Endless War

Agent White



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
Recluse: "Scirocco, Widow, Mako, Scorpion. Assemble. Today, we knock over a hot dog stand."

All: *puzzled look*

Recluse: "...of doom."

All: "ahh!"
That sounds like fun.

Though, can't Recluse and the patrons show up in the higher level safeguard missions if you have enough people?

Frankly I think we could use more Safeguard/Mayhem style missions in general. Even as part of arcs. heroes get to head for an arachnos base and bust up inactive spiders and such for more time, villains have to defend their superweapon from attacking heroes until their nefarious plot can succeed, etc, etc.

My 50+3 Street Justice Scrapper might be able to punch her way out of a death god's stomach, or breathe in space, but not everything has to be on that scale all the time, i agree.



War. War never changes.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



There's still Pietorian Hamdon to take care off. Judging by the avatar's strength it can probably single handily take Primal earth. Also well of fireys. Also orobors which Dr. Dream hinted at attacking next



good examples of non-alternate-dimension-invasion-war interesting story lines can be found just about everywhere.

-take the ancient relic of great evil power to the volcano to be destroyed before the currently subdued villain becomes all powerful.

-current powerful and front-running heroes [phalanx] or villains [arachnos] are mind controlled by a small but smart and lucky hero/villain and is making said heroes/villains do horrible atrocities/good deeds. stop them.




-other mythologies besides greco-roman

-time travel to history [besides greco-roman... like DINOSAURS, old wild western america, the battle of the gods Tielekku, Ermeeth, Hequat, etc.]

i would really like the function of designing your own arch-nemesis actually... but that's wicked complicated

-and the LOADS of other groups in-game already with their complex histories and what not.

some of this though was explained as "our new writers have good ideas and want to make new stuff and dont want to work on the old stuff" to which i say "then make your own MMO from scratch. :/" new ideas are great but the game has so mcuh great old content to start from too, that really shouldnt be forgotten and left to die then be deleted.



Civil war would be good. Like Manticore does a heel turn and takes half the heroes with him and you have to stop him.



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
Civil war would be good. Like Manticore does a heel turn and takes half the heroes with him and you have to stop him.

NCSOFT may take away our servers and beloved dev team, but they can't break our spirit and community. with all your power, NCSOFT, your victory will be bitter-sweet. I, personally will be there to laugh at you when you face-plant into the ground.



Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
I misread this entry at first, and it made the resulting content I pictured very weird.

Finally, a task force to get rid of Earth's true threat: clowns.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
some of this though was explained as "our new writers have good ideas and want to make new stuff and dont want to work on the old stuff" to which i say "then make your own MMO from scratch. :/" new ideas are great but the game has so mcuh great old content to start from too, that really shouldnt be forgotten and left to die then be deleted.
Agreed. There's a reason I've been describing contemporary storytelling as a "systematic destruction of everything that made City of Heroes good" because we seem to have a writer staff that doesn't seem to like City of Heroes and is trying to make it into something completely different. Well, last I heard Paragon Studios is working on some new secret project. Why don't you make THAT all new and give City of Heroes some of the stories that made it back?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
And, presumably, fail.
Why? The SSAs are about world changing events - an roganization to rival Arachnos = a new enemy group - and they've been adding those to the game since it launched - all SSA2 needs to do is presetn a story where the player is responsible in some way for the new group appearing.
For example, the Talons of Vengeance are a new villain group - they were introduced in First Ward, and expanded into DA - they came out of "nowhere", and had FW to set up their story and how it relates to the rest of the game world, and DA helped establish them as a major threat - so there's nothing stopping the devs from adding another new Villain group to the game, and then expanding it in later Issues as it grows in power - only this time, instead of adding a new zone with story arcs to give the new group context and motivation, they can do it through SSA2, with the player having a key role in the creation and rise of the group.
With the Talons example, imagine that there had been an SSA style arc starting in I20, that over the months built up to a finale where the player was able to release the Talons into Praetoria - this is then followed up by the Talons being added to the game in I21, and then expaned on in I22 - nothing is different from how it is now, except that there was a story arc that let the players be responsible for them appearing in the game world.

There have been massive hints with the Red Widow, Scirocco and Mu'Vorkan storylines that Arachnos is going to ahev amjaor skale up in the near future, and as SSA1 focused on changes to the main hero group in the game, it's quite posisble that SSA2 will focus on changes to the main villain group in the game, linked to the rise of a new group that the player is responsible fro in some way.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
There's still Pietorian Hamdon to take care off. Judging by the avatar's strength it can probably single handily take Primal earth.
Having it break through into our dimension, using an area with a high level of DE like, say, Eden, would be a good chance for a zone revamp, a revamp of the DE in general, and the introduction of a couple of nature themed power sets, or something similar

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by asgard_NA View Post
But we're incarnates. We've put the figure four leg lock on Raluruu gods. Dropped kicked death god, like MOT. Ripped up a mirror earth army, with a dictator with god-like powers.

Heck, we even took out 2 or 3 of these threats in the same week..

So we should worry about fort knox and....Malta?

How about I send my Ralaruu pets to stop that robbery of gold, while I transend into another dimension to fight off a threat to eliminate all life in the universe.
Using nano-technology, Malta has reverse engineered and enhanced the Praetorian protesters' rocks.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Why? The SSAs are about world changing events - an roganization to rival Arachnos = a new enemy group - and they've been adding those to the game since it launched - all SSA2 needs to do is presetn a story where the player is responsible in some way for the new group appearing.
Somehow I don't see the game handing me my own villain group to run. There would be no end of complaining from the hero side.

(Although, turning end-level into a strategic game of running and managing a hero/villain group could be kinda cool.)

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Somehow I don't see the game handing me my own villain group to run. There would be no end of complaining from the hero side.

(Although, turning end-level into a strategic game of running and managing a hero/villain group could be kinda cool.)
Setting up is not the same as running

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Setting up is not the same as running
No, I'm sure there will be some vague and convoluted reason why we end up not wanting it after all that work. I am quite curious how they could make a story that made sense, about an incarnate-level villain setting up a group to rival Arachnos, and then later end up not being involved with said group after all. Without involving massive failure. I mean, villains can fail. That's kinda the point of villains; to get defeated by heroes. But when only PC villains have to fail, so that NPC villains can take over and be successful, it stings. So don't do that, m'kay?

After SSA1 I'm not feeling terrible confident, but we'll see.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
No, I'm sure there will be some vague and convoluted reason why we end up not wanting it after all that work. I am quite curious how they could make a story that made sense, about an incarnate-level villain setting up a group to rival Arachnos, and then later end up not being involved with said group after all.
My 50+3 Street Justice Scrapper might be able to punch her way out of a death god's stomach, or breathe in space, but not everything has to be on that scale all the time, i agree.
But we're incarnates. We've put the figure four leg lock on Raluruu gods. Dropped kicked death god, like MOT. Ripped up a mirror earth army, with a dictator with god-like powers.
It doesn't have to be incarnate stuff.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
It doesn't have to be incarnate stuff.
But Incarnates still need something to be going on. Can't leave them eternally grinding away at the now defeated Praetorians or the re-sealed Mot.



They fight the Coming Storm/Batalion.

Everyone else fights Not-that. Doesn't even have to be pre-fifty. Non-incarnate level fifty content is severely lacking as well and would be good for Preems&Freems.(not that pre-fifty content isn't highly desired)

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
They fight the Coming Storm/Batalion.

Everyone else fights Not-that. Doesn't even have to be pre-fifty. Non-incarnate level fifty content is severely lacking as well and would be good for Preems&Freems.(not that pre-fifty content isn't highly desired)
Speaking of which, the Battalion/the Coming Storm needs something other than the Shivan for everybody else to punch around when they finally make it to Earth. But, they're just the opening act to soften us up a bit.

But once the invasion happens proper-like, I'd hope for something that was challenging, but not quite Incarnate-scaled, for the under 50 crowd. Because if it's an invader that's a danger to the entire world, their presence shouldn't be limited to just stuff that's locked behind Incarnate things.

Also, please let them be something other than bulbous vaguely human-shaped blobs or whatever it is that the newer versions are made of. Also, maybe they might not have giant many pointed shoulder pads that look like they should be in some other fantasy based MMO, because we've seen plenty of that flavor already too.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
It doesn't have to be incarnate stuff.
If they want you to realistically challenge Recluse and his organisation, it can't be a story that ends somewhere before level 20. If they want the rest of the game to still make sense, it probably shouldn't end before the late 40s, either.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Yeah, as I said last time, there's good content, but it's trapped behind a wall of nonsense. Basic hunts aren't mandatory as legacy contacts always give two options - one hunt, one instance. The trouble are "introduction" missions which show up in ALL legacy contacts you have access to, and will usually replace the instance mission choice.
Not just the 'introduction missions, and contacts won't always offer you two missions. If they're active across more than one 5-level window, you can complete the series of missions for one level window and not be high enough to get the second series of missions for the next higher level window, so all you get offered are the street-sweeps. And if the mission in the series is one you don't want to do, so you're taking the street sweeps, a contact has a limited number of them, so you can exhaust the street-sweep missions and be stuck with a single option. And some contacts will only give you a single mission to start with, and if you don't want it, you're SOL -- Eliza Thorpe in Talos Island, for example, offers me a single mission: a timed simultaneous-click mission. There are a number of different ways to dead-end a contact into a single mission offering.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
It doesn't have to be incarnate stuff.
What is this madness you speak?
ALL new content must be for Incarnates! And co-op! And require at least a full team of eight, if not two or three!

(In a slightly more serious tone, I note that the latest CoH email "poster" has, down near the bottom, a promise that a Nemesis Plot is in the works.)

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Actually CoH has followed the same general theme as comics in general, saving a person isn't as cool as saving a city, but saving the world is even better but not as cool as saving the universe, but saving the MULTIVERSE is even better.

I am sick of that in comics too but it's the American way - "Bigger is Better".

Some crime would be nice but some "Other" would be even better. Escaped monsters, Government cover-ups, or just people with way too much power and way too little sense (or maybe we see enough of that in RL).

Abosolutely silliest event? Wildstorm did an event where all the heros suffered a temporary sex change. It would have to leave out the Huge characters (and there would be a few clipping issues boo hoo) but it would certainly be different.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.