


I've had the launcher patched for hours, but I can't bring myself to log in. I'll get over it soon, probably, but right this minute I'm feeling heartsick. There's a scene in this issue, by now most of you with level 50 characters have seen it, that just makes me queasy.

Over the course of Belladonna Vetrano's level 50 arc, we find that due to the loss of the Seers (Minds of Mayhem trial) and the exposure of Tyrant's surrender to the Hamidon (TPN trial), most of the Praetorian police and some of the surviving IDF have defected to the Resistance. By the time we get there, Neutropolis has fallen, and the Resistance controls most of Imperial City. And ...

And it's everything we fought to prevent, in three of the four level 1-20 Praetorian arcs. Half the city is on fire. The Crusaders won.

And worse, when we get there, the Resistance and the cops aren't saying to us, "Holy (expletive), the city's on fire! Help us put out these fires, help us rescue the people trapped in those buildings!" They're saying, "Oh, good, the city's on fire! This is a perfect opportunity to steal stuff from Praetor Sinclair!"

Thanks for another reminder that everybody in this game, hero and villain alike, is some kind of a monster. Thanks for the reminder that, to borrow (and bowdlerize) a phrase from TV Tropes, City of Heroes is a (Bleep)sack World.


I know that Tyrant and Neuron intended to kill every super on Primal Earth. And I saw what Battle Maiden did to Blyde Square. And I saw what Admiral Durray did to Skyway City. And I feel no sympathy for Mother Mayhem, who was a monster and genuinely needed to die. But are we no better than them? Is this what we were fighting for, to burn Praetorian City to the ground in retaliation?

Look, I know that very few are going to sympathize with me. This is the direction that the whole game's story has been going, all along. And most of you are just exactly the kind of people who actually nod when somebody says, "It's different when we do it, because we're the good guys, because we have good intentions," a human tendency that has driven me insane since I was a child.

I also know that I should distrust my own instincts in this, because I know that pure aesthetics are driving part of my reaction. Part of me actually cheered the destruction of Skyway City, wished it was permanent, because Skyway City is pathologically ugly. Aside from the Seer Network, Praetorian City was everything I've ever wanted to live in: comfortable, affluent, environmentally friendly, human pedestrian scaled, and above all beautiful, the most beautiful environment this game's designers have ever made. It constantly left me wondering if, frankly, once we got rid of Mother Mayhem, if maybe leaving that world to be co-ruled by Tyrant and Hamidon was really such a bad idea. And we just set it on fire. And looted it, rather than put out the fires or rescue the victims. Yay us.

What's WRONG with leaving it to two relentlessly anti-war supers, one who will not tolerate abuse of people, the other of which will not tolerate abuse of the environment? Once we rid that world of Praetor Tillman's vampyric, invasive hive-mind, shouldn't we have asked Tyrant/Hamidon why they were afraid of us? Shouldn't we have at least tried to negotiate peace, and combined our forces against the Battalion?

Yeah, I know, it's just a game. But I loved Imperial City. Several of my characters fought to save it. Give me at least a couple of hours, maybe a day or so, to get over seeing it in flames.



Berlin got a bit knocked about when we liberated it - which is what happens when crazies make last stands.

The damage to Imperial City is minimal - most of the flames are at the Ministry of Information, where, like all the best collapsing dictatorships, the secret police are trying to get rid of sensitive documents.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I know enough history not to be flattered when I'm compared to what the Russians did to Berlin in 1945. We're bad, in City of Heroes, but we're not that bad.



I'm assuming that they changed it a bit from beta, as I ran the arc several times, and never saw "half the city" on fire, or any looting, or Crusaders rampaging through the streets - there was just a force of Resistance fighters adn redeemed PPD surrounding Chimera's skyscraper, being watched by a crowd of liberated citizens, including Kang, who were all celebrating their freedom - so I assume the live version looks more like the destoryed Atlas Park mission map?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Consider it from this angle: Those in power tend to do anything they can to keep that power. If Tyrant is willing to drop a nuclear warhead on you, what's stopping him from doing it to the rebellious population?

