SSA #2 Episode 2

Agent White



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Villain side, the NPC allies where useless anyway, barely lasting a few seconds.

Hero side, the NPC allies blasted everything in sight before I could get a look in.

But yeah, Penny...
There's one thing I really like about the red-side version of that fight. You've beaten, subdued and humiliated two arch-villains in front of their own gangs and absorbed said gangs into your organization. They have an opportunity in that scene to walk away from your control if the odds are as stacked against you as they claim. And yet, they are so cowed that they will throw themselves on the pyre just to attempt to save you.

Though I do wonder how the scene plays out if you have a team going in. Granted, the text is still the same, but the "this isn't fair" takes on a completely different meaning.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
It's called Took A Level In BadPANCAKE. I think's it's a good thing. At least now her Leeroy Jenkins Syndrome can be put to good use, considering that she'll have Statesman's powers on top of her own.
I have a theory that Nemesis will somehow end up getting Statesman's powers from the box and that's why Silos was so afraid of screwing things up when you question him.



You've beaten, subdued and humiliated two arch-villains in front of their own gangs and absorbed said gangs into your organization.
Yeah, but look at which villains. When I was sent out to get Castillo (and please, let's stop pretending that you're not working for the Contact still) my first though was "what, Operative Jenkins wasn't available?"

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Villain side, the NPC allies where useless anyway, barely lasting a few seconds.

Hero side, the NPC allies blasted everything in sight before I could get a look in.

But yeah, Penny...
Villain-side, I think it depends a lot on who the boys go for... Some combinations are a fairer fight than others.

When I ran it with Kestrel, Castillo went right for Nocturne. Who, as you might expect, absolutely ripped the poor guy to shreds. Odysseus went after Sands and just kicked his butt all over the room. He was completely done with Mister-Yeah-I-Forgot-My-Helmet, and had taken a fair chunk out of Nocturne by the time I was finished with Ghost Widow.

I suspect if they had switched targets, both of them would still have been standing at the end of the fight.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
...I really don't see why people have so many problems with Penny. I mean, she had been foreshadowed as an unusually powerful psychic way back in the Faultline arcs. (She was the only one they knew who was powerful enough to disable the PCM, she subconsciously hijacks clockwork...) If people didn't expect Penny to be more important later on, that's on them.
It's one thing for her to be set up as pretty powerful psychic, it's another when she starts appearing in everything lately. They've made a pretty big push with Penny and it grates on some people. Plus, her personality is (mostly) a bubbly teenage girl, which also grates on some people. I do think that's unfair, but there it is. :P

I didn't have a problem with Penny, I thought it was pretty neat that we got to see her "grow up" (the age retcon is another point of contention though), but it rubbed me the wrong way when it felt like she replaced Sister Psyche as the Token Psychic. I actually liked and miss Psyche, though, so I realize I'm not unbiased. And then I ran SSA 2.1, and she was so frustratingly childish and frankly an a-hole. Yes, by all means, go screw around in a guy's mind just for kicks! A guy who just lost his wife, no less! And then give an insincere fauxpology for it, that's awesome. That soured me on her pretty badly. This is not how you create a sympathetic character, guys.

I'm just a holy fool, oh baby it's so cruel

Thessalia, by Darkchildx2k



I greatly enjoyed this mission. I mean, a LOT. I don't care as much about the running around so long as we have a memorable and/or fun destination when we get there, and this paid off nicely.


I did love the battles in this mission arc. They were different enough to not be numbing, and they did a good job of providing enemies running the gamut from Judgement fodder to decent challenges.

The NPCs that appeared were excellent choices all the way around, and they really did a good job of adding to the mission's feel. It wasn't just some cutscene filled with blather, they reacted and interacted with us in realtime, keeping the story flowing smoothly.

Outstanding call on including the Antikythera Mechanism as the Key!!! I was NOT expecting this, so it was a great surprise. That device is something that fascinates me, and whoever designed and modeled it did a terrific job; it looks almost exactly like one of the more modern replicas. AND THE GEARS MOVE!!!!! Wheeee!

Now, for the only thing I could even quibble over on this mission, and it's a small thing. I agree with an earlier poster who lamented that we couldn't stop Synapse and Penny before they waded into the battle and just tell them, "You know, I've got this. Really." Ghost Widow by herself is a fun fight for me, and I was already calculating who I was taking down first when the Phalanxers came in. I love them wanting to help, but I was grinning at the opportunity to take on the Arachnos crew 3-to-1. Having the choice whether or not to have them assist would be the only thing I'd change on this mission.

