With those new pool powers, origin pools, pools customization... Make petless MM worthy?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
This is a crazy idea.
Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
I like this kind of crazy stuff.
Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
tripping with this crazy thing, got it?
Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
I know its is crazy... But it still comes to my mind
I think the poster is more interested in the idea that it's something "crazy" and new. Look at the first 4 words of their post.

Problem is...

Petless MMs have been being made since 2006. It's not new, it's not crazy, it's an old idea and there's no much more to say that hasn't been said.

I think this all has less to do about petless MMs and more to do with a "look at me! I thought of something nobody else ever has!".

@Sentry4 @Sentry 4

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Originally Posted by Sentry4 View Post
I think the poster is more interested in the idea that it's something "crazy" and new. Look at the first 4 words of their post.

Problem is...

Petless MMs have been being made since 2006. It's not new, it's not crazy, it's an old idea and there's no much more to say that hasn't been said.

I think this all has less to do about petless MMs and more to do with a "look at me! I thought of something nobody else ever has!".
Then you are wrong.
I've said crazy because petless MM sounds crazy. Not because Im an attention seeker, like you say... I didnt said look: "this is new", or claiming "I'm the inventor of petless MM". You did.
What I think is that can sound crazy, but we are getting a lot of new options and attacks with those new customizable pools and it can make more sense now to see petless MM because we are getting more options to supply the pets.
Just wanted to hear some opinions about the matter.
And some trolls trolling too...



Follow your heart man..

You've inspired me to be less then i can truly be. I've made two awesome MM's with pets so far, and they're my favorite AT. Now instead of turning it up to eleven, lets turn it down... To about four, maybe five.



Is it doable? Yes. People like Plainguy have proven that it can be done. Will it ever be good? Eh, debatable. If you toss in Veteran powers, temporary powers, and later Incarnate powers then you'll be...doing more damage at least. But the problem is that Masterminds are balanced around having an army, so personal damage is low, and nothing is really going to change that. Secondaries are balanced around the same assumption, often resulting in reduced range and efficiency. About the best you can ever hope to be is a gimped defender.

That being said, if you want to do it, do it. You don't HAVE to have to take anything. Just understand that you won't be reaching anywhere near your full potential, and that there are probably people who aren't going to really like you coming into a team with 'gimp' status.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Petless masterminds CAN be done. Just like an amorless tanker CAN be done. But it defeats the purpose and anything else CAN be done better. It will take a lot of effort and skill to make it viable. If you shove enough money down its throat you can solo x8, like Plainguy. But if you shove an equal amount of money down the throat of something that wasn't gimped from the start you will solo 4x8 much, much faster.

It is as simple as that. It can be done, if you shove enough money into it it can actually be done well. But it is still silly.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Petless masterminds CAN be done. Just like an amorless tanker CAN be done. But it defeats the purpose and anything else CAN be done better. It will take a lot of effort and skill to make it viable. If you shove enough money down its throat you can solo x8, like Plainguy. But if you shove an equal amount of money down the throat of something that wasn't gimped from the start you will solo 4x8 much, much faster.

It is as simple as that. It can be done, if you shove enough money into it it can actually be done well. But it is still silly.
Pretty much this. Can a guy with one arm do karate and fight in the MMA? Possibly but he will always be second to someone that has all his limbs.

A petless MM is essentially like cutting off a limb. Sure you can do things like a "normal" person but you won't ever do them as well.

This is why people frown on it. Its shooting yourself in the foot or voluntarily adding your own kryptonite in the game for "just because."



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Pretty much this. Can a guy with one arm do karate and fight in the MMA? Possibly but he will always be second to someone that has all his limbs.

A petless MM is essentially like cutting off a limb. Sure you can do things like a "normal" person but you won't ever do them as well.

This is why people frown on it. Its shooting yourself in the foot or voluntarily adding your own kryptonite in the game for "just because."
That is a rather... unsavory example. I'd compare it more to a perfectly fit swimmer who just decides he doesn't want to use his legs. He could if he wanted to, but he just doesn't. Oh sure, enough training and he'll swim faster than the average bloke, but he could do so much better.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Could be a total waste or something funny enough?
Total waste. Masterminds have by FAR the worst damage mod in the game and also the lowest hit points, as far as I'm aware. If you're interested in running a full whip attack character, I'd suggest lobbying for flaming whips to be added as a conventional attack set for... I don't know, really. Does that count as range or melee?

