Of TankMages

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Also, not all superheroes are Tank-Mages. Most of the best ones aren't, in fact.
I disagree. Most are.
Every single character in the Avengers movie for example.

There was nobody on the team in that movie that wasn't good at fighting, surviving and every single one was a DPSer. Neither of the two baddass normal ranged attack users, Mr. Arrow and Ms. Dual Pistols, fell on their face or were unable to to stand on their own in the battle. They were not glass cannons by any means. Indeed she is clearly as good a fighter as any Scrapper and even 'tanked' for Mr. Shield at one point, IIRC. Neither of the team's bricks were poor fighters. Tony Snark, in the most egregious example of flouting the restrictions this game was built around, is both a ranged attacker and is explicitly armoured. They don't have the same crippling deficiencies that were designed into the AT and powers system originally (that I have to again point out the current developers are slowly getting away from, thankfully) and obviously most people didn't find them boring.

But neither Black Widow nor Hawkeye were Tank-Mages. (Captain America wasn't, either.) Sure, they won some fights because of their superior abilities, but that was against what we would call minions in-game. The reason there's a fight between Widow and Hawkeye is because a fight between either of them and ANY of the other Avengers ends with Widow or Hawkeye in the hospital one minute later. When Hulk gets mad, Widow merely runs.

Trying to equate Plot Contrivance with what is generally accepted as a Tank-Mage does your argument a disservice.

Superman is a Tank-Mage. So is Thor, Shazam, Iron Man and a whole host of others mentioned earlier. Making a game that gives us that level of power against 99% of everything would be tremendously dull. When even battleships and tanks can be destroyed by your character, there's not much left to do. If you invoke the Equally-Powered Adversary clause, what you've created is an endless punch-fest.

So you might as well play Mortal Kombat and be done with it.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
How would that work for you, Johnny? You can have your godly tank, and handily defeat most everything... but every now and then, not all the time but sometimes, and you wouldn't know until it happens, you just lose. Nothin' you can do. Your powers, your skill, it all means nothing.
We have that already. It's called an "Incarnate Trial".

EDIT: Not to mention Terra, the entire Praetoria arc, the aforementioned SSA 1, SSA 2 (hardly a spoiler), every single high level villain arc ever...




If you say so. But imagine that expanded to regular content, and beyond!

Maybe your fully-Incarnated and IO'd hero Tank Man gets ambushed and defeated by a bunch of level 10 Skulls, because Mr. Shgoratchx! is in town and thought it would be funny. You can try to outwit him, but it's probably easiest to just endure his "zany" antics for an hour until he pops off back to the 8th Dimension.

Then next week, in a moral dilemma Which Will Change Things Forever, you have to decide whose account gets suspended - yours, or your best friend's. (Fortunately, this only lasts a month. Nothing in comics is permanent, except the status quo.)

Either way, after you (or your friend) get back, it's time for Crossover Season! For three whole months, you get to play nothing but event content. In fact, you're required to be at your computer at least twice a week at a certain time, logged in and ready to go. (Actually, hold on... I understand that in some games, people already do this, and even think it's fun.)

After that finally ends, you'll have to deal with Purple Enigmite reversing your controls and scrambling your power buttons for 24 hours, and face another dilemma when Tank Man's Girlfriend Maisy Mae asks you if this dress makes her look fat. (Spoiler: there is no correct answer.)

Sound good to you?

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
Maybe your fully-Incarnated and IO'd hero Tank Man gets ambushed and defeated by a bunch of level 10 Skulls, because Mr. Shgoratchx! is in town and thought it would be funny. You can try to outwit him, but it's probably easiest to just endure his "zany" antics for an hour until he pops off back to the 8th Dimension.
I know you're desperately trying to flip my "the game should be more like comics" mantra around to bite me, but I've actually wanted a 'trickster'/Shgoratchx type character in the game for a long time. We used to have the Gamester who put all those presents all over the place every Winter Event but we never knew much about his nature (was he just a guy like the Trickster or was he an 8th dimensional genie like Thunderbolt?) and they never did anything with him.

Then next week, in a moral dilemma Which Will Change Things Forever, you have to decide whose account gets suspended - yours, or your best friend's. (Fortunately, this only lasts a month. Nothing in comics is permanent, except the status quo.)
Again, your trying to shock me but meta like this just turns me on. I loved it in Arkham Asylum when the Scarecrow made it look like the game crashed. Then put you into an unwinnable situation and killed you.

If I was doing my daily hero tips and suddenly I was whisked off to space where a supreme being in a white disco suit threw me into Time Gladiator for his own amusement, I'd be "rock on!"

In other words:




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I disagree. Most are.
Every single character in the Avengers movie for example.
Keep in mind, there was at least one Brute (Hulk), and a Tank (Thor, although he may be a Brute or Scrapper, hard to tell...), holding aggro.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
I can roll any random hero, go to a atlas park, and be hit several times by a shotgun to the face. Blast energy out of my hands, defeat said shotgun wielder and just walk away and do it again without any medical attention needed. ThatÂ’s just "slightly extraordinary"?
Nope. That's metagame.

The game engine cannot handle, say, an SR user dodging shots, or only being slightly grazed. You simply cannot GET the cinematic quality of, say, Batman or Spiderman in this game. That is why we have the 'stand still, trade punches' fights; because we have to.

Ergo, that argument is dead already. Just saying.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Really, I think the actual definition of Tank-Mage has gotten lost in this discussion. It's someone who fights as well as a mage but has defenses like a tank. They're problematic because they're as durable as the most durable defensive class and as offensively capable as the most powerful ranged class, which makes everyone else obsolete.

It's not just a Tanker with one or two ranged attacks. It's not just a Blaster with Tough. They have to have the best of both worlds, or they're not the Tank-Mage that is so troublesome.

For example...

Thor is not a Tank-Mage. He can shoot lightning, but it's not his primary attack. He saves it for big moments. In CoH terms, he's a War Mace/Invulnerability Brute (possibly Tank, possibly even Scrapper, but definitely WM/Inv) with Ion Judgement for when he gets in trouble.

Hulk... He's a pure SS/Invulnerability Brute. His only ranged attacks are throwing things. If that's all it took to be a Tank-Mage, then every SS/ Brute or /SS Tanker would already be a Tank-Mage, and they're clearly not.

Black Widow is a Dual Pistols/Martial Combat Blaster with the Fighting Pool. Hawkeye is an Archery/Trick Arrow Corruptor with the Fighting Pool. Captain America is a MA or SJ/Shield Scrapper with Body Mastery . None of them are Tank-Mages.

The only one of the Avengers I'd consider an actual Tank-Mage is Iron Man. He's also the only one you can't accurately make in-game. (I'd say he'd be something like Energy Blast/Invulnerability)

Outside of the Avengers, "Shazam" (by which I assume you mean Captain Marvel) is a straight-up Invulnerability/Super Strength Tanker. His only ranged "attack" is one that is aimed squarely at him (and will cause him to lose all of his powers if it hits), so he only uses it as the most final of final last-ditch attacks, not as the main part of his arsenal.

Superman... primarily Inv/SS Tanker, with Energy Mastery (including Laser Beam Eyes) and perhaps Gale from Storm Summoning (in the form of super-breath). Only that last part can't be currently done in-game. But, again, two or three ranged attacks (including Hurl) does not a Tank-Mage make.

The closest the game has is Arachnos Soldiers (particularly Crab Soldiers), but their numbers are lower for both their defense and offense than Tanks and Blasters respectively, so they're still not an actual "Tank-Mage".



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
Outside of the Avengers, "Shazam" (by which I assume you mean Captain Marvel)
His name is Shazam now. :|
DC officially changed it because a lot of non-comic fans think that was his name anyways.

The only Captain Marvel currently is Carol Danvers from Marvel.




The idea of a Tank Mage being overpowered is based on the assumption that blasting sets do more damage than melee sets. They don't.



Good post, Johnny.

I too really like the progress thats been made since I started playing. Tankers got their "Sunday Punch" powers beefed up - KO Blow, Clobber etc. Set bonuses let us make tough "squishies" and so on.
Temp powers were added so anyone can carry a bit of conventional weaponry if they want to.

While we're still bound to archetypes, we're not being pigeonholed into roles so much any more, and it looks like its going to keep getting better.



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
Really, I think the actual definition of Tank-Mage has gotten lost in this discussion. It's someone who fights as well as a mage but has defenses like a tank. They're problematic because they're as durable as the most durable defensive class and as offensively capable as the most powerful ranged class, which makes everyone else obsolete.

It's not just a Tanker with one or two ranged attacks. It's not just a Blaster with Tough. They have to have the best of both worlds, or they're not the Tank-Mage that is so troublesome.

For example...

Thor is not a Tank-Mage. He can shoot lightning, but it's not his primary attack. He saves it for big moments. In CoH terms, he's a War Mace/Invulnerability Brute (possibly Tank, possibly even Scrapper, but definitely WM/Inv) with Ion Judgement for when he gets in trouble.

Hulk... He's a pure SS/Invulnerability Brute. His only ranged attacks are throwing things. If that's all it took to be a Tank-Mage, then every SS/ Brute or /SS Tanker would already be a Tank-Mage, and they're clearly not.

Black Widow is a Dual Pistols/Martial Combat Blaster with the Fighting Pool. Hawkeye is an Archery/Trick Arrow Corruptor with the Fighting Pool. Captain America is a MA or SJ/Shield Scrapper with Body Mastery . None of them are Tank-Mages.

The only one of the Avengers I'd consider an actual Tank-Mage is Iron Man. He's also the only one you can't accurately make in-game. (I'd say he'd be something like Energy Blast/Invulnerability)

Outside of the Avengers, "Shazam" (by which I assume you mean Captain Marvel) is a straight-up Invulnerability/Super Strength Tanker. His only ranged "attack" is one that is aimed squarely at him (and will cause him to lose all of his powers if it hits), so he only uses it as the most final of final last-ditch attacks, not as the main part of his arsenal.

Superman... primarily Inv/SS Tanker, with Energy Mastery (including Laser Beam Eyes) and perhaps Gale from Storm Summoning (in the form of super-breath). Only that last part can't be currently done in-game. But, again, two or three ranged attacks (including Hurl) does not a Tank-Mage make.

The closest the game has is Arachnos Soldiers (particularly Crab Soldiers), but their numbers are lower for both their defense and offense than Tanks and Blasters respectively, so they're still not an actual "Tank-Mage".
I guess you're replying to me. As an aside, I use "Shazam" because everyone knows who that is. "Captain Marvel" is too many characters, and the original is branded as Shazam.

Shazam has ludicrous powers, second only to Superman in the comics, but they're really superior. With a good writer, Shazam should win every time, because he's smarter than Kal-El. He has access to all the world's knowledge from the Solomon part of the spell. He heals immediately, and when he uses that lightning bolt it is a devastating weapon. In CoH terms, it's a Nova *and* an insta-heal. The Z-for-Zeus makes him invulnerable to magic and the A-for-Atlas makes him resistant to physical damage. His ability to travel faster than light makes him unstoppable and un-targetable.

Thor is absolutely a Tank-Mage. He is ridiculously durable and has a massive ranged attack with his hammer. Mjolnir is also a powerful melee weapon. He's also a Controller, commanding wind, rain and lightning.

Superman has more than Hurl in his bag of ranged tricks. Super-breath acts as a freezing force on top of being a knock-down and knock-back, while heat vision is essentially a powerful twin laser. X-ray vision allows him to spot weaknesses and see weapons. Super-speed and -strength allow him to solve any punchable problem with a punch. He's also a handy gadgeteer. Maybe not Tony Stark-level of techno-wizardry, but he's made some pretty incredible stuff over the years.

I agree that Hulk is a Brute of the SS variety, but more probably Willpower than Invulnerability, since "The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets."

But this is all an aside from the fact that playing Tank-Mages would get old real quick. I'm all for being a Tank-Mage at the end of the game and moving on to punching Giant Monsters in the face and upwards to taking on cosmic bad guys, but that wouldn't be terribly interesting for very long, because it devolves in Mortal Kombat.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But it does still follow some comicbook rules - like characters as AVs need a team to take them down, but can be soloed when they show up as EBs

That is a CoH gaming convention setup because people complained they couldnt solo all content with their powerset or willing to build their powerset towards that goal.

Magneto is always an AV. He doesn't scale down unless brought to hero side.

Magneto can be soloed by the likes of Spider-Man and other solo heroes.

Now, some AVs do require a team to take down solo. Though we'd like call them GMs or Reichsman by term of ranking

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Yet nobody complained about the climax of Dark Astoria. Or SSA1p7.

Those missions existing in no way took away from all of the missions where the enemy are the original Knives or Malta or just thugs with SMGs. Nobody twisted your arm and forced your Kat/WP to fight Mot, nor should the game force someone else's flying brick to fight blue cowboys and ninjas by virtue of the fact that that there were no alternatives to that provided in the content and that stuff like Mot and Ruluwade are just now starting to appear in game. As long as you provide enough content for both extremes, cosmic and street level, there is absolutely no problem with having both in the same game. And even when you have a situation like we do already, with someone being able to solo Kraken or Kronos, that doesn't affect you putting together a SO'd team to do the same.

But none of that has anything to do with the fact that just because a character has guns, they're not allowed to know martial arts in this game. And because someone has Invulnerability, they're not allowed to be able to fire a magic blast. That was true at least until i24. Do people now see my point? Regardless, as long as the developers continue on the same path they have been, I'm happy. I think they could and should further that path by continuing to create more power pools and more epic pools and making the existing ones deeper. I'm also for softening the restrictions on the existing ones such as making them available earlier in a character's life (Ask yourself: really, why does a Scrapper need to wait until their 40's for Laser Beam Eyes? I mean come on) and perhaps even dropping some of the sillier prerequisites like needing Kick/Punch even if you just want Tough+Weave.

Sir, you win the Reading Comprehension Award for today. +1 gold star.

Ummm.../INV could always fire a magic blast, the magic blast was usually called Fire Blast or Dark Blast.

That dual pistol user could take boxing/kick/combat jumping/air superiority/epic pool melee attacks/or in the case of blasters, their secondary with it's punches.

Maybe people need to use their imagination just a bit more. Not that I don't like the coming of more options.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Ummm.../INV could always fire a magic blast, the magic blast was usually called Fire Blast or Dark Blast.
I wanted to say 'a psionic blast' but...we're not supposed to know about that yet. Maybe.

That dual pistol user could take boxing/kick/combat jumping/air superiority/epic pool melee attacks/or in the case of blasters, their secondary with it's punches.
Prior to i24, Boxing and Kick were quite terrible and none of those powers look much like Martial Arts.

Maybe people need to use their imagination just a bit more. Not that I don't like the coming of more options.
If you follow that line of logic, why play the game at all? Just sit in a chair and imagine a complete super hero experience tailored exactly how you want it. With imaginary microtransactions and imaginary Community Coffee Talks that feature an ever growing gallery of imaginary hats and tangents.




I actually am curious about how the decision was derived via "We hate the dreaded tank mage" rather than in terms of balance.

The issue with that is that I think that the same decision that gave us defenders who could not buff themselves also gave us blasters with no defenses. How would blasters fare in such a brave new world?

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Originally Posted by soon to be banned poster
Wow! Come take a look! Great stuff! PS3 and PC Bluetooth Gaming Headset for FPS Games! Need only $ 9.99 you can get it! I believe you will like it! Ha ha!
Indeed, that is a valid point that there are other ways that a game can encourage teaming and social interaction without half-crippling ATs to force teaming. Also true that teaming isn't the only form of social interaction to be had; even players soloing chat in channels, on the forums, in Teamspeak and interact with others outside of missions.




Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Not sure I agree here. If CoX did not have the distinct ATs, with defined roles..the game would have held less appeal to me. Like the recentish super hero MMOs. End up with everyone a tankmage and not needing anyone else, while all doing broadly the same thing.
Yeah the Freeform power choices of the Certain Other competition allowed for ridiculously overpowered builds which...kind of don't mesh with any superheroics.

My hero had the follow:
Super science style devices: Chainsaw gauntlets, Nanites, Sonic blasters, death ray, Orbital cannon from space.
FPS style weaponry: Minigun, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher.

He was only 'mildly' overpowered compared to someone going all out. Considering that game operated under Jacks old rule about 3 minions = player character, using a combination of the various Nanite buffs and Debuffs (which were 'on next attack'), call in the Anvil of Dawn orbital cannon and while that was doing the 'build up' animation, unleash a Rocket into the group to stun them.

He could basically wipe out an entire room of minions by himself.

Plus there's the old joke:

We do have tankmages, they're called VEATs!

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Most forum-goers have a desire to interpret the game, to stay up on the latest information, to figure out the paths of least resistances or the best build possible, etc. (Note, I said "most.") This game is also likely our main video game that we play. For us, the concept of a tankmage is very appealing because we wouldn't get bored with it. We would play it just as much, if not more so, than any of our other characters.

The Devs, however, have to appeal to a much wider player base. The reason most people play games, of any kind, is for the mental (and sometimes physical) stimulation: there is a puzzle to be solved, a challenge to be overcome, and usually a reward to be had for surpassing the obstacles. Each of the archetypes brings with it a certain challenge that has to be overcome, at least out-of-the-box (i.e. early-to-mid levels, no IOs, no Incarnate powers, etc.). I'm not going to go into those challenges; odds are, as I alluded to above, most people here reading these forums, and this topic in particular, know to what I am referring. Hell, I'd wager we've figured most of them out. Our challenge is now finding new ways to do things, the best ways to do things, or figuring out something completely new when it gets added to the game.

For other players, for whom this is a game that they do not necessarily feel any strong attachment to, their interest is harder to maintain. Sure, they may get frustrated as all hell when they log in and cannot create their "Uber-Man" exactly to their liking. However, that frustration soon gives way to a desire to figure out how to get as close to their "Uber-Man" as possible, using the tools available in the game. The obstacle becomes stimulating, and the experience enthralling, as the player tries to "figure it out."

Tankmages require far less "figuring-out". It is a simple playstyle: stand there, shoot stuff, and you probably don't have to worry about much else unless you bite off more than you can chew. While that is immediately gratifying for the player, it does not offer an obstacle that provides sufficient mental stimulation to maintain interest. If such a thing was possible, there would be far fewer players maintaining a high level of activity, because odds are some other game would have presented more of an obstacle that begged to be solved.

For my part, I love that Blasters are getting the Sustain mechanic. It is my favorite archetype, and lord knows I have gotten frustrated at the number of times I have found myself eating dirt in certain missions. That said, figuring out how to avoid eating dirt (via strategic firing positions, moving around with Combat Jumping/Hover, knowing which moves to use when, etc.) was what kept me interested in the archetype. If the sustain mechanic makes it so that my character can just stand there shooting and punching stuff, I may make use of it on one character (the one I designate as my personal "Uber-Man" if you will), but I'll skip it on the others! I am all for self-imposed challenges, but I feel I can say that because I have been playing this game long enough that somehow that is the only way I remain challenged. For new or less experienced players, I think having such options available to them could be detrimental.

For the record, this is a very stimulating and enthralling discussion

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
If the sustain mechanic makes it so that my character can just stand there shooting and punching stuff, I may make use of it on one character (the one I designate as my personal "Uber-Man" if you will), but I'll skip it on the others!
It doesn't. Not from anything I've seen. It brings the other Blaster secondaries up to where Mental is already in terms of staying power. Mental is a very good set, but still nowhere near a substitute for being a Scrapper. I still find new and stimulating ways to face plant with my Psi/MM on Live and on the i24 Beta server. A little bit a regen is nice, but it still doesn't stop a Titan Weapon Boss to the face or a Longbow EB.




Captain Marvel will always be Captain Marvel to me. He's had that name for over seventy years, while he's been called "Shazam" in exactly zero issues of any current comic book (and Marvel keeps making new Captain Marvels just to keep a strangehold on the trademark, not because they actually give a crap about who they give the name to). If Cap is still called "Shazam" in 2082, then I'll start calling him that. (But what they've done to my favorite comics character is a separate rant on its own)

Anyway, Cap's still not a tank mage. His transformation lightning is meant for just that - transformation. It's a Nova, a self-heal... and it immediately strips him of all powers, offensive and defensive. It's the ultimate crash. It's not his primary attack, let alone his only attack.

A Tank-Mage is, by definition, a character who is primarily a ranged character, but with tank-like defenses. Not just someone who has a ranged attack or two that they use if punching doesn't work. Certainly not someone who has a ranged attack that can be used only once, and then takes away all his other attacks.

They have to be just as good at ranged attacks as the ranged attack specialists, and just as good at surviving and drawing aggro as the defensive specialists. That's clearly unbalanced, and that's the problem with Tank-Mages.



ComradeCommunism plays up Marvel's Hamlet:

And I'll point out that superhero comics where the heroes fight god monsters every day aren't particularly popular anymore. There was a time in the 60's and 70's where the Power Cosmic aspect of superheroes was big news, but most people prefer Spider-Man and Batman to Silver Surfer. Silver Surfer doesn't sit around in a big fictional New York, he flies through the stars.
It makes no difference to your argument, but for the vast majority of the '60s and '70s, the Surfer indeed "sat around in a big fictional New York", or at least wandered a fictional Earth. He was trapped here and didn't do any "flying through the stars" during that period. Mostly he found remote rocky shores where Stan had him constantly soliloquizing about the nature of existence (Stan's version of "deep", I suppose).

Dec out.



Johnny_Butane hurts my head:

His name is Shazam now. :|
DC officially changed it because a lot of non-comic fans think that was his name anyways.
I already knew this but it still saddens me in ways many cannot imagine.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
The tank-mage thing has been tried by 2 other superhero-based games....and it failed both times.
In the two other superhero games I've tried, I found there was a distinct lack of 'tankiness' in anything they offered and not enough 'maginess' to make up for it. In short, my characters in those games managed to feel less powerful to me than they do here, and I find the character power level here to feel rather anemic as-is.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound