Proposed Snipe Changes - Please no "Magic Number" for useful snipes

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Will my blaster get mez protection and longer mezzes too from Domination?
Yes, but the endurance bar refill is being removed since it is OP on Blasters .

Yeah, pretty stupid typo there .



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Sonic/Mental and Ice/Mental blasters UNITE!!!

Picturing all the mitigation those particular combinations have makes me wonder if the were kind of OK? That said, in addition to thinking the sustain changes are not enough, I do think Drain Psyche should be adjusted as well.

Well there were 2 areas that blasters weren't up to snuff on. One was mitigation and I think we are in agreement about mental.

The other problem is every set, except possibly fire was short on damage (and that is arguable). Snipes are the damage enhancement portion.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I think you missed it. If you buy Arcanavile's line that all blasters were still significantly underperforming with defiance 2.0 then any change meant to help blasters that doesn't actually help all blasters is unfair.

It gets worse when you look at the fact, this actually helps defenders and corruptors even more than it does blasters.
I don't think the sniper changes are unfair, exactly. I think they are not targeted at blasters, but at snipes, and aren't specifically intended to help blasters more than any other archetype.

That would be, if not unfair, at least inexplicable if that were the only change coming on the offensive side of the ledger (sustain aside). Perhaps its not. And to be honest, even if the original plan was for that to be it, I think we have enough consensus to change the plan. Its not often you get this wide a consensus something is amiss, even if there is no agreement on what precisely is amiss. I believe the devs will take note of that.

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Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Yeah, pretty stupid typo there .
The best part is you changed a different word than I thought you meant! See below for where I thought you were going!

I'd also be ok with a To Hit bonus being added to Domination so that a Dominator who builds to take advantage of it can get reasonably permanent FastSnipe using Tactics, Kismet and Domination.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
There are combinations that are getting 0 boost from the changes. Logically if all blasters were underperforming and you get 0 improvement you will still be underperforming.
There are no combos that get zero improvement. Every primary has either a short ranged T3 attack or a snipe so at an absolute minimum all Blasters will get one of those changes.

Now on a more serious note, Arbiter_Hawk said that he is going to review the sets without Snipes and make changes if necessary. So we know that he is aware of it and is looking into it.

As for Mental Manipulation, well it has long been considered one of the most powerful Blaster secondaries because it already has a very nice Regen/Recovery power and you know what? It will continue to have the ability to have more Regen than any other Blaster secondary. Based on the information presented Field Operative will give about 340% regen when slotted. Drain Psyche when slotted gives 146% per target so as long as it hits three targets it's a higher value than FO (and similar powers). So the change to secondaries is really about bringing them up to the performance of Mental.

Now that being said I think DP should also be changed. The new paradigm is that Blasters should get access to a strong sustainability power by level 20 at the latest and that this power should be useful to all Blasters. I'm not convinced that Drain Psyche fulfills that role. Using SOs along it's uptime is only has 50% uptime and it's the only sustainability power that requires the Blaster to get into melee range (since Touch of Fear is being made ranged).

In general I think it should get two changes. First the recharge reduced enough to make it easily permeable on SOs so I'd increase the duration to 60seconds to be inline with other sets and drop the recharge to about 100 seconds (I want to limit the ability of IO'd builds to double stack the variable part of the buff). Secondly like Lightning Clap I think it needs to work out of combat. If I were doing it I'd probably set it so that it has about 75% of the performance of FO with zero targets in range and matches FOs performance with 2 targets in range (so about 250% regen automatically plus 45% per target hit). In this way a Mental Blaster can use it out of combat for a decent buff or move into melee range to get more regen than other secondaries. Of course this would be a significant nerf to the power for high-IO builds who already have it perma since at 3 or more target they'll be getting less regen.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
The other problem is every set, except possibly fire was short on damage (and that is arguable). Snipes are the damage enhancement portion.
I wasn't looking at the snipe changes as THE damage enhancement portion, although that change will help sets with snipes a bit.

