why doesn't the single player game of CoH work for you?

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Back when I was new to the game, and it was all new to me, I soloed (at least half the time) a bubble defender to 50. It took a while. (A year and a half, actually, between other alts and the leveling curve of the time, plus my own inexperience.)

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Originally Posted by Pauper View Post

I have no idea how I'd have gotten as far as I have into the Incarnate content without being able to run Dark Astoria solo to 'prep'.


See....the only thing you can earn in the DA arcs is threads. No incarnate salvage has -ever- dropped for me, nor come up as a reward. And never have I gotten an Empyrean merit reward. So, it's not solo incarnate content, per se. At least, not like a trial.

Add in the fact that the -only- way to get the "special" xp to unlock the newest incarnate ability is to run the Magi trial (or farm the frontloaded part) and....it just screams "play our new content!" to me. Personally, the only two trials I -liked- don't get played much any more, or are just speed runs, which I detest.

So, it's not that the single player game doesn't work for me....I prefer it.



No incarnate salvage has -ever- dropped for me, nor come up as a reward. And never have I gotten an Empyrean merit reward.
You get a component roll every time you complete a story-arc. And Gabriel has a weekly quest that gives you two (I think) Empyreal merits for doing all the DA story arcs.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
You get a component roll every time you complete a story-arc. And Gabriel has a weekly quest that gives you two (I think) Empyreal merits for doing all the DA story arcs.
I got some Empyreal merits from completing some of the DA arcs as well.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



I solo most of the time, and it "works" fine. Yeah, those "Go talk to so-and-so" type missions are kind of annoying, but they don't take long. Being able to do what you want, when you want, how you want outweighs whatever minor drawbacks there are.

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See, I've already done all the DA arcs. Never talked to Gabriel beforehand, either. So now, all he says is "test my might". As far as the other answers go...huh. RNG must hate me. All I ever got was threads for doing the DA arcs.



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
See, I've already done all the DA arcs. Never talked to Gabriel beforehand, either. So now, all he says is "test my might". As far as the other answers go...huh. RNG must hate me. All I ever got was threads for doing the DA arcs.
Click on the words "Test my might." when you talk to Gabriel. He'll give you a list of missions that need to be completed before you can get the Empyrean Merit reward. When you finish them, click him and he'll give you the reward or tell you how long you have to wait to get the reward again (it's on a 7 day timer).

If you did the arcs after he was added to the game, he might offer the rewards immediately after you click "Test my might". Since I didn't have a character in that state, I couldn't test it myself but I did see others report that it worked that way for them.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
See....the only thing you can earn in the DA arcs is threads. No incarnate salvage has -ever- dropped for me, nor come up as a reward. And never have I gotten an Empyrean merit reward. So, it's not solo incarnate content, per se. At least, not like a trial.

Add in the fact that the -only- way to get the "special" xp to unlock the newest incarnate ability is to run the Magi trial (or farm the frontloaded part) and....it just screams "play our new content!" to me. Personally, the only two trials I -liked- don't get played much any more, or are just speed runs, which I detest.

So, it's not that the single player game doesn't work for me....I prefer it.
You can earn much more in DA other than just threads. You also earn iXP.

I've gotten Enhancement Converters as drops off of mobs.

When you finish a story arc in the DA storyline you get a reward table choice. The choices are Incarnate Salvage (random table if selected, then you can choose which piece of salvage from that table), 10 Threads (I think it's 10, not at computer to check ), a random Astral or Empyrean Merit, a number of Reward Merits (not sure how many) or a Super Inspiration. If you aren't getting a reward table with a choice of different rewards for completing a DA story arc, you need to /bug it right away.

Now, the repeatable contacts in DA (Ephram Sha for Heroes and Maharaj for Villains) don't give the same reward table choices as the story contacts. They give a reward table with a choice of Incarnate Threads, Reward Merits or Super Inspirations. The first time each "day" (I believe it's on a timer) gets you more Threads as the reward from the Reward Table choice than running subsequent repeatables within that "day" will grant.

While there is no way currently to earn Advanced iXP in DA, I think we'll likely have a way to open the new slot outside of the Magisterium trial before long. And of course they are going to want to push us to run their new trial to get the new slot opened, otherwise they've wasted their time designing the trial. I just don't think we'll have as long of a wait to be able to open the slot outside of the trial as we did while waiting for the Solo/Small-team/non-iTrial path.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
And of course they are going to want to push us to run their new trial to get the new slot opened, otherwise they've wasted their time designing the trial.
If they have to force people to run it, they must have designed it poorly anyway.
And given the most common reaction seems to be not to bother to complete it...



I prefer the social part of teaming. Doing missions etc by myself is just boring. If no one is on I know.. I will ask a random lowbie if they wanna join me.If this was a purely solo game I would have quit after a month or two. And unlike some people...I love the itrials and TFs

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
You get a component roll every time you complete a story-arc. And Gabriel has a weekly quest that gives you two (I think) Empyreal merits for doing all the DA story arcs.
You can get a component roll the each time you complete each arc in DA for the first time. Note that being on a team without your Alpha slot unlocked that completes an arc will give you a reward table that will count for your "free" table for the arc even though you can't pick the component. After that you can get a component every 20 hours after choosing that reward, which arc doesn't matter at that point just the time since that reward was last chosen on the timer. Approximately 74/20/5/1 common/uncommon/rare/very rare.

And DA is to iXP as glaciers are to speed.

On the upside you'll be able to run all of Heather's maps in your sleep.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I'm pretty much solo all the time, these days, except for trial stuff.
Echoing DumpleBerry.

I PL or get PLd to 50, solo/duo TFs and when I can't do that I team for TFs or trials. I'll genuinely help anyone that needs it but I prefer my own pace so I don't skip Invader requirments and so on.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
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Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
If they have to force people to run it, they must have designed it poorly anyway.
And given the most common reaction seems to be not to bother to complete it...
Unfortunately, one of the key mechanics in the trial is broken, and that makes it far, far harder than it's supposed to be. So the reward is significantly front-loaded and it's harder than intended. People who are farming the first fight are just being practical.

Once they fix the trial mechanics, I think skipping getting the reward at the end will be silly, because I think we'll be kicking Tyrant around like a soccer ball.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Once they fix the trial mechanics, I think skipping getting the reward at the end will be silly, because I think we'll be kicking Tyrant around like a soccer ball.
Honestly, it really isn't that bad. It's not a very "good" trial in my book, but it definitely isn't as bad as, say, TPN. Though since the reward table is also apparently bugged at the moment, I'd say it's still not worth finishing yet. That's actually a bigger problem than the difficulty for me, even now.



I solo pretty exclusively. I've never done a TF/SF. Ever. On any character. Not even a Respec. The only Trial I've ever run, on any character, is DFB and that's really only because I hate the new starting content so very, very much that I want out of Atlas as fast as possible. I use to team occasionally with a SG, but that was mostly out of a sense of obligation to my SG mates. I've been in the occasional PUG (other than DFB), but I really don't like it. Not that I've had any bad experiences, I would just rather do everything at my own pace and in my own time. The fact that you can do that in this game and still progress at a reasonable pace is a huge part of why I'm still here 8 years later.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



I solo a lot nowadays (due to tiny pipe and game changes that make teams larger than 2 a problem and nobody is willing to play without a full team at all times) and until recently have stayed away from the Incarnate content for that very reason. So now they've came up with a way to solo the X number of currencies and salvage needed for most Incarnate slots, except the newest. /facepalm

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I solo a lot nowadays (due to tiny pipe and game changes that make teams larger than 2 a problem and nobody is willing to play without a full team at all times) and until recently have stayed away from the Incarnate content for that very reason. So now they've came up with a way to solo the X number of currencies and salvage needed for most Incarnate slots, except the newest. /facepalm
Which follows the precedent...
New Incarnate Shineys gained through trials
Newest Incarnate Shineys available through solo content.

They have already said that they are aware and working on a solo method for Hybrid

And fyi.. my favorite form of teaming: 2 player teams... I like the challenge and it makes me feel more heroic. Now granted I loves me some trials and tfs, but I also love 2 man teaming it... a lot

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



I prefer to solo when there's story involved. But I generally find the experience to be tedious and/or frustrating either because I'm not doing enough damage, taking too much damage, or both.

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Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Since my daughter thrust herself into this world, my playtime has minimized considerably. When I do get to play, I still try to do 50/50, solo and team. With lower end toons it's always much more fun to team.

I find the higher in level you go the harder it becomes to find teams. Which makes lvl 40-50 grueling.

I enjoy both aspects of the game. I have no problem soloing content, especially incarnate content.

I've been a vet for about 6 yrs and I never tire of this game.

Mostly depends on the time I have and the mood I'm in. If a TF becomes available in the channels and I have the time, I run it. I work strange hours and sometimes I'll be logging on at 1am, so I can hit some DA arcs or SSA's or work on the tips.

NCSOFT may take away our servers and beloved dev team, but they can't break our spirit and community. with all your power, NCSOFT, your victory will be bitter-sweet. I, personally will be there to laugh at you when you face-plant into the ground.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Honestly, it really isn't that bad. It's not a very "good" trial in my book, but it definitely isn't as bad as, say, TPN. Though since the reward table is also apparently bugged at the moment, I'd say it's still not worth finishing yet. That's actually a bigger problem than the difficulty for me, even now.
I'm not sure the reward table is bugged, per-se. It seems likely that the participation threshold is too low, which seems to happen a lot to new trials. If you don't get threads, you should get the reward table, which is supposed to be weighted towards the rare end of things. (Edit: I've run it like 20 times and haven't gotten threads, but then I haven't ever gotten threads, ever.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I team about 99% of the game. I'll solo occasionally during off times if I need a mish or two for tips or a quick SSA for a A-merit. But I get bored pretty much from the start. My alone time in-game is spent in the auctionhouse marketeering which isn't a lot of time anyway.

I like the social aspect of CoH and will always choose team over solo. I have a small group of in-game friends that have been playing together since issue 2 or 3 as well as many server friends. I love teaming. Love TFs where we bring in other people with my regular group (new friends are always awesome) and I really enjoy server events, raids and love incarnate trials. If it weren't for having friends I play with everynight I probably wouldn't log on that much.

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Call me crazy, but I am convinced that all people who post on the internet do so to get attention.
Hi crazy...

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I'm not sure the reward table is bugged, per-se. It seems likely that the participation threshold is too low, which seems to happen a lot to new trials. If you don't get threads, you should get the reward table, which is supposed to be weighted towards the rare end of things. (Edit: I've run it like 20 times and haven't gotten threads, but then I haven't ever gotten threads, ever.)
I seem to recall hearing that the weighting is what's broken. It would reflect my experience, at least; I've seen nothing but Commons. Granted, that's just me. But it doesn't encourage me to want to try and finish either.



According to Arbiter Hawk, what is broken is that the Level Shift from taking down the lights is only hitting 16 players, not all players and their pets. That will be fixed in an upcoming patch.

I haven't seen anything said officially that the weighting is what's broken. I've seen comments from players claiming it's broken, but nothing from the Dev team.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.