A walk through the Wayback Machine




Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
That's how I ended up getting Zookeper. Monster Island. Lingering Radiation. Toss in a Radiation Infection.

It was a pretty big letdown to find out afterwards that no other game allowed you to have that much control and herding abilities.
I got Zookeeper by betting a friend I could achieve the badge in less than four hours on Monster Island with an energy blaster. I lost, finishing in four and a half hours of blasting, although I took a short break in the middle.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
That's how I ended up getting Zookeper. Monster Island. Lingering Radiation. Toss in a Radiation Infection.

It was a pretty big letdown to find out afterwards that no other game allowed you to have that much control and herding abilities.
Definitely the ability to fight so many foes at once was one of the things that made CoH special. It really made you feel powerful.

Then, there was the really silly stuff, like early punchvoke (?I think that's what it was. I remember the bug but not the exact cause.?) allowing you to aoe mobs that were stacked (like say, after jumping a wall.... <.<) with single target attacks. Suicide by massive Energy Transfer was silly.

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Pre issue 1 invasions. Basically +4x8 to the max level for the zone of, Soldiers of Rularuu!

Kings Row had level 15ish wandering packs of the Eyeballs. This did not end in a timely fashion like todays events either. They stayed, wandered, and respawned for an entire week. Remember there was no fancy ninja run at level 4 in those days either.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
The only Rularuu invasion I know of was at the start of Issue 2, Sept 2004.
Yes, but I remember my old perma-Unstoppable tank jumping into a spawn of green Rularuu and being utterly slaughtered.

Or maybe he wasn't there yet - which would have meant trying to jump into the spawn and then turning on Unyielding Stance. I was one of those crazy invuln tanks who refused to teletank back in those days.

The old days certainly weren't all good.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



That's what I was doing on King's Row as well with my namesake when he was around Level 10 at the time. "Well there's only three of them, I can take them." Nope. Perma-mezed and beaten into paste.

Fun times.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Thessalia View Post
That's them! I was trying to hang onto the ones I had but accidentally used them, or whatever. I think they went away before base storage was a thing (or possibly even bases, period).

Also, there was a time when Resolves/Determinations/Sheer Willpowers were dropping along with Break Frees. I have more screenshots from around that time with the UI on, and you can see the insp trays changing, and occasionally there'd be BFs and Resolves in them together. And then shortly after that, no more Resolves in the screenshots.
The Resolved line dropped along the Break Frees back when they first brought out the reactive inspirations for mez, but the mezzes where split between the two. As ir ecall.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
That's what I was doing on King's Row as well with my namesake when he was around Level 10 at the time. "Well there's only three of them, I can take them." Nope. Perma-mezed and beaten into paste.

Fun times.
If I remember correctly, I think the Rularuu spawned at the top of the level range of every zone they spawned in, but also had a minimum level of 30. So if you encountered them in a low zone like Skyway, they would just turn you into paste.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If I remember correctly, I think the Rularuu spawned at the top of the level range of every zone they spawned in, but also had a minimum level of 30. So if you encountered them in a low zone like Skyway, they would just turn you into paste.
The Rularuu event is the only event to date that I've missed, which is really kind of depressing. Anyone have any screenshots of Observers in KR or Atlas?

Oh, I missed the end of beta Rikti assault, too, but I was at my best friend's wedding, so I don't mind that quite as much. Missing the Rularuu invasion was my own stupidity.

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If I remember correctly, I think the Rularuu spawned at the top of the level range of every zone they spawned in, but also had a minimum level of 30. So if you encountered them in a low zone like Skyway, they would just turn you into paste.
I remember distinctly that they were conning blue (-1). Now they may have had Level 30 abilities. This was in the day where Level 10 Outcasts minions in Steel were calling up Hurricane every other attack, or so it seemed.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I remember distinctly that they were conning blue (-1). Now they may have had Level 30 abilities. This was in the day where Level 10 Outcasts minions in Steel were calling up Hurricane every other attack, or so it seemed.
Yeah I remember them in KR being slightly level inappropriate. Nothing like level 30's in KR.

Thanks for reminding me about the old Outcast



I don't remember their levels when I encountered them in Steel Canyon. I just remember being pasted. :-p

Speaking of Steel Canyon...

One of the things I remember from early beta was that the spawns were less friendly about giving you a path to travel around them. I'm not sure now whether it was just the distribution or if it was that aggro radii were much larger then.

Whatever the reason, my very first character on beta rode the train to Steel Canyon. This was also back when the train actually made you get off at every "stop" along the way. My level 2 or 3 character got off the train, took one look around to get his bearings and *WHAM* he was dead.

