Can I have your stuff?
Giving out your stuff when you leave is generally a mistake, just because I've heard enough tales of people doing this, then kicking themselves when they come back and have to start over to fill a book. I know a person who was so sure he'd never come back he sold his account... Only to come back and have to do it all over again.
As for friends that have left, I lost count. I've been in this game for eight years, and that's a heck of a long time, so that's pretty much inevitable. I've made friends with "groups" of people three or four times over the years now, and the inevitable always happens - they leave one by one and move on to other things. Yeah, when people ask me why I don't go out and find a SG, that's why - because I'll outlive them and the process of going out and finding new friends gets harder and harder with each cycle.
A notable forum personality I used to team with and chat with in-game was ICF_Zombra from, wow... Four years ago or something like that? I forget what he moved on to play, probably Champions Online since he was a big fan of the Champions P&P game.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
As a result, well, I am the lucky recipient of loads of awesome loot. And I it doesn't seem worth it.
Gratz on the loot hoard, keep it wrm in case he comes back
As for friends that have left, I lost count. I've been in this game for eight years, and that's a heck of a long time, so that's pretty much inevitable. I've made friends with "groups" of people three or four times over the years now, and the inevitable always happens - they leave one by one and move on to other things. Yeah, when people ask me why I don't go out and find a SG, that's why - because I'll outlive them and the process of going out and finding new friends gets harder and harder with each cycle.
First supergroup I joined I saw them disappear one by one, one of them even deleted their account (the alt they played was on a friends list and it vanished) so I joined in with RP circles. Thankfully we played on the Union server so we had a dedicated channel that kept most of us together or nearby. Players have dropped slowly but there's a core set that keeps in touch frequently. Guess we kinda lucked out in a way being kept together on a smaller list of servers.
Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
I'm echoing Samuels sentiments. I've been playing for 6+ years now and have gone through at least 5 SG's. I've lost some great friends in COX, some real life, some game based.
I solo for the most part becuase of time constraints to have to the whole be my buddy deal.
I recently got my wife into COX, but eventually she will get bored or choose a shoe sale over playing.
I've always looked at COX, personally as having personal connections, that many don't feel, like comic books or WWE wrestling, or b-movie scifi.
I know I will never leave this game, even after having my daughter(I shall just convert my legacy to her). But it sure is a sad thing to see friends who I use to play for hours upon hours with, talk about it over the phone, and work on concepts and video's.
Now that I think about, I should of asked for their stuff..
NCSOFT may take away our servers and beloved dev team, but they can't break our spirit and community. with all your power, NCSOFT, your victory will be bitter-sweet. I, personally will be there to laugh at you when you face-plant into the ground.
Giving out your stuff when you leave is generally a mistake, just because I've heard enough tales of people doing this, then kicking themselves when they come back and have to start over to fill a book.
Then came back and had to re-equip from scratch.
Then he left the game AGAIN and didn't learn his lesson the first time. He gave everything away AGAIN and - you guessed it - he came back AGAIN and had to start from scratch again.
I mention this partly out of amusement and partly out of bitterness - I didn't get any of his stuff!
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I wish all my friends would quit and pass out their loot.
You can always make new friends
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
I unsubbed from this game in February 2011. I was tempted to give away all the stuff I'd earned in game. Not just a plethora of purple IOs, but also quite a collection of base and component salvage!
When I returned to the game around October 2011, I was glad that I never did that.
I had a friend who quit the game years ago. He wanted to pass to me all his inf ("all the inf I would ever need"), which was about 8 million. This was before email and before they raised the trading cap. Took quite awhile to do this. Times sure have changed.
Not here, but in another MMO I went through the process over six years. Every couple of years I'd experience a large turnover of people. Went through close to four SG equivilants before I finally quit. You get used to it, but its never a pleasant experience. Probably why I never found that saying particularly funny.
"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"
This is a sarcasm thread, right? What 'loot'?
I give stuff away all the time and throw billions into the crazy 88's INFcincerator for laffs.
Easy come, easy go!
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Heck even SG's classify as "loot" because we can transfer leadership and thus ownership between players. We've seen bidding wars on the forums when someone decided they wanted to "sell" their SG to the highest bidder.
I left a couple years ago with no intention of returning and gave away everything. Came back a little more than 6 months later. I completely purpled out toons for several friends and most of my friends at least got a billion + worth of stuff when i left.
I don't regret it at all - were various bad toons that have since been banished to other servers and the ones that stayed now have better builds than they used to. Plus rebuilding them gave me something to do when i came back.
Been here since Beta, Can you have my stuff?............................................ .. Yes once you prise it from dead decomposing corpse.
Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt
Wait, where are these 'friends' who leaves the game and gives their stuff to others? I know the wrong ones!
