Attention Blasters!

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If I understand Arbiter Hawk's explanation of Absorb correctly (he himself has mentioned to me the special synergy with +res), yes.
I would think it would have to work like that, or you make def+absorb much better than res+absorb, and hence mess with the balance between def and res sets.

I really should do something about this signature.



Without T9 Attack fixes to me all this represents is polish on a turd. Fix it all at once or don't, but don't half-*** it like this. Yes the changes are good but Brutes, Scrappers and Tanks never have to question taking their T9 attack and neither should we, but the sheep will be happy with the shiney they have been given and won't demand that they fix T9 attacks with this as well.



Originally Posted by Fireclad View Post

The quote means that if my enhancement info tells me that I've put Targeting Drone at 20% or higher I have reached the target amount?
Yes. You need two level 50 IOs, or equivalent. Watch those SOs, because if you only have two slotted you need to keep them green.

Second question, a bit greedy with the opportunity, will cloaking device retain the cloak now that it's named 'Field Operative'?

I really should do something about this signature.



Among other things, I'm also particularly interested in this. (Thank you, Rejolt)

2:16: Jokes about Martial arts/dual blades for blasters, awkward pause. Likely planned and Hawk is trying is poker face.

I expressed my interest in this some time ago and even without the above being said, globalizing self-based damage mitigation in Manipulation pools, as opposed to target-based damage mitigation, seems to be leaning toward that possibility (or a relative approximation).



Originally Posted by Xprom View Post
Without T9 Attack fixes to me all this represents is polish on a turd. Fix it all at once or don't, but don't half-*** it like this. Yes the changes are good but Brutes, Scrappers and Tanks never have to question taking their T9 attack and neither should we, but the sheep will be happy with the shiney they have been given and won't demand that they fix T9 attacks with this as well.
Hello Mr. Opinion who won't read or post in the thread again



Originally Posted by Xprom View Post
Without T9 Attack fixes to me all this represents is polish on a turd. Fix it all at once or don't, but don't half-*** it like this. Yes the changes are good but Brutes, Scrappers and Tanks never have to question taking their T9 attack and neither should we, but the sheep will be happy with the shiney they have been given and won't demand that they fix T9 attacks with this as well.
I feel the same way about road repairs. Needless to say, it's unrealistic to expect everything at once.


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They could add a blaster ATO which gives +to hit to help with getting the 22%

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
Yeah...I think +22 or was it 25? To Hit is a Tad to high. I think he needs to make it more accessible across the board.

+15% To Hit seems very reasonable even for non /Device and /Energy Blasters...and all the other ATs. You can reach +15 To Hit with just tactics and Kismet alone...depending on Aim or Yellows seems...It just doesn't seem as impressive and as handy as the Assassin's Strike Change. It might be just me though.

I don't know...I still don't think it would break anything if he lowered the To Hit requirements.
Some of that is because defenders and corruptors can reach 22% fairly easily. So yes, the blaster *should* have a lower number.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Thats where you're wrong. :P Sorry but when I heard changes were being made to Blasters the first thing that came to my mind was T9 not extra range and everyone gets a version of Drain Psyche. I'm pretty damn sure I wasn't the only one thinking this way either.



Originally Posted by Fireclad View Post
I'm more casual than many on the boards and my Fire/Dev was my first to 50 many years ago. I went /dev for Targeting Device as it is unforgivable in my mind that a ranged dps somehow miss the target. I cried heroic, manly tears when ED made me unslot two of my +hit enhancements. I'm just hoping an actual blaster player can confirm that I've got the right idea about this statement.

The quote means that if my enhancement info tells me that I've put Targeting Drone at 20% or higher I have reached the target amount?
I should have typed 22%, but the answer (with that correction) is yes.

TD slotted to 1.59 or better will get there, which you can do with four SOs or common IOs. Or you can slot the Kismet +6% proc, and slot TD with your eyes closed. Either way, you'll be at or above the 22% threshold, and your snipes will "insta-fire" (which doesn't mean they fire literally instantly, but rather they fire with the interrupt window gone: between 0.67 and 1.67 seconds depending on the sniper power) permanently.

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Originally Posted by Xprom View Post
Thats where you're wrong. :P Sorry but when I heard changes were being made to Blasters the first thing that came to my mind was T9 not extra range and everyone gets a version of Drain Psyche. I'm pretty damn sure I wasn't the only one thinking this way either.
I'm pretty sure most blasters were not thinking if only the devs fixed nukes blasters would be fine. Nukes are a luxury to fix: blaster problems happen the other 99% of the time the nukes aren't available to fire.

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Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
I would think it would have to work like that, or you make def+absorb much better than res+absorb, and hence mess with the balance between def and res sets.
I made that assumption once before in another game that just happened to be written by a dev team related to our dev team, and was surprised like you wouldn't believe to find out logic had no bearing on the situation whatsoever.

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Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
I think of nukes [admittedly with a teamcentric bias] as "every fourth enemy spawn just goes away". So ummm 75% of the problem.

But yeah, this is a variation of "blasters are just fine."
My spawns have Lts and Bosses in them, and my nuke doesn't perform a guaranteed kill on either. It does take away all my endurance to make life especially interesting when facing off against the critters that aren't one-shotted by Nova, which I think should count for bonus points in the problem area. So, somewhat more than 75% for me.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm pretty sure most blasters were not thinking if only the devs fixed nukes blasters would be fine. Nukes are a luxury to fix: blaster problems happen the other 99% of the time the nukes aren't available to fire.
I disagree on it being a "luxury" fix. I think it's fundamental. They really need to be on par with Judgement T4s. Is that a Blasters only issue? Not in the slightest, but if we are going to be glasscannons at least give us the cannon.



Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
Some of that is because defenders and corruptors can reach 22% fairly easily. So yes, the blaster *should* have a lower number.
I agree. Maybe Make the +To Hit IO that you mentioned. This shouldn't be a sometimes fix...this fix should be within reach for any snipe user...period.

Drop the To Hit percentage a bit please.

Originally Posted by Xprom View Post
Thats where you're wrong. :P Sorry but when I heard changes were being made to Blasters the first thing that came to my mind was T9 not extra range and everyone gets a version of Drain Psyche. I'm pretty damn sure I wasn't the only one thinking this way either.
They explained in the vid why they wanted to slowly push the changes forward.

The Nuke Fix is needed but it still doesn't solve much. I'd rather have the Secondary change and the snipe change first...before the nuke fix. Plus it seems that the Devs are going to directly or indirectly work on Ranged toons. I think our feedback is critical especially dealing with the Hawk...he has tough skin lol.



Originally Posted by Xprom View Post
I disagree on it being a "luxury" fix. I think it's fundamental. They really need to be on par with Judgement T4s. Is that a Blasters only issue? Not in the slightest, but if we are going to be glasscannons at least give us the cannon.
You can make blasters good without having nukes at all. Conversely giving them good nukes doesn't automatically make blasters good. They are neither necessary nor sufficient, so they cannot be fundamental. What they are is a generally not good option that could be made better.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
I agree. Maybe Make the +To Hit IO that you mentioned. This shouldn't be a sometimes fix...this fix should be within reach for any snipe user...period.

Drop the To Hit percentage a bit please.
Or they can raise base Tactics for Blasters to 10%, like for Corruptors.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Or they can raise base Tactics for Blasters to 10%, like for Corruptors.
Wouldn't that be against some form of Code/Law or something?

Blasters are supposed to have lower Leadership Values...wouldn't it be easier on Arbiter Hawk to lower the To Hit percentage requirement instead of changing the values of Leadership on Blasters?

If he did change it wouldn't that make the other ATs angry?



Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
Wouldn't that be against some form of Code/Law or something?

Blasters are supposed to have lower Leadership Values...wouldn't it be easier on Arbiter Hawk to lower the To Hit percentage requirement instead of changing the values of Leadership on Blasters?

If he did change it wouldn't that make the other ATs angry?
It's just changing one value of the pool. Defenders would still rule the buff zone. And thematically, Blasters really shouldn't have a lower ToHit buff when they 'lead' -- accuracy is their thing.

Prime example is Hawkeye in the final battle of Avengers, he was buffing everyone else's ACC.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
It's just changing one value of the pool. Defenders would still rule the buff zone. And thematically, Blasters really shouldn't have a lower ToHit buff when they 'lead' -- accuracy is their thing.

Prime example is Hawkeye in the final battle of Avengers, he was buffing everyone else's ACC.
I love Hawkeye! Hrmm, ok that sounds reasonable and possible. I just hope that other fellow blaster posters agree.

I wonder what he's going to do with the sets that lack a Snipe...Maybe Improve the range from 80 ft to 120ft for the Tier 3 St Blasts like Executioner's Shot.



My thoughts:

1% health/sec is nice, I guess, but given that damage for squishies tends to come in bursts, is it really going to help? Regen and alpha strikes don't mix well. My gut instinct is that this is going to be a much better buff on paper than it is in the field.

The sniper change makes my defenders all warm and fuzzy inside. They usually have Tactics, so they just need a Kismet to be set. Seems like a hassle for Blasters to use unless they're /dev. If I have to hit BU or Aim first, is it really any faster or just a little stronger? Perhaps have the requirement scale based on AT, like the value of Tactics does? Well slotted Tactics + Kismet should do it for anyone. /dev blasters get there even easier.

The idea of some sort of hard-coded lockout to prevent perma-mez sounds interesting.

I don't get the idea that blasters shouldn't be the premiere damage dealers. Why not? Corruptors and Defenders have buffs/debuffs. Dominators have mez. Scrappers/Brutes have personal mitigation. Blasters have... Witty one-liners? Let's face it, without some substantial cottage rule violations, they're a one-trick pony and going to stay that way. They do damage. Shouldn't they be very good at it to make up for the fact that there's nothing else they do well?

I tend to think that every crashing T9 needs to be revamped. Blasters in particular since Judgment makes them look so silly. It is lower priority since nukes aren't a regularly used power, but it should still be done.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Prime example is Hawkeye in the final battle of Avengers, he was buffing everyone else's ACC.

Kind of...Cap. America was the leader there and telling who to do tanker allowed the 'squishy' to "buff" Accuracy so-to-speak.

And 'sides, Hawkeye is a Defender. TA/A I didn't see him just shooting plain arrows, he has some trick arrows in there!

*at the very least a Corruptor *

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Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
Wouldn't that be against some form of Code/Law or something?
There is some precedence for this sort of change. Dominator Snipe powers have a higher Damage Scale than otherwise identical powers in Blast sets to account for the fact that Dominators have fewer self damage buffs (and now I guess also because they have fewer ways to FastSnipe).