Endless War

Agent White



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Can't change the status quo, so probably.
At this point the status quo has already been tossed out the window since, ya know, Statesman AND Psyche kicked the bucket? Meanwhile Recluse gets BACK Red Widow (her appearance in the "Emperor's Sword" arc means it wasn't just a holiday thing, it's canon).

The only way to re-establish the "status quo" would be to dunk a patron or two.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
(In a slightly more serious tone, I note that the latest CoH email "poster" has, down near the bottom, a promise that a Nemesis Plot is in the works.)
If only I got those...

I've really enjoyed doing some of the newer arcs that have cohesive tales: Cooling, Dean, Nance, etc. I wish that a revamp of the older arcs would be done to make them of the same caliber; it would encourage people to play them more often.

I don't mind an occasional fedex mission, as long as it has some bearing on the story. However, I really loathe two things: 1. PvP Contact missions, and 2. Intro to Seer Marino. While I can appreciate that they want to introduce you to otherwise "hidden" content, with the new contact feature, these are really not needed.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



According to psoitron's anniversary letter, I24 deals with the fallout from the defeat of Tyrant and the loyalists, and then the Battalion arrives in I25 - so it doesn't look like we'll be getting much of a break between wars

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Thats the really the problem with having an evolving world. What happens to all the Incarnate Trials if the world is supposed to be Post Tyrant? Do they all move to Obo?

At that rate pretty soon most of the game will be played in one zone. lol

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Originally Posted by Ultra_Violence View Post
Thats the really the problem with having an evolving world. What happens to all the Incarnate Trials if the world is supposed to be Post Tyrant? Do they all move to Obo?
They remain as part of the timeline.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I found a comment made by the guys who do the Off the Cape podcast very interesting where they were speculating about what'd happen with the Shadow Shard (which I think will wind up being the probable battleground for the showdown with the Battalion...after all, Rularuu is a bigger tasty treat than any one Incarnate) and they said the way things were going, it pointed at a world reset.

Now I personally think that yes, there's major storylines that have existed since the beginning of the game (the Coming Storm possibly being one of the oldest) that are becoming resolved, and ultimately that means there comes a point of no return. You can't defeat Praetoria, and then the Battalion (shocking I know, but let's be honest...noone's going to write a storyline where the major antagonist is going to win) and then look it as a whole and then not go 'well, that's kind of everything, isn't it?'

I think a world reset isn't out of the question at that point. Things are definitely coming to an end if not a climax. It's hard for me to look at the story as it's going and not at least think that there's not big changes on the way, there's at least big endings. Fair comment?


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
You can't defeat Praetoria
I think you'll find that we can, and do

That's one of the things that makes the Praetorian storyline so fulfilling and fun - it's a ginormous 1-50 arc, with a clear begnning, middle and end.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think you'll find that we can, and do

That's one of the things that makes the Praetorian storyline so fulfilling and fun - it's a ginormous 1-50 arc, with a clear begnning, middle and end.
Humanity will never cower before your lies. The Great Leader will see us through this time of senseless aggression from our primitive inter-dimensional cousins. He will soothe your anger, and bring you into the warm light that is Praetoria.

Just you wait and see.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Issen View Post
At this point the status quo has already been tossed out the window since, ya know, Statesman AND Psyche kicked the bucket? Meanwhile Recluse gets BACK Red Widow (her appearance in the "Emperor's Sword" arc means it wasn't just a holiday thing, it's canon).

The only way to re-establish the "status quo" would be to dunk a patron or two.
This is the developers changing the status quo on their end. We as players can't do that. This is actually a lot like what BABs said about power customization back in the day - he can change a power to look like whatever he wanted it to look, but WE can't change a power's look because him doing it would be through a patch. They eventually developed some new tech to make this happen, but the analogy stands.

We, as players, can't change what's written in the game, because a mechanic for it doesn't exist. As someone higher up said, we can't just kill Recluse at level 20 because then the Time After Time arcs don't make sense. Sure, when the status quo involves a major event with a generic instigator, then we can assume the role of the instigators of this event much like how the gender of Brother Hammond's Luddite champion changes to match the player playing the arc, so that's something.

However, I stand by the notion that we don't have to change the status quo. Especially when it comes to villains, leaving satisfied is more important than changing the world around you. I can accept not being able to destroy all created things like Kragoss would want to, but so long as the result is actually satisfying and puts over my villain strong, that's good enough. Same for heroes, actually. Having my villain constantly fail time and time again only for some other canon NPC to go about changing the status quo is just pointless. If I wanted to watch a movie where other people's characters experienced other people's stories, I'd go to the movies.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think you'll find that we can, and do

That's one of the things that makes the Praetorian storyline so fulfilling and fun - it's a ginormous 1-50 arc, with a clear begnning, middle and end.
Uh, you totally took me out of context here. I'd ask you to go back and look at my sentence in total rather than just snipping one section out. I can't really say anymore than that.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
Issues 9-16: The Second Rikti War. Earth is invaded by people in (mostly) green and tan uniforms, with funny heads, who come here from another timeline to kill all of our supers and convert us to their way of life because they think our supers are a threat to them. We find out who fed them this lie, defeat that person, war ends.

Issue 15: Return of the Fifth Column: Earth is invaded by people in red and black uniforms, who come here from another timeline to kill all our supers and convert us to their way of life because the think our supers are a threat to them. Fortunately, we pwn them in a single issue, and tell them to come back later, because officially we were already in a war and don't have time for their silliness.

Issue 17-23: The Praetorian War: Earth is invaded by people in (mostly) red and white uniforms, who come here from another timeline to kill all our supers and convert us to their way of life because they think our supers are a threat to them. We find out who fed them this lie, defeat that person, war ends. Oh, and there are two other fronts in the war: at one point, as a distraction, earth gets briefly invaded by Soldiers of Rularuu, who are here to kill us all, because we imprisoned their god; the Banished Pantheon complain that they thought of that first and we get invaded by one of their gods and his armies, who are here to kill us all, because ... oh, never mind.
I was originally writing a reply that edited in the correct content but realized this left around 15% of the original text in place.

Grossly inaccurate is the easiest summary for the OPs descriptions.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Are they also traveling back in time to when it actually stored gold?
It still stores gold, just mostly not America's gold.

Virtue: @Santorican

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