With those new pool powers, origin pools, pools customization... Make petless MM worthy?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Playing the character and/or concept you want?

I don't see how that defeats the purpose at all.

"But uber DPS/DPA/UPS/CNN! And Capped defresactidurancharge! And blah percentage blah blah blah!"

So what. You want that, build and play your character your way.
No, because the purpose of MMs is the pets. And the only things that an MM can do that a corruptor can't (for concept) are beast blasting and whip melee.

So yea, I stand by what I said. And no, it isn't about uber DPS.

And it seems no matter how many times I say it, you're going to skim and not read what I actually said.

I think the reason that people want to do petless MMs so much is because its obvious.



One good point is "Why can you only have 1 specialized pool?" Are they THAT overpowered that they are so much better than 3 AT powers it would be unbalancing? Not that I've seen.

Almost all still require you to take a power you probably don't want, or don't want much. I say if you have that many picks to spend take all the PP sets and specialzed powers you want.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Don't forget the birds and the bees! (And yes, I'm still talking about Masterminds)
Fair enough. So a total of two concepts, and even then if you're using animals to attack with how does the concept not involve using pets to do damage?

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Ultra_Violence View Post
One good point is "Why can you only have 1 specialized pool?" Are they THAT overpowered that they are so much better than 3 AT powers it would be unbalancing? Not that I've seen.

Almost all still require you to take a power you probably don't want, or don't want much. I say if you have that many picks to spend take all the PP sets and specialzed powers you want.
Why only have four general pools? Are the powers really so unbalanced?

I somewhat agree with your last sentence, but it's pretty obvious that there are some limitations desired and built into the system. And those limitations should definitely extend into APP/PPPs too - although stacking shields would be fun, and I know my Dominator would love to be able to nab Sleet, Fireball, Rain of Fire, and Scorpion Shield.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
I'm going to be perfectly blunt here: no amount of pics or videos will change your mind. Under no circumstances will you decide, "Hey, I guess I was wrong. Petless Masterminds can be done after all."
Nah, was just pulling your chain. Although I would not play a petless MM personally (I think it defeats the purpose of the AT), I'll admit it can be done... to some extent. I don't think they will ever be nearly as effective, but if it's fun for you, I honestly have no reason to object to that.

Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
That said, I do have some media from long ago, but this was before I completed all of its purples and Incarnate Abilities, so I'm sure you'll find something to complain about.
Challenge Accepted!

From the photo:
- This is Rommy as an EB, not an AV, definite difference there
- No indication that he has his full powersets, could be severely gimped as a custom enemy
- No proof that you did, in fact, solo him, your team could be standing just off screen

From the Video:

Nice job soloing a mob of Council with no pets. With pets, you could have done it in a fraction of the time, but YOU. DID. IT. No arguments, camera tricks, etc. Where are the big boys in this mob, though?

Yes, I can find things to complain about. Not saying you didn't do it, just saying that this picture alone is not compelling evidence.



Originally Posted by Elf_Sniper View Post
- This is Rommy as an EB, not an AV, definite difference there
The original claim stated Elite Bosses, not AVs.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



wow i will never understand haters SO vehemently hating on things that others do for their own pleasurable gameplay when it doesnt really affect them.

Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Fair enough. So a total of two concepts, and even then if you're using animals to attack with how does the concept not involve using WOLVES to do damage?

:edit: to be honest, my semi-petless MM is a beast, and he has the direwolf only cuz it IS a great pet. the others suck, imo. and bird blast for the win, is the coolest power ever.



Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
wow i will never understand haters SO vehemently hating on things that others do for their own pleasurable gameplay when it doesnt really affect them.

No one is hating, just stating the obvious. Masterminds are built around and MEANT for minions, that is the whole point of the AT. It's also just obvious that you are gimping yourself to the extreme by not taking said minions. I don't think anyone has said "Don't do it", knock yourself out. That's the point in playing a game, after all, to enjoy yourself. Just don't expect yourself to be amazing in comparison to powersets using their full range of abilities.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



They don't have to use wolves. They could just use kitties instead.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Paladiamors, you're mostly right, but there really are some absurdly crazy haters in game i have met that have given me grief as i'm standing in atlas once they read my bio/powers and see that i have no pets. O_O

Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
They don't have to use wolves. They could just use kitties instead.
i'm allergic. and they're boring. XD ...now if they were PANTHERS i'd be all over that.



Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
Paladiamors, you're mostly right, but there really are some absurdly crazy haters in game i have met that have given me grief as i'm standing in atlas once they read my bio/powers and see that i have no pets. O_O

i'm allergic. and they're boring. XD ...now if they were PANTHERS i'd be all over that.
Ignore'em. People used to get angry at me in WoW for being beastmaster back in vanilla, but that never stopped me from beating most of them in damage. *Shrugs* This is a slightly different case mind, but I am sure those people wouldn't think so. Since I wasn't going with the 'best', I was purposefully gimping myself.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
No, because the purpose of MMs is the pets
No, the purpose of MMs - and any character - is to allow the player to bring a concept they want to try to life. Just like every other AT, powerset, and power choice (or lack of choice) they make.

Let them do what they want. It doesn't make the slightest bit of difference to how anything in game works for you. If you have such a problem with them, don't invite them to your teams. "Problem" solved.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
No, the purpose of MMs - and any character - is to allow the player to bring a concept they want to try to life. Just like every other AT, powerset, and power choice (or lack of choice) they make.

Let them do what they want. It doesn't make the slightest bit of difference to how anything in game works for you. If you have such a problem with them, don't invite them to your teams. "Problem" solved.
I'm not telling them how to play. I'm just saying that the only point in a petless MM is the whips or the beast blasts. Because there are no other attacking powers that would make it a concept exclusive to a petless MM.

And I would have no problem inviting a petless MM to my team, if they had a reason other than "I want to be gimped for the sake of being gimped!" Even then I'd probably still invite them, because I generally only don't invite people that really, really annoy me.



Originally Posted by Elf_Sniper View Post
Challenge Accepted!

- No indication that he has his full powersets, could be severely gimped as a custom enemy
- No proof that you did, in fact, solo him, your team could be standing just off screen
Roll a character on Virtue and I'll let you watch with your own eyes. When will you be available?



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
A petless Mastermind is the same as a ranged-only Scrapper, but why is it the only gimp people ever consider doing?
Because MMs always seem to have one cool-looking personal attack style that isn't replicated by any other AT. It used to be pistols, but then Dual Pistols came out for other ATs and people who wanted their character to use two pistols stopped making petless MMs.

I thought it was funny at the time that in the same Issue Dual Pistols came out, MMs got the Whips powers. It was almost like the devs wanted to make sure there was still a driver for petless MMs to exist. Maybe they have a secret soft spot for them.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



I need to do something before I24 goes live in a couple of months.
I dont have any current proyect, so I made up my mind, going to give it a try.
GuyPerfect has convinced me.



Hmmm...to answer the OP...

Worthy? Worthy as in? Could they fill you're spot with someone better? Well. Yeah. No matter how much you build the character, anyone else equally built will be a better choice over you.

Now, I don't think this means you're going to be carried by your team.

You still have the buffs/debuffs. And I don't recall MM numbers being all that different from Corrs, so you'll be helping out in that department easily enough.

I don't know if I count "soloing EBs" as that great of an achievement, especially with expensive builds.

But, if you find it fun, go for it.

If you get denied a team or kicked or tells saying whatever, there's always a different team or /gignore.

And your IOed out Petless MM is likely equal to at least a SO'ed out character, so you have that going for you! Could even be the counter arguement to anyone who says they're carring you!

"I'm better than a SO'ed So and So AT/Powerset, do you consider yourself carring them when they join the team?"


BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
Because MMs always seem to have one cool-looking personal attack style that isn't replicated by any other AT. It used to be pistols, but then Dual Pistols came out for other ATs and people who wanted their character to use two pistols stopped making petless MMs.
It's kinda hidden a few posts ago, but I mentioned my current petless project is Necro/Time. Dark Blast is certainly available to Defenders and Corruptors, so there's at least one reason other than concept. (-:

Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
If you get denied a team or kicked or tells saying whatever, there's always a different team or /gignore.
I just want to weigh in on this one... Every single conversation about petless Masterminds is immediately saturated with "good luck finding a team," but I can say through experience that being rejected from teams for this reason simply doesn't happen. Similar to how only a rare few people in-game will tell you it's a bad idea, people just don't care if you're running without pets. I've even had someone insist I was PLing them with mine when I demonstrated it, which means they thought my "terrible and uninvitable" build was better than their own.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Performance-wise, my previous petless Mastermind was able to solo many of the Elite Bosses in the game without Inspirations or Temporary Powers. These include, among others, Black Scorpion, Romulus Augustus, Lt. Sefu Tendaji, Adamastor and Snaptooth.
Up to this point I think people were expressing the usual concern about Petless MM's. When people start talking performance the conversation takes on a different life than the OP had intended.

Yes, people are going to challenge this kind of non specific claim. When I read it I was thinking not the EB's at level 54. As it turned out they were even level 51's that are orange. I doubt I would have bothered to post if that info was provided at the start of the boast.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



@ the OP

If your going to make a petless mastermind you need to understand that a petless mastermind is VERY Endurance heavy. You will need to probably 6 slot stamina and maybe need to have some sort of endurance recover power like power sink.

