Name Reservation Changes




Originally Posted by electric-knight View Post
i am very happy to see that the simple matter of differing opinions was left at that and any further discussion that continued retained remarkable civility and level-headed reasoning.


Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
If I coveted names, I'd likely go the route other players have gone, reported the person as a copyright infringement when they weren't and then snatch up the name, because the GMs just took the word of the people for it.
Wait a sec, not trying to step between you and goat on this but I have to ask, do you know for certain a GM has genned someone without confirming the validity or using his own knowledge to recognise a copyright violation?

Cuz any GM that blindly gens people is misusing his authority.

The other thing which I could be wrong about is this. I thought when a name got genned it was flagged and made unavailable for future use by anyone unless the GM's reversed their decision by appeal.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Wait a sec, not trying to step between you and goat on this
Honestly we might need this. This thread's devolved into insults from both sides of the supposed argument. I don't want to be Super Happy Forum Cop, but if this thread keeps going downhill like this, I'm betting a mod will nix it because it's not anything contributing to the game, it's just a shouting match.

Maybe that'd be for the best though. At least it started out civil.



Yeah, when I started this thread I was hoping for at least something resembling a civil conversation, it has sadly quickly devolved to the point I don't think we can put it back on track ...



Is it so hard to imagine that certain people that left the game back when Enhancement Diversification came into effect....-are still gone-? What about those accounts?

Or say...people that left with the defense nerf?
Ditto the various PvP issues?

I'm sure it can at least be agreed that there are perhaps quite a few accounts that simply aren't going to be reactivated.

I'm reasonably certain there's some way of identifying -those accounts only- and perhaps cancelling them? I'm also fairly certain that those accounts are what the OP is referring to. The long dead ones.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Lets look at a specific example: a character name is held by @TRIALXXXXX

To have a global name like that, they had to exist prior to the EU server merge. This means that this account has existed for at least a year as a trial account. This account hasn't been logged into or the name would have been changed.
Actually, you are incorrect in stating this. I can log in *right now* to an account made waaaaay back when then-Cryptic announced their prestige bonus giveaway and bring up a character (I use the term loosely - it's a powerset with serial number type name) - and not change the @TrialXXXX name. I've seen a few @TrialXXXX accounts running around in game. You don't even get the "Change your global name" popup - you're just in game with @Trial XXXXX.

You're not forced to change them.

(And yes, I *did* just verify this in game.)



Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
Is it so hard to imagine that certain people that left the game back when Enhancement Diversification came into effect....-are still gone-? What about those accounts?

Or say...people that left with the defense nerf?
Ditto the various PvP issues?

I'm sure it can at least be agreed that there are perhaps quite a few accounts that simply aren't going to be reactivated.

I'm reasonably certain there's some way of identifying -those accounts only- and perhaps cancelling them? I'm also fairly certain that those accounts are what the OP is referring to. The long dead ones.

Those "long dead" accounts (the ones that are 5, 6, 7 ,8 years old) already had the names they were sitting on freed up when the devs ran the name script on two seperate occasions. Any decent names that were on those account have long since been claimed by other players.

Furthermore the devs themselves told us that most of the names that were freed up after running the script were garbage gibberish no one would want anyway.

Except for a few @trial accounts there is no mythical hoard of "cool" names being locked away on 5-8 year old accounts.

The "problem" is that it has been 4-5 years since the last time the script has been run. Also since then it has become ridiculously easy to level up characters beyond the paramaters the dev set the last time they ran the script.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Those "long dead" accounts (the ones that are 5, 6, 7 ,8 years old) already had the names they were sitting on freed up when the devs ran the name script on two seperate occasions. Any decent names that were on those account have long since been claimed by other players.

Furthermore the devs themselves told us that most of the names that were freed up after running the script were garbage gibberish no one would want anyway.

Except for a few @trial accounts there is no mythical hoard of "cool" names being locked away on 5-8 year old accounts.

The "problem" is that it has been 4-5 years since the last time the script has been run. Also since then it has become ridiculously easy to level up characters beyond the paramaters the dev set the last time they ran the script.
Ummm...they put a limit on the level of the character for those "long dead" accounts. What was it lvl 35?

Not to mention I have names on my global friends list that haven't played in over 3 years.

All that said, I thought I was keeping civil.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by LightBlack View Post
I would argue that by the end of this year, Freedom will have been out long enough for the people who are likely to return to have returned by then.

My email grace period idea was going along with what Memphis Bill suggested. I realize that emails will change (I've changed mine multiple times during the time I've played CoX) and that people won't always be able to access their account emails (I had some problems when I was temporarily overseas). Additionally, I agree that email doesn't function correctly 100% of the time. Perhaps calling it a grace period would be wrong since it won't really be a "grace period," but that doesn't mean that simply because one solution doesn't work for everyone that we shouldn't pursue it.

For those who are likely to return, you say that people have popped in and out over the years during the free reactivation weekends. Well, now they can pop in whenever they want. It's not too much to ask that they log in once or twice a year to keep the names they want.