"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm assuming that they changed it a bit from beta, as I ran the arc several times, and never saw "half the city" on fire, or any looting, or Crusaders rampaging through the streets - there was just a force of Resistance fighters adn redeemed PPD surrounding Chimera's skyscraper, being watched by a crowd of liberated citizens, including Kang, who were all celebrating their freedom - so I assume the live version looks more like the destoryed Atlas Park mission map?
It looks very much like you described.

And for the record, in order to save Praetoria, we must first destroy it. We must destroy Cole's regime of the PAST to build the Praetorian REPUBLIC of the FUTURE!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
It looks very much like you described.
That's because I described what it looks like

It's not really a war zone, because with the destruction of thew loyalist thought police, the dictatorship seems to have collapsed very quickly, so there's not a huge amount of opposition left to the advance of the Resistance fighters - without his 2 main weapons of fear and mind control, Tyrant lost the support of all the normal Praetorians.

Interestingly, the Crusaders are the only path not represented in the arc by any retunring GR NPCs that we meet:

Robert Flores (Warden contact)
Jessica Flores (Warden contact)
Kang (moral choice NPC who offered responsibility loyalists the chance to join the Resistance)
Belladonna Vetrano (moral choice NPC who offered power loyalists the chance to join the Resistance)

So while it follows the standard Warden path like all the rest of the Praetorian content, it still offers a couple of links to ex-loyaists who joined the right side in GR.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's because I described what it looks like

It's not really a war zone, because with the destruction of thew loyalist thought police, the dictatorship seems to have collapsed very quickly, so there's not a huge amount of opposition left to the advance of the Resistance fighters - without his 2 main weapons of fear and mind control, Tyrant lost the support of all the normal Praetorians.

Interestingly, the Crusaders are the only path not represented in the arc by any retunring GR NPCs that we meet:

Robert Flores (Warden contact)
Jessica Flores (Warden contact)
Kang (moral choice NPC who offered responsibility loyalists the chance to join the Resistance)
Belladonna Vetrano (moral choice NPC who offered power loyalists the chance to join the Resistance)

So while it follows the standard Warden path like all the rest of the Praetorian content, it still offers a couple of links to ex-loyaists who joined the right side in GR.
Kind of makes me wonder: if you take a Praetorian through it, do they get the same things? It would be a longshot, but I kind of would love to see a Praetorian character's actions reflected in who is standing around outside the building.

Though if we were to take it up to 11, not just your Praetorian arc choices would hold sway over who's there, but your mortalities would also alter the map. If you were a Warden or Responsibilities who became a hero, you got an Imperial City with minimal damage and everyone making a stand together outside Praetor Sinclair's tower.
If you were a Powers loyalist or Crusader Resistance who became a villain, you come to an Imperial City that's practically in ruins and instead of the nice, clean gather, you could see riots in the streets and chaos everywhere.
A possible third route/rendition could have been done for Wardens and Responsibilities who went villain and Powers and Crusaders who went hero coming to an Imperial City that's moderately damaged, and there's a few random rioters around but you see redeemed PPD AND Resistance helping to get them back under control.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Thanks for another reminder that everybody in this game, hero and villain alike, is some kind of a monster. Thanks for the reminder that, to borrow (and bowdlerize) a phrase from TV Tropes, City of Heroes is a (Bleep)sack World.
No, just Praetoria. It's why my response to it has always been the Eight Deadly Words.

Besides, it's really a Crapsaccharine World.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Loyalists should also avoid the arc because it awards them a badge called "Savior of Imperial City".
It should award that badge for not running that arc, and take it away if you ever do.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
It should award that badge for not running that arc, and take it away if you ever do.
But that would mean leaving the loyalists in power to crush the people - we need to smash the loyalist dictatorship to save Imperial City - which we do

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But that would mean leaving the loyalists in power to crush the people - we need to smash the loyalist dictatorship to save Imperial City - which we do
The smashing part went ok, the saving part... not so much. I guess we were too busy zinging Cole and his goons to stop them from nuking the city. But hey, the people said freedom or death, at least they got their wish ^_^



eh I do not see the problem with lighting preatorea on fire, Hami probably wants his food cooked before hand like any of us do. Wakka Wakka

Now with that out of the way, This may well have been inevitable from the moment Preatoreans met Primals back in issue 1.