But petless Mastermind is gonna' suck, and I don't mean this as an insult. It just probably won't be a lot of fun.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Here's the thing.

Try it out. Like any other powerset choice, but especially one where you're deliberately hamstringing yourself, it's down to you to see if it's fun or not.

Worried about a team? Find friends. Your friends may razz you about your weird build, but they probably won't boot you for no reason, barring they were trying to do a speed run of something or other. If you're PuG-ing all the time, you take what you can get(same as always).

And, given how long it takes to get to around 22 these days, it's not really that much to test to at least SO range, is it? Plus, if you DFB to 22, you'll only be running around with a handful of powers (level 8 is what? 6 power picks?), so you'll be about as hamstrung as everybody else in the team anyways.

I skipped the tier 1 pets on my Demon MM, primarily because most tier 1 pets die too quick. Getting to 12 wasn't so bad.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Performance-wise, my previous petless Mastermind was able to solo many of the Elite Bosses in the game without Inspirations or Temporary Powers. These include, among others, Black Scorpion, Romulus Augustus, Lt. Sefu Tendaji, Adamastor and Snaptooth.
Oh, that's neat! I had a feeling they couldn't be that horrible. I've had to fend for myself more than once when my pets had a horrible accident right after summoning due to one of those annoying electric control freakshow rezzing.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Been there, done that. The response is still "lol petless mm", which means haters gonna hate. I don't approach that particular problem with hopeful aspirations of changing any minds.

Funny thing is, I've never, EVER, had anyone dismiss the idea in-game. Only people on the forums have ever been nay-sayers.
That's because most build-people on the forums are min/maxers. "That set? Worthless. That AT? Worthless. I can't one-shot everything at the end of the LRSF with that build, so it's worthless."

Ignore it.

Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
But it defeats the purpose <snip> It will take a lot of effort and skill to make it viable
If the purpose is to have fun with it, it's not defeating the purpose, now is it?

And if it takes a lot of effort and skill to do, so much the better. Rather see that than another "Ey kopeed this bild frum teh forumz an I still dye 2 -20 skullz minyunz."

As long as the OP goes into it realistically (not expecting to be the toughest thing out there with no investment, expecting to die a fair bit, etc.) - just like the MAN builds and every other project people have done over the years - then more power to him. Good luck, have fun.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
That is a rather... unsavory example. I'd compare it more to a perfectly fit swimmer who just decides he doesn't want to use his legs. He could if he wanted to, but he just doesn't. Oh sure, enough training and he'll swim faster than the average bloke, but he could do so much better.
That reminds me of a joke, it might be considered mildly off-color so I'll just link instead of posting the text:





I'd suggest lobbying for flaming whips to be added as a conventional attack set for... I don't know, really. Does that count as range or melee?
It would probably end up as a new secondary set for Corrs/Defenders, or something.

Whip debuffs enemies and whips those useless groupmates into working harder.




Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
I welcome any and all video evidence as proof of claimed exploits regarding the prowess of a petless MM.
Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Been there, done that. The response is still "lol petless mm", which means haters gonna hate. I don't approach that particular problem with hopeful aspirations of changing any minds.

Funny thing is, I've never, EVER, had anyone dismiss the idea in-game. Only people on the forums have ever been nay-sayers.
Darth was asking for video, not verbal accounts. At the risk of being lumped in with the haters and trolls...

Pics or didn't happen.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Total waste. Masterminds have by FAR the worst damage mod in the game and also the lowest hit points, as far as I'm aware. If you're interested in running a full whip attack character, I'd suggest lobbying for flaming whips to be added as a conventional attack set for... I don't know, really. Does that count as range or melee?

But petless Mastermind is gonna' suck, and I don't mean this as an insult. It just probably won't be a lot of fun.
If we ever get whips it'll probably be Assault, due to the 15 foot range on the attacks.



you know what would be cool?

if MM inherents worked like Defender inherents and the base dmg and base [whatever, survuvability] was better if you dont have any active pets [like defender solo/small team] and then went back down to normal-for-mm-with-pets-which-is-still-optimal.


also, yay new UI allowing for moar customization! how about alt models for pets using "npc transform powers" like we have for players, on pets, to allow for other npc options from the zillions that would make sense. alt npc modelsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss........*poof*

:edit: maybe the inherent could get a fix to help MM's for when pets suddenly die, or they prefer to go petless and give a little more survivability [though there's really only two sets worth going petless for anyway so this would be mostly for ppl who's pets die easy *looks at the dogs and ninjas and mercs*]



Originally Posted by Elf_Sniper View Post
Pics or didn't happen.
I'm going to be perfectly blunt here: no amount of pics or videos will change your mind. Under no circumstances will you decide, "Hey, I guess I was wrong. Petless Masterminds can be done after all." That said, I do have some media from long ago, but this was before I completed all of its purples and Incarnate Abilities, so I'm sure you'll find something to complain about.

