What power do you have on auto?




Unless I'm playing a stalker, I always put an attack on auto. For Katana or Broadsword, it's Parry. For claws, it's Follow Up. If I'm playing a blaster, I do exactly what VKhaun does and keep a blap on auto (in case something creeps up on me, I can just switch targets and smack him real quick).

On any other character, it's usually my fastest recharging melee attack. I got into the habit of doing this back when my computer was crap and I played a tanker. The lag was so bad that I wanted to be attacking (working Gauntlet) as often as possible even when I couldn't see what the hell was going on - you know, so my team mates wouldn't think I was slacking.

I never put things like Hasten or even Practiced Brawler on auto. I've tried it, but I'm just so used to getting near a guy and letting an attack fire off, it just felt weird. Like when you're surfing your favorite website and decide to switch hands.

Oh, and Happy 100th Post to me!

Larry: Owen, what the hell did you do to my wife?
Owen: Well I don't want to say on the phone - all I can tell you is that I killed her last night.



Click Mez protection are always on auto, and take priority. This includes Clarion if my squishies have it high enough in tier to be Perma.

Aside from that, Hasten is usually on auto if it is near perma.

If I have two+ clicks that are permeable, I usually auto the one with the lower duration/recharge rate. Such cases would be Domination, Rage, etc.



Definitely Hasten on those I take it, PB on my /SR chars, and on my /nrg blaster I tend to put Boost Range on auto when I'm high enough

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Most that i auto have already been mentioned. Some though aren't always on. On my healer types i have the key for my PBAOE heal (healing aura, etc) bound to toggle auto for it on or off when hit so I can turn it on during battle and off when not needed by just hitting a key.



Hasten, or a rotating auto-queue (done either by bind/loadfiles or making each movement key switch auto powers).

TW/Elec Optimization



Zip. I find it annoying especially when my attacks are interrupted and even though I play a lot of melee toons I avoid the sets with click antimez.



Im a bit of a noob so it usually has to be [Rest] thats on auto *sigh* .

[Hasten] really though ^^.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



For Shield Defense: Active Defense

For Super Reflexes: Practiced Brawler

On practically everyone else: A melee attack, if they have a meaningful melee attack. Otherwise, nothing.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Nothing. Not even Practised Brawler. I dislike not having direct control over when something fires and I HATE having an auto power trigger right when I'm just a hit away from killing something dangerous like a Sapper and getting hit with a nasty effect. I find it simple enough to put things like Active Defence in places on my tabs where I can see them recharge and use them whenever I see them.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Hasten on all characters, except those who have status toggles (I.E. Super Reflexes)



Every melee character has an attack on auto, usually a tier one or two with a proc or two in it. It just keeps the damage flowing faster in real team situations in my experience. I will try and always use the best available DPA attack or an appropriate AoE. I know this flies in the face of most melee players, but it allows me to focus more on target acquisition/positioning while knowing I will hit immediately upon entering range. Sure, there's the occasional unintended agro acquisition from flyby smacks, but I build for survival so there's no real consequence to it. Often I will put a high damage fast melee attack on auto for blasters (Ice sword, Bonesmasher, etc.) to deal with close opponents. I know the practice is not for everyone, but it works for me.



Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
If I'm the low-on-the-totem-pole toon in the group (usually a TF), then you're D# right I'm gonna set HA to auto and try to stay out of NPC melee range unless needed. With my arthritis, hitting HA everytime it recharges was killer.
Beltor had a good suggestion to set a toggle for this if you absolutely need it on auto, so it's not firing constantly outside of combat. I actually have HA set to mousechord, and that makes it pretty easy for me to fire it (with my approaching-arthritic-fingers), since I'm usually using the mouse to move anyway.



Farsight on my time masterminds. Hasten, sometimes one of the shields to remind me to rebuff. Never an attack, though I suppose that could be useful during the rare super-lag moments.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by InOnePiece View Post
It drives me nuts when players put HA on auto, except maybe during a big combat. It's noisy, annoying, and doesn't display a lot of skill with the powerset.
Agreed, but sometimes it's all we healbots can do to ensure everyone doesn't die.

For the record, I only use it during iTrials at this point... Unless I'm with some of my cohorts who insist at running always at +4/x8, those suicidal bastards. Otherwise, my empath runs Hasten auto.

Hell, if I take Hasten, it's usually auto. Practiced Brawler on my MA/SR. During intense battles with a damage character, I'll set Build Up/analogue or AT click power on auto.

I did once run Brawl auto and tab+F'd through a mission while eating. It was quaint.

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Originally Posted by 4_Thirty_5 View Post
I did once run Brawl auto and tab+F'd through a mission while eating. It was quaint.
How funny you should mention that... back to that in a second...

All my characters tend to get Hasten, so that's usually the one that's on Auto. Unless it's a really heal-intensive thing, and I'm on one of my healer 'trollers, so the Heal All is on that, and I watch Hasten. Like the old Hami raid would be.

But... I have one character for which the Auto simply has to be in the only offensive power he uses, and that's Brawl. Auto-bap.

Even certain +3 bosses fall. Honest. Takes a while, but it happens. And I've had witnesses, I think, that've seen it.

/However, he doesn't do so well with Romans. Fracking Romans... *shakes head, mumbles under his breath, and stalks off...*

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Originally Posted by houtex View Post
But... I have one character for which the Auto simply has to be in the only offensive power he uses, and that's Brawl. Auto-bap.
Nothing beats the feeling of having a pure Empath pop someone in the face for a kill.

I've done plenty of EB/AV killstealing with my little Empath, thanks to Brawl. I cheer out loud when it happens. :3

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Penny Arcade Expo (PAX Prime) Enforcer (2005-present) - NCSoft Gold Assistant (2007-2008) ♦ Child's Play!



Boost Range, Domination or Hasten usually.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Hasten, Kuji-In-Rin, and Domination - Originally I set up a bind file to alternate between Domination and Hasten but That grew problematic so I set Domination to auto and hasten to tilde.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Status Proctection click-powers like Practiced Brawler, Hasten, Destiny Powers like Clarion, Rage, Boost Range.

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew