How would you "fix" Kheldians?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Warshades aren't suited for farming. At their very best, sure, Warshades CAN farm, but not at top rate speeds. Warshades at their best are Tank/Dominator hybrids, especially after hybrid came out (see what I did there? Derp) with its nice 50% of the time taunt aura. That with provoke makes Warshades able to leverage their survivability (believe it or not, OD does hold aggro a bit on its own too) and the controls are leveraged (Inky/Emanation/Unchain) to provide great aggro a.) management b.) control; Alpha strike soaking (hardcapped resistance to everything, 32.5% defense to all positions, and an endless supply of HP/End from Stygian Circle? Yup!) and disarming of enemies all at once. The damage is nice too, but for top notch Warshades it's really just a bonus. While everything is either stumbling around drunk or aggroed to the Warshade, thus, *generally* protecting all team mates, the Warshade is still pumping out enough ST to solo a level 54 AV, and respectable AOE between Knockdown Dark Detonation, Unchain Essence, Judgement, Mire, Orbiting Death and 3 fluffies pwning things. Oh, right, and there are the team mates too. They buff your damage just by being on your team and letting you carry them.
I watched your Blaster do that farm with Cagney for the entirety of it. The pain, omg the pain. I even spoke to you briefly from Cagney, just you would of never of known but note I was pleasant. Anyway I do realise that we are not talking pro farmer but it can farm, just like your blaster can manage to farm. Usually with most peoples PBs they are limited by endurance, you rechg the snot out of them, use the strongest DPAs asap which means attacks that each keep costing endurance even more often, replenishment is not so simple. PBs have the potential to out DPS a WS but are limited by endurance and the fact they Kb mobs outside of the range of their attacks, there are clickies for survival that do no damage but take away from dps and then to top it off if WS Extractions do a lot of surviving and cone attacks then there is a real difference. I'd like to see your WS farm, I'd like to see how much survivability/cone damage your Extractions can achieve whilst you're powering through some mobs. This may help me finalize my ideas on what should be done to a PB next.

I do min/max, I do use excel and some of the top bar to what I do looks like this. Just some of it. But expectations on sheets =! expectations in game:

Power Cast time Eff Dur(s) EPC DPC Rch DPE DPA Freq DPS Buff DPE Buff DPC Buff DPA Buff DPS DPS*Buff Dur DPS*0buff Dur Ave DPS Max Targets Pot BDPS EPA Max E EPS Time to 0E0ER MaxDPend bar Max Usage Rnd Up Max Cast DPA AoE

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I know how to do it, but in watching people farm in general most people do not achieve this. I'd be very happy to watch you farm, because going back literally months I haven't seen that many WS players farm and get the maximum potential from the Extractions.
I still don't understand what you hope to achieve by measuring a fluffies life expectancy from a farm run. That's a bit like measuring the average DPS from an AoE attack versus a pylon. Or testing the durability of your armor set by seeing how long it can last against the Hamidon.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
I still don't understand what you hope to achieve by measuring a fluffies life expectancy from a farm run. That's a bit like measuring the average DPS from an AoE attack versus a pylon. Or testing the durability of your armor set by seeing how long it can last against the Hamidon.

No it isn't at all. You're comparing xp/time potential between warshades and peacebringers. That's not hard to do. You are also eliminating fiction from fact. There is what people say they can do and what can actually be done. Several farms from several people gives a sample. Devs may just see how fast people level with PBs or gain reward over time with PBs and compare that with WS's to know which is lagging. It may take time to work out in which way something is lagging or it may take time to choose the most original conceptually based means to reduce the difference in performance. I wouldn't expect every single change to come down to raising a sets damage level or changing its defense as they are quick obvious cut and paste ideas players come up with, a change might be adding secondary effect resistance for something subtle and then allowing time to see improvement.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I watched your Blaster do that farm with Cagney for the entirety of it. The pain, omg the pain.
Derp, anything without a taunt aura would struggle to nitpick farm like that. The mandate of 'must chase down everything' is TERRIBLE for reward rates. I only followed that mandate because I was basically backed into a corner about it.

It's funny that I just pieced together your preferred style of nitpick farming is very similar to your preferred style of nitpick posting. >.>



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Derp, anything without a taunt aura would struggle to nitpick farm like that. The mandate of 'must chase down everything' is TERRIBLE for reward rates. I only followed that mandate because I was basically backed into a corner about it.

It's funny that I just pieced together your preferred style of nitpick farming is very similar to your preferred style of nitpick posting. >.>
I think you had the chance to do the farm of choice afterwards, prove a point and never did. I could ask Cagney right this second to back me up on it. With your WS you can do the farm of choice. Alien One has already farmed for me. It proved useful. What went on tour stayed on tour. I wasn't the one trying to back you into a corner, he (Cagney) was. You males tend to have this ego worth protecting or some sort of competitiveness towards eachother if you ask me. So what if I am sexist.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I think you had the chance to do the farm of choice afterwards, prove a point and never did. I could ask Cagney right this second to back me up on it. With your WS you can do the farm of choice. Alien One has already farmed for me. It proved useful. What went on tour stayed on tour. I wasn't the one trying to back you into a corner, he (Cagney) was. You males tend to have this ego worth protecting or some sort of competitiveness towards eachother if you ask me. So what if I am sexist.
We talked about doing 1-50 PL time comparisons but I ended up not playing COH for a bit and since I started playing more regularly it hasn't been discussed. Not that any of this is even remotely relevant to Warshades. Did you not see me lead off with 'Warshades aren't the best farmers?' I'm not sure exactly what you're arguing against there, but I don't think it's anything I've said.

And if "my friend can vouch" is a currency now, feel free to ask Stone, AIB, Microcosm and Speedy (Bionut on the forums I think?) how well my Blasters can PL.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I only followed that mandate because I was basically backed into a corner about it.
You are either putting a lot more emphasis on the word 'basically' in real life which is struggling to come across over the internet, or this statement is false.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
No it isn't at all.
Yes, it is.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
You're comparing xp/time potential between warshades and peacebringers. That's not hard to do.
No, I'm not. I'm saying that you're putting warshades in an abnormal situation, which has no relevance to normal play.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
You are also eliminating fiction from fact.
So you admit your whole scenario is contrived, then?

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
There is what people say they can do and what can actually be done. Several farms from several people gives a sample.
What people...say they can do? Who are these people? What are they saying? What use does farm data serve? You know, besides painting fluffies in a bad light because they can't handle all the extra aggro from a farm that is stacked against them. Guess what? No other pets can survive farming maps for long, either. Warshades aren't farmers*. The data you "collect" from putting them in such a situation under such conditions is about as useful as my earlier examples.

*Just because something can survive a farm does not make them a farmer.



Originally Posted by Cag View Post
You are either putting a lot more emphasis on the word 'basically' in real life which is struggling to come across over the internet, or this statement is false.
Uh? I made it clear ahead of time that I don't ever clear entire caves when I farm, you said yourself after I linked you to the post that you "missed" it. Derp. I still obliged and did it anyways, because you put me in a position where you said, "I'm going first," and did it your way- Which I'm not saying wasn't impressive, because it was- And then left me in a position where I felt pressured to exactly what you did. chasing down runners without a taunt aura slows down reward rates exponentially. I had things scattering all over the place after I hit ROA. When I farm on my Blasters I hit the bulk and move on to the next group. Most people I know farm like that, even some Brutes. The only reason why anyone even uses patrol farms is because ambushes got nerfed and patrols are the next best option for being surrounded by enemies past the aggro cap.



Wow. Just about everything I know about agriculture on a Warshade contradicts something everyone in this thread has said. I'm not even sure how this thread got hijacked into arguing about it when anything the devs do to improve Kheldians will NOT be done with farmers in mind.



Originally Posted by Mister Gerald View Post
Wow. Just about everything I know about agriculture on a Warshade contradicts something everyone in this thread has said. I'm not even sure how this thread got hijacked into arguing about it when anything the devs do to improve Kheldians will NOT be done with farmers in mind.
Yeah I don't know how farming got brought into it, I specifically mentioned in the post that got ND to start talking about farming that Warshades are not a farming AT. I think what she's saying is that the life expectancy of EE's in a farming situation makes them unreliable damage output, but in the reality of the game which is what Stone has been saying, during normal content they are alive and well quite a bit of the time. The farming argument you're seeing me participate in is completely irrelevant to Warshades and not even remotely on topic, but ND brought it up and I engaged her. My bad on that one.



MY W4RZH4D3 iz B3Z7 F4rM3R 3V4R 8R0!

woo... I really felt like this thread needed some nonsensical jabberings in l337 to really lighten the mood. Hopefully this hasn't been TOO obnoxious.



Originally Posted by doomrider View Post
MY W4RZH4D3 iz B3Z7 F4rM3R 3V4R 8R0!

woo... I really felt like this thread needed some nonsensical jabberings in l337 to really lighten the mood. Hopefully this hasn't been TOO obnoxious.
Hahaha. What are you up to dude? Me and Stone are doing a Citadel in a bit.



Originally Posted by Mister Gerald View Post
Wow. Just about everything I know about agriculture on a Warshade contradicts something everyone in this thread has said. I'm not even sure how this thread got hijacked into arguing about it when anything the devs do to improve Kheldians will NOT be done with farmers in mind.
I find it fascinating that the most common occurrence when buff/nerf/balance discussions occur on the forums is that the discussion drives itself to irrelevant extremes. Why anyone would want to moot themselves is to me an impenetrable mystery.

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Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Generally PBs do not have the means to achieve WS levels of persistence.
Warshades have a better Endurance-Filler, but no one is contending with that. PB's have a reasonable amount of assistance to deal with their End Bars on their own. Despite your opinion, they are actually sufficient to maintain a PB endlessly. Been there, tested that.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
The Data is bollocks to me, contrary to peoples beliefs I do use excel. I do it differently to how others do it. I don't have this concept where PBs take ST powers and WS take AoEs and they should be balanced when it comes to XP/time and with whatever concept I do have I do realize that there is what can be said on paper and what can be had in-game. Everyone has perceived opinions.
This right here was about the only worthwhile piece to pull from your response (yes, I'm being cynical, live with it). You say you think Data--the data pulled directly from the game during live testing and use--is "bullocks"? I am not using "paper" (or, elgh, excel) charts here in anything I've said. I've made that quite clear since page one. What Warshades do, they are designed to do, and do it well. What PB's are designed to do they do not do as well as they should. For the most part (as already said) they function competently, and most will overlook the issue, but it does not ultimately change that the quip is there.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
1.) ...rather than pop my head in every two weeks and start a new thread on how to fix Kheldians.

2.) Dawn Strike and Photons used consecutively are already a great deal of burst.

3.) In whose arena? In a Royal Rumble I expect a WS to do well but in a two men enters one man leaves cage match I expect the PB to do well. They're not meant to exist for the same reasons, they're meant to compliment each other and they do.
1.) This thread was a discussion, not a complaint. As has been done (for the most part), this is a discussion, don't drag it in the mud as otherwise.

2.) Again, again, again, PB's can handle Burst damage, this is why most deal with them in the interim. Their failure is in sustained damage. That is ultimately the developer's decision on determining: A.) Is it warranted in their view of the game, and B.) What is a fair adjustment if it Does change.

3.) You think men are competitive? Where did this even come from? No one is throwing them in a "cage match." The idea is to bring them onto equal terms. To terms where the Devs have already admitted PB's were not at.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I know how to do it, but in watching people farm in general most people do not achieve this. I'd be very happy to watch you farm, because going back literally months I haven't seen that many WS players farm and get the maximum potential from the Extractions.

I can bump to any server or perhaps already be on it.

However in teams with someone else taking the aggro this is easier to do but still people do not achieve nigh maximum dps potential from the pets as easily as they could photon seekers. On paper it can look as though WS far out gun PBs and with easily played farming, but in reality for most of the entire player base maybe not. Maybe the only thing Devs will care about as far as balance is possibly concerned is what the playerbase as a whole are achieving rather than the one or two exceptional Pro's.
My Warshade doesn't farm. He plays the game. And in the game, his fluffies live out their full life expectancy the majority of the time.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I like the proc idea. I kinda think the resistance bonuses should just be replaced with defense bonuses. But that could get pretty OP. Regen would be alright too I guess, but it just doesn't seem like it'd be very much of a help. Maybe if it was going to remain as a resistance value, it could just be psi resistance for Peacebringers... Also though, the total resistance granted per team mate should give 50% of what it gives now to the Kheldian, and then 25% of it should be a buff FOR team mates. because of, you know, *insert lore reason here,* and also, because it would add a direct team contribution and incentive for teaming with Kheldians.
After thinking about it, what if the resistance granted by the inherent were replaced by an absorb proc?

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
My Warshade doesn't farm. He plays the game. And in the game, his fluffies live out their full life expectancy the majority of the time.

Look at what your quoting. I am saying that in teams the survivability of the dark extractions is easier achieve but the nigh maximum dps potential is still hard to achieve. This is because them pets often end up single targeting away rather than use their cones even when they could. Sometimes when cones are used they may only hit one or two, sometimes the cones won't be used due to player error, the players position within mobs has brought the pets only within range in which to single target and so the maximum dps from them in theory is often unachieveable. What is achieveable, (lets spread it across the player base and get an average here) is well below maximum potential possibly not causing warshades to outshine peacebringers in terms of xp/time or rewards over time as much as people think and if they do not then why do the devs feel the need to buff peacebringers? If they do but by only a little then subtle changes maybe made overtime until everything looks about right.

It's alright people percieving things from their own little group of squares but what people achieve outside of those cliques and on some other server does matter.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
We talked about doing 1-50 PL time comparisons but I ended up not playing COH for a bit and since I started playing more regularly it hasn't been discussed. Not that any of this is even remotely relevant to Warshades. Did you not see me lead off with 'Warshades aren't the best farmers?' I'm not sure exactly what you're arguing against there, but I don't think it's anything I've said.

And if "my friend can vouch" is a currency now, feel free to ask Stone, AIB, Microcosm and Speedy (Bionut on the forums I think?) how well my Blasters can PL.
I am not actually arguing. I've seen you farm once. I want to see you farm but this time with a WS and this time what goes on tour stays on tour. You'll be doing me a favour and as a result whatever the outcome its private.

I've always maintained that warshades are way down the list of my best toons. It's like the AT I occasionally think about when I am trying to get my concept right. Moving on, I have seen some warshades farm, and got myself an average expectation of what can actually be achieved in terms of dps from different players, including Alien One.

When you farm are we talking 3 pets out pretty much constantly and the more important thing you get them to enter cone range almost immediately so that they do not just sit there and ST. You do make yourself out to be a great Warshade player and you do farm. If you are the best. I'll see the best result so far.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
What people...say they can do? Who are these people? What are they saying? What use does farm data serve? You know, besides painting fluffies in a bad light because they can't handle all the extra aggro from a farm that is stacked against them. Guess what? No other pets can survive farming maps for long, either. Warshades aren't farmers*. The data you "collect" from putting them in such a situation under such conditions is about as useful as my earlier examples.

*Just because something can survive a farm does not make them a farmer.
You can make a warshade what farms, keeps three fluffies out over 90% of the time and basically clean up. It can be done. There is no bad light there. If I fail to fix a car with all the right tools at my disposal its not the tools fault its mine. That's actually where I see alot of people. If they can't do something, it can't be done therefore the Devs need to change the set so they can do it nevermind what other people can and can't achieve. So this looking at different farmers is actually looking at player skill. There is a said expectation from players that sometimes is true and sometimes its false. I remember when it was said Ice tanks couldn't tank LR yet there was SR scrappers doing it..weird. In deciding whether or not something needs a buff you have to look at what players can actually achieve imo. What is the average achievement? The bigger the sample of players the better.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by John_Printemps View Post
Warshades have a better Endurance-Filler, but no one is contending with that. PB's have a reasonable amount of assistance to deal with their End Bars on their own. Despite your opinion, they are actually sufficient to maintain a PB endlessly. Been there, tested that.
Being as it you clearly didn't get my opinion is it worth me discussing things with you. My opinion is that it all depends on how a player builds and slots as to whether they are endurance efficient. That's not me saying that they can't.

Originally Posted by John_Printemps View Post
This right here was about the only worthwhile piece to pull from your response (yes, I'm being cynical, live with it). You say you think Data--the data pulled directly from the game during live testing and use--is "bullocks"? I am not using "paper" (or, elgh, excel) charts here in anything I've said. I've made that quite clear since page one. What Warshades do, they are designed to do, and do it well. What PB's are designed to do they do not do as well as they should. For the most part (as already said) they function competently, and most will overlook the issue, but it does not ultimately change that the quip is there.
If you wrote the complete guide on PBs I am going to put a fiver down that you would of missed something therefore this "they're not doing what they're designed to do as well as they should" is questionable.

Tell me as a PB player, someone who has used every single PB power, someone with an almost pure PB build apart from hasten what my PB is designed to do. I know what mine is designed to do. I designed her. If yours doesn't do what you want it to then join the club of many who all have their different ideas.

Data is often bollocks because there is one build designed to do X well being compared to another designed to do Y well.

Originally Posted by John_Printemps View Post
1.) This thread was a discussion, not a complaint. As has been done (for the most part), this is a discussion, don't drag it in the mud as otherwise.
You might look at this as a mud wrestling match but for me it's just something I do, yet do not know why I bother half the time with much more important stuff to get on with.

Originally Posted by John_Printemps View Post
2.) Again, again, again, PB's can handle Burst damage, this is why most deal with them in the interim. Their failure is in sustained damage. That is ultimately the developer's decision on determining: A.) Is it warranted in their view of the game, and B.) What is a fair adjustment if it Does change.
Your failure, you designed your toon. The Devs have a concept and sometimes it's just not what people think it should be but even so that concept has to stay true for the sake of the cottage rule. I see PBs trying to take damage when they didn't have to. Devs can't play the toons for people.

Originally Posted by John_Printemps View Post
3.) You think men are competitive? Where did this even come from? No one is throwing them in a "cage match." The idea is to bring them onto equal terms. To terms where the Devs have already admitted PB's were not at.
Men are naturally competitive. If you seperate boys from girls at school they can perform better by being taught differently. Boys aren't doing as well as they used to in British schools because they're being taught in a way that doesn't drive them.

Yes the idea is to bring them into equal terms. Equal terms will never be this one idea that suits all. You might never be happy because when they've decided on what equal is, it's still not what you wanted. I am trying to watch a sample of the player base solo the most rewarding content of their choice which is challenging and reaping to try and see what might not be equal to me, or you, or anyone but still be on average equal.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
You can make a warshade what farms, keeps three fluffies out over 90% of the time and basically clean up. It can be done. There is no bad light there. If I fail to fix a car with all the right tools at my disposal its not the tools fault its mine. That's actually where I see alot of people. If they can't do something, it can't be done therefore the Devs need to change the set so they can do it nevermind what other people can and can't achieve. So this looking at different farmers is actually looking at player skill. There is a said expectation from players that sometimes is true and sometimes its false. I remember when Ice tanks couldn't tank LR yet there was SR scrappers doing it. In deciding whether or not something needs a buff you have to look at what players can actually achieve imo. What is the average achievement? The bigger the sample of players the better.
Right. Well, to use your car analogy; if one person can fix up their car and drive it in such a way that they can regularly pop onto 2 wheels with it, that does not mean that those cars that can't do that need to be upgraded. It would be an interesting gimmick, but it is not relevant to normal conditions for a normal car.

Frankly, the whole premise is silly. You summon out some lore pets next time you farm, and tell me how long they last. I suppose they need to be buffed too?



ND if you want to see a farming Warshade so badly talk to Dechs or AIB. They both play high recharge AOE centric tri form builds.

I play a human form Warshade, so does Alien. We both play human only because of the versatility, everyone knows that tri form does the most AOE which obviously would make it the best suited build style for farming.



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
After thinking about it, what if the resistance granted by the inherent were replaced by an absorb proc?
I'm honestly not familiar enough with that mechanic having never played anything that used it, so I can't say for sure whether or not I think it'd be a good idea.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
ND if you want to see a farming Warshade so badly talk to Dechs or AIB. They both play high recharge AOE centric tri form builds.
FWIW my warshade can cycle kd detonation and dwarf mire almost continuously with the new form shift times. Bear in mind I only do this when I'm exemplared below eclipse levels and my build does run about 165 ish recharge with hasten. My point being that I can pump out similar levels of burst aoe but can also run an optimal St chain in human form. So there's something to be said of biforms even if they are a little odd.