This has been a great arc so far, and it's going a long way to erase the taste of SSA1 from my mouth. Great writing, fun story, terrific use of NPCs (Lilitu! Imperious! Professor Echo!), smooth flow and pacing... this has been a great arc so far for me. Thank you.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Prometheus, Silos (both in full-on Smug Snake mode), time travel, forced rescue by Penny Sue^H^H^ they're just trying to torque people off.
Don't flatter yourself.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Prometheus, Silos (both in full-on Smug Snake mode), time travel, forced rescue by Penny Sue^H^H^ they're just trying to torque people off.
Well, as long as it's the right people.

Played the red side last night, really liked it. Fun, amusing, immersive, and occasionally challenging.

Two hooves up.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Prometheus, Silos (both in full-on Smug Snake mode), time travel, forced rescue by Penny Sue^H^H^ they're just trying to torque people off.
...What's the "^H^H^H" mean? Also, Silos seemed more awkward and immensely uncomfortable with the topic of discussion.



Originally Posted by Issen View Post
...What's the "^H^H^H" mean? Also, Silos seemed more awkward and immensely uncomfortable with the topic of discussion.
I am now imagining spaghetti spilling out of Silos' pockets.
Silos: @#$%ING HEROSTOP!

Anyway though, I do echo Thesselia's own view on Penelope Yin, not Venture's. To be honest, I LIKE the character and want to continue liking her, but over exposure and how she was reintroduced/who she replaced, and how she's been presented lately has left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.
Frankly, if I had had my own way, she would have joined WISDOM with Flower Knight (both the organization and latter character getting far too little exposure) and Sister Psyche would have simply retired/remained as a consultant for the FP.

Now for the actual critique of the arc, I mentioned the heroside version felt a bit weak and watery, and the villainside was only so much better. At first I was wondering why it was Arachnos I was still fighting in the final mission, but then I remembered we are trying to put them into our shadow. I also really am hoping that just once, PLAYER VILLAINS get a victory OF THEIR OWN.

Meaning when the arc ends, we are NOT backstabbed (at least not so much to truly warrent promptly taking it down), the upcoming issue introduces our new organization as yellow/blue conning NPCs that have taken over various, formerly Arachnos locations, and various maybe even future contacts linked to this organization who greet us in a friendly/fearful and respectful manner.

Oh, I also am kind of annoying deep inside that the Antikythera Mechanism, a great SCIENTIFIC/TECHNOLOGICAL achievement was reduced to another magical MacGuffin. Why does it have to be magic to track magic? In canon lore, Poistron's been shown to make tech devices that can detect magic, so why couldn't the Antikythera device been the earliest example of such? It was already one of (if not the) first freakin' in-organic computers.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Thessalia View Post
It's one thing for her to be set up as pretty powerful psychic, it's another when she starts appearing in everything lately. They've made a pretty big push with Penny and it grates on some people. Plus, her personality is (mostly) a bubbly teenage girl, which also grates on some people. I do think that's unfair, but there it is. :P

I didn't have a problem with Penny, I thought it was pretty neat that we got to see her "grow up" (the age retcon is another point of contention though), but it rubbed me the wrong way when it felt like she replaced Sister Psyche as the Token Psychic. I actually liked and miss Psyche, though, so I realize I'm not unbiased. And then I ran SSA 2.1, and she was so frustratingly childish and frankly an a-hole. Yes, by all means, go screw around in a guy's mind just for kicks! A guy who just lost his wife, no less! And then give an insincere fauxpology for it, that's awesome. That soured me on her pretty badly. This is not how you create a sympathetic character, guys.

This encapsulates everything I feel about Penny. Thankfully, I only ever saw her at the end of the hero arc and never spoke with her so that was great.

One thing that's bugged me about psychics in CoH is how the NPC psychics can just read your mind at will. In any game universe where psychics exist, there are strict regulations on when and how they can use their powers. In fact, there are generally Psi organizations that regulate them (think PsiCorps in Babylon 5), even if those fall into mistrust either from non-aligned Psis and so on. Think of it this way. If I have a Mind Controller, never ever ever ever would I RP that I can know everything another RPer is thinking, it's a HUGE faux-pas to go: "Hey pal, tell me everything you know/think". That's something the Devs have never addressed and probably (frankly) don't really think is relevant, but it is irksome.

Arc overall is a B+. Good story, nice NPCs, nice story development, Good work!

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
In any game universe where psychics exist, there are strict regulations on when and how they can use their powers.
Maybe they could be organized into some kind of government supervised network?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Maybe they could be organized into some kind of government supervised network?
Sure. Praetoria does this but I really don't think they want to *SPOILERS* strip away emotions and so on *SPOILERS* go that far. I kinda see Numina as being the big bear in this group, but who knows.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



You know, on an off-topic note about Praetorian Seers and their "mind reading" it is kind of funny how even the yellow conning ones will claim to 'detect hostile thoughts' and summon up their PPD officers, even when you're a loyalitst just walking past.
I always took it as a sign that even the mind readers of Praetorian can never be certain and are, deep down, just as paranoid and unsure as everyone else.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
Villain-side, I think it depends a lot on who the boys go for... Some combinations are a fairer fight than others.

When I ran it with Kestrel, Castillo went right for Nocturne. Who, as you might expect, absolutely ripped the poor guy to shreds. Odysseus went after Sands and just kicked his butt all over the room. He was completely done with Mister-Yeah-I-Forgot-My-Helmet, and had taken a fair chunk out of Nocturne by the time I was finished with Ghost Widow.

I suspect if they had switched targets, both of them would still have been standing at the end of the fight.
I think with Castillo, it makes quite a difference if he gets his shield generator out or not.

I really should do something about this signature.



It was longer than I expected. Cool one. I like the new cutscenes.

James Harvan sports a new jacket and explorer hat.

I was confused with the NPC "Anxious student" being a very old man of those low poligons citizens. My character was calling him kid when he was a granpa lol



Meaning when the arc ends, we are NOT backstabbed (at least not so much to truly warrent promptly taking it down), the upcoming issue introduces our new organization as yellow/blue conning NPCs that have taken over various, formerly Arachnos locations, and various maybe even future contacts linked to this organization who greet us in a friendly/fearful and respectful manner.
Wishful thinking at best. Your ever-so-helpful "assistant's" Sudden But Inevitable Betrayal is all but written on her forehead. The game's structure does not even remotely support the player having an organization at his disposal, never mind having any real political power in the world. Failure Is The Only Option.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Just wanted to chime in for support of SSA#2.2. Very well done.
I re-ran it just to crank up the diff to +4 - great challenge.
Keep up the good work.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The game's structure does not even remotely support the player having an organization at his disposal, never mind having any real political power in the world.
Actually, it does.
The Midnighters, Resistance and loyalists all have exclusive areas that can only be accessed by people who've joined them, the Vanguard give out special merits and perks to members, temp powers can summon allies, zone mobs can con non-hostile, scanners, newspapers and contacts can all give repeatable missions, and contacts and NPCs can recognize player achievements and status - if they put all of those existing functions together, they could give players a pretty good impression of being an important part of an organization.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Actually, it does.
The Midnighters, Resistance and loyalists all have exclusive areas that can only be accessed by people who've joined them, the Vanguard give out special merits and perks to members, temp powers can summon allies, zone mobs can con non-hostile, scanners, newspapers and contacts can all give repeatable missions, and contacts and NPCs can recognize player achievements and status - if they put all of those existing functions together, they could give players a pretty good impression of being an important part of an organization.

And yet here we are at issue 23 24 and none of that has happened. It's like they throw out these neat new mechanics, but never expand on their use.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



I'll give PB #2* credit for good and fun writing, and I'll probably run it on my main toons once each. It is not, however, what I'd go for when looking for repeatable content I can put up with when getting my weekly Alignment Merits. WWD#1 will be my go to arc for melee types and Masterminds, and PD #1 for my ranged/support types.

*- And yes, I do prefer to refer to the arcs by their own initials, rather than as some subset of the Signature Story Arc structure. Feels more precise to me.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The game's structure does not even remotely support the player having an organization at his disposal, never mind having any real political power in the world. Failure Is The Only Option.
Nor does it support the Zig being anything more than a day spa with poorly chosen dress codes.



Any chance we would be able to keep/steal the Antikythera Device at our bases (reward for completing the arch) for safe keeping/trophy from the spoils of war? That would be a neat conclusion - different from the temp powers from SSA1.*

*Rampant speculation - of course, for all we know it may be used more directly to further powers tward Omega.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
And yet here we are at issue 23 24 and none of that has happened. It's like they throw out these neat new mechanics, but never expand on their use.
Better late than never.