In February of 2010, I made a video. It has no purples and no Incarnate Abilities:


In August of 2011, I took a bunch of spectators into AE to showcase fighting against Romulus Augustus. By the looks of this picture, I still had Antidote and Elixir of Life in the build. O-: I took those out ages ago.

According to an account at the time, it took me 1 minute and 3 seconds to bring Rommy down.

When Enhancement Converters became available, I was able to finish slotting up all the purples I'd selected for the build.



I'm flying back home tomorrow, so I'll get a video set up showcasing the character in its current form. It's on Virtue if anyone wants to head in-game and see it today, though.



So you can take out an EB. With IOs.

My MM with pets can take out GMs. Without IOs.

So like I said. A petless MM can be done and it can be done well, but it defeats the purpose of being an MM in the first place. In your case, why not be a DP/Poison corruptor? You'd have more damage, more attacks, better values for /Poison, more health...

There isn't even a conceptual reason, because you'll get all the same attacks.

The only reason I can think of is a personal challenge.

Or whip melee if you go demon summoning.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
If we ever get whips it'll probably be Assault, due to the 15 foot range on the attacks.
And besides, what better AT for whips than a Dom?

The issue about "lol petless mm" isn't whether or not a petless MM is capable of doing anything - and at times I wish some of the MMs I teamed with were petless because their pet control was miserable and they tended to bring back multiples of the aggro cap when their pets ran off in separate directions and died horribly in the spawns that they annoyed.

It's that, with the exception of Demon Summoning's whips, anything you would want to do with a petless MM would be done better on either a Defender or Corruptor. You'd have more hit points, more damage, more - and better - attacks, lower endurance costs, and usually higher modifiers (btw, Defenders also share the Tanker mods for self buffing, that's not unique to MMs - MMs have better stun modifiers than Corruptors, though). So unless the concept is to do something half-*****, there's only one viable concept for a petless MM and it involves a flaming whip.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
It is as simple as that. It can be done, if you shove enough money into it it can actually be done well. But it is still silly.
Someone explain to me what is wrong with silly??

Have fun! If you find petless masterminds fun... Woohoo!!

And, nice job, GuyPerfect!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
A petless MM can be done and it can be done well, but it defeats the purpose of being an MM in the first place. In your case, why not be a DP/Poison corruptor? You'd have more damage, more attacks, better values for /Poison, more health...
Threads like this keep appearing. Have you noticed? One or two a year, but they keep showing up. Someone thinks about running a Mastermind with no pets, then makes a thread about it. No one makes threads about armorless Tankers or control-only Dominators. Ever notice that? Seems a bit incongruous... I mean, if you're gonna gimp, why go for one specific, particular gimp? Apples to apples, right? A petless Mastermind is the same as a ranged-only Scrapper, but why is it the only gimp people ever consider doing?

Think on that for a bit. There is a reason people find petless Masterminds appealing. So much so that it makes them worthwhile to play. If you're just looking at damage/attacks/buffs/HP, you're never going to see it.

Also, as an aside, Dual Pistols and Poison weren't available to Corruptors when I made that character.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
I'm flying back home tomorrow, so I'll get a video set up showcasing the character in its current form. It's on Virtue if anyone wants to head in-game and see it today, though.
i belive you

i've tried to build my petless build like yours to be fabtastic but i'm too poor right now to finish lol.

you impress me [also with toxxxiiccc dmggggg], and i can see the reasons for petless.

keep on keepin on!



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
[...] there's only one viable concept for a petless MM and it involves a flaming whip.
Don't forget the birds and the bees! (And yes, I'm still talking about Masterminds)



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
So like I said. A petless MM can be done and it can be done well, but it defeats the purpose of being an MM in the first place.
Playing the character and/or concept you want?

I don't see how that defeats the purpose at all.

"But uber DPS/DPA/UPS/CNN! And Capped defresactidurancharge! And blah percentage blah blah blah!"

So what. You want that, build and play your character your way.