2418 -
*mews from somewhere under Detra's nose*
<Takei> Ohhhh myyyyyyy </Takei>
*climbs into a kitty maid outfit and fetches the donuts*
Good morning, Miss Detra.
*gets lost in a boobie hug* -
YAY! I haven't had Detra's squishy booby hugs in forever! *snuggles in*
*vanishes from view* Oh yeah.. I forget the risks involved.... -
*looks around at everyone, eyes watering before bursting out into tears*
I love all you guys so much! -
So many names I recognize.. Some of you were friends, some of you were people I played with, some of you I just knew from your wonderful stories and art. I am so very glad to have met you... I had no idea how much this game would mean to me, back when my then boyfriend bought me a copy of City of Villains so we could play together. How my life would be changed. How I would meet so many wonderful people that I can call friends, both in and out of the game.
I started on Virtue, and though I may have dabbled on other servers, Virtue has always been my home and it will always be in my heart. Thank you, all of you wonderful people. The super groups. The soloers. Those who helped out the newbs. The ones holding the costume contests. The Taxibots helping get those badges and move around before level 14. The Cape radio, for all the wonderful music and events. And most especially the folks at Paragon Studios. I wish the absolute best to you all. I have never been in a game where the developers were so happy to just be involved with the game and the players.. even putting on the signature characters and partying or playing with us mere super mortals...
One and all, thank you... You can find me in other games, other places.. Just look for this lil alley cat under this name and you will find me... The best to you. -
Welcome to the Rookery!
You may be wondering... just what is a rookery? Well it can refer to a group of birds. Or to a grouping of slum buildings... But in this case, the Rookery is a gathering place here on the forums to let your silly out.
Originally started by The Crimson Rook, a player on Virtue, it was set up as a gathering place for people to come in, talk, laugh, be silly and have fun. Pretty much anything and everything can happen in here, so you never know what you may find. We have giant robots, catgirl ninjas, sack people, puppehs, mad scientists buiding TARDISes in the attic... And that's not including the building itself. It occupies no particular place in space or time and is possibly intelligent. It can and does change to fit the whims of the inhabitants on a daily basis, but always goes back to normal for the next day's fun. So sit back on a Floating Bean Bag Chair, get a drink from Lake Mochachino and enjoy the fine breakfast foods or whatever you like from our chefbots.
Normally, each day a theme will be presented by someone, which people may or may not follow. So don't feel pressured to follow along if you don't want to. Anyone and everyone is welcome here, so long as you are being polite.
As a special note for any new people seeing this: Since the thread is stickied, don't feel the need to read through all of it. You can usually jump to one of the last few pages and pick up whatever is happening that day, and join in the fun.
The Rookery. can also be found as an in game channel. Just don't forget the dot on the end. Sometimes there is silliness there. Sometimes we organize for groups or task forces. Sometimes it's just quiet. But there is usually someone around.
So in all, welcome, I hope that you have a good time, and don't forget to be awesome!
(Mod notice: This is the thread to be stickied, please.) Done! -Mod13 -
I know that Pogo isn't being serious. Everyone here knows that. But is someone who hasn't been here.. like say a mod... comes here to see what all the fuss is about and sees everyone slamming red names... Things could turn bad fast.
I am thinking folks that we should not be taking an adversarial stance against the red names here. Even in jest. It's only going to antagonize the very people we would like support from. And when push comes to shove, they will win, period.
I just have a sneaking suspicion that it may be one of those polite suggestions that becomes a demand if ignored. But then people say I'm slightly paranoid.....
What people? Who have you been talking to? -
Well, the Rookery has always been about fun, silliness, role playing and community building. Things that you would think would be appreciated here on the unofficial RP server forum of a super hero roleplaying game. But some forum member have always hated the Rookery. Loudly, publicly and often. And they have been pushing to either have us put in one thread or removed entirely for literally years now, despite us never having broken any forum rules. Our biggest sin has been being popular in a small way.
While I can't speak for why the mods are choose to ask us to do this. And from what's been shown, it does sound like a request at this point. If I were to guess, I would think that the mods are tired of hearing the complaints and would like to see a compromise here. Of course, this 'compromise' is giving the people who dislike us one of of their stated wishes. But that's life.
I of course don't see any harm in the Rookery threads, be they one or a thousand. We are not occupying drastically limited bandwidth. We don't invade other threads (usually, and then only when attacked in those other threads) and disrupt them. There is nothing about our threads that are stopping other threads from being made. But I guess if you shout loud and long enough about something you get what you want...
I will say for me, flat out, the Rookery is why I have stayed around all of these years. I would have left the game some time ago if it wasn't for the people I met, most of them through the Rookery. In fact, more than a few months I have paid my subscription knowing I wouldn't have time or desire to actually play the game, but I wanted access to the forums. Yes, I was paying $15 a month to read and respond on the Rookery threads.
So just speaking for me. Yes, these threads and you people have done more to earn my subscription fees to NCSoft than any of the issues or upgrades they've done. You would think that would speak louder than some people complaining because they have to look at a thread titled "Rookery" every day. -
Well, if that is what they want, that is what we will do. I would say that, whoever starts the thread should put in a brief description of the Rookery. What it is and what it looks like, mostly. Maybe a nod to the history of the place. -
I'm not sure that bunneh is a real police officer...
*puts on her goggles and hops into the cockpit of the Iron Rook*
Catpilot is here, ready for take off! zoom zoom! -
I can only echo what other people have said about the reasons we do a new Rookery thread each day. What it really comes down to is some very loud forum members who don't like seeing the Rookery and doesn't think it belongs here keep complaining, even though we have been told we are not breaking any rules many times.
If the mods are going to insist that we use a stickied thread, well then I guess we will be using a sticky thread. It isn't going to 'improve the quality of the boards' any though. People don't post here because they don't post here. Not because of the Rookery. And someone who refuses to post in the same forum as a Rookery thread... well that is thier problem, not ours, to be perfectly honest. -
*steps out of the shadows and challenges Larkerybunneh to a nerf sword duel!*
Until all are one! Oh wait, that's the Transformers movie. Well, close enough. -
Aha! Now there is the sort of mount I was look for. Low rider, great traction and speed, attractive paint job and makes a wonderful nap post.
*curls up on LCT's back and commences honkshuing* -
*hmms and kicks the legs on a camel, studying it closely*
Well, I don't know.. They're ugly, but they are supposed to get good mileage. Do they come in any colors other than tan though? And please tell me they come with a complimentary air freshener... -
That lab better include a skylight for us! I put a lot of work in yesterday getting that thing installed.
What? I can't hear you! They're jackhammering out the supports under pogo's bed right now!
*waves in the demotion crew and starts directing them to work*
Yeah, over there. That's where we want the skylight? Above us? Eh, I think it's just some lab or something. I'm sure it's nothing to important. Okay boys, let's fire up the noisemakers! -
It isn't, as far as I know... I was there at the appointed time yesterday and waited for about a half hour, turning down another group invite. Nobody even logged in that I saw. I understand there were issues last week as well. But I couldn't attend then because of moving.
So, what time will we meet this week? Will it still be the regular 5pm timeslot?
*puts on a hard hat, sits on a high girder and starts making comments on all the chicks that walk by*
Woo hoo baby! Shake those tail feathers! Those drumsticks are looking pretty tasty honey!