Name Reservation Changes




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Unless the devs publicly post a list of the names that the script freed up, or some indicator that identifies a name as being one that was made available by the purge, we all qualify as nobody under the conditions Goat specified.

However outside those specific conditions, "nobody" doesn't apply.
I'd know, if it's a name I check on regularly.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I want all customers treated equally well, whether currently subscribed or not.
So do I. However we seem to have different definitions of the term "customer".

I use the dictionary version: "a person who buys". You use the term to mean "anyone who has ever bought and might never return".

After 3 years of not buying, they aren't a customer anymore. They aren't even on the radar for being a potential customer.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
We've had long absent returnees saying otherwise, demolishing your pretense of omniscience.
Very, very few going by the forum posts. We're likely talking about a few hundred accounts versus 60-70 thousand gone. At some point a line has to be drawn.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Fortunately you're not running this show or the current anniversary party would more likely be a wake.
Who is pretending to be omniscient now? Oh, right, you probably know the answer to that. I guess I didn't need to say it.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Which is more likely, some people who haven't subscribed in many years coming back to check it out for free, or NOBODY EVER coming back after some arbitrary cutoff date?
Actually, it isn't that black and white. I'll agree that some players that haven't subscribed in many years will come back. However after almost a year of being free to play and a bunch of free activation weekends some former players have not come back and most of those former players likely never will. These people not coming back isn't the result of the naming policy.

Would some people be upset over having to change name or change servers to get the same name? Possibly. Would these same people think that Paragon Studios keeping names reserved for up to 3 years of inactivity is generous? More than likely.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
The statement "nobody will ever come back after 3+ years" is ridiculous, whatever your personal opinion of the validity of individual forum posts.
You're right, I should have said "an infinitesimally small number of players will ever come back after 3+ years being absent. More than likely, less than 1% of those who have left."

I also did say is that after 3 years of being absent, they have ceased to be a customer and preference should be given to active players (especially subscribers) over former customers. I stand by that comment.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I've already pointed out that former customers aren't the same thing as non-customers. Not sure why this is hard for some of y'all to understand.
  • We agree that active subscribers are, in fact, customers.
  • We agree that inactive, but still paying, subscribers are, in fact, customers. Basically if their subscription hasn't run out, they are still customers.
  • We agree that active F2P & Premium players are, in fact, potential customers.
What we don't agree on is what to do with the former customers. Former customers, if long absent, should not have the same rights as either customers or potential customers. By giving long absent former customers the same rights as customers & potential customers the developers are telling their customers and potential customers that their patronage isn't as valued as people that have left the game.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
The patent unreality of an opinion like "nobody who's ever been away three or more years will ever come back" does the "demonizing" for me.

My position, that some really old accounts will return to the game, is vastly more credible than its opposite.
Some will. However I have faith that most people are far more reasonable than you are and would shrug off having to change the character name if they've been gone for 3+ years.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
When guessing, I like to err on the side of not alienating potential customers.
I would side with existing customers over long absent former customers in a heartbeat. Potential is no good if not used.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Especially when the supposed "benefit" would be completely invisible to current subscribers.
This point has nothing to do with the issue at hand. It literally doesn't matter if the game popped up saying "hey, you got a name that a former customer took long ago" or "hey, you got an available name". In either case, the current customer is happy because they got a name they wanted. That should be the goal, not keeping someone that couldn't be bothered to even log into the game to check it out after the company has given them ample opportunity to do so.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Some old accounts will come back.
Gamers being how they are, if their names get jacked they'll be pissed.
There goes that potential ongoing revenue stream.
At its peak, this game was up to around 200k subscribers. Now it is likely sitting around 100k-130k. How many of the remaining do you expect to come back? How long do you expect them to stay?

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
You know who'll be all giddy that they got one of those freed up names?
NOBODY, because they'll never know it belonged to an old account.
I know I was. Then again, I'm pretty much always happy when I get a name that I want on the first try.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Unless the devs publicly post a list of the names that the script freed up, or some indicator that identifies a name as being one that was made available by the purge, we all qualify as nobody under the conditions Goat specified.

However outside those specific conditions, "nobody" doesn't apply.
Again, your willingness to pick and choose is amusing. Let's first look at what Nethergoat said.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
You know who'll be all giddy that they got one of those freed up names?
NOBODY, because they'll never know it belonged to an old account.
According to Nethergoat's argument, you can't be giddy about receiving a freed name because you don't know whether or not it belonged to an old account.

Let's be real, people can be giddy about receiving a freed name regardless of whether or not they know it belonged to an old account. If I got a name I wanted, I'd be happy. The jump in logic from the argument [If you don't know if a name belongs to an old account,] to the conclusion [then you can't be giddy about receiving a freed name.] leaves the conclusion to fall on its face.

Furthermore, we are quite capable of watching names. Look at Snow Globe, BrandX, myself and yourself. Snow Globe was able to get the name Strobe. Because of this thread, you have checked names you've wanted and gotten some of them.

If I knew that a name freeing occurred and had been watching that name for a long time before the name freeing (during which it was reserved) and after the name freeing (after which it was no longer reserved), there would be good reason to believe that the name was freed by the change. Would I know for sure why the name was freed? Not necessarily, but that doesn't make it impossible.

Additionally, when I responded, I didn't agree to the poorly set confines, which I consequently expanded: "So the people who have watched and claimed the names they've wanted be freed either by player choice or by developer choice qualify as 'NOBODY'?"

Nethergoat's argument fails in itself. "NOBODY" can't apply under the previously set conditions.



Originally Posted by LightBlack View Post
Again, your willingness to pick and choose is amusing. Let's first look at what Nethergoat said.

According to Nethergoat's argument, you can't be giddy about receiving a freed name because you don't know whether or not it belonged to an old account.

Let's be real, people can be giddy about receiving a freed name regardless of whether or not they know it belonged to an old account. If I got a name I wanted, I'd be happy. The jump in logic from the argument [If you don't know if a name belongs to an old account,] to the conclusion [then you can't be giddy about receiving a freed name.] leaves the conclusion to fall on its face.

Furthermore, we are quite capable of watching names. Look at Snow Globe, BrandX, myself and yourself. Snow Globe was able to get the name Strobe. Because of this thread, you have checked names you've wanted and gotten some of them.

If I knew that a name freeing occurred and had been watching that name for a long time before the name freeing (during which it was reserved) and after the name freeing (after which it was no longer reserved), there would be good reason to believe that the name was freed by the change. Would I know for sure why the name was freed? Not necessarily, but that doesn't make it impossible.

Additionally, when I responded, I didn't agree to the poorly set confines, which I consequently expanded: "So the people who have watched and claimed the names they've wanted be freed either by player choice or by developer choice qualify as 'NOBODY'?"

Nethergoat's argument fails in itself. "NOBODY" can't apply under the previously set conditions.
What's funny is how you insist on ignoring the one condition Goat set that cannot be met under the current procedure the devs use to free names unless you personally know for a fact the owner of the account reserving the name is an absentee player.

You can go thru all the mental gymnastics you like, You can't boast to have gotten a name from an abandonded account if you have no way to confirm it was on an abandonded in the first place.

And your argument that a name freed up by another player meets Goats conditions is laughable. If a player is logged into the game and deleting a character, the account isn't abandonded and wouldn't be subject to the name purge script.



Sounds like what needs to be done then, is have Paragon Studios spam those inactive accounts with emails saying "If you're not going to login anymore, please login to delete your characters and free up the names for active users"

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



This thread is even more like a particularly stupid dog interminably chasing its own tail than most, so I'll sum up and sign off.

Regarding character names, embracing the status quo leads has no down side.

Nobody really cares about "taken names". Names are largely a "black box"- other than devs, nobody knows what names belong to what account, active or inactive.

No player, not even the ones screaming about the tyranny of the evil name-squatters, will hurl their toys at the wall and stomp off because they didn't get a first choice name. They'll come up with another name they like and continue playing.

Meanwhile purging names will definitely antagonize returning customers to zero benefit.

And that's a bad idea, however you feel about the rights of inactive vs current accounts.

An invisible, intangible benefit you get no credit for vs. a concrete harm visited on potential future customers is no contest.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Regarding character names, embracing the status quo leads has no down side.
It ticks off currently active players looking for a name they want.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Nobody really cares about "taken names".
Entirely subjective. You don't, others do. Nothing quantifiable.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Names are largely a "black box"- other than devs, nobody knows what names belong to what account, active or inactive.
This is about the only thing that I agree with you about on this subject. It is also completely irrelevant to the discussion. Besides which it is easy to find which global is attached to a character name.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
No player, not even the ones screaming about the tyranny of the evil name-squatters, will hurl their toys at the wall and stomp off because they didn't get a first choice name. They'll come up with another name they like and continue playing.
Likewise, those returning will make new names if the name squatters come back. Which type of player would Paragon Studios be better to support? The player that will continue to play. Does the studio really want someone is that so fickle as to briefly return and then quit playing again? I don't think so.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Meanwhile purging names will definitely antagonize returning customers to zero benefit.
And, exactly, how many of these customers are returning after 3+ years are we talking about? Compare that number with the number of active (ie. those logging in to play on a regular basis). If the amount of former customers are a significant percentage of currently active customers then you have a valid argument for the status quo. If, on the other hand, the amount of returning players is a fraction of a percentage point, then the benefits of changing the policy become clear.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
And that's a bad idea, however you feel about the rights of inactive vs current accounts.
If, using made up numbers, 10% of current accounts would like to have access to the names of the 40% long-inactive accounts, but only 0.5% (or even 1%) of those long inactive accounts would ever come back, then it is better to appeal to the current accounts. If, by some miracle, 10%-20% of the long active accounts were to return, then I would agree with you. That is something I doubt Paragon Studios could pull off.

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
An invisible, intangible benefit you get no credit for vs. a concrete harm visited on potential future customers is no contest.
Translation: An iffy benefit vs an iffy harm. You are quick to say that there isn't a benefit, despite people wanting names they can't get now. Yet, on the other hand you hold up a harm that might happen (unless you truly don't know what the meaning of "potential" is) and declare that as solid evidence of why this shouldn't happen.

You are in the same position you declare others are in: you are trying to prove an intangible.

I'm not saying that. I'm saying that, based on the evidence I can see, I think that the potential costs aren't equally important as the potential benefits. Paragon Studios would get some good PR with their active players at a cost of a small portion of the players that have basically abandoned the game.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'd know, if it's a name I check on regularly.
And how do you know this name isn't blocked for other reasons?

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
And how do you know this name isn't blocked for other reasons?
Well some of them do have globals attached. And I have said, I could be wrong.

What Im suggesting may not even free up names Im looking at, or other people are looking for. However, it doesn't hurt to do it either.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
It ticks off currently active players looking for a name they want.
Corrected form:

It ticks off a very few currently active players who are inflexible on a specific name and assume it's taken by an inactive account (as opposed to someone they never see, blocked for other reasons, etc.)

Really, the only people who can say with anything CLOSE to certainty that doing this "inactive account name purge" bit would give them the name they HAVE to have are those that *know* the name is on an account with no global. And they don't know if it's since been blocked for other reasons. It may get "freed up" (or rather, currently be other than being on that account) only to be on a block list implemented later. Which means, of course, that even with the name script mentioned run, it will always (on that server at least) be shown as "owned" by a name with no global.

Now, those same accounts with no global have *already* had any names under 35 nuked - and that's where the majority of characters are. Globals came in in either issue 3 or 4.

So we're looking at the top 15 levels (in some cases, just 5, as some of those accounts may well have gone inactive before the level cap was brought up to 50 heroside) ...

How many "must have" names do you think can be guaranteed to be in that category?

Assuming about *any other* name is just that - assuming. Having them on a friends list means exactly nothing, as it could be someone who only manages to log on - say - twice a month during hours other than when you're on.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Corrected form:

It ticks off a very few currently active players who are inflexible on a specific name and assume it's taken by an inactive account (as opposed to someone they never see, blocked for other reasons, etc.)
Except that I know the current blocked lists (censored and copyrighted names lists). I don't need to assume a name isn't being blocked by Paragon Studios.

Even going beyond that, I agree that the name check needs to have a clearer message. If the name is being blocked due to the game censor, the game should say so. If the name is being blocked due to copyright issues, the game should say so. Either of these cases should bring up a warning explaining that the name violates the EULA and that if the player tries to get around the censor list that their account could be permanently closed.

However if the name is being taken by a long-inactive account (again, 3+ years), then the game should free the name for use by the active player.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Really, the only people who can say with anything CLOSE to certainty that doing this "inactive account name purge" bit would give them the name they HAVE to have are those that *know* the name is on an account with no global.
Step back a moment. The only things a player needs to know in relation to this:
  • Is if the name is available or not?
  • Does Paragon Studios have a policy in place to free up names from the following types of accounts:
    • Permanently banned accounts. There shouldn't be any issue for these accounts to be purged. Add the offensive names to either the censored list or the copyrighted list and purge the account after 60 days. That effectively should deal with all servers at the same time.
    • Long inactive trial accounts.
    • Long term inactive accounts.
You, and others, keep trying to say that players need to know where the name comes from. The players don't need that information. The players need to know if the name is available and the Paragon Studios wants to treat active accounts better than long absent accounts.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
And they don't know if it's since been blocked for other reasons. It may get "freed up" (or rather, currently be other than being on that account) only to be on a block list implemented later. Which means, of course, that even with the name script mentioned run, it will always (on that server at least) be shown as "owned" by a name with no global.
If a name is on one of the two blocked lists, the in-game error message needs to be clear about it.

Additionally, the name should be checked vs all servers at the time of being blocked and the following actions taken:
  • If the same name is on other servers, those characters get the generic/ban hammer applied.
  • The name gets put onto one of the two mentioned lists and included with the next available patch (they are simple text files).
  • After 60 days (2 months), the names should be already patched and the characters already made generic or renamed by the GMs.
  • If the account has been perma-banned, the characters on the account should be purged.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Now, those same accounts with no global have *already* had any names under 35 nuked - and that's where the majority of characters are. Globals came in in either issue 3 or 4.

So we're looking at the top 15 levels (in some cases, just 5, as some of those accounts may well have gone inactive before the level cap was brought up to 50 heroside) ...
Seriously? It doesn't matter. After 7+ years of inactivity, every character on an account that long absent should be subject to the names being freed.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
How many "must have" names do you think can be guaranteed to be in that category?
How many names freed is secondary to an open policy stating that names will be freed up on long-term inactive accounts on a regular basis.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



All that and you missed the point of what I said completely.

My *point* is going more toward the people complaining (or otherwise "assured") that their oh so must have name would be freed by doing this.

My *point* is that the number of people who do know there's a name with no global they want have got to be *miniscule.* And that everyone else who makes this complaint is *guessing.*

Unless, of course, they know the player personally, in which case they can ask them to go through the whole "get in touch with CS, reset your PW, log in and delete the character" instead of making threads complaining.

I am *not,* and never *have* said they need to know "where the name comes from."

I *am* saying "currently active players looking for a name they want" - who ASSUME this sort of thing, regardless of parameters, will free up the name they *have* to have - are *assuming* in most cases, and that's not something to base an action or even suggestion like this on.

Mind you, I agree that if a name is *blocked* the player should be told instead of given the generic message they get now, and that banned accounts - after a reasonable appeal period (60 days max to start the process) should get purged.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
All that and you missed the point of what I said completely.

My *point* is going more toward the people complaining (or otherwise "assured") that their oh so must have name would be freed by doing this.

My *point* is that the number of people who do know there's a name with no global they want have got to be *miniscule.* And that everyone else who makes this complaint is *guessing.*
And you missed *my point* that your points are immaterial next to having a clearly stated policy showing that names will be freed up. After that, if a player can't get the name then they KNOW that another active player has the name. They wouldn't *have* to guess. At that point, they could have a reasonable expectation that they might be able to contact the other player in hopes to possibly negotiate. They might not get the name still, but at least the player isn't left guessing if the name is taken by an active player or not.

Maybe the name holder reserved the name on other servers that they aren't playing on, who knows. All I do know is that players would at least know that someone might be actively using the character as opposed to rotting in a digital limbo.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Unless, of course, they know the player personally, in which case they can ask them to go through the whole "get in touch with CS, reset your PW, log in and delete the character" instead of making threads complaining.
The suggestion would bypass the need to get in touch with CS.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I am *not,* and never *have* said they need to know "where the name comes from."

I *am* saying "currently active players looking for a name they want" - who ASSUME this sort of thing, regardless of parameters, will free up the name they *have* to have - are *assuming* in most cases, and that's not something to base an action or even suggestion like this on.
With the suggestion, and open policy, current players would not have to guess. They would know if the name is blocked (with the appropriate message) or held by an active account.
  • If the account is considered as long term inactive, then the name seamlessly finds a new home.
  • If the account is considered to be short term inactive, the player should be told "Sorry, this name is in use by a currently inactive account. You may try this name again in XXX days."
  • If the account is considered active, the player should be told "Sorry, this name is in use by another active account."
  • If the name is on the censored list, the player should be told "Sorry, this name is a violation of the EULA. If you attempt to bypass this warning with a similar name, your account may be acted upon in accordance with the EULA." (with link).
  • If the name is on the copyrighted list, the player should be told "Sorry, this name is a violation of the EULA. If you attempt to bypass this warning with a similar name, your account may be acted upon in accordance with the EULA." (with link).
No guesswork, just a polite error message telling you why the name isn't available.
Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Mind you, I agree that if a name is *blocked* the player should be told instead of given the generic message they get now, and that banned accounts - after a reasonable appeal period (60 days max to start the process) should get purged.
Well that is something we agree on at least.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I've tried to look through the fifteen pages of this thread before replying; if someone has indeed already voiced what I'm about to say, my apologies.

For the most part, I think our system works very well, even eight years later. In fact, the only change I'd make would be to free up names held by banned accounts.

I would also caution some of the people calling for less restrictive policies for names. Regardless of how long a player has been gone, most of them put serious time, effort and love into their characters, and having their names poached while they were gone would be very upsetting not just to them but also to those of us who knew and played with them. In the case of level 50s, the names should be inviolate. Those characters have earned recognition, and honoring their names as such seems very appropriate.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
With the suggestion, and open policy, current players would not have to guess. They would know if the name is blocked (with the appropriate message) or held by an active account.
  • If the account is considered as long term inactive, then the name seamlessly finds a new home.
  • If the account is considered to be short term inactive, the player should be told "Sorry, this name is in use by a currently inactive account. You may try this name again in XXX days."
  • If the account is considered active, the player should be told "Sorry, this name is in use by another active account."
  • If the name is on the censored list, the player should be told "Sorry, this name is a violation of the EULA. If you attempt to bypass this warning with a similar name, your account may be acted upon in accordance with the EULA." (with link).
  • If the name is on the copyrighted list, the player should be told "Sorry, this name is a violation of the EULA. If you attempt to bypass this warning with a similar name, your account may be acted upon in accordance with the EULA." (with link).
No guesswork, just a polite error message telling you why the name isn't available.
I'm.... wary of some of those, to be honest. The last two to me are fine. The first one would be invisible - the person would just have the name. The ones in the middle should just be limited to "Name in use." No timers or anything.

I know the wariness sounds a little odd, perhaps, but I just wouldn't want to see people pestered if someone, say, saw a name would be "available in 30 days," had the owner log in 15 days later (they were at school and break started, or some such) and then start getting harrassed by the person who wanted it or whatnot.



Originally Posted by Kurrent View Post
I would also caution some of the people calling for less restrictive policies for names. Regardless of how long a player has been gone, most of them put serious time, effort and love into their characters, and having their names poached while they were gone would be very upsetting not just to them but also to those of us who knew and played with them. In the case of level 50s, the names should be inviolate. Those characters have earned recognition, and honoring their names as such seems very appropriate.
After several years of account inactivity (edit: in other word they aren't supporting the game), they have forfeited all rights to the names. They are not supporting the game in any shape or form. If they were seriously valuing the time, effort, and love into their characters they would log into their account now that the game has gone Free to Play. If they can't be bothered to do so, then it is obvious that they don't care.

Also, if you were serious about recognizing level 50 characters, then there should be a spot where people could see a list of characters that have reached that goal.

However you are talking about less than 100 hours of playtime these days, and that isn't even trying very hard. Less than a month's play (or even a single Day Job badge) doesn't deserve to be treated as inviolate. Also, what happens when the player tries to rename their level 50? Does that get prevented? If not, then the name is just like any other.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I'm.... wary of some of those, to be honest. The last two to me are fine. The first one would be invisible - the person would just have the name. The ones in the middle should just be limited to "Name in use." No timers or anything.

I know the wariness sounds a little odd, perhaps, but I just wouldn't want to see people pestered if someone, say, saw a name would be "available in 30 days," had the owner log in 15 days later (they were at school and break started, or some such) and then start getting harrassed by the person who wanted it or whatnot.
I would think that if the player with the name logged into the account at day 29 that the next time the player that wanted the name would get the "Sorry, this name is in use by another active account." message. If harassment follows, the GMs can, and will, deal with the harasser.

Would the "taken" messages be better phrased as "Sorry, this name is already in use by an account. Please see the naming policy as to when the name might be available."?

At that point, they could add a name watch list so that if the name is freed up, the player gets a notification that it is available.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
And what do people say about those names you listed? Lame
How DARE you say that about Barda!

Also I'd like to add:

opposition to this as outlined is just ridiculous.

you guys are claiming that people who are NOT playing a free-to-play game, are NOT spending any money to support it, and who have NOT logged into their account in years are going to be SO PISSED at this change that... WHAT? They STOP PLAYING? OH, Heavens to Betsy, won't someone think of the SUBSCRIBERS TO OTHER MMOS?!?!?!?!

The name reservation thing doesn't even have to be that complicated. It takes literally ZERO DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS to log into the game, reserve a few characters' names and be done with it.

When a friend of mine hopped back in to the free-to-play model, he ACCIDENTALLY WASTED two of his character slot unlocks and was still satisfied at the ability to play his old character again. I'm confident that if he'd screwed up and had to create a new character from scratch he wouldn't be upset at all, because you have a heck of a lot more options now than you did before.

Cost of business of performing sweep and unlocking old names reserved by outdated accounts: zero.
Cost of lost sales: zero.
Cost in time/effort of person performing sql query: Probably not much, I'm sure someone would do it for a donut or something rather than trolling the forums for a few more hours. and that's assuming they have to learn what sql is first.

benefits of performing operation:
people who haven't played the game in years hear they need to log in to reserve their old characters' names and maybe they do.
people who don't give a damn continue to not give a damn.
some people who are currently playing create new characters, assume that the awesome name they just got was one freed up from sweep, rejoice.
contented that they've done some good for the world, the paragon developers enjoy a relaxing game of Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure. (link: )

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Super Hero Comics have a long tradition of creating heroes with odd, satirical, or down right silly names. Some of them have their own comics and others are destined to be supporting characters.

<snip extensive list for brevity>
You missed one from Marvel: Strong Guy.

NCSoft, Please reconsider your decision to close down CoH. It has an extremely loyal following and enjoys a great amount of free support from the larger community.

I invite everybody to add the above image to your signature as a petition to reverse NCSoft's decision.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Sounds like what needs to be done then, is have Paragon Studios spam those inactive accounts with emails saying "If you're not going to login anymore, please login to delete your characters and free up the names for active users"
Personally about once a year I do a spring cleaning and go thru my characters and delete around 100 characters whose concepts never took off.



Originally Posted by Fortress_NA View Post
You missed one from Marvel: Strong Guy.
Oh I missed a lot of names. I also only posted names from the big two. DC/Marvel. I didn't touch the smaller even non US comic book companies.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Personally about once a year I do a spring cleaning and go thru my characters and delete around 100 characters whose concepts never took off.
That means over 100 character creations each year?

I've been in CoH for about 3.5 years now, and probably haven't made more than 50 -- total. Of which I still have about 40. I tend to make a toon only if I have a 'working concept' to start with, and/or a name. Yes, I have decided to not make a toon if I couldn't design a name that was available -- and that is after at least 4-6 tries at re-working the name in some way.

I tried to get "ThunderFist" on Guardian (my first server, and first toon). N/A. I tried "Thunderfist" - N/A. So I tried KiloVolt. N/A. MegaVolt. N/A. GigaVolt. N/A. TeraVolt. N/A. PetaVolt. Available! But I still dream about being able to rename him to ThunderFist, since he is based upon a TableTop character of mine with that name.

I did get ThunderFist on Exalted, btw.

NCSoft, Please reconsider your decision to close down CoH. It has an extremely loyal following and enjoys a great amount of free support from the larger community.

I invite everybody to add the above image to your signature as a petition to reverse NCSoft's decision.



Originally Posted by Fortress_NA View Post
That means over 100 character creations each year?

I've been in CoH for about 3.5 years now, and probably haven't made more than 50 -- total. Of which I still have about 40. I tend to make a toon only if I have a 'working concept' to start with, and/or a name. Yes, I have decided to not make a toon if I couldn't design a name that was available -- and that is after at least 4-6 tries at re-working the name in some way.

I tried to get "ThunderFist" on Guardian (my first server, and first toon). N/A. I tried "Thunderfist" - N/A. So I tried KiloVolt. N/A. MegaVolt. N/A. GigaVolt. N/A. TeraVolt. N/A. PetaVolt. Available! But I still dream about being able to rename him to ThunderFist, since he is based upon a TableTop character of mine with that name.

I did get ThunderFist on Exalted, btw.
Oh yeah. For example, this thread inspired me to check the availability of three particular names that are critical to a themed SG concept/name. To my delight the names were available on 10 servers, so I grabbed them and formed the SG on each server. Sure the other 7 names the SG concept requires are just as important but they are so unusual that the only way they'd get used is by someone trying to be a jerk and snagging it just to keep me from filling out my SG rosters. So because they are unusual I don't have to rush to get them reserved ASAP.

Oh and if I had Thunderfist on any server I'd gladly give it up for you.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Oh yeah. For example, this thread inspired me to check the availability of three particular names that are critical to a themed SG concept/name. To my delight the names were available on 10 servers, so I grabbed them and formed the SG on each server. Sure the other 7 names the SG concept requires are just as important but they are so unusual that the only way they'd get used is by someone trying to be a jerk and snagging it just to keep me from filling out my SG rosters. So because they are unusual I don't have to rush to get them reserved ASAP.

Oh and if I had Thunderfist on any server I'd gladly give it up for you.
Thanks for the offer.

Okay. But what I don't understand is, once you have a name on one or two servers, what's the point of taking it on the other ~10? No offense, but that just seems greedy to me. After all, you can only play one toon at a time -- unless you are multi-boxing?

NCSoft, Please reconsider your decision to close down CoH. It has an extremely loyal following and enjoys a great amount of free support from the larger community.

I invite everybody to add the above image to your signature as a petition to reverse NCSoft's decision.



Originally Posted by Fortress_NA View Post
Thanks for the offer.

Okay. But what I don't understand is, once you have a name on one or two servers, what's the point of taking it on the other ~10? No offense, but that just seems greedy to me. After all, you can only play one toon at a time -- unless you are multi-boxing?
I like the theme (It's also unusual enough that except for two of the names I need, no one will want the names I'm using) and I play on multiple servers. For example Tanker Tuesdays meets on different servers each week and weekend so if I want to participate more than once a month I need characters on multiple servers.

Also playing on as many servers as possible means I can always find a team when I'm in the mood. If one server is dead I can find something going on on another server by keeping an eye on the global channels.

Besides I'm paying $15 bucks a month for 192 character slots, it seems awfully wasteful for me not to use them. And I'm far from unusual. Many players not only play on multiple servers, but they have multiple accounts as well. Sometimes as many as 4, 5 and 6 accounts, and since Freedom went live we don't have to pay for those extra accounts anymore.

The biggest attractions to this game is our ability to create several dozen characters, and satisfy our altitis.

Of course there's nothing wrong with a person limiting himself to one character on one server. Hey that's what Free accounts are for. There's room in this game for everyone.

Well everyone except the inhabitants of the moons of Saturn. They can find their own damn game. Smelly methane breathers.