Remember Tyrant's motivation for this war is not gaining power it was because he felt that if Hamidon found out about another world full of meta-humans not under Cole's control it may restart the ceasefire between him and Hami. Now this line of thinking may be faulty but considering Arachnos likes to pry in places it may not be entirely wise to do so I can somewhat agree with it, even if Cole's plan of killing all the supers on primal earth was terribly stupid.

Honestly I think the fall of Preatorea was always going to happen in one way or another, all it would take is one crazy enough Crusader to do something wild enough to break the treaty with the Hamidon and Cole would have been deeply screwed.



Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
Remember Tyrant's motivation for this war is not gaining power
Planning to conquer the multiverse has a bit to with wanting power

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Hmm isnt Primal Earth helping evacuate praetoria? Cause the prae hami is a little angry at Cole?



Originally Posted by MrMichaels View Post
Hmm isnt Primal Earth helping evacuate praetoria? Cause the prae hami is a little angry at Cole?
Yep. After the Magisterium trial, the Hamidon has Praetorian Earth to itself.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
Yep. After the Magisterium trial, the Hamidon has Praetorian Earth to itself.
I don't think that's quite accurate- there's a whole planet still out there, not to mention all the survivors in First Ward. And I'm pretty sure they haven't completely evacuated Neutropolis and Imperial City...



A depressing fate for what ended up being my favorite zones in the game. Oh well.



Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
I don't think that's quite accurate- there's a whole planet still out there, not to mention all the survivors in First Ward. And I'm pretty sure they haven't completely evacuated Neutropolis and Imperial City...
Hami: "Yay, kibble!"



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Hami: "Yay, kibble!"
Then in Issue 24 we take on Praetorian Hamidon after he's eaten the rest of the population and lobotomize him.
Hami: "Yay!" *dribble*

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's because I described what it looks like

It's not really a war zone, ...
The first thing you see when you arrive is the Sinclair tower, the one you're about to be sent in to loot:

Same location, looking behind you; no, it's not the only building on fire:

Same angle, as it would appear looking out a window halfway up Sinclair tower. At least one fire has been set all the way down at the end of the block:

On the roof of the Sinclair building, fighting to save Provost Marchand, the last politician I knew who was trying to stop the war, from being assassinated by Praetor Sinclair:

The view from the edge of the roof, as he tells me that he no longer has the Emperor's ear, and that Sinclair is recruiting more allies for the Emperor. Flames are shooting up from buildings up to two blocks away:

As the sun rises the next morning, after I've returned from Night Ward, as I guard Desdemona's ritual in People's Park I see that the flames have spread north and east of the university, almost to the water's edge:

The same view, from the air; at least the university has been spared, so far, and, oddly, so has the TPN campus:

From the same location, looking southwest, the flames have spread to at least two more towers south of the park; at this point, you have to go all the way to Four Gables to find a block un-scarred by fire:

Kneeling to provide first aid to Belladona Vetrano after our fight with Praetor Sinclair, the view to the west across People's Park makes me ill:



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
the view to the west across People's Park makes me ill:
Only if you're a Crusader upset at how many buildings aren't on fire, and how tiny the handful of exisiting fires are

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Only if you're a Crusader upset at how many buildings aren't on fire
I can think of no sentiment more likely to make me want to go roll around in some Tellurian Plague spores. If we're no better than they are, then Hamidon is right.



The damage is so minmal that the fires are restricted to 1 or 2 windows on a single floor of half a dozen multi-floor skyscrapers.
I'm not sure why those half a dozen fires are all high up on the buildings - but with the collapse of support for Tyrant following the destrution of the loyalists thought police, it's possible that the last remaining stiff-armers in Imperial City had switched to sniper tactics as a way to minimize the huge difference in number between them and the Resistance fighters and civillians who'd come out onto the streets to celebrate their liberation.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork