Name Reservation Changes




Originally Posted by Fortress_NA View Post
Thanks for the offer.

Okay. But what I don't understand is, once you have a name on one or two servers, what's the point of taking it on the other ~10? No offense, but that just seems greedy to me. After all, you can only play one toon at a time -- unless you are multi-boxing?
Multiboxing is not (typically) playing on multiple servers at once. It's having two (or more) accounts on the same server and running them at the same time.

As far as why take it on other servers?
- It's "your" signature character. And you don't want to use transfers to move it.

- Defensively, so someone has to alter the name if they're trying to make you look bad - don't think it's ever happened that I can recall, but who knows.

- Kind of related to the first, but different versions of the same character, treating each server as a different dimension or timeline. Or just trying different powersets.

For instance, I've got Memphis Bill pretty much everywhere. I've talked about where the character came from before - inspired by Scuzz in DP7 (basically "sweats" acid,) I created a character for a Silver Age Sentinels game with the same issue, but strong - and yeah, borrowed the firing "spitballs" that I managed to blow up a bunker with. >.> (Epic die roll.)

COH came out, I figured, what the heck, that's who I'm making. First character. The strength was easy - Superstrength. The second powerset, though... there was no dark armor for tanks at the time, and nothing but fire fit. So, Fire/SS tank. Later, I rolled up a Spines/DA scrapper. Friends started a SG on another server - Fire/EM, just because. COV came out - alternate universe where he was initially a gang member, got too successful, was betrayed, ambushed and dumped in an industrial waste dump (which triggered the area damage and other effects) - SS/Dark Brute. Tanks finally got dark armor - Dark/SS tank. Kinetic Combat comes out - Fire/Kin tank (which, yes, was the other reason for that, as "tank" is not normally what people think of when they hear "fire/kin.") Have another that's Street Justice. Another that's a Warshade - all different ways of expressing the same character.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Multiboxing is not (typically) playing on multiple servers at once. It's having two (or more) accounts on the same server and running them at the same time.
True, and I was aware of that. If I had to guess, I would expect that multi-boxing is same-server at least 98% of the time. I just didn't want to limit my statement to exclude any possibility.

As far as why take it on other servers?
- It's "your" signature character. And you don't want to use transfers to move it.
Well, PetaVolt is my signature character (and my only 50/Incarnate), despite not getting "my" name on Guardian. I don't take advantage of all the possible character slots available to me as a VIP because I just couldn't keep all of them straight and seperate. Also, I don't feel I have exclusive "rights" to any name across all of CoH. I don't mind sharing.

- Defensively, so someone has to alter the name if they're trying to make you look bad - don't think it's ever happened that I can recall, but who knows.
I didn't think this would be a real concern, what with being able to find out a toon's global, and the knowledge that not every toon of the same name is always run by the same player.

- Kind of related to the first, but different versions of the same character, treating each server as a different dimension or timeline. Or just trying different powersets.

For instance, I've got Memphis Bill pretty much everywhere. I've talked about where the character came from before - inspired by Scuzz in DP7 (basically "sweats" acid,) I created a character for a Silver Age Sentinels game with the same issue, but strong - and yeah, borrowed the firing "spitballs" that I managed to blow up a bunker with. >.> (Epic die roll.)
Sounds like it was a game to remember.

COH came out, I figured, what the heck, that's who I'm making. First character. The strength was easy - Superstrength. The second powerset, though... there was no dark armor for tanks at the time, and nothing but fire fit. So, Fire/SS tank. Later, I rolled up a Spines/DA scrapper. Friends started a SG on another server - Fire/EM, just because. COV came out - alternate universe where he was initially a gang member, got too successful, was betrayed, ambushed and dumped in an industrial waste dump (which triggered the area damage and other effects) - SS/Dark Brute. Tanks finally got dark armor - Dark/SS tank. Kinetic Combat comes out - Fire/Kin tank (which, yes, was the other reason for that, as "tank" is not normally what people think of when they hear "fire/kin.") Have another that's Street Justice. Another that's a Warshade - all different ways of expressing the same character.
I've thought about that, and if you can keep all of your toons, and all the variants of those toons, seperate (or just don't mind not having them seperate in you mind), then more power to you. My mind boggles at the thought of trying that myself.

Because I work the night shift (and don't farm), a very large portion of my CoH time is spent soloing. As such, it is taking me quite a long time to level my toons. If I made (alternate timeline) copies of them across all the (english) servers, 95% or more of them would still be below level 5.

It took me two years just to get my "signature" (favorite might be a better term) toon to level 50 -- and that was by not playing my other 20 odd toons for large chunks of time. And I still haven't gotten my Lore pets yet, having only recently unlocked that slot.

NCSoft, Please reconsider your decision to close down CoH. It has an extremely loyal following and enjoys a great amount of free support from the larger community.

I invite everybody to add the above image to your signature as a petition to reverse NCSoft's decision.



Originally Posted by Fortress_NA View Post
Sounds like it was a game to remember.
This was, if you're familiar with game systems, the Tri-Stat version of Silver Age Sentinels. (They went to D20 later.)

I think I had upward of 20 dice of various sorts in for that one attack. The killer is it wasn't even "combat." It was sort of a tournament for new hero groups to make a name for themselves.

I had to be fairly careful of that when we finally got up to a space station... and couldn't stand in one area or near an outside wall for very long.

I've thought about that, and if you can keep all of your toons, and all the variants of those toons, seperate (or just don't mind not having them seperate in you mind), then more power to you. My mind boggles at the thought of trying that myself.
>.> If you think that's bad... well, this list is missing a few.



Originally Posted by Fortress_NA View Post
I didn't think this would be a real concern, what with being able to find out a toon's global, and the knowledge that not every toon of the same name is always run by the same player.
Never underestimate how lazy players can be. I've seen someone get pissed at his SGmate because he got in an argument with player with a similarly named character and the SG roster clearly showed the player being blamed han't been on the character in question for over a month.

The guy that had been the jerk had used the old "L" for "I" substitution to get the same name.