I would increase the blaster ranged dam mod to 1.25 and the melee dam mod to 1.125 (and I'd consider increasing the blaster cap to +500%). Increase the corruptor ranged dam mod to 0.9. Increase the defender range dam mod to 0.8 and give defenders scrapper base HPs and the stalker HP cap.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
There are no combos that get zero improvement. Every primary has either a short ranged T3 attack or a snipe so at an absolute minimum all Blasters will get one of those changes.
One combination gets dangerously close in my opinion: AR/Dark. AR has no Aim, Dark has no BU. AR has no 40 foot tier 3 single target attack. The only tohit in the combo is Soul Drain, which is a very good power if you're either a blapper or a hybrid blaster, but if you are primarily a ranged blaster, the ranged option for AR/Dark did not improve very much with the currently announced changes in I24.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
One combination gets dangerously close in my opinion: AR/Dark. AR has no Aim, Dark has no BU. AR has no 40 foot tier 3 single target attack. The only tohit in the combo is Soul Drain, which is a very good power if you're either a blapper or a hybrid blaster, but if you are primarily a ranged blaster, the ranged option for AR/Dark did not improve very much with the currently announced changes in I24.
I'm a little concerned about AR/Anything-Except-Devices. I think it requires a bit to much slot investment to get FastSnipe with Build Up alone anyway.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I'm a little concerned about AR/Anything-Except-Devices. I think it requires a bit to much slot investment to get FastSnipe with Build Up alone anyway.
Ar/time cor.......

This is going to rise to a level of overpowered that has not been seen on these boards since ages long past......

Self buff both to hit and recharge..... This combo is going to make any blaster look silly...

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Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Ar/time cor.......

This is going to rise to a level of overpowered that has not been seen on these boards since ages long past......

Self buff both to hit and recharge..... This combo is going to make any blaster look silly...

Fire/time doesn't already ?



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Ar/time cor.......
True, I was just referring to Blasters. Any Corruptor or Defender can perma-FastSnipe if they want so I'm not concerned about Ar on them.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Ar/time cor.......

This is going to rise to a level of overpowered that has not been seen on these boards since ages long past......

Self buff both to hit and recharge..... This combo is going to make any blaster look silly...
I have a very old ar/dev blaster that I have been waiting to re-roll when the devs gave us a better 'not super' secondary.

While the ar/dev blaster is looking pretty nice....the ar/time corr would fit just as well if not better and be WAY, WAY more useful solo and on teams.

I am thinking hard, now.

Long story short, the snipes fix is cool and good.

The sustainability buffs are the REAL difference, and I'll hafta see how those do: Giving every blaster a version of drain psyche is a BIG DEAL.

I think blaster nukes should also get their crash removed, completely. But we'll see which way the dev''s jump.



The great thing is that i was eating popcorn even before i started reading this thread.

Anyway, the thing about the snipe changes is that they're just part of a general overhaul of blast sets intended to make snipes more useful and desirable, not specifically part of improving Blaster performance in particular, so linking snipes to Defiance stacks alone would be silly on its face, although it could be interesting as additional mechanic if it's workable.

While my Defenders will be speccing in their snipes when this goes live, i do agree that it's not necessarily a great boon to Blasters as it is, but it's worth keeping in mind that the Devs have been pretty good about listening to players and tweaking things. Even occasionally scrapping a mechanic and redoing it completely. That doesn't mean they will incorporate every (or even any) suggestion that is made by everyone, and there are changes they will rule out for one reason or another regardless of how popular it might be, but the Devs do listen to feedback, so please do continue with the brainstorming and suggestions.

*goes back to munching hatch chili con queso popcorn*

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Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I'm a little concerned about AR/Anything-Except-Devices. I think it requires a bit to much slot investment to get FastSnipe with Build Up alone anyway.
I have a feeling before the dust settles, Build Up will trigger insta-snipe for blasters without special build cost.

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Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
I wonder if it possible to have the interrupt time decrease as you get more to-hit? Like if the interrupt time is 3 seconds base...and you get 11% to-hit on you, if they could have the interrupt reduce to 1.5 seconds. Basically it goes away by 22% but even if you can only get to 20%, you'll get it down to a fraction of a second interrupt.
This is what I first thought when I read the proposed changes and I think it would be an awesome change. An all or nothing benefit means that if you can't find a way to hit the magic number, why bother chasing it at all, assuming you have adequate accuracy slotting in your attacks anyways. This is only going to change maybe 3 builds I have since I have generally skipped snipes anyways and only 2 of the three characters could achieve the 22% to-hit without making too many sacrifices to the build to be viable. It should be noted though that not only will Devices Blasters have a trivial time hitting it, but so will Energy Manipulation Blasters, especially if you built for perma-Hasten levels of recharge.



I think there is some over reaction here, though that is to be expected when any significant change is announced.

First, people need to really wait for it to go into beta before raging about how it was done wrong.

IMO, the change was well thought out AND based on our feedback over the last several months/years.

#1. "Devices is weaksauce!!!! It doesnt have build up!!" has been the blaster board mantra for years. - Looks to me like devices got a boost now. IMO, people are weighting this fast snipe dmg increase to be worth more then what build up can do for other sets. I disagree with this as a whole. Targeting drone is not going to increase the damage of rain of arrows, or overcharge, or inferno by 100%, or blaze, or bitter ice blast, etc. PLus build up will also temporarily (when combined with a few minor build considerations) allow for fast snipe. Overall, I feel the devs have a solid starting point for "devices vs build up"

#2 "AR has nice aoe, but pretty poor ST dmg" Well, fast snipe is going to benefit it more then some other sets. I would make a case for elec blast poor st dmg, but I hold hope that that particular set will be seeing some other changes to give it a boost.

#3 "snipes lost their utility with ED" - Utility restored, though in a different useage compared to what was going on pre-ED. A good thing IMO, the game has changed significantly from that time.

#4 "Drain Psych is so useful, it is an anomoly when comparing performance of secondaries"- yup, so we didnt give that set any changes. If it was clearly the top performer before and players liked it, why would the devs buff it? And obviously the players like the regen/recovery boost mechanic, so they used that as a basis for the changes to the other sets. Not particularily related to snipes, but its not like the set "got nothing"- it still has build up to use with snipes.

#5 "OMG what about ice blast and sonic?" LOL ice blast. ORLY? I have NEVER seen anywhere on the boards a post where people complain ice blast is too weak. It has 2 holds, one of which does significant dmg, it has the most potent nuke in the game(crashing style) it has a steller tier 3 blast- but indeed, no snipe. And the devs have already said they might adjust other aspects of the set if it doesnt see the right amount of buff from this change. Sonic is similar, though not quite on the same level as ice. The tier 3 blast isnt stellar, and IMO sonic will be the one of the two that actually sees a change to compensate for the lack of snipe. my money is on a decrease in activation of the tier 3, and possibly a minor buff to something like howl.

#6 "OMG not everyone can use the fast snipe all the time!!" - DUH. Of course not. If they wanted us to do that, then why in the world would they spend time in programming to make a new mechanic for the powers? Why not just hax the interupt time off and call it good? -Answer: because then devices would still sux compared to the other secondaries see #1. IMO, it is always better to make an interesting change that requires some planning and thought to utilize then to make a ham fisted easy change that results in simple button mashing play.

tldr: The devs have approached this in the correct manor, and IMO have picked a suitable starting point for beta testing.

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Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
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I agree with Eldagore. to paraphrase a quote i saw in the official thread:

Before: Aim + Build-Up are awesome, yay!

Now: Build up and aim suck because I have to use them to use a power i never use >=O

And here's my thing: Why would you NOT use Aim+BU before sniping ANYway? I always always ALWAYS use Aim+BU before sniping. Now it just won't take 3 seconds for the snipe to go off.

Maybe you people would be happier if the devs lowered the snipes' damage, lowered the range, removed the interrupt time and just made it another normal blast? One where you'd probably be using aim and build up before using it anyway? Sounds pretty boring to me...


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Sorry guys, I can't support this change if I understand what is being proposed.

I for one am not excited that for 9 of 12 Defender and Corruptor sets, your build now requires Kismet and Tactics. For 2 sets (Psy and Dark) you don't even get Aim, so this is your only avenue. Some people are going to nitpick on the word "requires." I guess you arent "required" to take T3 blasts, mezz shields, basic armors, Hasten, or old Stamina either, but not doing so often has a detrimental impact.

Again maybe I missed something. I don't want to be Chicken Little. But I think this change breaks many more things than it fixes.

From what I see of it, the change itself is not complex. It's basically "In what circumstances do we let characters have access to a new powerful attack?" Well the answer to that is "always" if you are a Defender or Corruptor but only if you build yourself like a cookie cutter.

Like I said in the other thread, why would you want to play a terrible set like Devices when you could roll Traps Corruptor (or any Corruptor) and still get that Device's supposed benefits? Please tell me what I've missed (serious request, not being facetious).



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Sorry guys, I can't support this change if I understand what is being proposed.

I for one am not excited that for 9 of 12 Defender and Corruptor sets, your build now requires Kismet and Tactics. For 2 sets (Psy and Dark) you don't even get Aim, so this is your only avenue. Some people are going to nitpick on the word "requires." I guess you arent "required" to take T3 blasts, mezz shields, basic armors, Hasten, or old Stamina either, but not doing so often has a detrimental impact.

Again maybe I missed something. I don't want to be Chicken Little. But I think this change breaks many more things than it fixes.

From what I see of it, the change itself is not complex. It's basically "In what circumstances do we let characters have access to a new powerful attack?" Well the answer to that is "always" if you are a Defender or Corruptor but only if you build yourself like a cookie cutter.

Like I said in the other thread, why would you want to play a terrible set like Devices when you could roll Traps Corruptor (or any Corruptor) and still get that Device's supposed benefits? Please tell me what I've missed (serious request, not being facetious).

If you didnt use a snipe before, or used it as it was, YOU ARE STILL GETTING A BUFF EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE WHEN YOU MEET THE CONDITIONS.

IF YOU CHOOSE you can modify your build to make use of the new fastsnipe mechanic.

FASTSNIPE IS NOT AN I_WIN BUTTON. It's not like Fastsnipe>entirety of the blast set the snipe is in. It is a rare increase in available damage from the dev team, if you choose to use it. They are not making the game more difficult to compensate for it. They are not removing other utility, or modifying other dmg powers for this change.

If you are an OCD min/max player, then I suppose you would feel it is being forced on you as it looks to be so far a decent gain in dps output. If you really feel it is somehow unfair to you, join the beta when it arrives, test the combos you fear are getting shorthanded against ones you dont, and report the results in an unbiased manor on the beta boards.

As to why play devices over traps? Why do you do so now? As a blaster, the question is moot. As a defender or corruptor, the answer could simply be posed as why play traps over dark? or time? or any set? Why play a regen scrapper over a WP? Why play an invuln brute over dark armor? why play a scrapper when you could play a stalker? Cookie cutter builds are what happens when you are not satisfied with anything but the absolute top level of performance out of a given power, powerset, or even archtype. Stuff has advantages and disadvantages, and this new snipe thing is going to be part of that puzzle. If ervery blast character you make has to be a time corruptor now(or whatever) because of one single change to snipes, then ur doin it wrongz.

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

May the rawk be with you.

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Originally Posted by Eldagore View Post

It's really not necessary to yell at me. I appreciate that emotions are running high, but this isn't personal.

My apologies if I've offended you somehow. I feel like I'm working overtime to be polite, and would appreciate if you could do the same.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Like I said in the other thread, why would you want to play a terrible set like Devices when you could roll Traps Corruptor (or any Corruptor) and still get that Device's supposed benefits? Please tell me what I've missed (serious request, not being facetious).
Some people like blasters.

Also there are a LOT of legacy /dev blasters out there- it's been a consistently popular secondary over the years in spite of its objectively terrible performance compared to most other secondaries.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I have a feeling before the dust settles, Build Up will trigger insta-snipe for blasters without special build cost.
I hope they do this. Most of my complaints about the snipe proposal (and those are in application, not in the actual improvement to snipes) would go away with this. It's more accessible to all sets and gives a bit of an advantage to Blasters with this.

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Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
It's really not necessary to yell at me. I appreciate that emotions are running high, but this isn't personal.

My apologies if I've offended you somehow. I feel like I'm working overtime to be polite, and would appreciate if you could do the same.

Well Said Tex.

Many people are falling into two camps on this one, which is not unexpected, but there is no reason for anyone to get over-emotional.
The devs get to decide how to improve Blasters, and I for one, applaud their effort and ideas.
These proposed changes are a great, AND FREE, improvement.

Folks like Tex and myself that are opposed to the snipe proposal as it currently stands, are simply advocating that there should be more thought placed in this ONE fix.
We are not saying that it is not an improvement over the existing powers, just that it is not enough, and not fairly distributed amongst Powersets OR Archetypes. Certainly, this alone should make the Devs take another look at it.

Sound fair ?




Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
It's really not necessary to yell at me. I appreciate that emotions are running high, but this isn't personal.

My apologies if I've offended you somehow. I feel like I'm working overtime to be polite, and would appreciate if you could do the same.
While the "yelling" may have been a bit much... he has a point

If you didn't use a snipe before the change you are not required to do so after.

If you did use a snipe before the change, then without any special changes to your build you will be able to use it more frequently and easier sometimes when using aim or buildup or if buffed by a party member.

After the change you'll now have the choice to build to make the insta-snipe permanent. It is not, however, required or "forced" upon you.

In some cases the investment just won't seem worth it. I've seen that myself while reviewing some builds on blasters, defenders and corruptors.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by Eldagore View Post
If you didnt use a snipe before, or used it as it was, YOU ARE STILL GETTING A BUFF EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE WHEN YOU MEET THE CONDITIONS.
Going out on a limb here, but, most people aren't going to be taking a power that is useful once in awhile. If they do take the power they will go to the trouble to make sure it is always useful.