Furthermore, given that names are required to be unique in the game, the fact that we are continuously locking up names is problematic for players who are actually playing. What's happening is that the current system is preventing actual participants (some paying) from fully enjoying things for the possibility that some people will return.

The reason why I'm suggesting the change is that since my first day of playing over five years ago, I've wanted a specific name, which I would still like. Five years later, that name is still reserved, possibly by an account which has been inactive during all of that time. Should we really be locking up names for that long from people who are currently supporting the game for those who haven't supported the game in so long?
I to would like some names opened up. Since beta I've been trying to get Profit as a character name on Justice Server. It was taken, so on every character I have ever made I friend Profit. Never online. A few months ago after free to play hit, I tried to find out the global of the toon Profit using the get_global_name command. Surprise, no Global name associated, which means the player hasn't been on since globals were invented.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Ummm...they put a limit on the level of the character for those "long dead" accounts. What was it lvl 35?
Yes it was, and when the devs set that upper limit they were looking at the datamining they had which showed them the levels of all the characters that were sitting on inactive accounts and there just wasn't enough characters over level 35 to justify a higher level setting.

Back then leveling after 35 was hard as hell, which is why there were so few level 35+ characters on inactive accounts.

Not to mention I have names on my global friends list that haven't played in over 3 years.
Not relevant. The name freeing script doesn't change a persons global name. It just flags names on the inactive accounts as available, and the fist person to claim the name gets to keep it.

All that said, I thought I was keeping civil.
I was just making it clear I wasn't taking sides in the discussion between you and Goat. I was just seeking clarification on smething you said cuz it it happened that way I agree it would be wrong.



Originally Posted by Profit View Post
I to would like some names opened up. Since beta I've been trying to get Profit as a character name on Justice Server. It was taken, so on every character I have ever made I friend Profit. Never online. A few months ago after free to play hit, I tried to find out the global of the toon Profit using the get_global_name command. Surprise, no Global name associated, which means the player hasn't been on since globals were invented.
Just out of curiosity are you sure it's not available because it's been claimed as a character name?

As I recall there was an old TV show called Profit whose main character was Jim Profit.

So theres a possibilty it was flagged as a copyright issue.



Hope its not a copyright issue. My global is @Profit.

But I have successfully gotten the name on other servers, Justice is just my home server.

I think I remember that show, wasn't that about an accoutant?

Also, it would have to be a character name for me to /friend it wouldn't it?



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Actually, you are incorrect in stating this. I can log in *right now* to an account made waaaaay back when then-Cryptic announced their prestige bonus giveaway and bring up a character (I use the term loosely - it's a powerset with serial number type name) - and not change the @TrialXXXX name. I've seen a few @TrialXXXX accounts running around in game. You don't even get the "Change your global name" popup - you're just in game with @Trial XXXXX.

You're not forced to change them.

(And yes, I *did* just verify this in game.)
While you are not forced to change them the trial accounts have a global name change token available to them to change it. Any trial account could easily change their global name.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Those "long dead" accounts (the ones that are 5, 6, 7 ,8 years old) already had the names they were sitting on freed up when the devs ran the name script on two seperate occasions. Any decent names that were on those account have long since been claimed by other players.
It was deliberately crippled from fully freeing up names. The later script runs were even more severely limited (level 5 was possible in under 2 hours).

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Furthermore the devs themselves told us that most of the names that were freed up after running the script were garbage gibberish no one would want anyway.
Because the script was specifically designed to fail to fully address the problem.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The "problem" is that it has been 4-5 years since the last time the script has been run. Also since then it has become ridiculously easy to level up characters beyond the parameters the dev set the last time they ran the script.
As a regular part of server maintenance the database should be purged (not flagged, purged) of characters and global names of long-inactive accounts. 3+ years seems to be a reasonably generous amount of time. Doing so would speed up login as the game doesn't have to sift through an ever increasing amount of data just to go from the server selection to the character screen.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Yes it was, and when the devs set that upper limit they were looking at the datamining they had which showed them the levels of all the characters that were sitting on inactive accounts and there just wasn't enough characters over level 35 to justify a higher level setting.
Yes, they deliberately crippled the script. Yes, changing it to 3 years of inactivity cripples the flagging in a different way but should open up more names on an ongoing basis without the need for intervention.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Back then leveling after 35 was hard as hell, which is why there were so few level 35+ characters on inactive accounts.
It took me around 500 hours to get to 50 back in Issue 5-7. Not exactly hard. Time consuming, yes, but not hard. Even back in 2005 there were a lot of people with 10+ level 50s. Kheldians weren't exactly hard to find.

I mis-remembered when VEATs were introduced. So this part:

Even in the first month of Issue 7 VEATs were around.

Should be replaced with this:

Even in the first month of Issue 7, level 50 Villains were around.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Profit View Post
Hope its not a copyright issue. My global is @Profit.

But I have successfully gotten the name on other servers, Justice is just my home server.

I think I remember that show, wasn't that about an accoutant?

Also, it would have to be a character name for me to /friend it wouldn't it?
I've never heard of a global getting genned for copyright issues.

A name that gets petitioned and flagged on one server doesn't necessarily get flagged on all servers.

