Looking for a secondary for Illusion...




I want to make a new Illusion controller. I plan on doing DFB all the way to 22, so levelling to that point is not particularly a concern. What I want is a secondary that gels very well with Illusion from that point on, preferably to 50 and Incarnate content.

I've already got a buffer-type controller, so I'm primarily looking for a secondary that debuffs extremely well. I'm not particularly sure how exactly the illusory damage from Phantom Army and Spectral Wounds works. Do -res powers work with them?

What I would really like is to hit really hard. I primarily solo, and do not want a secondary that is primarily oriented towards shields, because after running kinetics and thermal, I am utterly sick of renewing shields. However, I don't want to be the sort of player who is hugely annoying when I do group with people (so I am somewhat leery of taking /storm, though if I am told it's exactly what I should take, I'll just adjust my playstyle).

I'm currently leaning towards /rad, but I'm wondering if I can somehow get more -res from another secondary. How well does poison work with an Illuson controller?



Pretty much anything works with illusion. Poison is kind of a sub-par set though.
Dark, storm, and cold (although cold has shields) are going to get you the most -res as you can double stack their -res debuffs with enough recharge.
Storm is great for soloing and works well in groups if you're careful about how you use your powers, but it is a chaotic playstyle and takes some practice to make the most out of it. Dark is a very defensive set, but pretty easy to use and very effective. Cold has shields, but is also a strong debuffing set against hard targets. Rad has less -res than the others, but it's an excellent option and accelerate metabolism helps you get PA out more often.



Originally Posted by Rigged View Post
I want to make a new Illusion controller. I plan on doing DFB all the way to 22, so levelling to that point is not particularly a concern. What I want is a secondary that gels very well with Illusion from that point on, preferably to 50 and Incarnate content.

I've already got a buffer-type controller, so I'm primarily looking for a secondary that debuffs extremely well. I'm not particularly sure how exactly the illusory damage from Phantom Army and Spectral Wounds works. Do -res powers work with them?

What I would really like is to hit really hard. I primarily solo, and do not want a secondary that is primarily oriented towards shields, because after running kinetics and thermal, I am utterly sick of renewing shields. However, I don't want to be the sort of player who is hugely annoying when I do group with people (so I am somewhat leery of taking /storm, though if I am told it's exactly what I should take, I'll just adjust my playstyle).

I'm currently leaning towards /rad, but I'm wondering if I can somehow get more -res from another secondary. How well does poison work with an Illuson controller?
First and foremost, you should read my Illusion/Radiation Guide. See the link in my sig. That will give you an understanding of Spectral (Illusory) Damage and strategies to make best use of it.

The first thing to consider is whether the secondary will make Phantom Army better. Because PA can't be buffed, you need Defense Debuff, Resistance Debuff and a Recharge buff to get them out faster. Only two secondaries have all three -- Rad and Time. Another advantage of both -- you get a self-heal and a Recovery buff in both sets.

If you choose to go with a set other than Rad or Time (or Kinetics), then you will need to build for a lot more Recharge if you hope for a Perma-PA build. Kinetics can get a Recharge buff from Siphon Speed (must have foes to siphon off of), but Kinetics lacks Defense and Resistance Debuffs. It also has some synergy problems with Phantasm's knockback, and because Kinetics puts you in melee when Illusion is really better as a ranged set.

I have played Ill/Rad (x2), Ill/Storm, Ill/TA, Ill/Cold, Ill/Time all to incarnate levels. Storm, TA and Cold all lack a self-heal and a recharge buff, but all three are great sets with Illusion. I rank Rad as the best overall secondary, as it is very flexible, develops early, it is not too clicky, works great solo or on teams. There are 2 clearly skippable powers (Choking Cloud and Fallout), giving you room for other good stuff.

After Rad, I find it hard to rank Time and Cold, as both work really well with Illusion. I would put Storm 4th, but a really fun build. I would put Trick Arrow 5th, but Ill/Dark might rank above Ill/TA. Ill/Dark might even be comparable to Ill/Storm. Therm is a pretty good set as a mix of Emp, Rad and Sonic, but it has those shields you don't want. Kinetics is a very powerful team buff set, but it has some synergy problems with Illusion. Ill/Emp is a good team healer (which you don't want). Sonic, Poison and FF I would put at the bottom of the list.

Time is a very good set with Illusion, but it is late developing with two key powers coming at 35 and 38. The Resistance Debuff is lower than Rad's. It has some nice powers and works well with Illusion, but the aura power puts you in melee if you use it. However, if you are the kind of person who wants to build for Defense, Time may be better than Rad for you. (I rely upon the distraction of PA, invisibility and lots of Deceive instead of Defense.)

Cold has really strong single target debuffs, so it is the best AV killer (but lacks that Recharge buff so you have to get it from sets). Cold has a few of the best powers from Storm, but is a late developing set and has those shields you don't like. Still, a lot of people prefer Cold as the best secondary for Illusion.

Storm has such a great collection of fun powers, but Ill/Storm is one of the most chaotic builds in the game -- chaos is fine solo, but you have to try to limit the chaos on teams and restrict your use of some powers. Freezing Rain gives you both Resistance and Defense debuffs early, along with some added control. Storm is just a lot of fun, with great visual aspects to the powers, extra damage in the late levels, and a great "protective" power in Hurricane. The lack of a self-heal and the high demand for endurance are its biggest problems.

I haven't played Ill/Dark -- I'm working on a Dark/Dark. But I can see where there would be a nice synergy between the Illusion and Dark. Dark lacks that Recharge buff, the heal requires a siphon and it lacks Defense debuff . . . but it has a lot of nice powers and an extra pet. The ToHit Debuff is really strong.

Trick Arrow add some really nice additional control and AoE damage, and it is a pure debuff/control set so you don't have to worry about buffing. But TA really lacks -Regen for AVs. It really works for a different, all ranged playstyle. You can send in PA, then stand at a distance to fire off all your arrows, then attack from range, then fire some more arrows, etc.

Try Rad after reading my guide. You won't regret it.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Based on your criteria, Dark or Radiation.



Originally Posted by Rigged View Post
What I would really like is to hit really hard. I primarily solo, and do not want a secondary that is primarily oriented towards shields, because after running kinetics and thermal, I am utterly sick of renewing shields. However, I don't want to be the sort of player who is hugely annoying when I do group with people (so I am somewhat leery of taking /storm, though if I am told it's exactly what I should take, I'll just adjust my playstyle).
Controller damage is as dependent on the primary and APP as it is on the secondary. Illusion lacks an aoe immobilize so it will never have decent aoe damage, however, you can still muster considerable ST dps.

I'm currently leaning towards /rad, but I'm wondering if I can somehow get more -res from another secondary. How well does poison work with an Illuson controller?
  • Rad does a flat -22.5% res that is not stackable, the lowest of all controller secondaries. It's the only significant shortcoming of an otherwise excellent set. It has the full set of debuffs as well as +rech, +recovery and +dmg that is easily permable (Accelerate Metabolism).

  • Time does -22.5% res that is not stackable, tied with Rad, but using single-target time dilation ups this to -27%. It has the full set of debuffs and +rech, significant +def (all) and +ToHit that is easily permable (Chronoshift/Farsight). The main downside is lack of -Regen, only -150% compared to most sets' -500%.

  • Dark does -60% res from doublestacked tar patches. It has significant +def (all), E/N/Psi resists, +recovery and +regen. Weaknesses include no -Def (fixed by taking tactics) and the -Regen power cannot be made permanent (you have to make up by spamming the targetted heal, which has -50% regen).

  • Storm does -60% res from doublestacked freezing rain. It has minor +def (all) and F/C/E resists. Hurricane, the -ToHit power, knocks back enemies and is difficult to use effectively on a primary without aoe immobilizes that apply -KB. It also lacks a self-heal and -Regen, and gets damaging powers instead.

  • Forcefields and emp do not debuff res, therm and pain cannot have their -res powers up every spawn, sonic, cold and kin have ally shields.

I'd go with dark personally.



Dark has one more advantage over Rad, an always-up source of more containment inducing powers via the Dark Servant. Fluffy will immobilize things for you giving you some extra AOE containment options.

It won't be a replacement for your own AOE immob at all, Fluffy isn't smart enough to do that, but it's something.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
Controller damage is as dependent on the primary and APP as it is on the secondary. Illusion lacks an aoe immobilize so it will never have decent aoe damage, however, you can still muster considerable ST dps.

  • Rad does a flat -22.5% res that is not stackable, the lowest of all controller secondaries. It's the only significant shortcoming of an otherwise excellent set. It has the full set of debuffs as well as +rech, +recovery and +dmg that is easily permable (Accelerate Metabolism).

  • Time does -22.5% res that is not stackable, tied with Rad, but using single-target time dilation ups this to -27%. It has the full set of debuffs and +rech, significant +def (all) and +ToHit that is easily permable (Chronoshift/Farsight). The main downside is lack of -Regen, only -150% compared to most sets' -500%.

  • Dark does -60% res from doublestacked tar patches. It has significant +def (all), E/N/Psi resists, +recovery and +regen. Weaknesses include no -Def (fixed by taking tactics) and the -Regen power cannot be made permanent (you have to make up by spamming the targetted heal, which has -50% regen).

  • Storm does -60% res from doublestacked freezing rain. It has minor +def (all) and F/C/E resists. Hurricane, the -ToHit power, knocks back enemies and is difficult to use effectively on a primary without aoe immobilizes that apply -KB. It also lacks a self-heal and -Regen, and gets damaging powers instead.

  • Forcefields and emp do not debuff res, therm and pain cannot have their -res powers up every spawn, sonic, cold and kin have ally shields.
I'd go with dark personally.
You said, "Rad does a flat -22.5% res that is not stackable, the lowest of all controller secondaries." Except for the Secondaries that don't have any Resistance Debuff at all, which are FF, Emp and Kinetics. Sonic, Therm and Pain have long Recharges, so their -Resist isn't up all the time.

Rad's Resistance Debuff is a foe anchored toggle with almost no recharge time. Other sets like Storm, Cold and Dark, have a click patch power which in some cases can be double stacked with a HUGE amount of Recharge. However, on a fast moving team wiping out groups quickly, that clickable Resistance debuff won't be recharged in time to use on every group, while Rad's Enervating Field is always available and is always on until the anchor is killed. If the foes are moving, the debuff area moves with them and you don't have to re-cast it. The toggle nature is really nice on tough foes, since you don't have to interrupt your attack chain every few seconds to re-cast the debuff (and thereby lose out on the damage you would otherwise be doing). The overall effect of all of those benefits may outweigh the higher numbers from some other sets. Yes, there is a problem of having your anchor killed off, but there are some things you can do to reduce that chance (as discussed in my guide).

I think one should consider the practical aspects of using the power beyond just the numbers.

Also, you said that the lack of a Defense debuff in Dark can be made up with Tactics? Except that Tactics does not help Phantom Army at all.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Dark has one more advantage over Rad, an always-up source of more containment inducing powers via the Dark Servant. Fluffy will immobilize things for you giving you some extra AOE containment options.

It won't be a replacement for your own AOE immob at all, Fluffy isn't smart enough to do that, but it's something.
However, Illusion has no AoE damage powers, so it really can't take advantage of AoE containment until it gets an AoE damage power from the Epic power sets. AoE containment really isn't a big issue for an Illusion controller. It gets its "AoE damage" from its pets (who get no benefit of Containment).

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
However, Illusion has no AoE damage powers, so it really can't take advantage of AoE containment until it gets an AoE damage power from the Epic power sets. AoE containment really isn't a big issue for an Illusion controller. It gets its "AoE damage" from its pets (who get no benefit of Containment).
Aye, but you can get the AOE power 3 levels after you get Fluffy

Most controllers don't get meaningful AOE damage suitable for containing until the APPs anyway (Fire, maybe Plant and maybe Mind) and you do notice the lack of Containment damage in the 40s. PAs are great but they're a bit too random to be true AOE damage.



I can tell I've touched a nerve. Lemme guess, your main is a /Rad controller? People always get emotional when discussing those.

Rad's Resistance Debuff is a foe anchored toggle with almost no recharge time. Other sets like Storm, Cold and Dark, have a click patch power which in some cases can be double stacked with a HUGE amount of Recharge. However, on a fast moving team wiping out groups quickly, that clickable Resistance debuff won't be recharged in time to use on every group, while Rad's Enervating Field is always available and is always on until the anchor is killed. If the foes are moving, the debuff area moves with them and you don't have to re-cast it. The toggle nature is really nice on tough foes, since you don't have to interrupt your attack chain every few seconds to re-cast the debuff (and thereby lose out on the damage you would otherwise be doing). The overall effect of all of those benefits may outweigh the higher numbers from some other sets. Yes, there is a problem of having your anchor killed off, but there are some things you can do to reduce that chance (as discussed in my guide).
The above post somewhat overstates the difficulty of doublestacking -Res patches. Only tar patch is difficult to doublestack, and a standard permahasten build will still have something like 45s duration 25s recharge on it, which is enough to doublestack it a considerable fraction of the time. If you are illusion, then in the first place you will be getting the huge +Rech needed since you will have perma-PA as a build goal.

Rad vs. other -res sets is complex and you'll have to weigh the benefits of EF being autohit, guaranteed to be up every spawn and costing less casting time vs. the disadvantages of detoggling on mez, anchors dying and no doublestacking. The only thing that can be said for sure is that rad has the lowest peak -res of all sets with -res as every-spawn powers. However one spins it, it's still the only deficiency of an otherwise excellent set. If you want a lot of -res rather than a smaller amount of reliable -res, try another set.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
I can tell I've touched a nerve. Lemme guess, your main is a /Rad controller? People always get emotional when discussing those.

The above post somewhat overstates the difficulty of doublestacking -Res patches. Only tar patch is difficult to doublestack, and a standard permahasten build will still have something like 45s duration 25s recharge on it, which is enough to doublestack it a considerable fraction of the time. If you are illusion, then in the first place you will be getting the huge +Rech needed since you will have perma-PA as a build goal.

Rad vs. other -res sets is complex and you'll have to weigh the benefits of EF being autohit, guaranteed to be up every spawn and costing less casting time vs. the disadvantages of detoggling on mez, anchors dying and no doublestacking. The only thing that can be said for sure is that rad has the lowest peak -res of all sets with -res as every-spawn powers. However one spins it, it's still the only deficiency of an otherwise excellent set. If you want a lot of -res rather than a smaller amount of reliable -res, try another set.
It is not that you "hit a nerve" so much as I think that folks on the forums often focus so much on the maxed-out numbers in an ideal situation and don't take into account the actual application of the powers in much of the game. Leveling up, folks generally don't have that huge amount of Recharge needed for Perma-Hasten and Perma-PA. I have always felt that if I didn't enjoy playing my character leveling up, I'm not going to bother playing him much at and after level 50. Yet most of the posts on these forums assume that everyone is a +3 Incarnate with a fully maxed out build. Sometimes, other factors need to be considered.

I agree with your analysis, mostly. There are times that a patch power will be better. There are also times when a foe-anchored, toggled auto-hit debuff will be better. I just think that the "the other sets have higher numbers and can be double-stacked, so they are better" mindset fails to take into account actual uses in the game. For example, try double-stacking that resistance patch on foes like Wolves who ignore Slow and Immobilize. They run around too much. Or . . . if the crowd is bigger than your patch or too spread out, then once your patch is cast, you are stuck until you can re-cast.

I have always found that Enervating Field is easy to use and almost always available when needed. It can be used starting in low levels and all the way up as you level. If you have one or two foes in one spot, and three or four over there, you don't have to choose to forego the power on this group so you have it available for that group -- which is a choice you have to make sometimes with powers like Freezing Rain, Sleet, Acid Arrow+Disruption Arrow, Tar Patch, etc. I think it is hard to compare EF to the benefits of other sets where the numbers may be higher and there's a chance to double stack under the right conditions. It really depends on Playstyle and circumstances.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
It is not that you "hit a nerve" so much as I think that folks on the forums often focus so much on the maxed-out numbers in an ideal situation and don't take into account the actual application of the powers in much of the game.
I have a low opinion of forum theorycrafting and convoluted make-believe simulations that somehow always manage to play out in favor of the poster's argument. I tend to put more weight on quantifiable advantages that can reasonably be guaranteed, in this case, the fact that if you doublestack Tar Patch you will get -60% res, and if you cannot you will get -30%, compared to Rad's lower -22.5%, while noting that EF has some unique advantages of its own. Beyond that, I can't say anything else.

I also assume that all characters are +3 full VR incarnates with unlimited budget builds and all accolades. If people don't play such characters, they're welcome to say so and I'll tailor my advice accordingly.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
I have a low opinion of forum theorycrafting and convoluted make-believe simulations that somehow always manage to play out in favor of the poster's argument. I tend to put more weight on quantifiable advantages that can reasonably be guaranteed, in this case, the fact that if you doublestack Tar Patch you will get -60% res, and if you cannot you will get -30%, compared to Rad's lower -22.5%, while noting that EF has some unique advantages of its own. Beyond that, I can't say anything else.
My opinion is that in most of the game, teams plow through content very fast and there isn't time to double stack Tar Patch, Freezing Rain, Sleet and similar powers. Most regular content dies too fast even in TFs and incarnate trials. On the fast-moving stuff, 22.5% up all the time vs. 30% most of the time doesn't really make much difference, and EF might be better since it is up more often. The double stacking tactics only become useful on AVs and EBs -- and granted, that's when you need it most.

But it is always a mistake to focus on only one aspect of a secondary. Rad provides such a well-rounded and flexible set of tools that I find it fits every situation. While the -Resistance may be lower against those tough targets, the -Regen from LR and EM Pulse is outstanding. AM provides a damage boost (which may make up for the lower -Resistance for anything other than Phantom Army), a Recharge boost and a Recovery boost (helping you attack more often).

I also assume that all characters are +3 full VR incarnates with unlimited budget builds and all accolades. If people don't play such characters, they're welcome to say so and I'll tailor my advice accordingly.
Well, I assume that by the time someone has gotten to +3 and a full IO'ed out build, they should know their character pretty well and will not need to come to the Forums asking a core question about what powerset to choose. I assume that someone who asks that kind of question is fairly new to the game or at least new to controllers. As a result, I think it is appropriate to take into account the experience of leveling up the character.

and the original poster said that he was making a new character.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



I've played Ill/Rad, Ill/Storm, Ill/Time, and my latest is Ill/Dark, and they are all very powerful in their own right. I've also seen other players with Ill/Cold do some pretty sick tricks. However, Ill/Rad and Ill/Dark top my list when you want the ability to destroy AV's or GM's(due to -regen), from there it's just a matter of taste. I really liked my Ill/Rad, but my Ill/Dark just seems more powerful, and he's barely incarnate at the moment. Levelling up he was powerful, and end game he is powerful.

For me the biggest difference between the secondaries is the toggles. With /Rad you have two toggles that you need to use to get the most benefit from the set, and on teams you'll often have "Captain Anchorkill" who seems to intentionally target anything with a toggle debuff on it. With /Dark and /Storm, you only have one toggle(optional with /Storm), the rest is fire and forget.

I chose the Ice APP for my Ill/Dark, and with the shield have soft-capped S/L Defense(via perma-Fade), plus 2 fully slotted AoE attacks that work great with Tar Patch. I chose to use Shadowfall + SS for invisibility as Shadowfall increases both Def and Res. Fluffy is just icing in the cake, I hardly have to use my own heal unless I want more -to hit or -regen on a specific target.

You really can't go wrong with either Ill/Rad or Ill/Dark, but for me Ill/Dark wins the race by a nose. Maybe check out Ill/Cold too, I know it's powerful but have not played one so I won't give advice on it.



Ill is a sick AV killing machine. It is particularly good with /Rad, /Time and /Dark.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



While it wont help until later, and it is on a long recharge, Leviathan has water spout, which has pretty good defense debuff. Sure, it isnt up all the time, but most foes arent hard to hit. You can save water spout for times when fighting high def or difficult foes. So /dark can get at least some -Def help.


Random AT Generation!
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"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



I'll just throw in my two cents for Ill/Cold. Great combination of sets capable of silly things when properly set up with IOs. AVs and GMs are close to butter under a hot knife, and my utility in team is excellent as well.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
My opinion is that in most of the game, teams plow through content very fast and there isn't time to double stack Tar Patch, Freezing Rain, Sleet and similar powers. Most regular content dies too fast even in TFs and incarnate trials. On the fast-moving stuff, 22.5% up all the time vs. 30% most of the time doesn't really make much difference, and EF might be better since it is up more often. The double stacking tactics only become useful on AVs and EBs -- and granted, that's when you need it most.
This. Even with 180% global recharge and slotting for 95.9% recharge, Tar Patch takes 23.94 seconds to recharge. Tack on the 3.3 second activation and it's 27.24 seconds between Tar Patches. I'm sure Laev won't be satisfied with anything outside of datamining the average time for mob defeats, but in my experience that's a long time for anything barring EBs and AVs to stay alive on a team/league. Of course, casting it near the end of a mob's lifespan can mean not having it for the next.

Even if we assumed a much longer fight that flat -60% resist is a misleading number. That is, after all, the plateau of Tar Patches debuffing. With 27.24 seconds between patches there is only 17.76 second window of overlap, doubled stacking only 39.47% of the time. That means an average resistance buff of 41.8%, significantly more than EF but significantly less than the -60% being bandied about.

But it is always a mistake to focus on only one aspect of a secondary. Rad provides such a well-rounded and flexible set of tools that I find it fits every situation. While the -Resistance may be lower against those tough targets, the -Regen from LR and EM Pulse is outstanding. AM provides a damage boost (which may make up for the lower -Resistance for anything other than Phantom Army), a Recharge boost and a Recovery boost (helping you attack more often).
This conversation has also skipped over the fact that EF offers -damage which Tar Patch does not. Or that Radiation can bolster its -resist a small amount with the Achilles' Heel proc in Radiation Infection.



Rad. All the way.

Virtue and Freedom
Hi, my name is Northman, and I am an Altoholic. No wait, I'm Lost Nova, no wait, Arc Havoc, no, Dragon Moon, no, Lord Fury......



The only two I would consider are Ill/Rad and Ill/Cold and I have played both of these for quite sometime. Rad is more of a Jack of all Trades type of toon... but in that, Master of None. Yes, Rad debuffs quite well with the Holy Trinity, but I still prefer Ill/Cold and actually abandoned my Ill/Rad for favor of it

Shields > RI
-Shields stick on the character so if your anchor wanders off (or dies) the shields stay on. Also AV mechanics make -DEF and -ToHit pretty worthless. Plus RI takes a long time to (re)cast.
Read here to see what I'm referring to:

Sleet > EF
-Heck you can triple stack it, and with the proc, monsterous -RES. Plus it is like an Ice Slick, sort of, which is even more dope... Ill is passive control via PA, so focus on what you are good at. Again, dealing with an anchor kind of sucks in EF. Playstyle thing of course.

Lingering Radiation is better than Cold at -Regen, but Benumb does plenty of -regen, and you can keep it perma on a tough foe. Plus, it goes stuff to basically "kitten-ize" that AV too. Throw in all that -RES and they drop very fast.

Yes, Rad has a heal, but it is pretty pathetic (plus you said you want to debuff). I would take a /Kin anyday over a /Rad if I wanted "healing" anyway. Or a Dark. Rad has a good rez, but again, you say debuffs. I didn't even touch on Heat Loss, one of the best powers in the game for Cold, which gives even more -RES.

Choking Cloud, Fallout both pretty awful on Ill/, and even EM Pulse isn't that good. Panic button, yes, but I prefer stuff I'm using constantly. Yes AM is great, but I feel Cold is just better... for debuffing AND buffing (shields + infinite endurance to the entire team)



Global: @Master Templar on Freedom.
"This here's my demon face. You see I'm Satan's onion...s-scallion.. 'Minion?' no, not that."




Thank me later...

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
This. Even with 180% global recharge and slotting for 95.9% recharge, Tar Patch takes 23.94 seconds to recharge. Tack on the 3.3 second activation and it's 27.24 seconds between Tar Patches. I'm sure Laev won't be satisfied with anything outside of datamining the average time for mob defeats, but in my experience that's a long time for anything barring EBs and AVs to stay alive on a team/league. Of course, casting it near the end of a mob's lifespan can mean not having it for the next.

Even if we assumed a much longer fight that flat -60% resist is a misleading number. That is, after all, the plateau of Tar Patches debuffing. With 27.24 seconds between patches there is only 17.76 second window of overlap, doubled stacking only 39.47% of the time. That means an average resistance buff of 41.8%, significantly more than EF but significantly less than the -60% being bandied about.

This conversation has also skipped over the fact that EF offers -damage which Tar Patch does not. Or that Radiation can bolster its -resist a small amount with the Achilles' Heel proc in Radiation Infection.
For the 1st bold part you left out hasten which is not a insignificant amount of recharge.

For the second bold so what that's what darkest night is for.



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post

Thank me later...
This ok you get double tar patch, an aoe stun/rez/massive -regen click, a pet that sets up containment and arguably one of the best heals in the game. Oh and with perma PA levels of recharge it's stupid easy to perma fade(which is the only +def power in the whole game to also give def debuff protection).



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
For the 1st bold part you left out hasten which is not a insignificant amount of recharge.
To clarify, that would be 110% recharge from global bonuses (enough for perma-Hasten with 95% recharge slotting) and 70% from Hasten itself. If you somehow added another 70% global recharge on top of that for 250% global recharge, it would reduce Tar Patch a whopping 3 seconds. One thing I try to encourage people to keep in mind while pursuing recharge is that it comes with diminishing returns; after certain break points (perma-PA, perma-Hasten, perma-Fade, etc) there's little use to more beyond a buffer against debuffs.

For the second bold so what that's what darkest night is for.
True, and it does offer more -damage than EF.