New ATs

Adeon Hawkwood



I like the idea of an Assault Primary and Pets Secondary. The Pets could be similar to Mastermind pets... but would focus on Support and making the character/team more survivable. Also, instead of the Attacks that usually go in the Pet primary of a MM, they would be Defensive powers like a few SR powers with Ninja, or a few self-focused Force Field powers with Robotics, etc.

Not only would this setup make the development of the Pets themselves easier since the actual pets would always benefit two ATs, but the development of Dominator Secondaries would also be more profitable since they would also benefit two ATs.

Just my thoughts.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I like the idea of an Assault Primary and Pets Secondary. The Pets could be similar to Mastermind pets... but would focus on Support and making the character/team more survivable. Also, instead of the Attacks that usually go in the Pet primary of a MM, they would be Defensive powers like a few SR powers with Ninja, or a few self-focused Force Field powers with Robotics, etc.

Not only would this setup make the development of the Pets themselves easier since the actual pets would always benefit two ATs, but the development of Dominator Secondaries would also be more profitable since they would also benefit two ATs.

Just my thoughts.
Y'know, when people kept mentioning Pets in other combinations, I always thought of pets like MM pets; offensive tools.

Having defensive pets would be....different. In a way, it reverses the roles; the pets are all about buffing and keeping you/your team alive, while YOU are the damage dealer. It's like swapping the roles in an MM.

....I like it. I actually like it.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



In addition to the development reasons I mentioned... that is the other reason I like it.

The idea originally came up when folks wanted a heroic Matermind... one where they lead the charge themselves. Unfortunately I can't take credit for the idea. It is merely me continuing to refine the concept of what someone else suggested years ago.

I envision a mostly reuse of the Mastermind models for this (Beasts might be a challenge... may have to have them just have various aura buffs), but with altered powers.



Possibly refer to support pets as allies? I support anything that makes less used powerset types more prolific. Shame it'll never happen though.



At this point? Never say never. The mere existence of the Paragon Market changes a lot. Look at the prodigous release of Power Sets.

Also, glancing across the great big AT suggestion thread, Commander seems like the Assault/Allies (I like the idea of the support pets being called Allies) AT.

Also, there was an AT in theat other thread called the Duo that consisted of a singular pet follower that would assist you. That seemed potentially very cool, as long as it is customizable (HUGE concept opportunities there).



I've always enjoyed making a Paladin type character in single player RPGs. I guess that would fall under Melee/Support.

The primary would be a copy of scrapper and/or brute power sets.
The seconday would be a mixture of self defense and team buffs/pulsing heals.

I've also proposed a "Bard" type AT in the past, which would fall either under
Support/Melee or Support/Control/Assault.

Also, there was an AT in theat other thread called the Duo that consisted of a singular pet follower that would assist you. That seemed potentially very cool, as long as it is customizable (HUGE concept opportunities there).
Yep, typically called a Hunter or Ranger in fantasy RPGs. I could definitely go for this. A single, powerful controllable ally
combined with moderate ranged damage from the player.

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Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Also, there was an AT in theat other thread called the Duo that consisted of a singular pet follower that would assist you. That seemed potentially very cool, as long as it is customizable (HUGE concept opportunities there).
It's also on my thread. ;P

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Originally Posted by EtherealStar View Post
I'd love more archetypes, but they would need to be special and warrant their own archetype. I wouldn't like new archetypes for the sake of adding new archetypes when they would be better suited to new powersets.
Where I disagree. I would appreciate more archetypes that weren't specifically locked into certain concepts.

"Generic" Archetypes, if you will. By not being as concept limited, it also means the Archetype could have a much broader appeal to the playerbase, meaning that if their intention is to sell it on the market (and to justify the cost of developing a new AT they basically HAVE to sell it) it would likely recover it's development cost much better (as more people might buy it).

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Since all the ATs that currently exist are slotted to fill roles, with each AT filling one primarily and secondarily being able to fill at least one other role, when considering new ATs one has to think of the role. Would the new AT fit the current roles or would a new role need to be considered? In the case of the latter I think the AT concept would be thrown out as a matter of course.

In the case where the AT fits a pre-existing role, the designers would have to be certain the new AT would not replace an existing AT altogether. Obviously that's already been mentioned but I'm following a train of thought here. Merely swapping out the power set types to make new combinations would be problematic because they fit together in specific ways in order to make them balanced. For instance, melee sets work with armor sets because when you're in melee you need much better defenses than support sets usually allow and armor sets are given melee sets (which have very limited range) because increased range on top of armor makes the damage dealer overpoweringly survivable.

Additional combinations within existing roles are possible, however, albeit more difficult to find. Control/Armor or Support/Armor would be possible (with Support/Armor being given more damage-oriented armors with weaker defenses) although they would require a lot of tweaking. Those are really just a simple example of what I mean.

Note that I'm not trying to lead people toward specific conclusions, here. I'm merely trying to add some rational processes to the debate framework.

As to what I'd actually like to see: anything involving controllable pets. I love the "second person" style of play. Controller style pets that just follow you around and attack stuff don't really do it for me.

--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
...I have the patience of a coffee-fueled flea...



Problem there is that you're trying to shoehorn stuff in mechanically in a game that already has a lot of role cross over. I mean, we already have Brutes, Scrappers and Stalkers. All three are, effectively, damage dealers with the only variant being taunt level (from lots to none) and the players personal preference. Corruptors and Defenders are, essentially, the exact same AT but with one favour buffs more and one favouring damage more.

I honestly thing we have all 'roles' covered, and should now be looking at what is both Cool and Comic Book/Hero/Villain inspired.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by CoyoteShaman View Post
Additional combinations within existing roles are possible, however, albeit more difficult to find. Control/Armor or Support/Armor would be possible (with Support/Armor being given more damage-oriented armors with weaker defenses) although they would require a lot of tweaking. Those are really just a simple example of what I mean.
Not sure what you mean by damage oriented armors. But I think the devs learned a lot when they rolled out the villain ATs. They gained the philosophy that the AT should be capable of damage at some level. IMO, Controller is a kludge AT without a set capable of doing damage. They had to muss with an inherent to *cheat* and give them damage and control.

If any ATs are to be had, they should be capable of doing direct damage but I don't think a Control/Armor or Support/Armor would unless you somehow cheat.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post

I honestly thing we have all 'roles' covered, and should now be looking at what is both Cool and Comic Book/Hero/Villain inspired.
If new ATs were to ever be invented, I'd presume they'd just vary the play of existing roles and use their own inspiration as to how to get that done rather than to look at comics.

That is, just the option to vary how a defender does damage (use melee) or how a ranged AT prioritizes enemy threat (passive mitigation) and so forth. They already built the structure of ATs and have the field of vision to expand on their own. It's just a matter of balancing it all.

Consider: an AT with decent scrap/stalk level armor and ranged dmg on par with corruptor. Some would consider that overpowered. I, personally, see the draw of it and the drawbacks of it balancing out those concerns.



I just want Melee/Support. I know it might look fragile on paper, but if people can softcap defenders/corruptors and turn them into engines of destruction despite lacking an armor secondary, then by god you could do it with a melee character too.



Dual Pistols/SR or Willpower character, please >_<

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



EAT I've been thinking of lately:

Midnighter Magus (Default Magic Origin AT)
The reasons for such an AT actually would provide more than just additional lore info for the Midnight Squad, but their powersets magical theme would allow for a decently broad range of concepts. Further more, by having this AT be open to both sides, it means we can explore the darker aspects of the Midnight Squad's research.

Primary Powerset(s)- To distinguish the Midnighters from other EATs, rather than branching powerset choices or two powersets with lots of choices, instead, this becomes the one AT with multiple powersets to its name.

Elemental Forces: Elemental forces possesses a good variety of buffs/debuffs (ice/water powers), AoE Damage (Fire), high power ST damage (Wind/Lightning), and control and a pet (Earth/plants).

Mystic Forces: Mystic forces tend to be heavily centered on the more esoteric aspects of magical assaults, using Aethers (Energy/Psi) and dark aethers (Neg/Psi), this set possesses good damage options but focuses more on debuffs, control, and has a (potentially) 'stronger' pet.

War Sage: A far cry from the other other two, this primary set focuses on mystic martial prowess, your primary weapon being your handy staff and the ability to focus many enchantments into it, but this is no clone of staff melee, that is but one facet of this set that focuses most heavily on damage at a range and melee with enchantments to boost not just your staff's might, but that of other powers such as the animated swords you can summon along side you.

Secondaries powerset(s)-

Blessings of the Earth: a multiple elemental set that compliments Elemental forces, strengthens Mystic Forces, or fills in the weakness of War Sage, this secondary set provides equal parts buffs, debuffs, controls, and heal.

Mystic Insights: Focusing on eldritch powers, this set will help shore up the damage gap Mystic forces might suffer or that of their teammates focusing strongly on team buffs, which often come at the expense of your enemies. It can also help empower the pets of any of the primaries, give better focus in Elemental forces in support, or help War Sages gain small amounts of survivability and help their allies as well.

Battle Charms: This set fully backs War Sages with some team buffs, self buffs, and controls to keep opponents out of the way. With Mystic forces it can help you securely keep foes locked down and survive the rare times they escape, with Elemental Forces you can keep yourself alive and enemies out of the way for allies or locked down for relentless assaults.

Okay, this is something of a vague idea and it's 2am here, but it's an idea I've enjoyed for the longer time.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



How about a pet/armor one AT. Then you can Taunt the bad guys and not die while your friends kill them, right now there is no point in using that power, unless you are on a team and you can take 20 guys hitting you.

Blast/Control AT. This would be awesome you can stop poeple from hitting you while you blast them.

armor/blast might be cool too. You can be a range tanker.

Or, Pet/Control you hold poeple while you pets kill them.... or Control/Pets eather way works.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
-Melee/Support or Support/Melee. Not one I'd likely go for, but I know I've seen it suggested a LOT over the years.
... yknow....

Just random thought here. Some of the complaints about tanks kind of surfaced again - typically with comparison to brutes/scrappers. (Which, hey, I don't really care, I like my tanks.) How they need more differentiation and whatnot.

Well, they're melee, damage, aggro control. Some people think that doesn't differentiate them enough. How about a pass through on the sets to add more support (buffs/debuffs) to the sets? They're touching a bit on it now from what I understand *anyway,* so why not make that the Tanker's niche - not only are the enemies concentrated on the tank, but they're concentrated enough on them that everyone ELSE has an easier time hitting them?

We've got some of that going on even with some of the older sets (slows/ice slick/Dark's fairly heavy control.)

No, not sure how it'd work overall. As mentioned - random thought floating through.



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Where I disagree. I would appreciate more archetypes that weren't specifically locked into certain concepts.

"Generic" Archetypes, if you will. By not being as concept limited, it also means the Archetype could have a much broader appeal to the playerbase, meaning that if their intention is to sell it on the market (and to justify the cost of developing a new AT they basically HAVE to sell it) it would likely recover it's development cost much better (as more people might buy it).
Sorry what I mean is that I'd like them to be different mechanically from what we currently have in the game. If it is not substantially different, why not just make it a power set? If you still disagree that's fine of course, that's just my opinion.

Either way, I won't complain too much about new archetypes, provided they are interesting enough. =)



Originally Posted by EtherealStar View Post
Sorry what I mean is that I'd like them to be different mechanically from what we currently have in the game. If it is not substantially different, why not just make it a power set? If you still disagree that's fine of course, that's just my opinion.

Either way, I won't complain too much about new archetypes, provided they are interesting enough. =)
Because you cannot currently make such combinations as a DP/SR or Energy Blast/Invul character, or things like that. Which does lock out quite a lot of Hero and Comicbook concepts. Which isn't a good thing by any stretch of the imagination...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I, personally, have a bit mixed feelings about it. A new AT would be cool, and certainly interesting. What I wouldn't want is what some people suggest (I'm not saying in this thread, I mean in some general) that you can pick any primary and secondary you want. Worked out AT's like in Kirsten's thread are pretty cool. But they'll have to be very well worked out, as some combinations would be very...OP...

I see people saying they want a DP/SR or DP/WP but *if* they ever make a range/armor set I, personally, wouldn't like it if they were the exact same powersets, just put together. Seeing how awesome certain powers are on itself, combined with one another...meh. To me, personally (and well I know a few others, but it can't be generalized) it would ruïn the game if every combination would be possible. I, again personally, kind of like how the system works. It's true that some things aren't possible to make from the comic book culture but... well... I like the idea, as long there's put enough thought in it.

Sometimes I wonder why they can't work signature powers in epic pools (for example, I never understood why laser beam eyes for scrappers and stalkers instead of a blast/beam).

Apart from that, since they seem to be reworking AT's (stalkers, blasters, maybe tanks next and if I'm not mistaken don't we still need a special thing for domis?) I wouldn't get my hopes up too high for the coming issues :/

Well, not a genius in these kind of things, just what I think of it. Just keep in mind that this game has incredible mechanics behind every single thing, and everything has a reason. Making a certain AT "just cuz it would be cool" wont be enough, so yeh, again, New AT's = awesome, but have to be worked out good enough.

So all that's left is...
Please don't yell at me when you disagree =)



They could and i would love some new at's also as techbot stated would also love some new secondary sets for blasters mainly

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



Originally Posted by Sebaddon View Post
I see people saying they want a DP/SR or DP/WP but *if* they ever make a range/armor set I, personally, wouldn't like it if they were the exact same powersets, just put together.
See, that's an issue.

Having the same powersets enables continued support for the Archetype, where as Dominators(assault sets), Masterminds(Summon Sets) and Stalkers(Hide/Assassin's Strike/Placate) show, having unique powersets slows or flat out kills the amount of continued support an Archetype gets, depending on just how unique those sets are. This is because it takes time and resources focused on a specific thing that only benefits a portion of the playerbase.

Ultimately it's just more efficient, both in development and in support, to recycle as much as possible.

Originally Posted by Sebaddon View Post
don't we still need a special thing for domis?
Nope. Dark Control/Assault was that special thing.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
See, that's an issue.

Having the same powersets enables continued support for the Archetype, where as Dominators(assault sets), Masterminds(Summon Sets) and Stalkers(Hide/Assassin's Strike/Placate) show, having unique powersets slows or flat out kills the amount of continued support an Archetype gets, depending on just how unique those sets are. This is because it takes time and resources focused on a specific thing that only benefits a portion of the playerbase.

Ultimately it's just more efficient, both in development and in support, to recycle as much as possible.
I'm not saying they should make entirely new powers, or completely change/add new powers to existing sets. I do however think when I see what a SR/WP/anything scrapper/tank/brute can do and any range set, I certainly wouldn't want to see someone that can hardly ever die when surrounded by enemies BUT even stay in range. And in theory... never die. It would simply seem too OP. A change in the numbers of those powers *could* be a solution, even though I don't think many people would be happy with that.

Granted, there are blasters that almost reach softcap with IO's...
Like I said, as much I'ld love to see a set that has both ranged and armor, I wouldn't want it OP. And of course, you have to make sure there are no sets that will be UP too.

Again, I think Kirsten's thread is an example of how you can use existing powers to make new, yet interesting and balanced new AT's.

So yeh sorry if I misforumlated (is that a word...? Yeh English is far from my 1st language :/)

Nope. Dark Control/Assault was that special thing.
Really? So they were doing so mysterious to the upcoming changes to dominators a few issues ago! So exited in Ustreams and on forums, and it was just for an added assault set? And a control set? Thought they were going to make some changes like they did with stalkers or something... ah well...

PS: don't take this like a negative vieuw on dark/dark domis, I have one that I love, but new powersets aren't exactly so "special".



Originally Posted by Sebaddon View Post
Really? So they were doing so mysterious to the upcoming changes to dominators a few issues ago! So exited in Ustreams and on forums, and it was just for an added assault set? And a control set? Thought they were going to make some changes like they did with stalkers or something... ah well...

PS: don't take this like a negative vieuw on dark/dark domis, I have one that I love, but new powersets aren't exactly so "special".
Yeah, honestly I think Dark Assault could have been added in the last round of Proliferation, when Doms didn't get any new sets. I get that they were holding it back to release it and Darkness Control as a matched set, but ultimately I think players would have been happier to "have it nao" as it were.

Doms really don't need any big changes like Stalkers got recently, I don't think. They already had a major overhaul not all that long ago in the grand scheme of things.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
... yknow....

Just random thought here. Some of the complaints about tanks kind of surfaced again - typically with comparison to brutes/scrappers. (Which, hey, I don't really care, I like my tanks.) How they need more differentiation and whatnot.

Well, they're mêlée, damage, aggro control. Some people think that doesn't differentiate them enough. How about a pass through on the sets to add more support (buffs/debuffs) to the sets? They're touching a bit on it now from what I understand *anyway,* so why not make that the Tanker's niche - not only are the enemies concentrated on the tank, but they're concentrated enough on them that everyone ELSE has an easier time hitting them?

We've got some of that going on even with some of the older sets (slows/ice slick/Dark's fairly heavy control.)

No, not sure how it'd work overall. As mentioned - random thought floating through.
This is exactly what tanks need. A support primary in the form of armors mixed with a mêlée secondary. Tanks absolutely need to be mêlée defenders. That's their job already but they're incapable of it because their only real support technique is agro control. That's a great technique but, as so many people say, it makes them poorly differentiated from Brutes specifically and the other mêlée types generally. By giving them more support-like sets--even if those are armor/support--they become highly differentiated.

Hmm... An armor/support hybrid like the Dominator assault sets are ranged/mêlée hybrids... See now, something like that as a primary mixed with a regular mêlée set would be the perfect direction for Tanks to go.

The problem, however, would be what someone else mentioned a few posts ago: the more AT-specific the sets become, the less time and resources can be devoted to that AT. I wonder if it would be worth it. I certainly hope it would be. I guess another problem is the cottage rule and how badly this would decimate the tanks that already exist. It would either have to be a new AT altogether or it would have to be done by adding in new armor sets which would be balanced against the current sets: less self-defense in favor of more team-oriented buffs/debuffs. I doubt that would be remotely feasible.

--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
...I have the patience of a coffee-fueled flea...



I'm actually done with wanting some of these new ATs. Though I'd still love some sort of Gun Fu AT.

What I want is some new sets!

A visually unimpressive set!

One that combines Regen/Self-Heal with Positional Defense and Smashing/Psychic Resist.

A set I think that would emulate more of the heroes out there. Resistant to bone smashing attacks, but not blades, strong wills (usually a pretty common hero trait) agile (varing degrees on this but tend to be quite dexterious) and able to recover quickly from inuries.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
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