I just recall the shows name and main character because it was on around the time I watched another show.

Not sure exactly how the friends list works. I know globals aren't automatically deleted from the list when an account gets axed, it may work the same way with character names when one gets genned. But I'm only guessing.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
It took me around 500 hours to get to 50 back in Issue 5-7. Not exactly hard. Time consuming, yes, but not hard. Even back in 2005 there were a lot of people with 10+ level 50s. Kheldians weren't exactly hard to find. Even in the first month of Issue 7 VEATs were around.
It took me until I8 to get 1 character to level 50. Most players back then weren't metagamers with stables of level 50 characters. The dev themselves said sometime around 2008-2009 in an article that only 100,000 or so characters reached level 50 since the game had launched. So at the time the name script had first been run the number of players with 50's was a very small portion of the playerbase.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The dev themselves said sometime around 2008-2009 in an article that only 100,000 or so characters reached level 50 since the game had launched. So at the time the name script had first been run the number of players with 50's was a very small portion of the playerbase.
So 100,000 characters for approximately 200,000 accounts (at the time). Are you really saying that one 50 for every 2 accounts is a "very small portion"?

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
So 100,000 characters for approximately 200,000 accounts (at the time). Are you really saying that one 50 for every 2 accounts is a "very small portion"?
Considering, IIRC, there was something like either close to or over half a billion characters created? Yeah, 100k is a very small ratio.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Considering, IIRC, there was something like either close to or over half a billion characters created? Yeah, 100k is a very small ratio.
They didn't get to half a billion by 2008.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
While you are not forced to change them the trial accounts have a global name change token available to them to change it. Any trial account could easily change their global name.
And every regular account can change their "chat handle" (IE, global) at least once, as well.

That's far different from
Originally Posted by SnowGlobe
This account hasn't been logged into or the name would have been changed.
which as stated (note the emphasis) sounds as though the change is forced, or that someone would pay attention to and care to change it, which is not a certainty at all.

Like I said, you don't even get a popup mentioning it, much less one stating "Change your global name now," nor is it forced like a regular account to be the name of your first character.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Considering, IIRC, there was something like either close to or over half a billion characters created? Yeah, 100k is a very small ratio.
Trying to find the earlier (5 year?) information. However:

On the 8 year anniversary, there were 43 million characters created.
When it comes to level 50s, they say there were 500,000 *ACCOUNTS* with a 50 - not how many characters. Which means the guy that just dinged their first 50 counts as one - and my two accounts (splitting 27 or so 50s between them) count as one each. Doesn't say how many characters were at 50.

Edit: Link.

Another edit: 7 years mentions "over 42 million characters." Doesn't say how many 50s. 'nother link.

Edit: Another link.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Not sure exactly how the friends list works. I know globals aren't automatically deleted from the list when an account gets axed, it may work the same way with character names when one gets genned. But I'm only guessing.
If you /friend someone and their name gets gen'd, they will show up in the friends list as the Generic 000 000 000 000 name they got changed to. If they give the GM's a name that is acceptable, they will rename the character and it will show as the new name on the Friend list. Some I've seen have decided to keep playing with the Generic name. If they don't log the character back in it stays as the Generic 000 000 000 000 name. I'm not sure what it does if they delete the character. It may auto-remove from the Friend list, but I can't be certain.

I've seen the name changes on the Friend list happen on a few characters.

Some I've spotted in the game and immediately added to my Friend list thinking "that won't last long" and kept an eye on it to see how quickly it was changed.

I saw one changed just as I finished adding it to the Friend list. Name, costume and Description all gen'd.

I've also added them to the Friend list just based on a comment someone made in a global channel wondering how long before they were gen'd. Some didn't take long at all.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post

It took me around 500 hours to get to 50 back in Issue 5-7. Not exactly hard. Time consuming, yes, but not hard. Even back in 2005 there were a lot of people with 10+ level 50s. Kheldians weren't exactly hard to find. Even in the first month of Issue 7 VEATs were around.
That last part was an amazing accomplishment.

Really amazing since VEAT's weren't added to the game until Issue 12.

I'm sure that there were some level 50 Villains within days of Issue 7 being released.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
That last part was an amazing accomplishment.

Really amazing since VEAT's weren't added to the game until Issue 12.

I'm sure that there were some level 50 Villains within days of Issue 7 being released.
Thanks for the correction. Yes, I meant level 50s.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Trying to find the earlier (5 year?) information. However:

On the 8 year anniversary, there were 43 million characters created.
When it comes to level 50s, they say there were 500,000 *ACCOUNTS* with a 50 - not how many characters. Which means the guy that just dinged their first 50 counts as one - and my two accounts (splitting 27 or so 50s between them) count as one each. Doesn't say how many characters were at 50.

Edit: Link.

Another edit: 7 years mentions "over 42 million characters." Doesn't say how many 50s. 'nother link.
Aha, I put in an extra zero in my memory. Soz'.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Aha, I put in an extra zero in my memory. Soz'.
Wouldn't it be 3 extra 0's to go from 500,000 to 500,000,000 in your memory?

EDIT: Not very often I get to correct Aggelakis.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.