Your best bet is go with Traps because it offers you defense cap. You can go Dark but be mindful that Darkest night might offer you at most 18% Debuff so you will need your defenses in the high 20s at least to be capped out. Loosing Darkest Night can be bad as well.

Currently I have a Semi Petless Mastermind Demon Traps. I have the last pet for thematic reasons. I was going to make a RP toon but I didn't like the look of the female toons so I did a server change back and forth for a new name and made him male instead.

I do find the last pet helpful but I need to keep him on Aggressive so he is out of body guard mode. Otherwise he takes too much damage. When I do 4/8 content he dies pretty fast anyways from aggro so I don't rely on him much. If I have him summoned I keep him behind me on all pet stay and then just command him to attack what I have already aggroed. But once he dies I won't bother resummoning until after a fight if anything.

I currently did a video which I posted doing 4/8 DA content. It is a short video and it was in rebuttal to someone saying that a full Robot Traps could not handle DA content without using trap "gimmicks". Yes it was tough. I did it without using judgement or hybrid power and without using the gimmicks this person commented about, along with some other restrictions on bomb placement to prove a point even further. Regardless I did survive several mobs before I suffered from what appears to be cascade defense failure. I did a second video using all my powers and did a bit better.

I also fought Hero's ( the arch villain equivalent ) on +1/0. I destroyed a Pylon to see if I could.

End result regular content is not an issue on 4/8.

I picked up my Alpha with the unlock from OB and sent over a a bunch of threads to make it up to T3. I then made a 2nd build with just SOs and ran the Incarnate missions. No one had a clue that my SO build was gimpier then my Petless build because their narrow minds seen I had 6 pets so all was good. Little did they know I had half the defenses, debuffs my Petless build had.

Many players even on these forums have limited knowledge of game mechanics and many at most just mimic someone elses build because someone told them it was good, but in reality have no clue. So when they hear petless mastermind they begin to do their best Frankenstein impression of "Fire Bad" because they don't know any better. Again because they don't understand the game mechanics.

Now I am NOT here to say Petless mastermind is better then a scrapper. But the right build can solo 4/8 regular content and solo at least 2/6 DA content. I am 100% positive there are people that have scrappers, tanks and brutes that can't do that. I am pretty darn sure if I could look into the stable of the same people posting here I would find toons that could but can't because of poor builds.

Then you have the poster that has 50 toons and none over 30 or has 2 level 50s out of those 30 and none with incarnates, but has been playing since the game started.

I am also not saying that a Petless mastermind can kill faster then a scrapper, but I will say it can kill and at a reasonable pace. Again much faster then someone who can't do 4/8.

I took a look at the new powers added to the power pools today. I see nothing special that is worth taking that would require 3 powers from the pool. You could take 3 powers from fighting to get that cross punch, but you would be better getting Fire Ball or Fire Blast as an example.

End result unless your not looking for a min/max build and fighting higher content then 1/1, then anything should be fine. If your looking to max out then your pretty much pigeon holed into Traps and Dark.

I currently have 2 Dark builds I might be considering. The first one is DS (no pets) and Beast Mastery ( again last pet ).

The DS Dark was going to use Spring attack along with other attacks. I had Scorpion Shield and mid range defenses that Darkest Night would help out but then was considering another build which incorporated fire power pool for bon fire with the new proc. and fire attacks. Need to see which one I will go with. I am still working out the builds.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



my SO scrappers tanks brutes and just about ANY AT of mine cant solo *much*[operative word here, meaning some, but not a lot] beyond the basic x1+0 lol and i SO and pick slots pretty decently. any and all of my trollers/doms/defs/corrs/blasters do not do any content over +2 x2 on their own, fully SO with a few IO bonuses either cuz i dont like to die solo- and that's only my best ones i've been working on for a while at that level. the meelee ATs might be able to do more, but I just dont like meelee. I dont bother with complete IO powa-powa because i dont get joy from spending all that time playing the market and farming moneys and tinkering with Mids.

but i might for a petless/semi-petless modeled after plainguy or guyperfect's advice and builds, they have offered much insight into successfully playing an AT beyond it's designed gameplay, and people can either accept that, or move on.

i think semi-petless works better for me because i usually pick /Storm. also fun fact... 'Hell on Earth' doesnt have to rely on a demon to work ;D which only furthers the desire to have the powerset sans the GIANT UGLY NOISY BUTTS-IN-MY-FACE, imo.

que alt NPC models for MM pets unlocked via badges! ^_^ npc transform powers for pets! user interface update! coding nightmare! let's get it done!