Staff Attack Chain




Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
Everyone hating on Reppu is ignoring his post above, quoting Dread Shinobi's testing. This is pathetic dps for a purpled-out T4 reactive scrapper. People were beating this DPS on scrappers before incarnate powers and PPM procs. It should be at least in the 300+ range to be competitive with other sets.

I tested staff but only had time to get up to lvl 18. Lack of level bumps at available resources held me back. I concur that most of the comments in the Staff thread were aesthetics.

You may not like Reppu's delivery but it's really hard to argue with this message, that the set underperforms. Making it perform better or on par with higher end sets won't change the aesthetics or anything ppl like about it.
Was that test on a scrapper or a brute? I believe it was a brute, which makes the dps not as far from normal as stated (outside of ss/fire and TW, highest brute dps was usually 260ish). Also, saying you have to reach 300+ dps to be competitive on a scrapper is simply wrong. It is very abnormal for a scrapper to go above 300 dps unless it is dm/shield or db/elec.

Edit: Going back through the pylon thread, scrapper builds other than dm/sd or db/elec vary widely, but most don't get close to 300 dps. As an example, John_Printemps's Scrapper:
KM/SR w/ T4 Reactive: 188 DPS (630/s, 10:30)
KM/SR w/ (I22) T4 Degenerative: 198 (550/s, 09:10)

If the staff brute is matching that km/sr scrapper, I don't think we can say the damage is terrible.

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Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Lol, there are five chains better than that one for stalkers.


With appropriate -res procs where possible.
Why are those better when MB and GS appeared to have lower DPA than PS or SR? (based on City of Data figures for damage over activation time)

Don't you want to use higher DPA attacks as often as possible?

Can you help me understand your calculations?

It didn't look like the -RES in MB would make up enough for its lower dpa.



If you are speaking about Dread Shinobi's, that was a brute.

As for the attack chains, it is sometimes better to use a lower dpa attack if it allows you to use your highest dpa attacks more frequently. Sometimes the addition of -res procs will make the difference. In such a case where you have two heavy hitters (AS and SS), it is better to get whatever -res you can or simply shorten the chain.

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Originally Posted by Stonefist View Post
With the projected dps shortfall I wouldnt bother even buying the set - shame was looking
forward to it.
Well it might actually help me make a /Dark Scrapper or Brute...Staff really helps with end issues.



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
If you are speaking about Dread Shinobi's, that was a brute.

As for the attack chains, it is sometimes better to use a lower dpa attack if it allows you to use your highest dpa attacks more frequently. Sometimes the addition of -res procs will make the difference. In such a case where you have two heavy hitters (AS and SS), it is better to get whatever -res you can or simply shorten the chain.
What is the gating recharge item in those chains -- AS? What kind of recharge are you needing to hit for AS out of hide, to run those chains?

Also, still surprised you put Guarded Spin in some of those chains -- are you slotting it with something I'm not thinking about?



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
If the staff brute is matching that km/sr scrapper, I don't think we can say the damage is terrible.
Nonsense, my good man! We've got garbled hearsay, what else do we need? Staff is clearly broken, just as the devs announced was their intent, for their hatred for players knows no bounds.

I do think it's pretty funny that I'm apparently one of the only people who posts on the scrapper forum who will be making a staff scrapper and it's all because DreadShinobi didn't like the DPS he was getting on his brute. Not that this is his fault.



I am remaking my BETA scrapper Lunar Knight Staff/WP and very pleased with him. I will also remake my BETA staff/fire Brute farmer. Both are a ton of fun to play. YMMV.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
What is the gating recharge item in those chains -- AS? What kind of recharge are you needing to hit for AS out of hide, to run those chains?

Also, still surprised you put Guarded Spin in some of those chains -- are you slotting it with something I'm not thinking about?
The recharge burden is on Sky Splitter. AS has plenty of time to recharge because of Sky Splitter's long activation time.

For guarded spin, Armageddon + Fury of the Gladiator proc. The affect of the -res on AS and Sky Splitter make up for the lower dpa than SR.

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Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
The recharge burden is on Sky Splitter. AS has plenty of time to recharge because of Sky Splitter's long activation time.

For guarded spin, Armageddon + Fury of the Gladiator proc. The affect of the -res on AS and Sky Splitter make up for the lower dpa than SR.
OK, interesting. So MB with -RES, GS with -RES, and then AS / SS? I didn't think that the -RES would make up for the loss of dpa but I will take your word for it.



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Lol, there are five chains better than that one for stalkers.


With appropriate -res procs where possible.
Are these chains sustainable with the 10 second internal cooldown on the Stalker ATE Proc? I can confirm for a fact PS > SR > AS > SS is able to confirm AS procs every first, third, fifth, etc rotation.

If a chain is too fast and you have to put off your 100% Crit SS longer than a third rotation, I'm willing to argue your chains are inferior.



All of those chains involve sky splitter. Therefore, all of those chains give AS more than five seconds to recharge. None of them give it ten seconds because that would be a crappy chain. Maybe I didn't understand the question?



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
All of those chains involve sky splitter. Therefore, all of those chains give AS more than five seconds to recharge. None of them give it ten seconds because that would be a crappy chain. Maybe I didn't understand the question?
The ATE proc has a ten second inherent cooldown. Your goal is for a proc every third rotation, seeing as it's impossible to do it every rotation. The 'question' is, as it were; are you capable of proccing the Stalker ATE proc every third rotation?



Shouldn't your goal be every second rotation, assuming the chain took exactly five seconds? You can't make assassin's strike recharge in the three and a third seconds you'd need for three chains to be optimal.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Shouldn't your goal be every second rotation, assuming the chain took exactly five seconds? You can't make assassin's strike recharge in the three and a third seconds you'd need for ten seconds to be optimal.
I don't think we're having proper communication. Let's use...

PS-SR-AS-SS for example. This chain, after SS, is NOT ten seconds long. As such, the second AS after the first is not capable of proccing the Stalker ATE. Neither are any of the other posts. You need 10 seconds to pass between AS to allow the 'proc' to 'cooldown'.

Since that would stupidly inefficient, your goal in a rotation is to have AS proc the ATE proc every >third< rotation. That is, First > Third > Fifth, and so on.

The question remains:

PS-SR-AS-SS is capable of Every Third Rotation Procs.


Are these?

Keep in mind, the faster an attack cooldowns, the less likely it will be to also proc Focus.



Okay I have to step in here and inform you that 1 -> 3 -> 5 is every second time. I think we do secretly agree but I don't know where you got the three rotations thing from, every stalker set I've ever looked at does best when you shoot for AS's hide proccing, not proccing, proccing, not proccing. By that standard, all of those staff chains work.



It's a communication error. Don't worry about it. When I say First > Third > Fifth, that isn't even remotely suggesting No Proc > Proc > No Proc.

When I said 'every third chain', that means the next proc is always on your third chain, from the first.

It's just communication semantics. We were talking about the same thing, just using different definitions.



If that's the case I guess I don't understand what you mean. On my elec stalker when I run CB-JL-CB-AS-CI the hide procs every second time. When I run CB-JL-AS-CI it procs every third time. How is that an improvement? Elec could perhaps be an exception to the rule but in my experience the guaranteed proc on the set's second best DPA attack is more valuable than the slightly higher overall DPA, especially if you factor in the increased likelihood for three stacks of AF. That's all pretty moot for staff, though, if you're using sky splitter at all you're definitely going to have a chain longer than five seconds so the hide will proc every second time.



This is painful.

Okay. We can't back to back ATE Proc. We know that's impossible, unless you horribly drag your chain out. So, what we're both saying is, you can only proc every other chain. That is, your first rotation procs, your second rotation can't proc due to the cooldown, your third rotation can proc, your fourth rotation can't proc due to the cooldown, your fifth rotation can proc...

And so on and so on. Correct?



Right, I'm wondering where the "third" thing came into play at all I guess. Some sets CAN fire AS more than once every five seconds but it doesn't seem to benefit them to do so. Staff can't reasonably do that in the first place.



I already explained that and am not explaining it again >_>

Anyway, I'm gonna do some number crunching and seeing if relying on -RES Procs is more efficient considering the DPA disparity.



Yeah, you misspoke, Reppu. "Every third" would mean it's working on chains 1, 4, 7, etc.

What you wanted is "every other".

Getting back to the point, the only power in Staff that can take an Achilles' Heel proc is Mercurial Blow. Make projections accordingly.



Shut up I do what I want.

Ugh. I'm not that good at math to determine the average damage gained per upkeep as well as what to do when it doesn't proc because they WON'T always proc and waaaaah.

I refuse. Someone else do it!



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Nonsense, my good man! We've got garbled hearsay, what else do we need? Staff is clearly broken, just as the devs announced was their intent, for their hatred for players knows no bounds.

I do think it's pretty funny that I'm apparently one of the only people who posts on the scrapper forum who will be making a staff scrapper and it's all because DreadShinobi didn't like the DPS he was getting on his brute. Not that this is his fault.
Nobody is saying it's unplayable, the argument is that the set is lacking in performance at the top end, specifically in single target damage. If you don't care about that, then play the set, but don't act like the arguments being made here are ridiculous, especially if you haven't tested the set like shin has.

And knowing shin, I'll take his 'garbled hearsay' over yours any day - what is your experience with the set, or are you just blindly defending it?

I can fully admit I have very little hands on experience with the set, having only used the first three powers - but having played the game for six years, almost exclusively using brutes and scrappers, just looking at the stats on city of data, it does look like its lacking in single target damage. This is a legitimate argument even if it hurts your feelings. I'd love for it to be proven wrong. And even if it doesn't matter to you, clearly, it does matter to others.

Ultimately, even though I'm wary, I'll still probably try the set anyway, since I'm sitting on a bunch of points I probably won't use anyway from my subscription - but I'm having a dual pistols flashback before I even begin. The set is very pretty, but if it doesn't go, I'm going to be very disappointed, and I'm sure I won't be the only one. A set can be made to be pretty and perform well.

As I've said, it looks like it could be a good set on stalkers, in that it will be in the same ballpark in terms of single target dmg as the competition, while doing above avg aoe. But on scrappers and brutes, it looks like the above avg aoe won't make up for the subpar single target damage. Again, I'd love to be proven wrong - hell if you have any evidence to the contrary, I'm sure we'd all love to hear it.



This was a Brute who was getting 198 with T4 Reactive.

My DB/WP Scrapper was only getting about maaaaybe 20 more DPS than that.

Last I recall, Brutes generally did less DPS than Scrappers when it came to attack chains that didn't involve using Gloom.

In fact, I don't remember there being a weapon set on Brutes that wasn't better on Scrappers, with the exception of Claws, which had to be ported with Brutes in mind, and even then I recall Scrappers still winning (barely) in ST DPS, while Brutes were top in the AOE for Claws.

I'm curious to see the Scrapper time, with them doing better on the +DMG bonuses than Brutes.

And of course Stalkers win out on ST DPS, new Assassin Strike should assure that, not to mention Form of Body free, with BU use!

So it'd be best to see those numbers (IOed Scrapper no Incarnate) even if it's going by MIDs, which hasnt even put out SF yet to check out.

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