Not so bad except that he respawned in the hospital a mile away from the train. At the time, I didn't realize about the gate to Atlas Park, I was just trying to get back out the way I came in. It likely wouldn't have mattered anyway, since as most everyone knows, the spawns near the hospital are higher level than the spawns near the train.

*wham* *wham* *paste* *splat* *kablooie*

One time I actually got in sight of the train before I was ignominiously sent packing to the hospital. I finally gave up and rolled a new character. Judging by the forums discussions at the time, I was not the only player to have that experience, heh.

This was one of the driving motivations behind making "Superior Invisibility" my first live character's "travel power" over and above any of the real travel powers.

Since Freedom arrived, my old beta account turned into a freemium account. I should log into it one of these days and see if that old character is still hanging around in the Steel Canyon hospital, waiting to be rescued. *laugh*



Most of my old screenshots are just character shots, but I did manage to find this one with someone herding hydras in the background:

This is sometime before issue 1.

Ahh, found one more that is relevant... apologies if the pose is a little crude... it's the only one I could find. My wife used to love making naked characters. More than playing. She especially liked this one because she was naked...with a monocle! (Wish I could find a pic of the front).

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
"Computer, arch!"

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
If you want to see it in action here's an old Video.
I'd like to highlight some quotes from this video:

"You should notice that during combat he remains moving. You don't get locked down in combat. Over all, fighting is much fiercer and much more furious then then you would find in other games."

"You're going to be jumping, teleporting, flying all around. The enemies will be doing the same"

Sounds great. What happened to that combat? Sadly, it was buried under a pile of mez, rooting and movement suppression.

Also, we see stuff like buildings with real interiors, Hazard Zones being worthwhile to actually go to, a cloud layer in Steel and battle stances.

On the other hand, eight years later we still have the same crappy Council/Column bunker maps, same old textures and costume part, same special effects and animations for those powers, same stiff running animation, same lack of fingers.

In many ways, some things haven't improved since that video and in some ways, that game looks and sounds a lot more fun to play.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
In many ways, some things haven't improved since that video and in some ways, that game looks and sounds a lot more fun to play.
Oh, give it a break Sherman.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I have a lot of old photos from way back when. Some are weird bugs likely few remember nowadays. Some of these are from early COV, most are from way earlier. Some are from COH/COV betas, most are not. There's plenty of other bugs but I don't have pics anymore, or don't want to share bad, bad glitch/exploits.

Please note that all names in photos are me, my friends who have quit playing for 5+ years now, my current friends, or people who have nothing to do with what is being shown.

--Yes, we duoed the Hydra trial in slightly less than 14 minutes total. They fixed up most of the ways that made this stupidly easy to do like this. You had to get a 50, someone in trial-range to get the trial, have the trial-range person get the correct gun that hurts the Hydra (only one of them does). Then that person is SKd, then either one of them kept the Hydra held permanently keeping the shields from coming up (you could hold through the shield), and defeat all the tentacles, and the SKd person use the gun constantly on the Hydra. They'd run out of charges just when the Hydra would die.

--Drones didn't get rid of weapons the enemies carried when they zapped them.

--More drone weapon leaving.

--Sometimes they didn't get rid of the enemies either. This guy was being repeatedly zapped for literally hours. I had someone log in and they saw it too, so it wasn't on my end.

--Placeholders for the fire for burning buildings was...storm elementals.

--Kheldians used to be able to, as humans, hit the Freakshow Diguise, then morph into Dwarf (or Nova!) and keep the graphics for a short time. Dwarfs had it cuter.

--The old kheldian form emote bug. Have a kheldian on the team in another zone morph to a form, then come to them yourself. They'll be human. When they try to use emotes, they'll see nothing, but you'll see them using all sorts of not-emote emotes, things specific to enemy threat animations, idle animations, death animations...

--Have a hastened nova fly around the zone/mission map and it'll leave behind two trails of hasten from somewhere outside of the zone to wherever they are. Super annoying, lasted too long.

--Ahh, remember when Hami used to spawn so many yellows?

--Remember when these worked? That was nice.

--Yes we duoed the Sister Psyche TF with just an Illemp and Illrad, and no Radiation Infection (hey, we had 6 slotted hasten and stuff).

--Remember when two contacts I think in the 25-29 range had the exact same missions?

--Weird long-lasting bug where wings + bow = shoot from your wings.

--Remember starchy flag?

--Remember particles 'sticking' to you for the duration you were on a map? I caught the 'disorient' bug and got a cute photo.

--Remember that short bug where mastermind pets would randomly lose control, lose names, and become a nearby destructible object name in mayhems?


--Remember this door in Peregrine?

--Remember the "must be 18 years or older" task force for Croatoa?

