How would you "fix" Kheldians?

Adeon Hawkwood



nope none your business either is it? how I talk to people ?
So none of your business at all for welcoming to the khelidan forums .

Wait lol you mean the squid and beetle forums .
But then again , what would you know about them .

Other then 2 years of playing .

but lets pretend we all care one bit for eachother .
lets pretend dawn cares enough to discuss her knowledge of the game .
Which in my esteem , is she knows a lot of things beter then me .

Am not being her knight or valkyrie , am just saying what I want ,
So all those things taken into calculations .
Maybe you should get off your high horse , cause game has evolved too much for us oldie.
To say we can really be bothered .

Also some people say oldies are not argumentive , sadly it is people like you who make us argumentive .

So if they want to fix kheldians, then they will fix it there way .
And so far with everything they have done things there way .
But frankly at this point I wouldn't touch kheldians .
Cause of people like you playing it , beter to not touch anything ,
People might get butthurt , so let the youngster who tought they invented the wheels play it.
Yeah they might grumble and be dissatisfied , but beter not upset there frail ego .



Originally Posted by Lonelyshade View Post
Oh hello mister who cannot check dates .. and is full of AS S U M E .
Thank you for proving my point .
News flash genius, join date don't mean squat.

Originally Posted by Lonelyshade View Post
Sadly people like you are full of ad honiems and problems .
You people comments? Really? Poor form dude, this one is not winning anyone over.



Originally Posted by doomrider View Post
News flash genius, join date don't mean squat.

You people comments? Really? Poor form dude, this one is not winning anyone over.
Newsflash , then nobody means a thing do they

Perfect acceptable for us all , people who gone trough ED Global Defense , Inventions Gladiators , stupid PvP that caused more nerfs .
Ah well all those things don't mean a thing acceptable .

So no need to say welcome newbie , cause oldie and newbie don't mean a thing..
And I for one am sincerly happy with that no sarcasme intended .

Nope and if you cannot stand the truth , then don't accept it is poor form .
If truth is no longer your interest , don't talk about winning .
Or is so important to win , that you can write your own truth .
Lmao , how far people have sunk



Originally Posted by Lonelyshade View Post
nope none your business either is it? how I talk to people ?
So none of your business at all for welcoming to the khelidan forums . the future, I'll try to be more rude to newcomers like you, then? Not sure what you were aiming at there. A for effort though, dude.

Originally Posted by Lonelyshade View Post
Wait lol you mean the squid and beetle forums .
But then again , what would you know about them .

Other then 2 years of playing .
Ah, so now (again) you are the one assuming forum dates mean something? You make me smile.

Originally Posted by Lonelyshade View Post
but lets pretend we all care one bit for eachother .
lets pretend dawn cares enough to discuss her knowledge of the game .
Which in my esteem , is she knows a lot of things beter then me .
I could make a joke here, but I won't. Just so you know.

Originally Posted by Lonelyshade View Post
Am not being her knight or valkyrie , am just saying what I want ,
So all those things taken into calculations .
Maybe you should get off your high horse , cause game has evolved too much for us oldie.
To say we can really be bothered .

Also some people say oldies are not argumentive , sadly it is people like you who make us argumentive .

So if they want to fix kheldians, then they will fix it there way .
And so far with everything they have done things there way .
But frankly at this point I wouldn't touch kheldians .
Cause of people like you playing it
, beter to not touch anything ,
People might get butthurt , so let the youngster who tought they invented the wheels play it.
Yeah they might grumble and be dissatisfied , but beter not upset there frail ego .
Lol. Ok.

Well, anyway, you keep doing the things you do, buddy. I'd continue this little chat we're having, but unless you're an alternate account of New Dawns, I really have nothing to say to you. Not that I believe you are, as I personally believe that she's above that. So...yeah.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post the future, I'll try to be more rude to newcomers like you, then? Not sure what you were aiming at there. A for effort though, dude.

Ah, so now (again) you are the one assuming forum dates mean something? You make me smile.

I could make a joke here, but I won't. Just so you know.

Lol. Ok.

Well, anyway, you keep doing the things you do, buddy. I'd continue this little chat we're having, but unless you're an alternate account of New Dawns, I really have nothing to say to you. Not that I believe you are, as I personally believe that she's above that. So...yeah.
Lmao how fun it is to quote somebody , and read there answers to there own quotes

So basically you were talking to yourself , like always .

nothing new .



Originally Posted by Lonelyshade View Post
Warshade DPSERS are , I do not want to know what a dwarf surrounded by enemies does .
When switching forms .....

Especially in human form no toggles on .
Since you are a dpser , why slot a form power for max effiency .
When human form has more then enough dps power options , especially some of them still old value not touched. so those extreme you see are still extreme .

sorry maybe if you want max effiency , so that is the reason to change shape .
Then stay human , no need for lousy squid switching , no lost of seconds .

But if you want fun then yeah , switching is fun .
And one playstyle doesn't mean it is the perfect playstyle.
While might be perfect for you and fun , doesn't mean it is perfect for everybody .

I was specifically advocating the forms and switching. Switching in a triform build is he most effective by far. That way you can stack mires and use the Nova's AoEs, while also keeping up Eclipse. And since form switching is instant, there is no lost seconds.

I really don't want combos in a warshade. Combos are not the end all problem solver. Warshades are busy enough as is without orange circles all over the place.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
You normally storm out of threads with "light tones" and end discussions that weren't hostile because you can't explain/defend yourself, then? Interesting.
I don't do the 18 pages of arguments. I get to a point to where things will just have to wait and so they wait. How can you say that I storm out of threads?

/Storms out of thread.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Lonelyshade View Post
Newsflash , then nobody means a thing do they

Perfect acceptable for us all , people who gone trough ED Global Defense , Inventions Gladiators , stupid PvP that caused more nerfs .
Ah well all those things don't mean a thing acceptable .

So no need to say welcome newbie , cause oldie and newbie don't mean a thing..
And I for one am sincerly happy with that no sarcasme intended .

Nope and if you cannot stand the truth , then don't accept it is poor form .
If truth is no longer your interest , don't talk about winning .
Or is so important to win , that you can write your own truth .
Lmao , how far people have sunk
I'm sorry, I can't understand most of what you just said. I'm going to assume English isnt your first language and that's fine but I think you missed my point entirely.
Forum join date often is not the same as when someone started playing the game and therefore when stone said "new person" he was referring to your presence in the kheldian forum as being new.
This was in no way to be interpreted as you being new to the game therefore had nothing to do with your forum join date.

The second part of my post was in response to your bad attitude and ignorant comment hence my " you people?" Comment.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Well, anyway, you keep doing the things you do, buddy. I'd continue this little chat we're having, but unless you're an alternate account of New Dawns, I really have nothing to say to you. Not that I believe you are, as I personally believe that she's above that. So...yeah.
Can I make an alt account post here? I didn't know. I thought it was all tied to the main NCSoft accounts. Well if its true then that is somit I didn't know about but then there are things I will never know about like the reward system.

Most threads end up with me replying to one person and then having to reply to several other people. For me it always could look like I upset some forum clique although that's not necessarily the case. Time allows me to reply or care. If I see a wall of text I won't care.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Nothing in this game should require taking the forums. They are a silly place.
I slot my forums for range.

/posts from the far side of the Shard.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Can I make an alt account post here? I didn't know. I thought it was all tied to the main NCSoft accounts. Well if its true then that is somit I didn't know about but then there are things I will never know about like the reward system.

Most threads end up with me replying to one person and then having to reply to several other people. For me it always could look like I upset some forum clique although that's not necessarily the case. Time allows me to reply or care. If I see a wall of text I won't care.
So when multiple people and/or people with large posts reply you don't read them?

That... explains an awful lot.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
So when multiple people and/or people with large posts reply you don't read them?

That... explains an awful lot.
Yeah and visa versa, if I see someone getting multiple replies by various people I tend not to join in.

I like to see things and keep things as brief as poss.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by doomrider View Post
News flash genius, join date don't mean squat.
Lol to add support to this, I joined the forum in 2005 then didn't come back for 6 years or so. Join date means absolutely nothing.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I slot my forums for range.
I slot mine with Contagious Confusion and Chance for Disorient.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Which explains why Arcanaville's Title, Avatar, and Location are all 'Arcanaville'.

Be Well!



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I slot mine with Contagious Confusion and Chance for Disorient.
And what effect does that get?



Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Which explains why Arcanaville's Title, Avatar, and Location are all 'Arcanaville'.

Be Well!
Actually, she USED to slot it that way. Now she uses Arcanaville's Anachronism: Chance for Highly Detailed Math, which is non-unique within an Arcanabuild, unslottable by anyone else, and has much the same effect.

.... carry the two...

... cube root of what? I just wanted to know where the bubbler was!



I used to want Status Effect Protection for Human Form, but I have done well so far without. I might have accepted a status reduction power, but with the Aegis and other status effect reduction enhancements, what's the point? I just buy and use those things. I don't even have to pay 200 billion influence per recipe to buy from the auction house. I can just buy those super pack thingys and they give me reward merits and I use about 250 to 500 of those things and I get one. No issue there.

Also wanted the Nictus and Quantum Mobs eliminated, but they now do massive Negative Energy Damage, so I just worry about getting enough Negative Energy defense and resistance and though they still easily kill me, at least I am not getting one shot killed by a minion and really, most of my deaths on my Peacebringer has been mostly too much aggro and not enough inspirations, endurance, and health and regen, etc. to stay afloat and live. Factors that even kill my Brutes.

I like the toggle supression idea where them toggles used in human form stay on but get supressed when you turn into a Dwarf or Nova. My only other idea would be to make the powers you get from taking the Dwarf and Nova unenhanceble and have a set accuracy,damage, endurance reduction, etc. like the temp powers you get from the Mayhem and Safeguard Missions or the vetran powers such as Sands of Mu and the Blackwand. I am not certain if being buffed with powers such as tactics or fortitude or fulcrum shift would affect those powers. But I am sure they would be effective enough to where even Peacebringers should consider taking Bright Nova so they can do things like exemplar down and still have at least two single target attack powers and a cone attack AOE attack, plus an AOE attack. But this idea really saves alot of slots and it takes a tiny bit of the stress of slotting a Kheldian out.

My two cents



Originally Posted by Deathbeforedisco View Post
My only other idea would be to make the powers you get from taking the Dwarf and Nova unenhanceble and have a set accuracy,damage, endurance reduction, etc. like the temp powers you get from the Mayhem and Safeguard Missions or the vetran powers such as Sands of Mu and the Blackwand. I am not certain if being buffed with powers such as tactics or fortitude or fulcrum shift would affect those powers. But I am sure they would be effective enough to where even Peacebringers should consider taking Bright Nova so they can do things like exemplar down and still have at least two single target attack powers and a cone attack AOE attack, plus an AOE attack. But this idea really saves alot of slots and it takes a tiny bit of the stress of slotting a Kheldian out.

My two cents
No. Do not take my fully slotted form attack powers away. That's where I get almost 60% of my recharge, and my Force Feedback Procs. Terrible idea.

Paragon Studios, thanks for all you've done. You've made this a great game, and a great community. I see this as six years well-spent. NCSoft, I'm seriously disappointed in you. This is not how you get or keep customers.