Attention Blasters!

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Tsuji View Post
As opposed to city of brutes and scrappers?
More like City of Corruptors -- people seem to be laser-focused on the "OMG DMG MOAR" of the Scourge mechanic and wondering why Blasters don't get something even better.

I was a storm/dark defender back then, by the way. Not a blaster.
And I was an Ill/Emp Controller, but so many people were talking about how awesome blappers were that I finally broke down and rolled a Fire/Energy blaster. Holy cow! Three-mob spawn: my initial attacks would drop the first before he could reach me, Power Thrust would knock the second back so he'd have to stand up and run back to me, by which time I'd have taken minimal damage from the third while defeating him (unless he was a Vahzilok zombie, in which case I'd have to kite him to keep from taking massive damage, which also delayed how quickly the second mob could get back into the fight). And I could do this from level 1! Add in Hover and life only got better.

Even today, at level 48, when Blasters are supposedly second-class citizens, this toon can defeat pretty much any even-con enemy simply by using Bone Smasher + Power Thrust on it, and for the few that don't fall over from that, a quick follow-up with Flares is enough to finish the job.

The commentary on the blaster changes makes it looks like the devs have decided to give Blasters some interesting new tricks without necessarily juicing up the DPS, which seems fine to me. Fears assuaged.




Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
So, my initial question (after coming to terms with Electric getting their new benefits from Lightning Clap/Force Of Thunder):

How will the numbers of Click versions and Toggle versions compare? I would assume it'll be similar to the general rule of all toggle vs. click powers...

I suppose i am just trying to find joy in Electric getting it in click form...
The buff is every 60 seconds and most powers will apparently be recharged by then (no clue about Energize, it might take recharge to get it that close - but if it's like the brute version then it's possible at 100 recharge to get it to 60 seconds).

I'm assuming toggles will give the buff as long as it hits a target. I'm guessing Hawk would talk about it if asked directly.

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So let me get this right...

If we have +20 ToHit our snipe attacks are instant and if we have +22 ToHit the snipe attacks are instant and we can move while firing?

But if we just have our normal 75% ToHit snipe attacks are what we have now?

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



hmmm, the minimum range and snipe changes look good for corruptors. The lack of any changes to mez is disappointing. Survivability changes that focus on +regen over, say, actually making it through an alpha unmezzed and able to fight back.

Enough to make me want to play a new blaster. Not enough to convince me that it'll be fun after level 20.

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



Originally Posted by Rejolt View Post
2:31: Last question - (creepy moment with Silence of Lambs voice): What's the next AT you would hit, Hawk?! Hawk - um.. ahhh... Tankers? Probably be Tankers. No promises.

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Arcanaville had her fun, now its MY TURN!



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Oh great, Johnny Butane is going to go ape.
Quite honestly, many of us already knew that the Tanker AT might possibly be the next one to get looked at. It's one of the reasons we made the Consolidated Tanker Improvements thread.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



The change to snipes sounds interesting. I have a Fire/Elec blaster that might think about taking a snipe now. In general, the added bonus to the secondary is a nice addition. But added regen from hitting Lightning Clap? Nah, not picking up a power to give me a bit of regen, when I feel regen isn't that useful for a blaster (glass cannon and all). Extra range on the powerful short range blasts, sounds great to me.

Overall, I think the changes sound good. Shouldn't much affect those that thought blasters were fine, but gives the AT a little bump and we can play the 'see what happens' game.



Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
hmmm, the minimum range and snipe changes look good for corruptors. The lack of any changes to mez is disappointing. Survivability changes that focus on +regen over, say, actually making it through an alpha unmezzed and able to fight back.

Enough to make me want to play a new blaster. Not enough to convince me that it'll be fun after level 20.
For the most part the power changed in the blaster secondaries is the level 20 power. The only exceptions being conserve power at 16 and chilling embrace which is at 10 I believe. So pre-20 there's just the same blast set changes for all.


Not that I in any way dislike those blast changes in the slightest mind you.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Hawk is looking forward to feedback when BETA drops and he said that if needed be changes an be made to address Mezz issues or adding more to make Blasters more appealing.

He also spoke of Changing the way Mezz works with NPC's but that sounds like a lot of work and something that will have to be pushed to like I26 or something.

EDIT: I think that the new changes pushes you to not use your build up powers at the same time if you want to get more mileage out of your snipes.

Question. Is there another way of increasing your To Hit? Through enhancements or whatnot? I know Tactics adds around 10% Sorry, I normally don't focus on To Hit.



Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
He also spoke of Changing the way MEzz works with NPC's but that sounds like a lot of work and something that will have to be pushed to like I26 or something.
It is a lot of work, but I'm really glad that it's the direction he wants to take because that's the one I've been wanting. For me, that was the best news of the talk.



Yeah, I don't understand what is going to happen - he says it will sustain when mezzed, but is that because the buff is considered a click? Does that mean people will have to continuously toggle on and off to apply the buff? When you get mezzed will blazing aura get shut off like usual (since it affects enemies) and make you lose the buff? etc.

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Snipes will really need a great improvement if blasters are going to get some good damage (Which is the real reason I never play them). No change to the useless cone attacks in most primaries which is why blasters have weaker aoe than they should either.

Living a little bit longer seems generally meh, especially having to be in melee on certain sets by the look of it.

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Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



The Snipe and ST-blast range standardization is good for Blasters, but I still wonder if it'll work out better for other ATs. I just wonder if this will give Blasters the boost they need to separate them from other ATs, or if is merely a rising tide, lifting all boats.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
EDIT: I think that the new changes pushes you to not use your build up powers at the same time if you want to get more mileage out of your snipes.
My inclination would be to use Aim/BU as usual, but always and only use Snipe immediately after.

This looks like an attempt to make blasters (apart from /dev) more bursty.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Snipes will really need a great improvement if blasters are going to get some good damage (Which is the real reason I never play them). No change to the useless cone attacks in most primaries which is why blasters have weaker aoe than they should either.

Living a little bit longer seems generally meh, especially having to be in melee on certain sets by the look of it.
Eh? Aim+Build Up then cone + another aoe usually takes out entire groups. Snipes will be the number one single target damage attack once this hits too.

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Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
I still wonder if it'll work out better for other ATs.
In my opinion, definitely. However, defenders and corruptors needed it.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
The Snipe and ST-blast range standardization is good for Blasters, but I still wonder if it'll work out better for other ATs. I just wonder if this will give Blasters the boost they need to separate them from other ATs, or if is merely a rising tide, lifting all boats.
Aye. This sounds like better news for my defenders than blasters.



Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
Question. Is there another way of increasing your To Hit? Through enhancements or whatnot? I know Tactics adds around 10% Sorry, I normally don't focus on To Hit.
Kismet's "+6%" accuracy" is mislabeled, it is actually +6% tohit.



He also spoke about doing something with the sets that don't have snipes in them...he said that he will try to figure something out once I24 Beta Drops.



Overall they did squat to improve blasters....
They improved blast SETS with a Qol improvement, and gave blasters some regen/recovery, which NONE of my blasters have need of sadly. I can blast all day with a tanker in front of me.

I was sooo hopeful for some actual survivability. Arg!
Solo I still have the same 'ol issues....



Not too bad changes but I would agree with others that +regen isn't that helpful, I think, outside of power sets like Regeneration and/or Willpower (or sets that have high Def to take advantage of being alive for the +regen to help).

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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