--For a short time weapons were bugged and wouldn't go away when you emoted, and claws had two weapons and they did wacky things, such as float several feet away from you while you emoted, then reattach.

--Minimum Dispersion Bubble and maximum Dispersion Bubble. Both cover the same effected area, but graphically scaled to the person's height. Bad news in missions; didn't know if you were covered or not without looking at icons.

--Miscalled text from a citizen.

--Better miscalled text from an enemy.

--Remember these two bugs? The one where the entire map and all its floors displayed on one 'map,' and showing the exits/stores of the zone you just came through for the mission. Worse, I've seen the latter lately.

--Weird bug with strafing in water. Strafe right & left repeatedly, and each time you turn around you became a line of pixels instead of a 3D model. There's a line of pixels around my targeting box, that's a friend who is just a few pixels.

--/macro can "e sit$$e dance" = you would toggle between the two emotes rapidly until suddenly you pooped half a trashcan out and started lecturing for a second or two.

--Remember when you could give female characters the Freedom Corps clothes, and use the ancient bug to get behind counters to pretend to be shop people?

--Hovering, then using ;boombox and de-hovering while still placing it left it in midair as long as you didn't move. Still doable to leave it and its music behind if you get teleported away. Here I have replaced a friend's head.

--Beta bug where all Family models disappeared so weapons would shoot you on their own. Crazy.

--Short bug where the junk pile for the Paladin event (is it even still there?) talked to you idly as if it were a person.

--Aforementioned trapping people in watchtowers before they put exits in them with teleporting.

--Synapse's platform's corners were traps if you teleported people in there.

--Remember knocking things off the huge cliffs in Faultline? I grossly miss that.

--Remember saving hordes of NPCs and dragging them around with fly to keep them away from you, then dropping down in a populated area after having people run back and forth around the trainer and confuse people, and get all the congrats in the world?

--Remember the fun dev-place in Grandville before it was discovered and forcibly torn down by...I dunno, Jack? This is a bit of the pre-torn-down status, and I think it's just completely gone now.

--Remember the old mothership? So pretty.

--Remember the Eochai invasion and its public alert system? Glad they've gone back to using that now for some events, it lent a lot of tension to it.

--Remember that the puppies for Requiem had dark armor?

--Remember dumpster diving?

--Monkey farming...yes I kept doing it with Unstoppable and it'd run out at inopportune times.

--Hydra...herding, not farming.

--I loved herding.

--I especially loved the maps full of (naked!) rikti commies and having them portal up, wait 5-10 minutes, then go and bop the giant piles. Remember how they used to 'ghost' by flying up and away and fading, then reappear when you killed more?

--BEE HERDING (I had a regen friend, back in its heyday, buff up and walk up once and he died in less than 2 seconds, haha)

--If you were in beta you remember this (they changed it by taking away recluse's robot arms but leaving in their shadows, good job)

--So you used to be for a while, after exiting any mission, dumped in under the ground of Atlas Park. You could continue to walk until you fell all the way through and got placed on the real ground. Then you could be eaten by drones (or evade them with mastermind pets, and go to other zones, get badges). In a similar case much later on if you were in certain zones with lots of people and had to hospital but all the hospital slots were taken (each floor has like 10 rez places) then you'd end up rezzing in the opposite faction's main first zone hospital. So some heroes ended up villainside and vice versa.

--For a little while the hospital was semi-transparent. What?

--The minions of Robot Masterminds could use "/petsay <em paladinawaken>" and that would cause the minion to act as if they were the Paladin: when Paladin spawns, he bursts and breaks out of his scaffolding, roars, and stomps Giving the emote to the robot pets was also a joke, because for a very short time heroes could use ";paladinawaken" too before it was taken away due to breaking PVP as it was so buggy as to make you lose your body temporarily, and so anyone targeting you would have their target undone. You could spam this in PVP and be untouchable, thus. The emote was not purposely given to heroes, rather Paladin's spawning emote was accidentally flagged as usable by PCs. So that was taken away, then given to the robot minions, then that too was taken away in under a week despite it working fine.

--My favorite: how to PL in early COV beta. Get a gladiator or two, fill up your gladiator slots, join a team and gladiator match. If any gladiator from anyone on your team hit any critter you'd get XP for the kills. It was amazing.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
Enemy XP Mods
(Drag my avatar into your mp3 player!)



None of those links work.

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



Originally Posted by Culex View Post
Do they work now as imgur links?
I just clicked one, worked for me.



Originally Posted by Culex View Post
Do they work now as imgur links?
Work for me.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Culex View Post
--Remember the old mothership? So pretty.
I wish I had taken video of the motherships flying around at the end of beta. I think that they have never been seen in Live.