Seriously, even though I'm only coming up on my 3 year badge (end of August) I've made friends with some players who hasn't played in quite some time, 3 of them were the first 'group' I fell in with that I played with almost nightly for a while. But far as I know they didn't give their stuff away. As for myself, even if I decide I'm done with the game (never going to happen, they're going to have to drag me kicking & screaming from the servers before they can turn them off) I don't think I can give away everything, maybe a good amount of my net inf., but i don't think i can give away all the purples/PvP IO's just in case I change my mind
Thanks to everyone that helped make me a welcomed part of the community, and for giving me over 3 years of some of the best gaming I've been able to take part in. May the next game bring many friendships and maybe reconnect to some old CoH friends.
Years ago in another game I quit and gave my account over to a friend and told him to take everything he wanted. He took the cash and some equipment (I had a good supply of cash by that point) but was reluctant to take everything because I might come back. But I never did.
I quit this game for well over a year with no intention of returning... but I didn't have a lot of stuff to give away, and this was before the invention system. Still, I'm with Goat, I could give all of my stuff away and come back and earn it back, just takes a little time. ^_^
my lil RWZ Challenge vid
apropos this thread, was on a grueling, comically long Silver Mantis TF tonight- first mish was blues and whites so we all voted to turn it up, alas it got turned up to where it was all PURPLES.
Still, strong team, had a lot of fun, it just took for freaking EVER.
Long TFs with lots of deaths mean plenty of time to chat- turns one of our members, a Bane, had left the game "for good" a while back, given away all his inf & junk & deleted all his characters but one, the Bane. So he was scraping along with old enhancements & had 100k in the bank & kicking himself for dumping his stockpile.
I sent him a couple hundred million to get back on his feet- I'd been looking for something altruistic to do with that 900m over-bid I got a while back and this seemed like a good opportunity. So he came back to the game, got on a fun team overcoming ridiculous odds, and had a total stranger give him 200m in seed money.
If he doesn't stick around this time, nobody can say we didn't try...and hopefully he'll think twice before pitching his savings in the garbage.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
You have no idea how lucky you are. On another game I'm playing right now, a friend of five years decided he was quitting the game for good. Did he give me any of his stuff? Nope! He told me he was going to just gamble it away in the game. Gambling is illegal in the game...
It's like of Bill Gates decided he didn't want to be rich anymore, and decided to blow all of his money on cockfights. There was just something that irked me about it. It would've been better if he had just kept his money instead of donating it to the game's equivalent of the mafia.
I don't think I'll ever actually "quit" CoH. Chances are, much like Phantasy Star Universe for the PC/PS2, I'll play it until the day it ends. Maybe in the last days when everything is said and done, I'll give away my stuff. Though I don't really have much "stuff" to give away, since this game isn't particularly based upon gathering INF. I probably have over a billion collectively on all my toons right now, but that is only because I have nothing to spend it on (immediately, anyway. Inflation and all that makes IOing out new toons more expensive).
But on an economy based game... yeah that is sweet.
TPN trial guide video / MoM trial guide video / DD trial guide video / BAF trial guide video
/ Lambda trial guide video / Keyes trial guide video / Magisterium trial guide video / Underground trial guide
I'll never actually "quit" CoX, but it's getting rough on the old wallet right now since I'm staggering 3 month subs to 3 different MMOs (so the payments come out on sequential months, etc). The biggest problem is time for them all.
The whole "can I have your stuff" goes back a long way to EQ1, UO, DAoC, and the other precursors to the current MMO (and back into MUDs and such as well). In a gear based game when someone threw a fit and rage-quit (or just quit) their characters were traditionally holding on to fortunes in gear and other hoarded drops.
In City, you'd really just want their account info to strip toons of Purples and PvP IOs and maybe mail a few billion inf around.
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
A lyrical Interlude
Voltaire: What?
Lassy: Timmy's in the well!
Voltaire: Timmy fell in the well?
Lassy: He's Dead!
Voltaire: What's that? He's dead? Well that sucks...
Lassy: You can have his CDs.
Voltaire: What's that? I should break into his house and help myself to his CD collection? That doesn't seem right. (the line that brought this up)
Lassy: He's cool with that. He had a GF.
Voltaire: Oh his GF's probably really lonely right now? I don't think he'd approve of that.
Lassy: Nah, it's cool.
Voltaire: Oh he wouldn't mind, ok.
Can I have your stuff?
Well, that always sounded like a funny quip, and I even used it on occasion..
Until it actually happened.
A friend left the game recently, with intent that it be for good, after years... Not sure how long he was in the game exactly, but a long time. Feel the need to point out that his departure has nothing, as far as I know, with the game itself. It isn't a protest or a ragequit. He just wanted to move on.
As a result, well, I am the lucky recipient of loads of awesome loot. And I it doesn't seem worth it.
Not exactly sure what my point is, except to say that the line isn't as funny once was. Perhaps make this a place to remember your departed friends. Or something...