us mere super mortals...

One and all, thank you... You can find me in other games, other places.. Just look for this lil alley cat under this name and you will find me... The best to you.

SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.



First and foremose, Thanks to the Angry Angels who gave my heroes and villains a home.
Thanks to Nutek and Psychobunny for being extra special friends.
Thanks to everyone in the rookery. for playing along and enjoying themselves in a make believe world.
Thanks to everyone at Paragon for all their hard work on making a world where we could feel super, if just for a little while.

You all are wonderful.

Be safe.

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



This is the first I've been able to work myself up enough to log in. Congratulations, self, you did it. Now I'll just sit here with wet eyes and cuss a lot.

I can't bring myself to think about the past nine years without getting teary-eyed. I care so much for all of you, who taught me so much.

We had so much fun.

Please don't fade away. I couldn't bear it.

Nothing will ever be as good as spending time with you in-game.

I'm on twitter at MrThan, and I occasionally visit Unleashed as dumps. Virtue, my home away from home, first family, my e-mail is JDFHudson(at)gmail(dot)com for e-mails or GChat.

I just can't process this. You helped me find myself. My forum friends list alone has more than 200 people on it. How do I chase you all down?

Still blubbering, I guess.

I'll be hanging around.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Posting this on behalf of the player of Sister Colette/Colette Valiant(depending on when you knew the character):


Please forgive that a friend is posting this for me. Like so many of us,
I was caught unprepared and am now locked out.

While I’m far from a psychologist or a priest, I know that this, the
perceived death of our community, comes as a dreadful trauma.
That’s not news to you, of course, those of you who’ve been crying
real tears. I do have the distance and understanding to know that
many of you will not have your grief taken seriously by your family or
friends. They won’t understand why a person your age is weeping
like some spoiled kid just ‘cause you’re losing your favorite computer

They don’t understand that it has become a community, a place you
live in when you can, as real to you as the neighborhood you grew
up in. And like that first move as a child, you’re crying because you’re
being uprooted from that safe, familiar place. Worse, that place and
the people in it are being erased like chalk from a blackboard. They
do not, cannot understand. You must feel so alone.

Or perhaps you’re one of the unlucky ones, housebound by illness or
disability, for whom this place has become your lifeline. In Paragon,
you can fly! Here you are beautiful and admired and in control of your
life. Here people can see you not in the crude, imperfect flesh, but for
who and what you really are, a luminous being alive with creativity
and compassion. But now that beautiful, right reality is being taken
from you, brutally, without remorse or apology.

You all need to take this seriously. This is a trauma. It is
psychologically as real and painful as a death in the family. I myself
lost a beloved pet this very week. I miss little Mocha very much, and
I will confess that, though I think myself tough and disciplined, there’s
no doubt I’m showing the symptoms and impairments of grieving.

I’m not so presumptuous to suggest you good folks seek out
counselling, but I am asking you to take this seriously. Be gentle
with yourselves. Give yourself time to process. Monitor yourself, be
mindful and if, just as an example, you find yourself thinking suicidal
thoughts, absolutely take that seriously and call for help.

Understand that life does go on, that change is always with us, and
we must all learn to let go, eventually, of all things, even in the end...
ourselves. But until that moment, fully appreciate! Learn the lesson of
this “death rehearsal,” if you will, though it’s a painful one.

One of my favorite television shows ever gave me this little gem.

“I wish tomorrow would never come. I wish the day after today... was
today. And the next day, and the next day too. I wish it was always
today. Then I’d be able to be with you forever.”

“There is no such thing as forever. Everything ends sooner or later,
just as it should. Because now is just now, the only now, and that’s
what makes it precious.”

Perhaps it will set your mind at ease to know that City of Heroes will
most likely be purchased by some other company, hopefully one that
appreciates it. MMOs have died, yes. But CoH is, as we all know,
something special. This way NC-Soft can have their precious server
space for their new game, and we can be free of them. While it’s
sadly less probable our devs will be rehired, we might yet see new
content. Wouldn’t it fit Jack Emmert’s ego to regain his property and
have Statesman swoop in to save the day? A lot of people would
have a big ol’ serving of crow to eat then, wouldn’t they?

A lot can happen in three months, so don’t give up hope.

But either way, learn the hard lessons of this moment and remember
that nothing in life is permanent or guaranteed, and that too is as it
must be. Be aware that you are grieving, and treat yourself kindly.
Things will get better, in time.

I have presumed far too much speaking to you all like this, I know. I’m
sure you will find the strength to overcome. For you are a hero deep
down inside, even if the time must come when the rest of us can no
longer see it.

Until we meet again,

“Sister Colette Valiant”
Proud member of the Virtue RP community

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



*nods solemnly*

Thank you for posting that. Great words there, everyone of them.

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Too many emotions and a good dose of denial have prevented me from posting earlier, but I think it's time.

Thank you, Virtue and Angry Angels, for an experience I never could have imagined. Over 8 years ago, I don't think I even knew what a gamer was, although my boyfriend and his sister played online games all the time. They bought CoH shortly after it debuted and handed me the box while they jumped into the world of superheroes. I stared at it and the little manual for a long time, listening to them ooh and ahh and laugh. Then they began trying to entice me to play. Needless to say, with all the pretty costumes, it didn't take much and I bought the game the next day.

I was amazed and scared at this new world I had entered ... and I was hooked. The three of us had fun together on Freedom for a few weeks, but as many gamers do, they got bored more quickly than I did, became enamored with the next game on the horizon and stopped playing. I was sad, but I couldn't leave CoH. Whatever that other game was held no interest for me. I wandered around solo most of the time until I met a few other heroes. They "saved" me, and random thoughts of quitting went away. But then other things and real life took those friends away from the game too. After a year on Freedom and most of my comrades gone, I needed a fresh start. I ventured to Virtue looking for a new home. On my first day, within minutes, I met Angels, and I was saved again. From that day forward, I had a family. And even though many came and went throughout the years, Angels were always there.

Virtue and Angels taught me what being a gamer means, and I would like to think maybe some of us have redefined it over the years too. But they also taught me how you can find friends, kindred spirits, and an amazing community of people you might never otherwise meet. Thank you for that, thank you for everything.

I always said I would be here until they turned the lights off because this was my first MMO and I couldn't see myself playing anything else. Even though I spoke the words like I meant it and it wouldn't bother me when that day came, I don't think I really considered what would happen and how it would affect me. I have other hobbies, but none like CoH. This is different. This is special. Eight years is a long time, but it feels like it's been too short. I will miss this so much.

So again ... thank you Virtue .... thank you, Angels. You've been heroes in CoH and in the lives of many gamers like me.

(aka Cajun Cutie and Miss Honey Dew)

Devoted, heart and soul, to Angry Angels and Jaded Angels



Farewell Virtue.

I started playing City of Heroes in March 2004 just as I was finishing up high school. City of heroes was one of my primary destressers in college, playing at early hours of the morning as I finished my work but was still too pumped to fall asleep. Over the last couple years in graduate school I have had less time for CoH than in the past, but it was always nice on those slower weeks to be able to log in and catch up with folks.

Thanks especially to all of my fellow badgers over the years and to my amazing SG (even if there were only four of us) without whom I probably would have stopped playing long ago,


Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here